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  1. Irina’s was the most tasteful, and the look would fit in perfectly at a Moroccan resort. She should have been the winner. poor Christina. I liked her design, and would buy it. The feedback made by the judges about her look were harsh , especially Georgia’s comment, but considering how they were jizzing over fugly Michelle’s look it wasn’t too much of a surprise. Anthony Ryan has never seen a mountain? Wow. His look was giving me Star Trek vibes, and any person wearing that on Whistler mountain would be laughed at and then taken to the medical clinic to address frostbite on the uncovered arm. Biddell’s was hideous and the spot for bottom should have been between him, and Dimitry. I’m not invested too much in the show. It’s a joke, but I’ll still hate watch it until the end.
  2. Teddi was told by production to amp it up this season because she is snoozeville. However, it’s casting her, and her ‘accountability mantra’ in a bad light, and it’s pissing her off. I dislike her because she’s boring, super serious, and resembles Kate Gosselin. I like Camille, and was a fan during her initial season even when she brought out the evil ‘Alexis Carrington’ rich bitch side. Camille has gone through hell and back since the Kelsey days so she KNOWS what matters in life now. I like Denise. I watched her reality tv show. She’s effortlessly cool, and a good human being. She’s done a lot for animals too but doesn’t brag about it or need a fancy pink shop to to emphasize it. I’ve found the most genuine philanthropists never talk, or seek out attention for it. They just do it. Ericka’s life seems so empty, and devoid of love. She’s got her paid glam squad on speed dial to laugh at her jokes, and to apply a layer of spackle to her face. She makes her daily call to Daddy Warbucks who clearly gives no fucks about her. He bought her a while ago, and is having buyers remorse. Living the dream, Ericka! The cackling mop is definitely inhaling the adderall big time this season. She loves to dance and open her chicken legs every time she goes after Lisa. I’m pretty sure Rinna has a gigantic poster of LVP over her bed. She’s got a weird obsession with Vanderpump. Ken and Lisa are so over it. It’s a bit amusing, and a bit sad too. They have the money, just take leave of the Bravo hates women network, and retire to the good life with the pretty pink zoo that they’ve got at home.
  3. One day, an angry wife is going to knock out Twit’s front two wabbit teef out for inappropriately draping her huge body all over her husband. She has zero boundaries, but recognize that some poor guy paddling a boat, or getting a sniff of her Lycra butt crack odor while putting on a harness is doing his effin’ job. He’s not there for Twit to fondle. Someone needs to hose that girl down. It’s embarrassing to watch. Also, I vomited a little in my mouth watching her deep throat the glacier. I hope she got glacier burn on her tongue.
  4. I loathe Kody. He is egotistical, and manipulative. He condescendingly speaks down to his family, and pitches a hissy fit if he’s made fun of. He’ll sit there and pout like an overgrown child. He denies affection towards his wives and uses it to control them. I felt bad for Meri who was desperately trying to get some attention from him on the Flagstaff trip. It would be far better for her to completely split from the group then continue being treated as a friend of the family. There is no love there anymore. She is on the outside looking in. The kids we’re completely disregarded (again) with this asinine move. Rewatching the pain in the children’s faces when they were told they were moving from Utah in a few days to Las Vegas was horrible. They didn’t even have to move. It was all on the whim of Kody. This move to Flagstaff is Utah all over again but without the urgency. Janelle is spineless. She is the most apathetic participant in the family. She is my least favourite wife. Christine is the loopy, over enthusiastic cheerleader who laps up any scrap of affection from Kody. Meri, and her eyebrows has been set out to luluroe pasture where fashion goes to die. Meanwhile, Robyn is behind the scenes pulling the strings. She holds the most power at the moment. However, that could change when Kody takes on another wife. It will happen. It is clear he is fickle. If he wasn’t hiding behind his “love must be multiplied” lifestyle he’d be a serial cheater, or at very least, a man who gets married and divorced several times because he gets bored, or the wife is no longer agreeable to his ‘vision.’
  5. For a young couple there was no life to them at all. Also, what is the attraction for a person to be in a relationship with someone who is not able to look after themselves, and whom you cannot be intimate with? He was working two jobs to support them, and she was sitting around asking for more food. A $30 dollar fast food bill every day, several times a day would add up to a lot of money spent of junk food as well as what they spend grocery shopping. It doesn't makes sense to me. I don't get it. Tiffany was trained as a chef but had no desire to cook meals. It would have saved them a lot of money, and would have been more nourishing to the body than eating fast food, and ice cream all day long. I love how Dr Now has no time for bs, and called out Tiffany on her lies: "I only snack on yogurt, and grapes" She was so delusional about her eating habits. On moving day they were only half packed, and pathetically throwing crap in a box, and duct taping it together. The 600 lb moving scenes always brings out the OCD in me. I could never leave packing up to the day of the move. Also, they left the apartment looking so rough. The carpet was absolutely vile looking when they left. I hope the landlord kept their damage deposit. In Houston, I got upset over the state of her bedroom. I can't handle clutter. And don't get me started on people having NO FITTED SHEETS ON THE GD BED! Lola the therapist repeats the same mantra to every client. She makes a lot of assumptions during a short therapy session. It is easy to lay blame everything on childhood issues, and sometimes it does apply, but not always. Also, Lola calling her client "Miss Tiffany" with that phone sex voice of hers made me cringe. The current formula for My 600lb Life needs to be changed. They use the same tired script week after week.
  6. Michelle should have been in the bottom two. That look was atrocious, and I absolutely loathed Alyssa telling everyone that Michelle is “so good.” Give her the award already. Sheesh. From an purely aesthetic aspect, I liked Sean’s look. It was the sexiest. Biddell looked like a costume from Hair the musical. I totally read Dimitri’s look as Bowie during the Glam rock days. I was digging it. I loved Christina’s look and thought it was flattering, and was the only look I’d want to wear irl.
  7. A few moments from the scream-a-thon. The horror...oh the horror. The barnacles were concerned about Twit, because Alaska will be a repeat of Hawaii, and Hawaii was horrible. Hawaii will never be the same, and neither will Alaska. A stripper named Wolf arrived at the lodge dressed in lumberjack plaid shirt because it’s mandatory stripper garb in Alaska, and whenever I think of Alask–er I automatically think male strippers. 😜 Twit pees in the hot tub like the overgrown toddler that she is, and no big surprise, but the barnacles quickly join her in the tub soon after. Daddy Glenn creepily kissing baby Twit full on the lips after she completes a short bike ride down a path. Buddy calls Twit to tell her that his TLC gf contract ended so they’re donesville. Whit is all concerned that he’ll snort up all the cat litter in the house. So He’s taking the next plane to Alaska, because it was already booked in advance of his fake breakup. To sum it up, there was a whole lot of loud braying, and screaming and fleshy parts jiggling too close to the camera. More of same next week.
  8. 😑 Goofed up editing my previous post...
  9. I captured some really big “dill” hair moments for Kody “Chia Head” Brown. Enjoy. I also add how infuriating it is to see an absolute gushing group of sister wives, with the exception of Meri, but Kody will seduce her with promise of some baloney pony during the Flagstaff trip, not really giving her the full bone, but alluding to it by putting an arm around her, or by giving her a seductive glance with his beady little eyes, or perhaps pulling out the flat iron to obtain the desired “Keith Urban” look, so she’ll green light this ridiculous move. So Mr. Marginalized what happened to: Moving to Utah and running for office. You know... power to the polygamists. Saving money by downsizing,and paying less on homes, because “our children are our future” and we need a nice wedding for Ariella, and a proper crown for King Sol. Heck, let’s throw in a few more tacos for Tony. He looks hungry. But the rest of the family, especially “the triplets” but more specifically, Gabe, can just suck it because his success , and happiness isn’t so important. Nothing that comes out of that megalomaniac’s mouth makes sense, or is in the best interests of his entire family. He has this dangerous way of leading by manipulating his wives, and if they don’t comply he removes affection, and attention from them. It’s absolute cruel. They all come across very naive, and not too bright. It’s no wonder that so far all their kids want nothing to do polygamy.
  10. It took a lot of effort not to turn off this episode. Maja is a self-entitled loathsome bitch! The proof was in the deep fried pudding when she called Mummy after verbally attacking Christian in the doctor's office, and Mummy begged him to stay and put up with her. Yeah, she knows what her daughter is like, and was probably grateful that she left Portland. I'd imagine the real reason she left Dr. Now's program because she can't get someone down to Houston to support her. Also, I felt the volunteering was a ploy to look more caring, and sympathetic on camera. I don't believe for a second that she returned to continue volunteering unless she was given a sceptre and crown and was made Volunteer of the Universe. I don't give a hot damn about how things turn out for Maja.
  11. Oh great. An Alaskan Twit-a-thon. 🙄 She must get paid every time she says Alaska, because she said it constantly last night between the heavy breathing, and high pitched screeching : "LIKE OH GOD ACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" As for Whitney claiming to not eat. Let's call in Dr. Now. He'll read her to filth. She's getting calories from somewhere, and one doesn't become over 300lbs from not eating. Is twerking still a thing? I need some brain bleach to erase the thought horror of Buddy and Chelsea sexing it up anywhere, at anytime. The squealing, yipping, and screaming was enough to do my head in. How no one pushed her off Hanging Rock is beyond me. Oh well, Twit yelling will keep the bears away from her in Alaska. 😂
  12. Biddell's winning look was the weakest look he put out so far and he wins! smdh. Cynthia is a lovely person, but her look was weak but not the worst imo. I thought Dimitry's look was a DISASTER. Yet, he was safe. Michelle has got to be the most annoying human, and an overrated designer. Her personal look is a nightmare, and what was up with that piece of scraggly denim around her neck? So edgy, Michelle. *eye roll*
  13. Robyn does not want to have to look for “rentables” again. 😂😜 Chia Head Kody barely gives a crap about helping Truely get ready in the morning, but knows Sol’s and Ari’s routine down pat. Even his phone calls to Robyn are more tender and loving. He’s such an asshat. It bothers me that the other wives are thirsty for his attention. I’m not a Meri fan, but get Her frustration with Chia head. The plural marriage is only beneficial for an egotistical male to lead his brood, and have his hens fight over him. Hannah is fabulous 😉 I want her life. I wonder how offended she was when some of the ladies were making disparaging comments about some of her hats. They could have been more gracious. My goodness, Janelle is so vanilla. She gets overwhelmed by everything. She was too embarrassed to wear a freakin’ hat. Pleeassseee. Get. A. Grip. And I laughed at her comment about plural marriage being hard for 5, 10, 20 years...infinity, really. She’s really selling it. lol. Chia Head thinks he’s Moses leading his people to the promise land, but in reality he’s just selfish and wants what he wants and cares little as how this impacts his children or wives. He gives them a business presentation on the subject of selling their homes, and uprooting their kids. That speaks volumes as how he views the family. So impersonal. When the ladies were discussing their relationship as sisters, it dawned on me that they are a sisterhood of sorts, even if they don’t get along. They do rely on each other, and take a more active part in the day to day stuff. They raise the kids, and keep up with schedules and so forth. Meanwhile Kody is flouncing about from one wife to the other...basically the traveling dick. So therefore they need to change the title to: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Dick. 😁
  14. I fell asleep during the show but Lola’s baby girl voice woke me up. She had a decent wig on and it appears she got her boobs done. The TLC gig is really paying off. 😂 As for gf Taylor, she was as exciting as a wet paper bag. She seemed catatonic most of the time. She needs to find something that gives her joy. Brandon did well, and it was apparent that Dr. now really liked him. Not a bad episode but a tad boring.
  15. Biddell in the safe zone again. I don't understand the judging at all. The game is rigged in favour of Michelle and Anthony Ryan. I found neither of their designs to interesting enough to be considered avant garde, but will give top marks to the hair and make-up crew. They certainly helped elevate all the looks except for Michelle's model who looked like she successful ate her way through the paint department. However, I particularly loved the hairstyle for Sean's model. It was Django's time to go but I'll miss him seething after an Anne critique. Dimitry's deadpan delivery kills me every time. Love his snark. I wish they'd bring on guest judges who are actually know about fashion. Oh, and Issac is iconic? Ok. He's shilling granny clothing on QVC. And don't get me started on Ms. Marchesa hideously frilly 'prom dress' gowns.
  16. On a positive note: How cute is Harper? She's such a happy baby. Anyone else notice Whit pathetically re-gifting that huge giraffe that she gave to Harper on the day she was born but she ended up keeping for herself. Buddy is 34! Colour me shocked. I seriously thought he was well in his 40's. I applaud anyone working on their sobriety, but he's become a sad sack. Sigh. He can't go to Alaska without his gf because he's worried about being on a plane for that long without support. Ok. How about all HIS friends that he's know most his life? Aren't they support? Rock climbing is an extremely demanding sport. It takes physical strength, but mental strength that Whitney does not possess. The chick does nothing but play with her cats, and talk about her next BIG trip. I'm convinced the only time she works out is on camera. Whit reminds me of a high school friend who never left high school. She constantly posts provocative photos that are extremely unflattering, but she feeds off any ounce of attention she can muster from the creepy dudes that follow her. Here she is proudly showing off her derriere. smdh.
  17. Guaranteed that after Aspyn pops out a few kids, ole Mitchie will be sitting her down for a chat to rethink plural marriage. I saw these photos on the People magazine website . Mykeleti is plotting revenge against the “fair Aspyn.” I can see it in her eyes. 😄😂. Where’s Taco Tony? What is up with Mitch’s half beard? All he needs is a straw hat, and he’s ready for Amish country. Grody forgot to condition, or comb his rat’s nest. It would have looked better tied back. Aspyn looks lovely. A natural beauty.
  18. Django is one annoying contestant, and I live for how Anne triggers him. I liked Sean’s fabric, and found the top interesting, but I’m not crazy about fringe. Anya got a longer stay than necessary. She seems like a good person, but she is not a designer. Not a Wendy fan but clapped when she was taking the piss outta issac. He’s is awful, and so inappropriate in so many ways. He truly creeps me out.
  19. Lacey did quite well with mobility at her size, and considering she was obese from a young age, that is almost 30 years of damage to her body. She’s got a long road ahead, and a lot of painful skin surgeries. May she can keep strong. As for her parents... oh vey. It boggles my mind how one can allow a child become 200 lbs at age 10! That’s insane. Her Father seemed more aware of his mistakes unlike the Mom who was checked out emotionally. She had issues with food too, and wasn’t quite willing to admit to them. I also noticed Lacey heated up a large meal for her Dad at her apartment, and that would be difficult to have that kind of food around. She’ll need to continue therapy long term as her parents behavior will continue to be a trigger for her to overeat.
  20. The spray paint incident is as real as BGDC. I’ve had more chemistry with a pair of shoes than Buddy and Chelsea have for each other. When Buddy said he loved her Chelsea flatly mumbled a deflated response of “love ya.” Chelsea, you got airtime, so it’s time to turn’t it out! Todd is such a mega diva. I love it. What kind of bad ass vandal carries around hot pink spray paint?..... Todd? ;]
  21. Boring reunion, but learned that Ross is a drunk kissing bandit. He needs help if he can’t remember doing any of it. Also, extremely disgusted by Kate, and Josiah’s herpes comments to Caroline. WTF? There’s no justification for saying that to anyone. I wonder what other behind the scenes footage they have during that moment. Captain Lee went down in my books for having his lips permanently glued to Kate’s behind. IMO, That was a fireable offense had he’d known about it. He should have said as much.
  22. Naomi’s decision was brilliantly strategic. However, I am disappointed to see Manila leave the competition. I wanted her in the top two. I love Latrice, and she has always been a favorite queen, but she’s not bringing it. At this point, I don’t really care who gets the crown. Like Manila said, her life will go on and it is a pretty amazing life at that. 😁. She’ll definitely win Miss Congeniality. Le Sigh
  23. I had a chuckle when Holly commented that Ray wasn’t being affectionate enough towards her. Um, Princess, when someone has to wipe your ass after a bowel movement all thoughts of romance are removed from the equation.
  24. I was astounded by the amount of food Holly could eat. That isn’t normal. Since she was this way since childhood it Is possible there’s more going on medically. I don’t think it’s entirely a psychological issue. Also, Holly facial expressions, and childlike demeanor reminded me of the snotty nosed kid in Bad Santa. All she needed was blonde curly hair! Did you see the ginormous slices of bread Ray used for his sandwich? He has a problem with food too. He’s just not eating nearly as much of it as Holly was.
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