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  1. Tyler was such a romantic when he told Rhylee that he'd be up for 'knockin' boots' if they meet up again. Damn. Snap that one up ladies! *eye roll* I guess Ross and his baby mama didn't work out. Instead he went and got himself a repulsively annoying spoiled sugar mama. Enjoy the bipolar rollercoaster, Ross. I laughed at whomever asked if Zen Adrien stole Johnny Depp's coat. I thought it looked like something Steven Tyler would have worn in the 70's. Poor sea slug. I hate anyone who uses animals as decor, or as an accessory. I would enjoy seeing Josiah and Kate together again. It is refreshing to see two people get along and work well together.
  2. Idiocracy 2: The Fat and the Unfabulous. I got extremely annoyed by Twitney’s overwhelming use of like, and upspeak. “Like ....um, like, goin’ to dance in like Chicago is like a rilly big dill?” Every word phrased like a question. It is as if Twit met, and then devoured the entire Kardashian family. Twit has no excuse for not washing up. Buddy could have hooked up a hose at the campsite and washed down Twit while she sat in a lawn chair like I’ve seen on an episode of My 600lb Life. In the process, Buddy would never again associate camping with doing blow. For the last time...there is no dance class. There is no dancing involved here unless shaking around like a bowl of jello is considered dancing. Buddy has found a Instagram famewhore who has latched on to him so she can appear on tv. I’m sure Twit can have another love interest hired for the show like it was done in past seasons.
  3. Is Janelle still doing Strive? It doesn’t look like it. Her faux enthusiasm was grating, and while I get she wants a better relationship with Meri it is a little too late for that. Mariah has grown as a person, unlike her selfish mother. I wouldn’t be visiting the loneliest wet bar either. Meri sucks all the joy outta the room. I agree entirely that Meri wasn’t an innocent victim in the catch fish scheme. She was looking for a way out. It irks me that Meri’s has never fessed up to the salacious involvement she had with “Sam.” Idiot thought she’d be living the good life with a wealthy handsome vegan, and say see ya later to kody and co. Why am I having team Kody moments this season? Has hell frozen over? I’m must be living in the upside down. He has made some good points. And what is with Christine shutting him down at every turn? There is a lot anger seething Towards him from the other wives, especially Christine and Robin. Has he got another woman on the line? Anyone got the deets on this?
  4. Applause, and more applause for your post!
  5. Jasper did not get a parting hug from Alyssa. She didn’t even get off her seat to say goodbye. Can’t say I blame her after his ‘corsets are freedom’, and ‘behind every great man is a great woman ‘ comments. I had to lift my jaw off the floor when he said that. Strongest looks for me were Sean , and Evan. Dimitry’s look was too busy, and looked like something a gold digger would wear to her husband’s funeral.
  6. Justin’s story was one of the most inspirational I’ve seen in a while. He was very thoughtful, and articulate throughout. I thought he and his Dad were absolute cuties. Hope there is a future update on him.
  7. Flashback time: I had to sleep on the same floor with my friend’s roommate for one night. It was awkward because it was an open floor, loft type room. Anyway, he farted and snored the entire night. Buddy is this guy. But In reality, the entire TLC troupe stayed in a hotel. No effing way, Princess Buddy laid on floor, and no effing way, Drama Queen-sized Twitney didn’t have a proper shitter to use. On a a more serious note: Buddy talks easily and often about suicide, so it is not healthy for him to be on tv show geared towards triggering his addictions. He should be getting professional help. And if this is part of the faux narrative for the show, all I can say is: fuck you, and may karma come by and greet you with a slap across the face. Suicidal idealization is not to be taken lightly.
  8. Any respect I had for Ross is gone after seeing cosy pictures of him with that atrocious nasally upspeak troll. Even if she was playing up for the cameras, that woman’s voice could shatter glass. Dreadful woman. As for Rhylee. She had sex with a bro-douche, and misinterpreted his p visiting her v on a regular basis as true romantic interest. Been there, done that, and no longer buying that T-shirt. Adrian has meat? I’m was guessing it was more of a gherkin pickle.
  9. Buddy looks like a hairy thumb, with the personality to match. The conversation about the “blow” found in the protein powder was bs, and he forgot the script. He said he had no secret stashes left, or he cleared them out. Then he says “oh you found it in the protein powder” I guess he didn’t entirely forget, and didn’t clear them all out. It was an odd scene. Jessica the trainer isn’t helping Whitney by supporting her narrative that she is bulimic. Whit is a binge eater who only works out on camera. Veggies covered in dip is still heavy in calories and fat. If she got her portions right she would lose weight consistently. I lost 40 pounds by portion control, and I consider myself a healthy eater. I was just eating to much healthy food. 😂 Heather needs to lighten up. Buddy isn’t some prize. He’s got a whole mess of problems that I doubt he’s going work out anytime soon. She needs to either take a break from men, or look for someone more stable, and reliable. Tal supporting role as Whit’s cheerleader is tiresome, and repetitive. The guy can barely hold back the smirk when he’s doing the concerned friend look. He needs acting lessons. At least Whit can cry on command. How gross is it that her cats are walking all over the kitchen counters? Ewwww
  10. Josiah is sweet. His discomfort and anxiety was evident throughout the episode. What a dear heart. It’s bad enough to deal with rich assholes but to have to jump through hoops like a trained seal (the tiny speedo) was degrading. Zen Adrian needs to cool it. He can cook amazing food, but needs to keep the creepy inappropriate sexual innuendos to himself. . Real men do not make women uncomfortable by making comments like that. He is incredibly insecure and just plain weird. Ashton is a slutty mcslutterson. 😁 i don’t need to see anymore Ryhlee and new guy sex scenes. Laura continues to annoy me. Kate, as always, is a sarcastic dose of goodness. I get her sense of humour and need more of it.
  11. Whit squealing over her Mom previous marriage, and Dad's previous engagement was beyond annoying. She acts all shocked, and personally hurt over something that has nothing to do with her. Yet she's constantly acting inappropriate, and despises being told how to behave properly by her parents. Buddy was definitely drunk, or on something when he called Whitney. I don't imagine being on a reality tv show is the best idea for a guy struggling with sobriety. Harper is a gorgeous little girl. She seems to be a very easy-going baby. Heather's anger towards Buddy may be justified, but he is still part of the friend circle, so he's gonna be a part of their lives. I feel bad for poor camera men who are constantly exposed to Whitney's nakedness. Eye bleach needed. So she gives ' Grocery Store Will' her number for Heather? Wouldn't she give him Heather's number? Doh. She all about herself. Although, I wish I had half her confidence to approach a man and start talking to him at a store. I could never do that even for fun. I'm much too shy. Cringeworthy moment. hmmmm...So many to choose from but when she exclaimed to the doctor that it's 'been a while' when he was doing an internal ultrasound.
  12. So this year's storyline is about adoption, and eating disorder. They've dropped PCOS as the reason for her issues, so now she is blaming it on binging and purging. Although, I give Whit credit for working out, but she's obviously still overeating, and needs to be more honest about that. I hate that she exploits her parents health/aging issues, and Buddy's struggles with sobriety. It's gross, and not cute. Glenn and Babs have aged a lot, and they seem more fragile too me. I wanted to hug Glenn while he was going for the hearing test. He doesn't need his loudmouthed daughter and the tv cameras in his face. Buddy should not be on tv.
  13. Team Kate. Laura was opinionated, and aggressive from the very start and was acting like the Mother Superior of Chief Stewdom. The way she has spoken to Kate, and critiqued the state of the yacht, and the service was a big 'fuck you' to Kate, and Josiah who have been busting their asses. No one should have to deal with that level of disrespect. Kate spoke calmly, albeit sarcastically at times to Laura, but I admire that she held back her anger and frustration so well. Kate needs to check herself? For what? Telling Laura how to do her job? Yes, in Kate's position, I'd be wanting to dump this girl on the dock with a plane ticket home. Laura is giving Canadians a bad name. This episode I realized that Rhylee's braying laugh sounds like the laugh of another toothy loud-mouthed red-head named Julia Roberts. Not a fan of either. Also, Rhylee's slutty Dexy Midnight Runner ensemble was something else. She leaves very little to the imagination. Come on, Rhylee. Zen Adrian is very judgemental, and jealous for a guy who claims to be in an open relationship. He was hoping to get in the downward dog position with Laura, but she rebuffed his advances for a beefy treat called Ashton. Face it, Ashton has game. Adrian only has creepy looks, and inappropriate sexual innuendos. But the guy can cook. I'm wanted that seafood pasta dish soooooo badly! The new guy definitely got it in fast. Geesh! There's something to be said about dipping the pen in the company ink from day one. Bold move for a guy who has yet to see Angry Rhylee. He'll be begging for mercy when she rips his dick off and feeds it to the fish.
  14. I couldn’t stop laughing when Zen Adrian randomly started working on some hippie crafts, and was making a dream catcher to impress the new stew. Next week watch for him to whip out the pan flute and serenade her with a selection of tunes from the “Best of Zamfir.”
  15. Bye bye Chandler. You were given a much better exit than you deserved. Captain Lee is a class act. It was nice of Ross to speak to Caroline in her cabin, and calm her down, but I hate his constant use of “buddy”, and “bro.” It looks like next week Ross channels Chandler ‘doesn’t have a clue’ bosun power and decides to swing all common sense to the side by having some hate sex with Rhylee. Big mistake, Ross. Zen Adrian needs to do an extra downward dog. He’s getting testy. Josiah, and Kate snapped. Was that the right way to deal with a mentally ill person? No. However, There is only so much you can take, and Caroline would have tested even Jesus Christ. Ashton is a loveable horn dog. The waterfall was pretty impressive but that picnic reminded me of an excursion I had on a little island off of Maui that resulted in severe food poisoning for 72 hours. No bueno.
  16. Kate and Josiah are rockstars. Without a doubt; they saved that charter from becoming an even worse catastrophe. Honourable mention to Ashton, and Ross. They worked hard and never complained. And the same goes for Zen Adrien. He received bad feedback for some of his meals, and instead of sulking, he took it as an incentive to do better. A bar of soap to Rhylee, who needs to watch her potty mouth when there are guests around. There is a time and place for addressing work place issues, and it can be done in an less abrasive way. She didn’t get the memo that this is Below Deck, and not the Deadliest Catch. Caroline needs a ticket home, a psych consult, and a lifetime supply of Xanax. Mental illness is no joke. She needs some professional help ASAP. Chandler needs a swift kick in the arse, and an attitude adjustment. His level of arrogance mixed with his incompetence deserved him a ticket home. Captain Lee should have presented him with a ticket instead of a tip, and Kate could have handed him a tub of defrosted ice cream as a farewell gift. The primary charter guests seemed lovely for all that went down. Their kids were so sweet. I loved how Josiah complimented the little girl on her dress, and at the same time made a cheeky joke about Kate wanting to have it. Waiting yet another week for the crap to really hit the fan....
  17. Caroline should not work with people. Shame on Bravo for hiring her in the first place. She can't remotely handle any constructive criticism or find what needs to be done, and do it without affirmation from Kate. If she can make Zen Adrian snap then it speaks of the level of wackadoodle they're dealing with. What happens next week looks absolutely horrifying, and a parent's worst nightmare. I'm not sure how the Captain can explain or apologize for that one. Chandler is a useless ass. How did he get a Bosun job in the first place? I wouldn't put him in charge of a rubber duckie race. OH, and I just LIVE for Captain Lee on a rampage: Kate: "Captain, Would you like to have some dinner" Captain L: "No, I'm going to eat someone's ass for dinner!"
  18. Whether or not the condom was real or not, it was a disgusting scene. I use to work in a Library, and we found a used condom in the book return bin. My biggest pet peeve is people using their phones at dinner. I’d seriously push all those losers overboard. They are not living life, but merely recording it. I’ll say this again, Caroline should not be working on a yacht, let alone a yacht filmed for reality tv. Her moods change quickly, and its a bit single white female of her to be lurking in the hallway to eavesdrop. Adrian is very talented. The ability to create amazing food with no recipe, or lead time is mindblowing to me, and he does it with no fluster, or frustration.
  19. It’s all formula repetitive crap. I found the first episode extremely boring. I hope it picks up.
  20. My heart goes out to Caroline. She should have never signed up for this show. I haven't witnessed Caroline not doing her job, but she's clearly dealing with major anxiety issues, and it not easily understood, nor accepted in the workplace. It's not like she can do her job, and then go home and attend to self-care. She is surrounded by her co-workers 24/7. I do not like seeing fragile people kicked when their down, and it looks that may happen in the upcoming preview. Most likely Caroline will be sent home, or she will quit. She really needs to focus on her own health, and see about getting her Mom assessed, and placed in care depending how advanced her dementia is. Chandler is an effing dick, but so is Ross. Rhylee has a very strong personality, but she is pulling her own weight. She's done what most people would do who are new to yachting...ask for clarification. Yet, she is met with condescension. I nearly lost it when Ross was talking down to her, and physically pushing her away. Would he even dare to do that to a male deckhand? I think not. Then like a little weenie, he goes up to the Captain to be a tattletale. Chef Adrian is amazing at his job, but I threw up a little in my mouth when he creepily said he was fond of the 'pleasures of the flesh.' Okay dude. So you like sex. Newsflash: so do the rest of us.
  21. GrandeAng's lack of intelligence coupled with anger issues is a disaster waiting to happen. It wouldn't surprise me if she went apeshit and murdered someone. She goes from dumb hillbilly to violently unhinged Hulk in 50 seconds. It frightening that she works as a resident care aide. I wouldn't want that bleached-out Marlboro-sucking She-Man near my loved ones. Jon's coffee mug screams delusions of grandeur. He considers himself a daddy, husband and king despite having little day to day contact with his new family. Instead, he pats himself on the back for synchronizing his time with Rachel in America. That's easy to do because he's NOT working, and is living with Mummy. Good luck getting into the States with a criminal record and a massive amount of debt. Ricky disgusts me. What a waste of space. Pole was giving me shades of Mike Pence. After Karine drops a few kids he'll start referring to her as 'Mother.' Jesse and Darcey are so thirsty. No one is buying their great romance. They both wanted to be on reality tv, and they amped it up for maximum effect. I fear that next season TLC will bring Darcey back with her newly hired boytoy. Rinse, and repeat. Colour me shocked. Tarik managed to show some common sense, and likeability at the reunion. Hazel is shady af.
  22. Goodbye to Foam guy Steve and his tacky Party City shirts. He's a pathetic loser with cash that constantly needed to prove that he's a 'crazy mofo'. At the end of the day, he's being used by his friends who wanted a free vacation, and it spoke volumes that no one else wanted to join in his crazy antics. His complete lack of respect toward the Captain, crew, and the yacht was disgusting. He was ugly and demanding when he didn't get his way. If he was actually a nice guy instead of a drunken mess, he may not have sat alone, drunk, and blubbering for Kate in the Jacuzzi bubble bath. I suffered second-hand embarrassment when Rhylee walked out in that see-thru dress. She might as well worn nothing. I don't care for her personality at all. She is most likely to get a ticket home. Ashton, and Joao could be brothers. They both have the blond spiky hair, muscular physique, like to drink, and do not listen to orders by the Bosun. For the most part, I don't mind Ross. He seems level headed, and sensible. Chandler could take it down a notch or two. He is trying too hard to get respect from the crew. I like Chef Zen. He should give a morning meditation and yoga class to the crew. Some of them need to chill out. Caroline. She needs some zen. She's a good worker, but she's got the cray-cray Rocky vibes. I've always liked Kate. I like her dry, sarcastic wit. Her general observations are spot-on and witty. Captain Lee is the kind of Captain I'd want on board. He's no nonsense. If the crew eff up, then they get his wrath, but he's not micro-managing them like they are little kids.
  23. Wow. What an episode. This entire series breaks down the events that lead up to that one defining moment when a person truly turns bad. Would it made a difference if things turned out differently for Jimmy and Mike? For instance, lets say Jimmy got his brother’s love and acceptance, or Mike’s son was still alive. Would they have turned out to be different men?
  24. Pole would have money if it weren't for wasting it all on emoji pillows, stuffed unicorns, and sex toys. Their apartment looked like a landfill. Pole can't work in Brazil, but Karinee can, but that'll never happen. I've seen sloths more productive than her. Darcey's vein popping crying jags can't be much different than her contorted "O" face when she does the nasty with Jesse. He's such a d-bag. I'd laugh my face off seeing BoyBand Jesse strutting around NYC with an American themed scarf, and a huge cigar dangling from his mouth. If I was Darcey, I'd dig out the pleather outfit, apply more shellac to my face, and head on over to the bar to get naked wasted, and flirt with the local men. Don't waste the pretty on a d-bag, Darcey. Tarik was fooled by Filipino Jolie's monotone drone, and sad eyes that he actually believed she was going to be homeless. Cha-ching. In reality, she lives with family, and pocketed the 'rent' money. Marta...yawn Michael would be more stupider, (™ Family Chantel's Mom) if he took money from GrandeAng. Watch his Trumplandia fantasies go down the toilet faster than GrandeAng can smoke a ciggie, and eat a lard-ass cake. It quite possible there was a skimmer on the ATM. I know a couple that lost 10 grand from using an ATM in Rome. Jon's announcements are quite alarming due to how calmly, and casually he delivers them: "Guess what Rach? I quit was fired from my job. Don't worry babe. I'm only in debt up to my eyeballs, and by the way, I'm not keen about wearing a ball and chain wedding ring. Can't let the ladies know ole Jonny boy is outta the game" Ricky can take a flying leap off a pier into a sea swarming with hungry sharks.
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