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  1. If a 'friend' showed up at my home all fake air kisses and flattery and then unleashes a bunch of gobblity gook that the group thinks I'm a liar then that 'friend' deserves the door hitting her on the ass on the way out. That's not a friend. That is a rival. I thought ole Ken was gonna pop a blood vessel. This puppy story has been played out, and so has John Sessa's shiny botox face. Best moment: The doggie following the disgraced Kyle to the front door of Villa Rosa. Worst moment: Rinna in any scene.
  2. I don’t have much to add to the thread this week other than this: What a bunch of freaks. It isn’t right to get turned on, and interested in a man when he starts talking about his wife. I really hate Kody. I’d like nothing more than to take a pair of gardening shears to his stupid looking popcorn ponytail. The way he treats his kids is similar to how he treats his wives. He likes to ridicule or ignore if their not following the Kody plan. Christine is getting too much airtime. In a way, she’s very much like a female version of Kody. She’s happy now because she’s getting most of the attention. I feel bad for all the kids, especially Truely, because she’s stuck in this mess for years to come, and her Mom is a dingbat who will do anything for that egotistical man-child.
  3. The move back to Bravo and the changing of the guards is the best thing ever. I'm living for Christian, and I like that he actually stays in the workroom and continues to consult with the designers. That is what a true mentor does. I don't know who this Marni person is but she seemed like a big deal, and it appeared that she gave the designer ideas that helped get their creative juices flowing. Sebastian for the win! Unless he majorly crashes and burns of course, but what a talented guy. I could not believe that he created that outfit in ONE day. He's a diamond. Kovid's design was runner up. It was bold street wear, and was very fashion forward. He's a lot of personality, but he's genuine, and so far I get a kick out of him. As soon as Special Snowflake Hester picked her fabric I said, "Oooh, we're going to a picnic." I did not like her look but could see why the judges liked it. It was very editorial. Nadine did not have the worst look, but she did have the worst attitude. She definitely does not play well with others, and I don't think her phone will be ringing off the hook now. I don't mind a person who speaks their mind, but rudeness isn't necessary. It is never constructive. The way she treated her model was appalling. I'm glad the judges sent her packing.
  4. That was a tough one. RIP Kelly. Dr. Now is truly a healer in every sense of the word. He offers encouragement, and tough love when needed, and you can tell that he effin' cares. It was lovely to see such gentleness when he was dealing with Kelly, and the smiles. She needed it. She hasn't had much real support in her own life. We've seen other patients who had lots of family/friends around them, but Kelly had very little of that. I'm not sure why Gary kicked her out after she had surgery, and she had that added stress of not knowing where she would go. I'm glad he changed his mind. As Dr. Now said at the end, Kelly was an inspiration because she tried to get her life back on track. There wasn't whining, crying, or constant victim talk. She knew she had a problem and faced it, but her poor heart couldn't handle it. 🙁
  5. Please tell me how the average New Yorker can afford the rent there? It is insane. Sometimes it is possible, but Ramona was more endearing, and had the best segment. I'd love to see more blind date match ups with her. Of course, the line she had at the end for next week's preview had me LMFAO. I thought it looked like Bethenny (sans makeup) too. It was sad to watch Dorinda with her bed head, erratic behaviour, arm waving, and slurring her words. She appears to be on mood stabilizers and then drinks until she's dun lost her mind. And she has come undone. Slowly slowly, she has lost her sense of self. Also, she's still living with Richard's ghost. She's mentioned him this episode, and the last one. She needs help so desperately. Lu is full of herself. She lives for being notorious. It gives her the 'cool mom' cred. She's the type to sniff her own farts and thinks it not only smells great but should be bottled into a perfume. On a positive note, she looked stunning at the Gangsta dinner. I loved the top she had on. Sonja Sonja Sonja. Always the tramp, never the lady. Loving Tins this season. I want the blue dress she had on during the rooftop patio scene. Gorgeous. Her Mom is the worst. She's quite jealous of her daughter and tries to knock her down a few pegs. It's not good to have a Mother who tries to erode a daughter's self-esteem. Also, if Tinsley wants a child she could get pregnant, or adopt, but she wants to find the right guy. Nothing wrong with that at all. I'm so glad my Mother never pushed me to have children. She just wants me to be happy. That is all a Mother can hope for her children.
  6. LVP fans: Please do not kill me, but I was so bothered by the way she carried the Pomeranian (forget his/her name) into the kitchen store. It had to be uncomfortable for the pup. Furthermore, why does LVP and Ken need to carry a dog everywhere they go? Most doggies love to walk as that is how they bond with their family. Anyway, it really bothers me a lot. It's one reason why I'm not a fan of her or Ken. Dogs need to be dogs. I liked Denise's wedding. The venue was quite pretty. If I was to pick music for the walk down the isle it would be non-traditional too. Probably INXS 'Never Tear Us Apart'. I know. That is some 80's cheese right there, but I love that song. Denise's biological children always look unhappy to me. I'm sure they've been around serious sh*t all their lives but they come across pretty morose looking. Just saying. Maybe they're like: oh f**k, another dude Mom is hooking up with who will end up being a wanker." IDK. It was a nice touch to include her Dad lighting a candle in remembrance. Irv is one of the sweetest men around. I know this from watching her previous reality tv show when he was living with Denise, and it is no wonder she's an exceptional person herself. Whatever the hell designer bag Dorit was wearing at the store it looked like a heavy duty bicycle chain. I have a chain that looks like that but it is in black.
  7. What the hell did I just watch, and does Kym have a 'lower volume' button? Holy crap, that woman is LOUD! Game night all about Twitney. Lord have mercy... Buddy is a mumbling lump. A walking thumb with hair and tats. I literally can smell him through the tee-vee. Douchebag cologne mixed with b.o., and Cheeto breath. If I have to hear about blow one more time.... Tal is the Twit's ass kisser/slave. Glen and Babs are Whit's enablers. I barely noticed Ashley except that she is looking like a tele-tubbie now. Heather is boring. The only one I can possibly tolerate is Todd because he makes fun of Twit. Twit's smug smile was enough for me to push the off button. She's really is an awful person. Loud, obnoxious, vain, narcissistic, and delusional. The barnacles need to scrape themselves off the SS Twitney because this ship is going down. I don't think I can stomach another season of Twit.
  8. Let’s hope that the draftsperson made sure the cheque cleared before drawing up the plans for the Kody Klown Brown Kompound. It gave me a headache thinking about drawing up that enormous monstrosity. In fact, it should be called the Sobbin Robyn Family Home, and Sister Wives Closets. Christine is the poster woman for DICKMATIZATION. She is beyond giddy to be the hot ticket at the moment. All I can say is they better triple the amount of soundproofing for her boudoir, because that girl is for sure yodelling, screaming and yelling like a banshee during sessy times with the Grodster. Excuse me now. I must go throw up. One of Robchin’s kids acts really bizarre. I think it is Brianna?? When Kody was giving his meeting lecture to the ‘kids’ about the move he said in his phony tone, “Aren’t YOU all excited?” The response from the other siblings was sadness or disgust except for Robchin’s kid who had this big grin, and was bouncing up and down clapping her hands like a trained seal. She’s definitely going to become a polygamist. She's got that fake "everything is fine" stepford wife act down pat. Did anyone else get majorly creeped out by Dr. Camp saying that Ysabel keeps getting more and more beautiful each time he sees her? Ew. That was unprofessional, and inappropriate. Mind you, I never hug my doctor either. I wish they didn’t show her so upset, especially worried about disappointing her Dad about the diagnosis. Poor kid.
  9. How many pairs of glasses does Hester Sunshine have? She obviously comes from money because those aren't cheap glasses. Anyway, she reeks of quirky Coachella Lena Dunham 'I'm so edgy and different' entitlement that I want her gone, gone gone. Frankie was the right choice this week, but I'm so looking forward to seeing Ms Sunshine pants sent home. I'm loving Christian as mentor. He's straight to the point, and gives an honest critique that not only helps the designers make the garment better, but gives some tough love. One thing I didn't care for about Tim Gunn is that he was very vague about what the designer should do to make the garment better. "Make it work" only goes so far if you don't give some suggestions on how to make it 'work better.' It is pleasing to see such diversity with this group of designers and clearly there are some talented folks in the bunch. Sebastian blows me away. He did so much in such a short period of time, and it looked ready to wear. He deserved the win. Afa also impressed, as did Venny, and Bishme. Lela gets runner up as winner in my books. I loved her look. Kovid is pure heart. I want to see more from him, and hope he gains confidence and shows who he is as a designer. He's generally such a cheerful guy, but felt his tears, and sadness was legitimate. Tessa was a bossy boots but some of her decisions did work out in favour of her team as her choice of wool fabric worked well for their garments. The overall look was very cohesive, and looked expensive.
  10. Irina’s a meanie, but I do enjoy when she knocks Michelle off her hipster pedestal. Anne is insufferable and more of a troll than a mentor. It fine to be proud of your work, but found some of the comments from the designers downright egotistical. Like Dimitry “ I deserve to win.” Ah no, you don’t boo.
  11. Aaron’s a really nice guy, and it was good he was able to address his feelings with his Dad. I felt a kinship with Aaron, because I had a similar upbringing and my Dad was also a strict disciplinarian. I was also bullied and beaten up at school. You don’t realize how pivotal those primary relationships are and how they shape you as an adult. Therapy helps! I hope he continues to do well, and gets to enjoy life and experience new things.
  12. Barbara was more likeable this episode. She still needs a make-under tho. The food at the clambake looked awesome, but at the same time it looked awkward to be eating clams out of those tiny bowls. Tinsley can be so likeable. She is a generous person, a gracious guest, and a sincere friend. However, she's annoying when she breaks into the high-pitched squealing, or babyish infantile behaviour that we've seen in the past with Scott, or with her Mom. Dorinda is Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. She goes from kind, normal, supportive, to angry shouting HULK-smashing lunatic very quickly. I wonder if she's on a mood stabilizer and mixes it with booze. I use to like Dorinda, but she definitely needs help with whatever is going on with her. Bethenny looked pretty at Sonja's party. She looks softer with her hair curled, and lighter eye-make up. I'm always go from liking Bethenny to the opposite all within an episode. She really can do the right thing but at the same time come across really disingenuous. Sonja cracks me up. The lime in the mouth...wanting to put lobster in her dress...the funny facial expressions, and eye rolling. She really makes me laugh. She's a free-spirit, and doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone. However, I'm not that crazy about her Paper Magazine spread. She looked like Donatella Versace.. That wig was very cheap looking and thought she looked better with the longer hair extensions. Oh Lu. Her head is so far up her own ass right now. She has no humility, and while it is great to 'toot one's horn' she needs to step back, and really look at her actions lately. It's not a good look. Ramona is a bitch. Yep. Can't stand her.
  13. The very best scenes were: The ponies! A very stoned Denice saying penis, penis, penis. Camille succinctly summing up Dorit’s grifting ways. Kyle doing the splits. However, I was disappointed there was no helicopter pony tail twirl. The biggest guffaw occurred when Dorit had her dramatic close up, and said in true Sunset Boulevard style, “The truth shall set you free.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  14. I was dry heaving when Buddy boy was massaging Twit’s stink ass feet on a park bench, and then sniffed his hand after. Ugh. I had to close my eyes during the kiss. I could smell the sweat mingled with a Starbucks double frap, and whatever crumbles were left in Buddy’s mangy beard. Twit constantly complains about how stressed out she is, and how much she has to do. Her entire existence stems on a certain (staged) event, or trip. For instance, going to ‘Alasker’ was stressful because it was a trigger for the Hawaii trip. It was so upsetting that it triggered her to pee in the hot tub, and molest an iceberg. Now in NYC she was so ‘nerv’ about giving twerk instructions to variety of persons with disabilities, that she had to have Daddy fly in with some ice for her iceberg fetish, and snacks, because poor Twit won’t eat! My question, fellow viewers, is why was Twit invited to No Barriers? Is it inspirational to see a fat woman twerk? Excuse me, but that blind lady who was killing it on the dance floor is an inspiration, and not some loud mouthed chick who claims to have whatever is trendy at the moment. She picks a different malady every season like, PCOS, bulimia, anxiety disorder, or family trauma.., to name a few,. I’m not trying to downplay those issues, but Twit is a liar, and is self diagnosing herself. She’s led a privileged life compared to some, and I cannot think of anyone who has half their barnacle friends, and immediate family drop everything to fly out to support her cause. Is it even a cause to warble on about how awful it being a fat girl, and then proceed to shake and sweat over the stage like an epileptic seal? I realize it’s all for the show, but it’s extremely unrealistic how doting everyone is around Twit. It feeds into her infantile behavior, and blows up her ego even more. In addition, it mocks real life heroes who face real challenges like the numerous people in attendance at No Barriers.
  15. the wedding venue was gorgeous. I tell ya I would have dived face first into that chocolate cake. Nom nom. I hope they got a deep discount on the venue, because that would be one hella expensive location. I hope cheque cleared as the Browns’ are spending money like it’s going out of style. Kody is an complete asshat. I’d like to smack the smug off of him. His comment about the marriage bed was creepy, and disturbing. His wedding speech was so cringe. Now Mitch is a king? Cuz he married into the Brown family? Get real. He also didn’t like Logan drinking , and sniffed the ‘gasoline’ and made a face. I love it that the older sons are doing their own thing. I liked Mitch more this episode. He seems like a gentle guy, and rather shy. Aspen had that nervous energy of someone not comfortable with herself yet. When they danced together it was pretty evident that they are still virgins. Robchin prayed for a 7 bedroom house, and got it. God is a magic 8 ball, and ATM machine according to Robyn. The stupid is strong in this inbred woman. Meri looked hideous, and if edgy equals ugly, she had it down. Mariah and Meri share the same dark brown sharpie for doing their brows. Do they not look in the mirror? Mitch’s Mom is a very sexy lady. She has all of the confidence that the sister skanks lack. I loved the red heels she always wearing, and she handled Meri’s hat situation with grace, but yet added a little shade to keep it real. Truly’s dramatic reaction when Mitch dipped Aspen on the dance floor was gold. Someone needs to make a gif of it. I could watch it a million times. Also lived for Ari’s flower basket toss. Is Tony pregnant?
  16. Iris is everything. I covet the turquoise necklace she was wearing. It is gorgeous and worth a mint. I knew AR was going home from the start with the sad and tired storyline. I get it. It would be gruelling to do the show, but he is overrated and was lucky to be a favourite amongst the judges. His gown was hideous. It looked like a sheet with feathers glued on it. However, It was nice to see Anne show some compassion and give AR a hug. Michelle...there is no words for her arrogance. She was very smug when she saw that Iris was a judge, and was 'soooo glad that she did colour' Bish, it is not in the bag because you chose some random colour palette sponsored by Crayola. But she gets an award for most dramatic performance when AR was given the boot. Crocodile tears. Irina's gown would work for a Playboy Gala Ball, but way to slutty for a Royal Gala. The gown was very Frederick's of Hollywood. Biddell's gown would not suit most bodies, but it was made well, and looked the most expensive, and regal. However, I'm surprised he didn't get called out for making those big hip wings. No woman wants bigger hips. Iris was very diplomatic and said she liked the accessories. Ha! I didn't mind the top half of Dmitry's and with more time it could be made into a decent looking flapper-style dress. If he added some beading detail and and reworked the bottom half of the dress it would be stunning.
  17. That was extremely depressing, hopeless, and sad. Jeanne will die in that bed. She doesn't seem to understand that surgery isn't what is going to help her. Only she can make the change with her eating disorder. Sadly, she's not mentally capable of understanding that.
  18. Barbara's look is very dated. She might fit in the the NJ housewives, but I'll downgrade her further and say she's more Jersey Shore. She rough looking, and her voice is grating. I wasn't very impressed with her home either. So far, I'm not feeling her. Dorinda's really become a nasty bitter bitch. Holy crap. If she' sober, she's not just a miserable drunk, but a miserable person. Tinsley looks great this season, and she did look cute in the mermaid's costume. I liked Sonja's hair extensions and the white lace dress - very Aphrodite. Her dog, Marley is adorable. Ramona is like a small yappy hyper dog that is constantly humping everything, and everyone. Simmer down, girl! If I was Bethenny, I'd hold on to that investment property. It's gorgeous. I hope Lu can get her shit together. One never knows with her because she's very good at pretending that everything is great.
  19. I like Denise’s personality, but her fiancé is a bit too much. I was rolling my eyes when he was going on about infinity and the number 8. Also, He’s a guy who looks hot from far away but close up he’s too over plucked, and veneered to be considered handsome. He’s looks like those airbrushed pretty boys that grace the cover of romance novels. Rinna looks like a toothpick with hair. Sorry to skinny shame, but she looks ridiculous with the bolt-ons. Thank god we did not get a view of her snatch. It would be like looking at “sleeve of wizard.” 😂 Dorito, and PK: see also, the family grifters. PK looks like a lumpy poorly dressed former B-movie villain that didn’t quite make the cut because of sheer laziness. The man literally sits on his arse all day with a glass of wine, probably viewing porn, but complains he’s so tired from “working.” Dorit is his wide-eyed malfunctioning fem-bot who instead of shooting bullets from her bolt-ones bastardize’s the English language so badly that people walk away with fewer brain cells, and damaged ear drums. Ericka’s “like a prayer” confessional was a disappointment. I was waiting for Mikey to gleefully jump out and yell, “Pat The Puss!” Teddi: Yawn...Next. Kyle. No shade. They seem like a tight knit family However, Sophia seemed kinda vapid with a bit of a snotty attitude. Kyle needs to take her to a roadside truck stop and enter the bathroom to see how pristine an uncleaned toilet looks like. LVP: I love her home. I want to visit the ponies, look at pink roses, and sip wine in the garden. I’m not mentioning the text or Puppygate, because to quote Detox from RPDR: “I HAD IT, officially!”
  20. Babs looks pretty with her hair up. At the eye doc, Twit was disrespectful to Babs and grossly inappropriate. I could tell Babs was hurt by her 'joke.' However, Babs is queen when it comes to the sarcastic comeback. There definitely is a competition between Babs and Twit. Face it, the whole family dynamic is unhealthy. Twit has arrested emotional development, co-dependency, and Daddy issues. The iceberg tats were ugly, and didn't resemble an iceberg at all. Buddy is a Debbie Downer: "Whatever man, it's so like hard, man, it fuckin' sucks, ya know?" What a catch. A 34 year old burnout with marbles in his mouth, and looks like a hard 45 year old. He's got no job prospects; bounces around from place to place, and gf to gf. There is nothing appealing about him. Yet, production is revisiting season one again, and trying to allude to romance between Twit and Boo Bear. PLEASE...for the love of God...NOOOOOOOOOO! Twit wants us to be believe that something salacious went on between them in Alask-er. She further tried to shit stir by asking Buddy if he tried some thing with Heather because Heather told her so. Twit desperately wants to be the centre of attention, and the bestie friend to all, but does give a hot damn if she hurts Heather feelings, or messes up Buddy's sobriety. As long as it is about her. And the last thing Buddy should do is to find another dick holster. He needs to give that bad boy a rest. Maybe muster up some motivation, and do something, anything. Take up a hobby, or go back to school. He's just a gigantic lump o' nothing. By the way, Twerking isn't a thing anymore, and nobody's got time for dat. HD teevee is nobody's friend when you see the lumps and bumps a shakin' and a sweatin' Put the twerk away, Twit.
  21. I was reading more about the prairie dog plague, and it is actually the bubonic plague! Idiots were more concerned about removing the CC&R restrictions rather than being concerned about their kids getting the plague! https://abcnews.go.com/Health/plague-exists-now-us/story?id=55860883
  22. I found it odd that Grody had a picture of the realtor on his phone. How many Shelbi’s does he know from Flagstaff? Grody got tearful talking about not seeing his kids everyday when they move to Flagstaff but forgot that it was Aspyn’s bridal shower. He lights up around Sol and Ari, but treats his other kids like an after thought. I like Gwen. She’s smart, and calls it like it is. Christine was a jerk to tell Gwendolyn that she can move away in three years when she’s done high school. Yeah, a real nurturing moment towards a kid that is having to give up major opportunities on the whim of a madman, and his concubines. Kody compared his move to Arizona as like being a soldier preparing to go to war. Yes. He used those words people. I’d like to ship his useless ass out to a war zone, and get him to see what true strength, and determination, and courage is. What an asshole. They all make decisions based on feelings. That is a poor way to operate when it comes to financial affairs. ‘Angels were singing... do you feel it in your gut...let’s pray about Coyote Pass’”... these statements were are all based on feelings and not logic. They are placing all their available money for this land, and making a big move based on what is not being said... Day’un going to college there. And now they’re agreeing to pay to put utilities in themselves. .oh wow, the Flagstaff sellers were probably grinning at these suckers. Where do the Brown family grifters keep this endless money tree? I wonder how they manage to get approved for loans when they have four homes mortgaged to the hilt in Vegas, and Meri just bought an additional home in Utah. That’s a lot of Lularoe to sell. They could have rented homes until they sold the Vegas cult compound, and then looked for property. They made it seem like Coyote Pass was the ONLY property in Flagstaff for them. I had a moment of feeling bad for Meri when the rest of them were going after her for not being thrilled about Coyote Pass. Was she suppose to do cartwheels? Maybe she needs some of Christine’s happy pills to do that. “But it’s got TREES, Meri! Did ya see that view? I can’t wait to dig in the prairie dog plague-infested soil, and make a veggie garden!” I kinda of love that Meri called out Robyn as the legally married wife, and that her opinion didn’t matter so much anymore. Witchy chin was not amused. 😁😂. Put me on the list for not liking Robyn. She’s a sneaky snake.
  23. I laughed at the trio of Bethenny's 'friends' in the opening scene. Bethenny doesn't have friends, but rather associates. Associates who eventually fade away after she's screamed at them, or iced them out of her life. Did Sonja finally sell Grey Gardens or did she find some sucker to rent it out to? I feel so sorry for Sonja's assistant. Sonja is bossy, and overshares. I mean, As an employee, I'll put up the damn towels for you, but don't you dare discuss your sex life with me. Ramona and her pool noodle. lol . Not much swimming actually happened there. I personally thought Boris was a dud, and not good looking at all. LuAnn has an uncanny ability to fake happiness. I almost wish I could do that sometimes. Bethenny is one bipolar rollercoaster. One minute she's crying, and the next she's talking about having an orgy. There is no middle ground with her. Tinsley is developmentally delayed. She stopped developing mentally around age 16. Her high pitched squeals while driving would make me jump out of the car and hail down the nearest taxi. Barbara whatever her name is Carole's replacement. It's funny. I actually forget about Carole. Didn't miss her at all. "LIFE IS NOT A CABARET!". Bethenny, please don't tell that to Liza Minnelli. 😂
  24. It was interesting that Destinee had her name tattooed on her chest and on full display at all times. I've never seen anyone with their own name tattooed on themselves. Usually it is the name of someone else significant in their lives. At very least she'll never need to wear a name tag. 😂
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