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Everything posted by pennben

  1. Oh, FFS this show is just actively bad. And the after credit ‘behind the show snippets’ show that they think it is deep and intelligent and meaningful. Woof. A bad show thinking it’s brilliant. PS: If this show is to go another year, please nominate Reese for an acting Emmy this year, I don’t want to see the machinations to secure that in year 3 if she doesn’t get it with all the nonsense in year 2. I would say I won’t watch, but I won’t because I find it strangely fascinating to watch what they are delivering versus what they think they are delivering. PPS: it’s mildly surprising to me that Aaron Sorkin isn’t involved in this show—-gorgeously shot, brilliant actors, seemingly smart dialogue…until you think for a second. Think, “The Newsroom”.
  2. Delightful was the word I was coming here with to frame my comment on the season! Such an apropos descriptor---this season was delightful. Well done to all involved.
  3. Oh no Joe, how are you always surrounded by ‘lesser’ women. I tried. I’m out.
  4. Sometimes when people have the weight of the entire world off their shoulders, as I suspect Abishola has been carrying for years, they screw up a time or two with new found freedom. I suspect that is where Abishola is now. And that is okay by me.
  5. Hmmmm…did anyone notice that the right side of the bow of the run-down boat Gibbs was drawn to had the word “Start” on it? If I were a betting person, we’re gonna see Marcie in a convertible picking him up somewhere (whether I’m DC or Alaska) and then we will see them together on this latest refurbished boat, and it will be brilliantly redone & then the bow will be face-forward to us and then we will see the full name on the bow is “New Start”. All the best to the actor that plays McGee, but he is not a leading man that can carry a show. I understand why they brought in Gary Cole. Not sure I’ll stick around for long haul, but will check in from time to time, especially when it’s time for final sign-off.
  6. 1. Marcie drove off in a convertible, she’ll be back in a convertible at some point to pick up Gibbs (like the redhead who dropped him off in early seasons). Just that they are now both gray. No need for the ‘woke america’ nonsense (honestly, folks still say that when they don’t like something??). I may be wrong and she was driving off with her lover—that’s a good ending for her arc too. PS: I think the joke about Marcie not being Gibbs type was a joke for viewers in the know that Pam & Mark have been married for decades. 2. Finally figured out why I liked the new female agent almost from start…had to IMDb her, but she was lead actress in one of my mom’s favorite Hallmark Christmas movies, Snow Bride. Always had to watch it annually when home w/mom. May have to look it up this year… Ive been out for quite a long time, but for here & there. I will likely be out when Gibbs is gone, but have enjoyed his last few episodes.
  7. I did hear a Bill Lawrence interview on a podcast this weekend. He indicated if they did decide to go more than 3 years, it will not affect this 3 year storyline, additional years would be new stories. He indicated it is Sudekis who decides whether to do more than the originally 3 years envisioned. Obviously that could change, but I approve this approach if they do want more seasons!
  8. I took something entirely different from that exchange. We know they went to marriage counseling. We know Ted rejected that. We know he hides his real feelings behind a consistent upbeat/joking persona. She reads that he has had a panic attack. Given time zone differences, she likely texted as soon as she heard. He responds to her concern with a silly knock-knock joke. She immediately recognizes him as closed off, so says he must be fine. He then slides past her concern to overstep to figure out if she ‘had late night/early morning (nudge-nudge)’. When he realized he overstepped where they were at with that response, he couldn’t even play that straight…..had to say ‘beeswax’. We know he’s been working through/on stuff; she only sees closed off Ted not dealing with issues. Unfair to say she doesn’t understand him, from what we know he never let her or anyone else in until now. Wonder if she saw the subsequent press conference…….
  9. Not at all! That’s what I’ve been thinking as well! West Ham is going to crush them in their initial meeting(s)…not sure how often teams meet in season…..but when it’s all on the line, the guys are going to Believe and win. So far, in final big season games in finales, they lost (s1) & tied (s2), so only natural they win at end of storyline 🤞
  10. Just speculation here, at least on the soccer side. So, given that Sudekis has talked about a Star Wars type trilogy & this is a sports show akin to Rocky, lose but then ultimately win, I’ve felt like I’ve known for quite awhile how the 3rd season plays out. In 2015, there was a smallish team in England that had never won anything. In their second year back from relegation, they won the Premier League title against massive odds: Leicester City story. Its gonna be a fictional version of the ultimate underdog wins story. I don’t even really think they are trying to hide it. There are so many more stories to tell about all the folks around the sports element of the story that in many ways are more compelling & are more what the core of this show really is & need resolution, but I’m honestly gonna be crushed if the soccer team story doesn’t end in this type of triumph.
  11. Roy: “Whistle. Whistle.” The cheap whistle metal hurts his lips.
  12. Hmmm, in random order: 1. I don’t like that Ted still clowns around real communication with his ex. 2. I do like Coach Beard & Roy were ready to crush Nate. 3. I do like Keeley being awesome, don’t like Roy subconsciously undercutting her with attempted extended vaca. I think they’ll be ok. 4 Kinda love that Nate didn't get one second of joy that he hoped from tactics to make him hero. Sit and stew small man, sit and stew and run away to puff yourself up 5. Glad Sam came back for himself. Still hate the relationship. Final prayer: please show don’t subvert my expectations I want Rupert/Nate absolutely crushed next year Please show, don’t make me forgive them
  13. Joe Montana was QB at Notre Dame when the real Rudy was at the school. When he was on Dan Patrick's sports show, he basically rolled his eyes at the Rudy movie's accuracy of the actual Rudy's story----apparently lots of Hollywood embellishment. From what I recall he stated there was no walking into coach's office dropping jerseys & threatening not to play if Rudy didn't get the shot. But hey, we are all the heroes of our own movies! And he does have a good story.
  14. I don’t like Rebecca/Sam, but I don’t feel like she malevolently showed up at his door like a spider. She was reacting as a woman in a relationship who was responding as such. It just highlights why the relationship is not something that should happen with this type of power imbalance. She should consider sitting at his door as the owner of a team where he is a rising star. Or, she should not be at his door because there are financial pressures on her team as a demoted team and she could use the cash from selling his player rights to stabilize the team finances and future. He should only have to consider what is best for his professional future. HMMM, now in addition to hating the power imbalance storyline, I’m beginning to realize I hate this storyline because it’s two seasons in telling us that a woman is too emotional to be a good business woman/owner. Last season she was malevolent, this season is too emotionally involved to be a good owner for this decision. More to noodle on……maybe the moral of the whole story is that all of these good people who were in horrible places just for whatever reasons ended up together in the most unlikely of places for all individually, but spent a couple of years together healing & the happy ending will be they all go back to their own places that make more sense for each rather than somehow stay together as the bestest owner/head coach, etc., etc.
  15. Oh no, if Dickie hadn’t killed his mistress & didn’t confess to his father’s twin in prison & just gave Tony the pills for his mother before being shot in the head…perhaps Tony could have Einstein or the President. And men complain about soap operas…..
  16. Worry not about offending me! It’s just something I can’t pass over. All the steps to jump through to make ‘seemingly okay’ a Rebecca/Sam relationship (and not an abuse of power from the get go) should tell us all how such a relationship is not generally okay. And now here we are on the cusp of a season finale where the imbalance still impacts the show. I have much less trust in the show than at the beginning of the season, but I am actually still rooting for them to get it right. And really, everything has been a half (or more) a bubble off for so many characters this season that perhaps they know where they are going and want us to be uncomfortable in this string of episodes. I hope so! But I’m not going to ignore what I see as problems along the way, maybe they want us to see them—that’s the conflict of the season.
  17. I loved this show last year. It stole my heart and remains one of the few shows I’ve watched all the way through in a rewatch. I can’t tell you how profoundly I am disappointed that they seem to presenting Rebecca/Sam as a star-crossed lover story this year. It is insane to me! Because it’s the woman in the power position somehow it negates the power imbalance? I have no words here. And, given this is playing out, particularly this week, when there’s massive developments showing how abuse of authority by men in charge in the womens professional soccer league has been rampant for years, this week leading to a sexual coercion against players story finally being exposed, why the hell is this show trying to show an obviously imbalance of power in reverse relationship but the woman in charge as romantic???? NO! Hopefully the show gets its shit together on this or I’m just so disappointed.
  18. I laughed after coming here to find out who the mystery guy for Meredith was. I now remember a hoopla when he was on before & I had never heard of him then—never saw Felicity. Was also pleased to see that he had only been on one episode, so regardless of whether I knew who he was, relieved he hadn’t been a recurring character that my brain was blanking on. I hate that Linc is being an ‘Owen’—-Amelia has been consistent with him that she doesn’t want marriage, much as Christina was consistent with Owen that she didn’t want kids. Believe your partners folks!
  19. I shall be the heretic (or lunatic) and say it: I feel like in early episodes this season they were giving us glimpses of how Rebecca & Roy are together on screen (him telling her she deserves much more than settling/them chatting while she was with Nora) & has occasionally/most significantly tonight showed Keeley w/Jamie. Now, there’s no reason to doubt Roy/Keeley (he always makes things right with her when things seem in doubt). Perhaps it is totally meant as misdirection/injecting drama, but these two pairs make some sense to me if we go from here to there in a good way. I’m probably very wrong here, but I feel like seeds have been planted. Are they intentionally making Nate look older with the graying this year? Also, of course Nate is going to end up going off with Rebecca’s ex. He’s probably gone & bought another team, no reason to think of otherwise for him giving up shares of the team to Rebecca.
  20. That’s an interesting point & one I was thinking about addressing in my post, but, well, way too late or early depending on time zones for sustained coherent typing. The ep title was “Ever After”, not happily ever after. We saw a slice of where they were during the show. We learned a slice of where they were at some point both before and after the show. They've also been on a path to their ‘ever afters’. Perhaps when we peek in from time time to time, they will be happy, sad, damaged, old wounds reopen, they fully healed but new bad things happen, etc. It is, as you suggest a continuum until we die Like Masha said when getting in the police car—-we’re all gonna die, just not today. I think I appreciated the peek through that ended the show landing on an optimistic point. I don’t doubt there are troubles ahead, but it is an unusual stopping point these days. I appreciate a landing point that shows damaged folks recovering and happy. It is possible!
  21. I’m still not sure what it all was about, but really enjoyed the series. One thing I read elsewhere is that in this age of anti-heroes & messy endings, that a happy ending is almost fighting against the now standard ‘trope’ of there are no happy endings. Just an interesting thought thought to me anyway. Maybe it’s just because there’s so much awful around these days, that (for me at least) sometimes I enjoy a happy ending rather than welp, everyone is awful/damaged/whatnot coming in & remain so going out.
  22. I’m mostly playing here, but arguably Coach Beard is a bit toxic himself.
  23. Feels like a really indulgent swing. I guess it’s fine as an extra outside the regular storytelling of this show. 🤷‍♀️
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