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  1. I hope Bravo paid for the other guests dinner. Holy Batshit crazy, Bethenny. Take it down several notches. Lu has no fucks to give for you. Get over it. Dennis had a drug problem, and it isn't up to Lu to come and kiss your ass. Quit keeping score. Lu is in Lu's world. Deal with it. BTW, You're doing just fine fucking a new guy literally while Dennis' body was still cooling off so stop with the dramatics. Stop using Dennis’ death as an emotional crutch. It is manipulative, and unfair to his family. I have NO time for Bethenny. Biggest fucking hypocrite. Reclaiming my time watching that shit show.
  2. I loved the landscape scenes from France but that is about it. Why I don’t enjoy BH much is the constant sniping at each other. One minute it’s all about “what’s important” and “we’re all in a safe place together “ “we are women! Hear us roar” No. They don’t support each other. They are constantly one upping each other. Kyle has to make it all about her. The eating disorder discussion suddenly became about Kyle’s fears, and tears. Teddi is the self-righteous hall monitor, and Kyle’s butch bitch. Rinna is loud, and loudest. Always performing. Always ready to stir the pot. Dorit is a googly-eyed poser. And Erika is dismissive for the most part and somehow I prefer that over the whining and crying. (She looked amazing with minimal makeup btw) Also, It rubbed me the wrong way when Harry talked about all the mansions burning down. Many houses burned down, as well as trailers, cabins, and shacks. It seemed very 1% pass me the grey poupon. Overall, I find the cast to be incredibly fake, and the friendships seem forced.
  3. I’m not buying what Sumit is selling. I dated a guy from the Mumbai area and family is everything. He introduced me to his Mom on the first date. We were supposed to go out for coffee, but he did the ole, “ I got to pick something up at my apartment first.” There was his Mom with a big Indian meal ready for us. It was delicious. Anyway, there is no way Sumit is gonna lie to his parents about moving out in order to live with an older woman from America. Something else is going on but I don’t know what it is. 😝 probably it’s some TLC producer driven drama. Also, how did Laura get so lucky to retire at 51? I’m jealous.
  4. I'm loving Travis so far. "...a janitor on a floating toilet". "Oxygen thief". Yes! He's kind of sexy too. Aesha, and Anastasia are totally hitting it out of the park. What a nice change from the incompetent losers from seasons past. Speaking of incompetent losers...Mila. A homophobe, a lover of Putin, and a shitty cook. Can we request she walk the plank? Also how does she not know how to make a good vanilla cake? That is basic baking. The guests were an absolute dream. What a sweet group, and very easy to please. I mean they loved the food!!!
  5. Lee is an ugly man. Inside and out. My jaw dropped when he talked about hitting Rena with a frying pan. He’s damn lucky his sorry ass isn’t in jail. Seriously, fuck that guy. Sarah. Wow. What a transformation. She really dropped weight and left the negativity of her Mom behind her. She also didn’t let the sadness of losing a baby set her back her old eating habits.
  6. *damn onions*. 😢 Farewell Bishme. I wish him the very best, and may his sister respond well to treatment. Life has an awful way of interrupting plans, but I have a feeling that good things will happen for him. Sebastian for the win. He is, as Christian would say, Amazing!
  7. I cannot get over that Ramona is 62. Damn, she looks good! I mean her bolt ons are ridiculous, but I’m jelly she can wear short dresses. Her skin is amazing. There was some attractive fellers at the party. Or maybe I’m use to meeting men who think formal wear is showing up wearing a clean baseball cap and sweat pants.
  8. No d or potential foreign d can be that good that you give up everything, and jeopardize your social security. Unless he looks like a younger version of Sam Elliott. (I kid) 🤪 Seriously, Jenny could find a dude on the plenty of fish dating app in her hometown. I have gotten propositioned by younger guys wanting a cougar. Sure they’re not looking to marry me, but I don’t want to marry them. It’s a win win for everyone.
  9. I notice a lot of food waste on this show, and that really bothers me. I've experienced poverty, and going to bed hungry. For example, my mind will go to a place where I'm wondering what happens to that gigantic bowl of guacamole that Rinna, and Erika ordered. Why do two women even need to order a gigantic vat of guac anyway? That was enough for 6 or more people. As for Amelia, I know she has an illness, but nevertheless, it bothered me how she treated her Father, and the good food that she had access to. I NEVER would have mouthed off to my Dad, nor gave him the finger. Again, kids are treated so differently than when I grew up. We had to do chores everyday, we were expected to clean up after ourselves, and we respected our parents. They weren't our friends. They were our parents. Oh well, what do I know? Everything is so stressful, and too much for Kyle. The closing of her store...packing for a trip to France. She never seems to really enjoy life, unless she's had some tequila. I also found her wide-eyed open-mouthed gasp of shock to be really fake when Denise was on the phone telling that her house was going to burn down. Aaron seems to be a solid guy. However, I do wonder how long their marriage will survive though. He's in the shadow of crack-head Charlie since Denise talks about him a lot. . He's now step-dad to two girls whom he's been instructed to walk on eggshells around, and is responsible for a little girl with significant special needs. Yet, Denise can flit about, and he's left being the babysitter. And Brandi coming back looking like a blow up doll left out in the sun too long made me wonder why I'm still watching this show in the first place.
  10. Sandy copied Captain Lee’s regular used statement to the new crew that: “if (s)he is thinking about you when (s)he wakes up, it’s usually means a ticket home.” Sandy is a try hard, and is thirsty for camera time. She’s also passive aggressive and that is a disastrous quality for a captain to possess. I’m liking the two interior crew members, especially, Anastasia. She appears to be extremely competent, and cares about providing excellent service. That means she’ll have a nervous breakdown from being overworked by Hannah, and Captain Sandy. Mila’s food looked like dog vomit. Her cooking skills are atrocious, and her hygiene was appalling. She’s the reason why I don’t like eating out. I’m glad Colin is back. I hope he doesn’t get friend zoned again. He deserves a nice girl. Even if it’s short term fun, and shenanigans. Jack’s accent is so melodic. I love it. Can tell he’s a fuck up tho.
  11. Dr. Now is not the guy I’d go to for skin removal surgery, but I’d need deep pockets to go to a plastic surgeon. I kinda get why that isn’t an option for most people Janine’s boyfriend resembles Neil Young. He already was in purse holding mode, so I kinda wanna know what rock these guys come out from, and what the deal is with these types of men getting serious so fast, and are quick to say how they were so immediately attracted to “her mind” because the guys I meet are all about the body. He must like being part of the support staff for Janine’s simpering fakery. Anyone else break out into giggles when Janine was trying to haul her bare ass up and onto the supersized wheelchair? “Owwwww mahhhh leggggg!”😝 The wig was an amazing transformation for her. Dr Now getting visible uncomfortable with Jan’s extremely niceness, and borderline flirting. “Oh I luv to see you smile!” 🤮 “ thanks for mentioning my cat. That means so much to meeee!”
  12. Yvie won so I'm happy. She's very cool, and her promo bit was the best by far. Her Dad is a hottie! I found the show badly edited, and it didn't flow very well at all. Happy for Nina too. She definitely the Queen of Congeniality. Touching yet funny moment for Michelle's breast implant removal. Hope she is feeling well, and doing better now. TBH, I think she looks fantastic without them.
  13. Harry Dubin is hardly worth fighting over. If anything, some of them should be more concerned about whether they’ve contracted a sexually transmitted disease from him, or any of the other “boys” they hook up with. I also think Lu is correct about Sonja doing more than booze. She was very amped up, and acting more bizarrely than usual. Dorinda needs help too. She gets very mean when she’s drunk. Not a good look. Ramona’s treatment of hospitality staff is reason number one why I will never like her. You wanna know what a person is really like? Watch how they speak to the waiter, or to a salesperson. Ramona is the epitome of rudeness. She’s a vapid overbearing rich person. See also: Jill Zarin. That house was off the chain. Gorgeous The only honest laugh was when Tej “rhymes with rage.” was trying unsuccessfully to correct his name to a very slobbering drunk Sonja. Poor guy. Dealing with Sonja is like trying to herd cats. Also, I laughed at Bethenny’s zero dark thirty analogy.
  14. Well, well, look who crawled out of the Beverly Hill’s sewer drain but Kim Richards. I wonder who paid for her facelift. See, praying next to a trash can works! Kyle looked good In her costume. . Maurgreasio looked like Maurgreasio in a housecoat. Lame. Camille was wearing her former work uniform minus the whip. Rinna looked good as Erika. Lisa acts out because Harry is never around. She strikes me as a lonely person who acts out and gossips to make herself feel better about her own life. What was Denise and Aaron dressed as? I honestly thought she wore her wedding dress again. oh goody, , drunky Brandi next week. Who is next, trout mouth Taylor? 🙄
  15. Vanjie looked amazing, and she has such a fun personality! Nina is a class act. I hope she gets another chance at RPDR, because she didn't deserve to go home. Yvie for the win. Ru seems completely over it, but she's gonna milk the cow as long as it keeps giving milk.
  16. I was underwhelmed by all the ‘dream’ dresses. If that was considered a dream, I wanna wake up! However, Sebastian’s dress was the closest to fulfilling the client’s wishes but still had an air of sophistication to it. Tessa’s look was so ugly and tortured and to top it off the bish lied! I was hoping for a double elimination. Giving attitude to the judges was unacceptable. Jamall has a lot of growing up to do if he wants a career as a designer. Few people are going to want to buy his sleeping bag creations. I do agree with the guest judge that at least he’s open to critiques. It was obvious which designers work with clients in the real world. They were the top three. The bottom three still hasn’t realized that pleasing the client is vitally important to success. Otherwise it’s merely an expensive hobby.
  17. Tins is the MVP this season. She's like the Dean Martin of the group. Sophisticated. Snarky. Cool. The rest are playing Jerry Lewis. Complete gaggle of goofballs. What was up with Babs going all cougar on the ball of cat hair in the Kingston bar? She's an undiscerning sexual fluid chick. That guy looked like the love child of Howard Stern and Kenny G.
  18. I fully expected Maurgreasio to say this about Kyle: "My wife, Kyle, is AH-MAZ-ING! The best thing about my wife is that she can do the splits on any surface! She can also twirl a mean ponytail." "The worst part about my AH-MAZ-ING wife is that she's a neurotic, anxiety-ridden mess!" Teddi and Eddie Munster Jr will get a divorce after she's booted for the show. Teddi is too much of a ball buster, and he is acts like the 3rd child. "Did YOU pack your underoos yet, Edwin?" Maybe he likes being told what to do, but after some point it'll get exhausting to be around helicopter Teddi. Lisa. No one believes the polygraph test, and that dude was paid to say whatever Lisa andJohnBoi told him to say. The guy was sketchy af. Some back-alley conman like Saul Goodman. I laughed at the rough looking gaming chairs in his office, and that almost every surface of his office, and his shirt said POLYGRAPH on it, because if it says polygraph it is legit! He's a professional with over 20 years experience folks! Believe me! And is it possible for Lisa to go anywhere without some poor dog being carried around like an overstuffed purse? I loved Camille's home, and the wedding location, but basically feel that Camille is pretty empty inside as a person.
  19. What a shit show: Drogon’s reaction to his Mother's murder basically sums up my feelings about Season 8. Drogon knew Jon was trouble from the start. Blah blah, you’re my queen, blah... kills her whilst kissing her. Jon needed to be spit roasted. Tyrion makes a blathering speech while still in chains, and because he sounds all fancy n' smart everyone says yes to it all. I love you Peter Dinklage, but Tyrion needed to DIE! The Dothraki -- where da fuck did they go? The Unsullied are sent away on ships to somewhere. Dismissed. Bronn the smug asshole is in charge of all the money and it will be gone faster than you can say: "brothels, wine, and gambling." Bran the Creep is King of the six kingdoms because he has a good memory, and can roll his eyes really far back into his head Sansa the sulky is Queen of the North. She can spend the rest of her days looking down upon everyone. Arya is Dora the Explorer. Broody Jon gets sent back to the Night's watch as punishment for murdering Dany. When he gets there the wall has magically been restored, and Tormund and Ghost have the hot chocolate and scones ready.
  20. Longer season: They jammed way too much in too few episodes. Winter came, and defrosted pretty fast. Better writing: OMG. where do I start? Tyrion is a good example of a fine actor with a fine character who was made into an idiotic fool. Stop with the fan service: For example, I was one of the few viewers who was not thrilled that Jaime bedded Brienne. They were fond of each other, but I never felt there was never sexual chemistry or tension there. More of a non-incestuous brother and sister relationship. HA! Ayra: Probably the biggest disappointment for me was the lack of utilizing 'a girl' who took on different faces in order to assassinate her enemies. One of the BEST episodes was Ayra destroying the House Frey. It was cleverly done, and fit her character. This is what she trained for years to do. I was never motivated by who gets to sit on the Iron Throne at the end of it all. It was all about fleshing out the characters, along with excellent writing that provided so many twists, and turns along the way. And of course I greatly anticipated what played out with the white walkers and the NK. There was such a long build up, but a rather abrupt, and sloppy conclusion.
  21. Garo is a one hit wonder with the corset. It’s too bad because his cause is extremely important. Nina was harsh with him, but he needed a harsh critique. Tessa dress was impactful, and fit the challenge. Thought it would win. I also found her less abrasive this episode. I liked Sebastian’s dress, but would not know it represented race equality unless it was explained to me. However his T-shirt was sensational, and I’d buy it. Venny crashed and burned. So sorry because he’s a cool guy. I did not get Jamal’s POV with the ‘royal story’ Bishme’s dress looked stunning on his model. The color choice was gorgeous. Hester with another tortured ‘clown caught in a blender’ look. Isn’t she precious? Watch, she’s gonna win this thing. It’s Gretchen 2.0 on acid.
  22. This show keeps getting worse. And who is Michelle Visage to give advice? Did she look in the mirror before she went on set? Her face was a disaster! She had more makeup on than all the queens combined. I have a soft spot for Vanjie. Ok. But she deserved to go home several episodes ago. Silky's performance was sloppy, but so were her attempts at being nice. Her fake apology to Yvie was purely for the cameras, as was her convo with Ru, and Michelle. She wants the crown so she's playing nice. Brooke looked great, and I disagreed with the judges on her performance. She really wowed me. Ake´ria slayed it. Also, her runway gown was absolutely stunning. I can't believe she made that. Yvie will probably win it all. Todrick is so effin' hot.
  23. I like tipsy Tinsley. She’s been delightful this season. Also, I relate to her life situation — wanting a family, but realizing the time for it to happen is almost up. Dorinda was also very funny too. I like her much more when she’s sober. *mimics an old lady singing* “ moneh can’t buy yah class, ehhh, anybody out there?” 😂 Lu, once upon a time, was fun to be around, but she’s back to the being The Countess. Sonja is batshit crazy. Of course Rambling Ramona requires a whole month to celebrate her birthday. 🙄 Bethenny needs to chew with her mouth closed, and never wear cowboy hats again.
  24. Allen and Vianey really rallied at the end. I wasn't so optimistic when V said she needed her carbs, and Allen was secretly cheating. Vianey was so desperate to have the surgery that she was more upset that it didn't happen even though she almost died . When they showed the interior of their home, my first thought was: "Wow, it needs a good cleaning" and secondly, "Wow, someone sure loves hot pink."
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