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  1. Dorinda needs to take her own advice. She constantly lives in the past with Richard. She continues to talk about him even though she's been with John for a long time. She reminds me of my Mom's friend. The first time I met her she talked in length about her dead husband. Even though she has remarried for a long time now. The way she spoke about her deceased husband's death it sounded recent even though he had died over 35 years ago. Losing a spouse to death is difficult but to diminish Sonja's experience of losing a spouse over divorce is short-sighted. Divorce is extremely stressful. Take a look at what Bethenny went through, or even Ramona, who had a very public scandal with dirty dog Mario screwing his mistress in their Hampton's home. That shit can take a long time to get over especially if the ex is vindictive. However, I think Sonja misses the lifestyle, the parties, the endless amounts of cash rather than being with old man Morgan. She misses flouncing about saying she's Lady Morgan. She unwisely spent her money on stupid deals, and dumb ideas (toaster oven) and now her only asset is a home that is falling apart. The delusion is strong in that one. She has been using unpaid interns so she can mask this illusion of believing she's still somebody although she has the help using magic marker to hide the scuff marks out on her old designer bags and shoes. A couple of funny quotes: Ramona: "You need to move on!" Sonja: "You need to move on from that dress, that's for sure." ------- Dorinda: "Liar Liar, ho on fire." ------ Bethenny: "We'd have to go back to the fucking 70's to find this glass"
  2. Some superficial notes: Teddi looked good but she’d look even better with shorter hair. Her parents obviously did a lot right when they raised her. She’s a down to earth, kind hearted person who isn’t afraid to admit when she’s wrong. Kyle was wearing green coloured contacts. Nobody’s ever fooled thinking it’s the real thing. It’s was distracting because it makes her look alien-like. Like the shorter hair though. Hate Dorit’s dress but love the eye makeup. I desperately wanted to yank out the bobby pins. She’s such a bitch to Teddi and probably anyone else she deems below herself on the superficial ladder rung of life. LVP would not associate with her if she wasn’t married to Porky. LVP: Sequin dresses on older gals highlights everything wrinkle and crepey fold. Erika: massive fail on the outfit, and the attitude. She’s so snotty, if it were for Daddy Warbucks she’d still be serving up waffles or appearing in low budget porn. Rinna was delightful fun this season. I’d prefer the goofball side of her rather than the villainess.
  3. I live for when Dr Now says: "How y'all doing?" "Mudder" (Mother) Not dissin his accent, but rather it brings back fond memories of my "Fadder" who was also unable to properly pronounce 'th' because of his accent. He's so stinkin' cute. Even when he's reading someone the riot act he's adorable. Mouf breathin' Betti Jo. Lawd, she had an arsenal of excuses straight from the Under Achiever's handbook. Her poor little 5 pound baby friend was smothered in fat for 9 months because 'a doctor' told her she needed to eat more. Okay girl. I think you can still eat healthy and carry a baby. Lots of women manage to eat well, and this includes not shoving hotdogs into their pie hole. For crying out loud, buy some real plates, get some greens, and some grilled chicken n' make a salad. And what was in the big plastic bag that they were feeding to Preston? It looked like some kind of cheese puff or something. Yuck. Slacker Josh isn't any better. Sure he's doing the heavy lifting, and taking care of Preston, but he's as complacent and mental vacant as Betti Jo. Seriously. How did these two function let alone raise a child together? Dr. Now is one perceptive cat, he not only called her out on the lies, but astutely assessed how little interest she had in being a fully functioning parent to her son. The lowest common type of life form are people like Betti Jo. A seriously loud "Fuck you" for faking a cancer diagnosis. Susan's depression was almost like another layer of fat around her. It was so heavy. I'd like to know if Susan had any friends or social contacts other than her Mom. It didn't seem like it. Her Mom looked to be diabetic from all the wounds on her arms. If she keeps it up Susan will have to be her caregiver, and that would be horrendous for Susan. She'll never get a chance at having her own life, and independence. The best thing she could do after she reaches her goal is to get a job, or go back to school, and GET OUT OF HER MOM'S HOUSE!
  4. Not to move her furniture around or carry her clothes up to her room. She was paying them to put up art.
  5. I'll be in the minority here, but I'm not minding Carole this season... so far. It's nice to see she got her voice back after being weak and mealy mouthed the past few seasons being Bethenny's bitch. The Carole and Tinsley friendship is like the Odd Couple. Is Carole making Tinsley her bitch? First off, it is hard to think of Tinsley as an independent 40-something year old woman, and not a vapid sorority sister with a bad case of vocal fry and uptalk . If there is depth to her or something interesting about her other than the highlights/lowlights in her hair, I'd like to see it. Dorinda was off the chain, barking, and frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog at Sonja. Sonja played the fluffy Persian cat looking dumb but is secretly evil sitting there nonplussed, but all the while swishing her tail with a quiet contentment knowing that her nasty/nice stirred up a frothy stink bomb. Ramona thinks that if she bats her eyelashes, and sticks out her fake knockers and acts all "Gee wiz, ahahaha, I have a HUGE favor to ask of you" that it makes it somewhat okay to order people around to do manual labor for her. She always treats people like they are her personal servants. Hotel staff, business associates, and now a freelance artist is expected to move her shit around. If she can afford a Maserati, then she can hire a personal assistant to take care of stuff like that for a price. She absolutely sickens me.
  6. Snooki issues with her husband are concerning to me. First she had a fit over a lost wedding ring, and fake cries on the phone to Daddy...not her husband. “Jionni’s gonna kill me”. Over a lost ring? And then, the flip out with Vinny. Mind you, Vinny was pushing it too far, but a rational person wouldn’t be screaming like that,but talk it out. Say something like, “we have a past history, so respect my personal space.” Jen, and Mike are the most mature (so far) and seem the better for it. Someone mentioned Roger, who has the funniest IG page, and I agree that it is a shame he wasn’t included, because he’s a riot. Jenny is a lucky woman, because he’s a fantastic guy, and such an awesome Dad. What the hell is Rawn eating? I would not be surprised if he wasn’t taking all kinds of steroids. He’s a raging maniac when it comes to Sam. It’s scary, and stalker-like, and the addition of the creepy doll doesn’t help.
  7. Oh for sure! I was just surprised because she’s all about the branding.
  8. Call me surprised to see that Bethenny hired an older chunky man as her President. You'd think she'd want another Skinny Girl to keep with her brand. I laughed at the look on his face when she strode in there bossing everyone around about all the clutter. Hahaha. Anyway, She is really smart to be investing in properties with her $. I use to like Lu, and now she straight up annoys me. She's so full of herself. And Sonja plays with the truth. There might be a tiny whisper of truth to her stories but the rest is made up. I absolutely LOATHE when a person uses the term "My gays" . They aren't a stuffed animal collection, Sonja, they are human beings. I enjoyed the bit about Carole's marathon. It's always good to see someone try something new or out of character for them. The fracture in the friendship between her and Bethenny isn't a shock. Bethenny is good at sabotaging any close relationship she may have with another person. She always has to run her mouth, and lets face it, her words are her weapon. Dorinda is ready to go off on Sonja again. lol *CLIP CLIP CLIP* I don't blame her. Dorinda is the kind of friend I'd like to have. She's smart, funny, generous, sentimental, and loyal, BUT if you are disrespectful or disloyal to her...watch out. She's going to go mafia on yo' azz.
  9. This is what would have happened to the Gilmore Girls if they didn’t have a fast metabolism. But on a more serious note, the level of abuse they both suffered was heartbreaking. The therapy was long overdue. Jen needs to gain independence and stay single until she can learn to love herself. Marissa needs freedom and finally get to be a 26 year old.
  10. The most deserving model didn’t win. Big surprise. I'm just glad that the Black Swan didn’t win. Khrys will be fine as it gave her exposure. Kyla has great hair and will be a good model for Pantene, but she needs a lot more guidance and this win may do that for her. Law Roach is a hideous creature. I literally wanted to slap that horrible wig off his head. Why do folks hire that fool? He’s an obnoxious tool. Same with that pervert designer. Icky, gross man.
  11. I'm so elated that Anthony won. I appreciate that he was humble, and grateful to learn from the judges, and all the other designers. It really showed in his work. He was listening, refining, and finding who he was as a designer. This was my all time fav season of All Stars. It goes to show that drama isn't needed to have a winning show. I especially enjoyed the 3 female designers coming to help with the collections. They all worked well together. All three collections were great, and I had a hard time deciding who should win. Each designer had a piece or two that I adored, but, Anthony's concept, and execution of his vision was exquisite. Lastly, one last bit of snark: What in the Kermit the Frog, swamp thing couture was Alyssa wearing? The camera panned out long for the shots of her on the stage. It really wasn't a becoming look for her at all.
  12. Watching this now... LOL @ the Mom giving her daughter the riot act in her "Glory To God" t-shirt in front of Dr. Now. Has she looked in the mirror as well? She could use the services of Dr. Now. Maybe they can get a 2 for 1 discount. Why did the entire family have to travel down together, and Freddy was stuffed in the corner like the luggage? That had to be majorly uncomfortable. I wonder if they have a cage for him next to the poor dog. I don't think ketchup is on the approved diet list. Nor is greasy sausages or whatever else was on her breakfast plate. It looked like dog poop. She can't breef, but she can yell, and order her husband around. Let her stew in her own fifth This miserable woman is pissing me off. She's got stress y'all. And she's cut out pork. She's trying...she's switched to eating d̶e̶e̶p̶ ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ shrimp. "I'm HONGRAY" (as she's shovelling some kind of chips into her gob) "Moving is sooooo harddddd" As she literally does nothing but move a few inches. Dr. Now: "You're not carrying 70 lbs worth of water" LMAO! OH NO! DO NOT GO AFTER DR. NOW!!!!! Dr. Now may not be a preacher, but he was a preachin' : "It's not a matter of faith, it's a matter of medicine, and science!" Schenee is not about "Psychielogicalie" because God is gonna fix it all. *eats more chips.* Then top it off with a condescending, "Have a blessed day." Fuck you! Dr. Now has the patience of a saint. I would never have given her a second chance after that. Little Miss Educated can go find another doctor who will put up with her lies and bullshit.
  13. I also thought she was going for a poorly executed Dolly Parton.
  14. New York is back, and more dysfunctional than ever! I love it ? I’m pleased Carole has come back with some fire in her belly. We haven’t seen the feisty side of her since way back when Aviva accused her of having a ghostwriter. She has been like the human version of Ambien the past few seasons. Beth did good with the charity work. Normally she drives me insane, but she really stepped up and delivered a lot of help to many folks were literally left with nothing. Also ...rest in peace, Cookie. ? Many of the ladies look ‘refreshed’. Some a little too refreshed *cough* Carole *cough*. Beth looks good. There is softness to her face, and she looks healthier overall. Ramona continues to turn back the clock. She looks incredible. Big applause to whomever is her face overhaul team. My jaw dropped when Luann waltzed in dressed as Diana Ross. How completely offensive and inappropriate. Dorinda, she’s a woman after my own heart, and may she never change. For me, a good night would include spending it with a friend and indulging in some wine, a bit of chicken, and watching some Ghost Hunters.
  15. I enjoy the HW trips abroad...minus the bs drama. Sometimes Erika surprises by showing some depth/humbleness when she talked about their problems being small in comparison to what has/is going in the world. It easy for them to lose sight of it because they live in a bubble of gated communities, designer clothes, and glam squads. That said, she has the WORST glam squad because they make her look like she's been to a costume shop and picked out a 'persona.' So far on the trip she's been the aging white hip hop gangster chick; the grieving retro granny; and next week she's the latex dominatrix. Rinna has been fun this season. Her TH are some of the best, and it is nice to see that side of her. She seems like a fun, and spirited person. I tend to ignore, or fast forward past the bickering and re-hashing between LVP, Kyle, and Dorit. It is an unfortunate side to the series, but will remain that way as long of Cohen is around.
  16. She not only forced her snotty nose, and sloppy mouth onto the poor cats but then starts pulling on Henchi's hair and called it grooming. There was way too much of her cleavage in that video and she has a big poster of a shirtless Glenn Thore on her bedroom ceiling. What is she actually doing with a picture of her Dad above her bed? Ew, I don't wanna know. She's absolutely disgusting!
  17. True fact: One of Dante’s levels of Hell includes being stuck on a ship with that loud mouth and her barnacles.
  18. There’s no doubt the kodester would be considered a tasty treat at a gay bar. How could one resist the frizzy man bun, white stitched jeans,and fancy shirt two sizes too small? I'm ashamed to remember when he was into his wrestling stage, and Christine was pissed off because she got no attention from Kody because he was getting all hot and sweaty ‘rasslin’ in her garage with Brett.
  19. They need Judge Judy as a moderator. She loathes filler words, and gets folks straightened out about it really quickly. There would be no 'like', 'basically' or 'ya know' on her watch.
  20. That was brutal. All four men are fabulous people, and terrific designers. They all bring something different to the table, and it blew me away how each of them created something beautiful out of scraps of fabric in an hour. For all that they were put through in the last challenge they ALL deserved a shot at showing a collection. It was a bit of a mind f$#K to let them all choose fabrics and begin creating a 6 piece collection and then pull that bullshit stunt on them. When Anthony broke down I lost it too. I don't know why when other people sob it triggers me to start crying too. Ken has shown such growth as a person, and a designer, and I really wanted to see his collection. I'm going to miss those guys, and mentioned in a previous post that they need all to get a spin off, or some other tv opportunity because I liked their candour, and perspectives on fashion. It was so refreshing to see a group of individuals who were helpful, supportive, and kind to each other all throughout the series even though they are in a competition. They never turned on one another. Bravo! Anthony, Ken, Fabio, and Stanley are all winners in my opinion.
  21. Addiction runs deep in Sarah's family. Dad was an alcoholic, and Mom was into heroin, and bad marriages. The older sister, Heather, wasn't playing. She had an absolute look of 'I'm not the one' the entire time. Sarah's spirit animal is Napoleon Dynamite.
  22. She's completely delusional to say that her body hasn't changed. She has it fixed in her head that she's 380 pounds.
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