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  1. To answer your question Sunnybebe… We originally had engineered wood siding on our house built for us (so new build) It was fine for a while, but after a number of years it began to fail. Moisture got into the siding around the windows and because the planks are basically sawdust mixed with glue they began to swell in the winter and shrink in the summer to the point the planks that started out butting up to each other had a 3 or 4 inch gap in between! … I will say we live in Western Washington state so we have lots of rain and there were some manufacturers at that time making a subpar product, but I would never trust it again. We replaced ours with Hardie Plank (don’t know if it’s actually James Hardie brand) siding which is basically a cement product that looks exactly like wood - we have planks and decorative shingles and they have been amazing, plus no woodpecker worries 😆.
  2. Taking my reply to small talk!
  3. Washington resident here - we have the indoor mandate too, as well as vaccine requirements for sporting events, etc. I am so fed up with people like Tori who can’t grasp the concept of living in a society!!
  4. I was agape at the wall of “art”…where do you even find things like this? Do they glow in the dark? Are they velvet? So many questions…
  5. I couldn’t agree more with your last sentence!! I couldn’t stand to watch or listen to his tour, but again if he’s calling this a “cabin” he’s the only one in Oregon who would do so - I grew up there and never ever heard anyone say “We have (rented) a “cabin” at Sunriver”; it is always “We have/rented a HOUSE at Sunriver” - I don’t know why this bugs me so much! 😆
  6. What is it with Audrey and Sobbyn Robin on sisterwives that they think God works as their realtor?? “Trusting God’s timing” on finding a place to buy? Robin thinking God would provide a “rennal” at the last moment 🙄? Also, that’s not a “cabin”, it is a vacation home…Sunriver is a highly desirable and expensive vacation community in central Oregon. There are no “cabins” there. We have rented homes there many summers, and all of them were larger and more deluxe than my house in the Seattle suburbs. (To be fair in the original part of the development you can find more modest houses, but the one they are in front of is not one of those!)
  7. I may not be remembering correctly as I was counting my cable knitting stitches while watching, but I thought I heard him say that there will be one of these tanks for each house, saying that there will be 5 in total… Edited to add: Diedra on another thread heard more details…this big tank will feed 5 smaller tanks, one for each house.
  8. And if LeBlur is a Moroccan or Tunisian citizen, for example, he WOULD need a visa to enter the US, Covid or not…(remember Azan and assorted other 90 day people not getting the visa to travel here) - He could be living in France but not a citizen of one of the European countries that has a visa waiver agreement with the US (like France), and couldn’t get the visa to come here regardless of the Covid situation…
  9. Walking me down the “isle” 😂 Never change Amy.
  10. I grew up in the Willamette Valley south of Portland and now live in the Seattle area - I can attest that at the end of a very hot Pacific Northwest summer day it usually cools off quite a bit in the evening. I was so shocked the first time I went to the east coast in the summer to visit a friend and grabbed a sweater for an evening out - he asked, “what is that for?!” LOL. Before Covid there were very few restaurants here with outdoor seating even in the summer as it cools off too much after dark to be comfortable. That’s why Seattle has the lowest number of air conditioned houses in the US* Not surprising to be cold camping at night here. *Of course all bets are off now with climate change and the Heat Dome we had this summer - I see lots of air conditioners going in now in my neighborhood!
  11. It looks to be a tank top under the dress (you can see it in the front too with some enlarging).
  12. Very on brand of you to be living up to your user name, Irate Panda 🐼 😂
  13. I was also impressed by the features of the camper, but the first thing I thought of was that she has moved from a run down all brown interior rental to a new tiny all brown interior camper - I too am claustrophobic and the dark interior just adds to the feeling of the walls closing in!
  14. I don’t always take the time to like your step reports but I so admire your persistance!! I saw you were disappointed not to do more lately but you are amazing!! Keep going and know you inspire us ❤️
  15. “The wonderful day for the rest of my life will be here before I know it.” The wonderful day for the rest of my life? Can anyone translate from Amy to English?? I sincerely don’t know what she’s trying to say here!
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