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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Anyone know if the boot print matched John Ramsey's shoe size? If he participated in a cover-up, I could see him leaving the print as proof of an intruder and then disposing of the boots, duct tape, paintbrush remnants, etc. before police were ever called. It seems a reasonable explanation for the oversized spoon and glass of iced tea (plus tea bag) might be that Burke snuck downstairs with a flashlight in the middle of the night for a snack. A kid isn't going to worry about grabbing the proper sized spoon or the correct way to make iced tea, I don't think. Maybe JB wet herself and just grabbed a clean pair of underwear nearby without really caring too much if they were a few sizes too big. Might not have even been paying too much attention if she was sleepy, anyways. Was JB's entire body wiped down? I don't know, but if she wet herself, I imagine she wiped the urine off before changing clothes. The DNA "evidence" seems shady as fuck. DNA on her long johns and underwear that match each other but don't match the multiple sources of DNA on the cord and garrote? Multiple sources of DNA under her fingernails? Hardly a smoking gun here. In my mind, I can explain away the boot print, the big spoon, the tea bag, and the large underwear. But if we're going with the intruder theory, I can't really come up with reasonable explanations for why the Ramsey's would call friends over when the kidnapping note threatened the death of their daughter, or why they were so damn uncooperative with the investigation, or why they lied about their son being asleep in bed when you can hear his voice on the 911 tape (did they ever change their story on this point?), or how an intruder managed to find the one broken window in the home when it was well concealed underground, or how that same intruder managed to climb through said broken window without disturbing the cobwebs in the corner, or why this same person would mosey around the house collecting office supplies to write multiple drafts of a kidnapping note when the family could arrive home at any moment, or why Patsy would go on to change her handwriting after the death of JB, or why Burke would act so incredibly suspicious when questioned about the pineapple, etc. etc. etc. Ugh, this is the stuff of nightmares.
  2. Snipped from the "Part Two" thread: I imagine that since John really did break the window (either when he locked himself out of the house or in a possible staging of the crime scene), he knew that the police may find his DNA there. This way, if crime scene investigators came up with samples of his DNA in that location, he could just say "Yeah, I told you I broke the window." Also snipped from the "Part Two" thread: According to this article posted in the "Part Two" thread, DNA from two males and one female were found under JonBenet's fingernails. Here's what that article says about the DNA evidence:
  3. My knowledge of the JonBenet case before watching this was pretty much "a little girl was murdered and police think her family was responsible" I decided to tune in after seeing clips of Burke on Dr. Phil. Wow. Extremely creepy. I can see why the police zeroed in on the family. So many things don't make any sense. A kidnapper who wanders about the house grabbing supplies to write multiple drafts of the world's longest ransom note, and then kindly places said supplies back in their rightful spots? O...kay. Seems like it would be easier to bring a note with you so you don't get caught sneaking around the house. Also, this intruder took some items with him/her when he/she left (duct tape, rest of paintbrush handle?), but forgot about the kidnapping note even though he/she managed to remember to wipe down the flashlight and walk up from the basement to leave it on the counter? Huh? Another thing that doesn't make any sense? The kidnapping note says that if the family speaks to anyone about their situation, their daughter will be beheaded. So they decide that the best course of action is to call 911 and invite friends over? It's almost like they aren't taking the ransom note very seriously. Another totally bizarre thing? Lying about Burke being awake. I haven't followed coverage of this case for years like many probably have, so I don't know, but I'm guessing that the family maintains to this day that Burke was fast asleep in his bed? I'd love to know how they explain his voice on that 911 call. Oh yeah, they probably don't, since they seem to have no interest in speaking to the police. ...Speaking of Burke Ramsey. Look, there is something clearly wrong with this guy. From the inappropriate creepy smiling on Dr. Phil to his love of collecting his own feces to leave as "presents" for unsuspecting victims...this person is disturbed. Yeah, I believe that he may have clobbered his sister over the head with a flashlight. And I totally believe that it could have been over something as stupid as her stealing a piece of his pineapple. The way that he looked at the photograph of the pineapple but refused to say what is was (even though you can clearly tell he realizes what it is when he says "Oh") leads me to believe that there's at least something significant about that pineapple. I kinda worry for anyone who may piss this guy off. What is he capable of?
  4. Apparently, the newest episode of 12 Monkeys already aired in Australia (won't air in the US until next Monday, July 11th). Did anyone happen to catch it? I've seen a few enthusiastic comments about it, and I want to know if something happened between Cassie and Cole.
  5. Is anyone else having issues with annoying redirect ads on the Previously TV mobile site that tell you your device is infected with a virus, blah blah, something about 28.1% damage? I have the AdBlock extension for Chrome installed on the desktop, so no problems there, but what do you guys do on your mobile phone? AdBlock browser?
  6. That shower scene, tho. No way I'd be putting my face and mouth all over that wet shower curtain. The germs. The germs! Surely the two of them standing like 10 feet apart, watching each other shower would have been sexier, no? Still not getting this I've know you less than two weeks, but I love you and want you in my life forever thing that Jake has going on with Katie. Too bad Jana is dating Jake's friend, because Jana is a much better character, and I would have preferred her with Jake. Oh well.
  7. If you're a Nashville fan, here's some potentially good news.
  8. I had good luck with this Zero Odor spray when my dog took a direct hit to the chest from a skunk, came in the house, and proceeded to roll around in every single doggie bed in an attempt to get the smell off. It has a slight bleachy smell, and it took multiple applications to completely neutralize the odor, but it worked for me.
  9. From the Schism episode thread: Nope. I can't be excited about another show (one that I very rarely watch) fucking up everything that's happened in the last four years on a show that I actually tune into every week. Also, I was forced to sit through an entire season of Arrow setting up Ray Palmer's spinoff, a portion of another season bringing Sara back to life so she could be shipped off to a show not named Arrow, and the most recent season introducing some magical bullshit (with the dumbest most useless flashbacks ever) because Barry Allen's wonderful reception over on The Flash convinced the producers that Arrow no longer needed to be grounded in reality. Fuck off, Barry, you're not welcome here anymore.
  10. Welp, that was kinda boring AND cheesy as hell. Not as lame as a footrace, though, so I guess that's something? I will be on pins and needles waiting for next season to return (NOT). I know you all fast-forward through the flashbacks, but Evil Poppy was hilarious. Magical rage + terrible accent = comedy gold. And then she died. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Please tell me this is the end of the stupid magic bullshit. I'll never forgive Barry Allen for making the producers think that all of this nonsense would work on Arrow. I hate it, make it stop!
  11. Why does Geoff Johns get so much praise for The Flash? Isn't he responsible for the Flashpoint bullshit? Maybe that whole storyline just played better in the comics. In the show, however, Barry is for sure coming across as too stupid to live. I've reached the point where I love crossover Barry (except for that one time with the BMD), but outside of that, he can just fuck off.
  12. I'm not really concerned about Barry's idiocy over on The Flash screwing up anything on Arrow. I think that the events of the finale will either be undone quickly, or Arrow will just completely ignore everything going on over in Central City. And lol, no, I don't think Barry going back in time means that Laurel might not be dead. Like I said, I suspect we're going to ignore Barry's dumbass season finale life choices. But let's pretend that Arrow completely throws the last four years out the window, shits on its audience, and changes the entire plan for the fifth season to keep continuity with another show. I still think that either 1.) Laurel will still be dead in this new reality or 2.) Laurel will be alive, but will only be mentioned and not shown. MG finally got permission from the higher-ups to get rid of KC for good after four seasons. I just don't see him ever bringing her back in a full-time capacity.
  13. Whoa, Jake, pump the brakes. You LOVE Katie? It's only been nine days! I think the heat (and possibly the dire situation in the cordon) is getting to you, buddy. Loved Lex claiming he needed to meet with Jake to provide him with more ammo and then taking a single box of bullets with him. Wow, one whole box? That's what, like fifty bullets? I know it was just a cover story, but he could have tried a little bit harder there. Why does Jana insist on wearing her clean room suit at all times? It makes sense when she's out interacting with the public, but when she's quarantined in a little box with no air conditioning? Not so much.
  14. I wonder why it's suddenly popular? It came out like a year ago, I think. Weird. With Outlander, I thought the first half of season one was kind of interesting. I hated the last two episodes of the first season, and I had to fast-forward through nearly all of the season one finale (it was a sadistic fucking nightmare). I'm currently six episodes behind and don't know if I'll ever bother catching up.
  15. Okay Poldark fans, skip the following if you want to remain unspoiled. MAJOR book spoilers ahead!!
  16. I watched the first season of Poldark like a year ago, so details are kind of hazy, but I remember seeking out book spoilers after that. I'm with you...I really hope they change some of the things I read about because a few of the more problematic plot points have the potential to be a turn-off for viewers.
  17. Why are you touching the germy bear, Jake? Please keep that virus-infested thing at least four feet from your beautiful face, sir. When that cop was getting ready to shoot himself, I think I would have discretely pulled my face mask down. Sure, that's disrespectful...but no way I'd risk catching the 100% lethal virus. Are these people showering and washing their clothes? Mmmm...some of them sure don't look like it. I'd be soaking my clothing in disinfectant daily. Also, if this were real life (holy shit, I hope this scenario never happens), there is no way that Jake wouldn't catch the virus. His home base is a hospital filled with virus-infested people, during the day he's out interacting with the public (and some of them are very visibly infected), and at night he's burning dead bodies and clutching virus-infected stuffed teddies. You'd be screwed in real life, Jake!!
  18. Nah, that's what they get for killing Laurel! ;)
  19. Iris as a character would probably fare better staying out of a relationship with Barry, actually, but I know that's never going to happen because comics. As it is, the show will put the two together. Then, of course, they will manufacture some reason for them to break up. Maybe that happens a few times. People will turn against Iris and say that she's whiny, or bitchy, or abusive, that they're tired of romance overtaking the show. Barry will be a-okay, of course, but Iris is going to be criticized to hell and back because she's a woman. Run Iris, run!
  20. Hmm. Do most people who post in this shared universe thread have strong opinions about the Barry/Iris relationship? I've always had the impression that many of us are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I know that I've repeatedly stated that I ship Barry with nobody because I have zero desire to watch him in a sexual relationship with anyone. GG is adorable, but I've never found him to have sizzling chemistry with anyone. Basically, I just don't care about Barry's love life. At all. Also, I don't believe that The Flash is going to focus as much on the Iris/Barry relationship as some are hoping because as somebody mentioned earlier in this thread, the show seems to give screentime priority to the interactions between Barry and his many father figures. IF Barry and Iris are "giving it a go" for realz now, the show has just robbed shippers of watching the early stages of their dating life, because all of that's going to happen over the hiatus. Although, after the tragic events of last night's episode, maybe the showrunners are going to go the ship-stall route for another season instead? I don't know.
  21. OK, good. It's not just me? BS was coming across very flirty, I suppose, with the way she was speaking and strutting. But KC tended to talk like that all of the time on Arrow when she was trying to be badass (why???), so KC the villain just looks a lot like Laurel to me.
  22. Yeah...I know people have mentioned that they think a villain type role would've been more fitting for KC...but I wasn't "wowed" by that little clip. I still find the acting really bad.
  23. Congratulations, Flash...you had one job! Now we're going to hear Laurel is returning to Arrow haha lolz till the end of time. Sigh. Personally, I don't think KC is ever coming back to Arrow (or LoT, for that matter, since MG is involved over there as well), but whatever, she can show up on The Flash. I don't care cause I don't watch. But if that happens, I will be reading online threads to watch KC get ripped apart for "stealing" Iris' screentime.
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