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Everything posted by pennben

  1. He may not ‘be suited’ for Jeopardy, but I have no idea how it’s funny to suggest he go on a different show to harass another woman. Honestly....to suggest that makes me think far, far less of Jeopardy ‘fanatics’.
  2. Oops, @Carey , literally added an eta to my post while you were responding. I have some concerns now & want to make sure it doesn’t look like you ignored eta in your post. why must all things suck these days!!!??
  3. His game show resume looks a lot like Alex’s resume before Jeopardy. I like that they apparently focused on hosting ability over celebrity or fan favorite factor—-assuming report to be true. ETA: This trial balloon may already be leaking: Model Sues Price Is Right Producers for Sexual Harrassment.
  4. US has just not looked good this tournament, at all. And while it sucks to lose on a messy penalty, they really showed no reason to believe they would win this match regardless.
  5. I chose soccer tonight/this morning , I did not choose wisely (thus far). Congrats to Jade!
  6. Biles is IN for the beam EF. Be safe & kick ass!!
  7. Right??!!! I was bemoaning the fact that I couldn't have a beer or two while watching to take the edge off, though I was wildly tempted to have a beverage with breakfast this morning. Eeesh! Rematch of the US-Canada semi---I expect wildness. Still feel like the US team is at least a half a bubble off---not feeling it for this tournament.
  8. Lord, tinkling piano music and a memory of John Tesh reminds me how infantilized these extraordinary athletes have been presented in the past—-and all that damage done behind the scenes that we now know about. Sickening. ETA: this was just a flashback memory to me from reference to piano, it was a trigger to how uneasy this sport makes me.
  9. Exactly! I would have no problem if they aired live reaction (which was absolute confusion) & added a package showing how they & we all missed the signs leading up to the finals. That would have be a fair presentation.
  10. I will support whatever decision Simone makes as to whether or not to compete further. She’s earned that.
  11. Will be very interesting to see how quickly folks turn on Simone.
  12. This team could have fallen apart when Simone went out. They did not. Well done by them. Gold is not the only measure of success. I will remember this team.
  13. Look at this team stepping up!!!
  14. Mental health issues are medical issues.
  15. from Nancy Armour Twitter: “Per USAG: Simone has withdrawn from the team final competition due to a medical issue. She will be assessed daily to determine medical clearance for future competitions.” mental or physical or both, may Simone recover fully and be well—regardless of future competitions.
  16. Let’s go team! Stay together & finish strong. Gutted doesn’t begin to describe how horribly I feel for Simone.
  17. Team tracker is showing all US team & they are paired with Russians. No commentary though.
  18. Reports of Simone off floor with trainer? I’m watching team tracker with no commentary.
  19. US seems more than a half a bubble off this tournament. I hate the 2nd half strategy of playing for the draw....when you play not to win, sometimes the loss catches up quickly. Here’s to hoping they get it together.
  20. This is.....not a good start....
  21. On the night of qualifying, I was able to watch “team tracker” for on nbcOlympics.com, not sure that is available for replay, but worth a shot.
  22. Casual fan here again, but from my understanding, it’s 2 per apparatus for finals. Does 5 v 6 make much difference given the constraint? as I understand from commentary tonight, mistake on individuals was taking someone with same specialties as someone already qualified in individuals?
  23. Seems crazy to this casual viewer that Jade isn’t actually on the team😀....I kid, I kid (mostly).
  24. I found the first season amazing!! To be honest, I didn't finish the last episode of the second season because I felt it became reduced to silly love triangle show (with great dance numbers!) that reduced the plot of someone who had been an inspiring young person finding their way in the world....to someone in just any other ordinary show fretting about which guy she would pick as her lover as the most important plot---even negating her accomplishment at getting a great job like she has to be just something a guy did for her because of his devotion, not something she earned. While I mourn for what could have been after S1, I can't really mourn for a show that followed up with this for S2.
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