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  1. Janelle is slovenly. I remember an episode when they went shopping for a new mattress. She was testing them out at the store, and the soles of her feet were black with dirt. It was so gross. Also, part of the Meri/ Janelle battle stemmed from the early years of living in one home together. Meri is a neat freak (and wet bar lover) She gave Janelle a hard time for being a lazy slob.
  2. Let's just call them The Brown Family Felons. I turned it off when Christine started bawling. The highlight was when Kody, in his usual dramatic fashion, said he was aching. LIKE REALLY ACHING IN HIS HEART Y'ALL! Then Janelle said she was a itchin'. Isn't there a cream for that?
  3. I totally agree with you. The exercises I saw Twit doing had improper form and chance of injury would be high. A good trainer would spot this and instead of filming it would actually find exercises more suitable for her to do. She could do deadlifts without weights and still get benefit by it without putting so much strain on her lower back.
  4. THIS times infinity. A woman should not get a pass for behaving this way. I read some of the comments on her IG account and was horrified by the number of people saying stuff like: "Git it girl" She needs to get called out for her inappropriate touching, sexual comments, and overall harassing behavior.
  5. Ru and JTF were a hoot! The judging was so light hearted and fun this week. I loved Anthony’s ‘take a chance’ pants, but the top looked too crafty. i loved Fabio’s concept and fabric, but agree with Ru that the proportions were off. Josh’s whole look was ugly. Porno space queen on crack y’all. He really has skated through the competition so far. I don’t get his design aesthetic. Also, his eyebrows and snippy attitude really bother me. I like Stanley’s look because it look lux from head to toe. Many of the other designs looked cheap or crafty.
  6. The enablers baffle me. Except for Perv-burt, we all know what his twisted deal was about. If any of my family was a "Lisa" I'd serve them what the doctor ordered and nothing more. Whine, and wail, and threaten all you want. I can leave. I can put on noise reduction head phones. I'm not up for the job of slowly assisting a suicide. If they want to kill themselves with food then I'm not going to partake in it.
  7. While I appreciate Dr. Now's attempts to help people like Lisa it seems rather pointless to try and help someone who doesn't want help. What bugs me is the massive amount of resources spent on someone who has no intention of changing their habits. Lisa is a master manipulator.
  8. That really surprises me. He seems very conservative and fatherly. Is it possible that they were joking/teasing him?
  9. Their form is horrible. Especially whit, deadlifts are meant to be done slowly.
  10. The Hawaiian hunks should be compensated extra for having to endure Twit slobbering all over them. Despite getting two separate beds, Donna and Twit still end up in bed together. Tal upspeak drives me nuts. Todd's adding elaborate dance flourishes into his everyday life cracks me up. Walking an 8K in Hawaii would be cause for excitement and not miserable whining, and complaining. Go figure, Ms. Princess has to make everything about her, and how tragic to exert effort. Bed pans, and lymphedema is in her near future. What poor sofa lost its fabric in order to make Twit's swimsuit? Tal, the chief barnacle, continues to earn his keep as he gleeful claps for Whitney. Meanwhile, sea life starts to die, and float to the surface after being subjected to her loud squeals, and screeching while the Hawaiian hunks try to haul her ass onto the surfboard . Where is a shark when you need one? Glenn did a better job of surfing than many of the others. He's such a good natured chap. After Glenn gives a beautiful anniversary speech to his family, Twit has to shit all over it by announcing she's sick of being bribed cuz she fat, and she's not doing the race: "I'm not going to ruin this dinner." Well, you just did that, you loathsome selfish piece of crap.
  11. Tyra's wigs have been horribly bad all season. The hair and makeup people must loathe her.
  12. It weird that it never gets addressed at all.
  13. Let's be real here. The main reason Caleb and Maddie returned to the cult-de-sac is to scoop up some easy cash from TLC. They negotiated some extra $$ for Maddie to squeeze out the blessed boy child on tv.
  14. My blood was boiling when he was talking about his lack of rights as a polygamist. He acted as if Utah has some different laws about polygamy, as compared to the rest of the United States. For starters, they're protected by a stipulation that law enforcement in Utah would only pursue charges against polygamists in cases where the parties "(1) induce a partner to marry through misrepresentation or (2) are suspected of committing a collateral crime such as fraud or abuse.” I dug up something from 2012: Per court documents filed Thursday in response to a lawsuit the TLC personalities filed against his office last year, Utah County Attorney Jeffrey Buhman declined to prosecute patriarch Kody Brown even though he has four wives—a third-degree felony under the state's bigamy laws—because an investigation failed to turn up any signs of fraud. Instead, Buhman stipulated that he would only bring a criminal case against polygamists when "a victim is induced to marry through their partner's fraud, misrepresentations or omissions" or when one or more members of the union is subject to violence or abuse; not, he wrote, so the law could be used to suppress religious freedom. So unless they are guilty of fraud, or abuse they can move back to Utah without any fear of prosecution.
  15. Robyn: "SHE LIKES GIRLS!" Thank you Captain Obvious.
  16. The stupid "let's guess the baby's gender" was soooooo lame. Why does all of this matter????? They need to have a reason for a party for almost everything. The on-going Meri and Janelle struggle is boring and pointless to me. They're never going to get along, and that's okay. They don't need to be besties.
  17. What a disappointing Snatch Game, but I’ll say that Aja keeps impressing me, and is the most improved queen by far. She fully embraced her character and should have been in the top two. I love Chi Chi, but it was time for her to go home.
  18. I did not think Liberty had a bad photo. And furthermore, I'm kind of tired of the "are you a model, or just a beautiful girl" Isn't the whole point of modelling about being beautiful and photogenic? Liberty may have had different views but she wasn't obnoxious about it. I didn't find her closed off, and she took critiques very well. I'm VERY tired of the Brendi K who either cries, or gets extremely angry every week. I cannot stand Law Roach who likes to mock, and makes fun of some of the girls when they are doing runway. Very mean girl.
  19. L.B. was a refreshing change, because he was self-aware. He knew he had a problem, and admitted it. No bs. A large part of success is to work on improving oneself, and that is exactly what he did despite all the obstacles he had with his Mother. I hope he continues to get therapy and work on his self-esteem. And Dolly has a message for L.B.'s Mother:
  20. Twit is rude, obnoxious, annoying, and selfish. Where do I begin? * Wants to keep gift that is for Ashley’s baby. A stuffed giraffe because that is what every thirty-something needs for themselves. * Complains emphatically about walking up a slight incline and then starts in about her ‘injuries ." Meanwhile, head cheerleader/ chief barnacle Tal tells her how amazing she is, and that she is in much better shape now. Not long after it is: “Ow, mah foot!” Forces everyone to stop , and then sits down on a swing, and starts braying like a crazed asthmatic donkey. * Takes her Mother shopping and encourages her to get something special for her 40th anniversary but doesn’t offer to treat her Mom. “Don’t forget your wallet,Mom.” Complains about chub and cootchie rub in a most graphic way. Then she gives her 70 year old Mom an atomic wedgie in the middle of the store. * Cries to her parents after seeing Glenn’s big Hawaiian binder of fun. She can’t handle it! Her delicate privates are at stake here! Her chub rub cannot handle any more intense training by walking on flat ground. Do they have ANY idea how DIFFICULT it is to have a Hawaiian vacation planned, and paid for by someone else plus get to invite 5 friends? The stress is doing her head in and it will send her into another panic attack. Parents are immediately concerned about their precious flower. Glenn sets to work on another binder filled with anxiety reduction remedies. * Makes a tasteless joke/dig about the upcoming homecoming party for fresh outta rehab Buddy. A few balloons, some sad lumps of cookie dough, and a crooked badly taped welcome home sign ain’t gonna cut. Whit thinks it won’t be nearly as thrilling as the coke filled parties he’s use to in the past. You know, the cocaine parties that she claimed to have no clue about for years. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to hide the plethora of booze in the garage because he’ll never find that in a million years. Pat yourself on the back for having the a/c fixed in the attic. good job fat fabulous lifer!
  21. There is no way in hell that Mykelti is gonna wipe his ass or attend to his bed sores if he enters the 600lb territory.
  22. Fat Tony was doing his one man show during the entire wedding. Bro, you’re not funny. You are rude, dude. Also, Tony just had to get his snout into the other cake using the fork he already ate from. Gross. I was disappointed Mykbossi didn’t wear Janelle’s gift standing in the cold. I thought it was perfectly vintage, and quite gorgeous. Of course, it’s mainly to quiet down FT who seemed to find it hilarious to scream “boobs” like a stupid 7th grader during recess. Christine’s attempt at singing shattered plenty of eardrums and water glasses. Oh woman, you’re so right when you said you’re not a sinKger Kody dances like a total spazz. I get why Kody wanted to protect Robyn’s kids from the cold because they were sick , but it wasn’t ok for Truely freeze her butt off outside either. It’s not like she’s never had a life threatening illness before where she almost died. *cough kidney shutdown *heat stroke* kody’s watch* cough.
  23. He mentioned Buddy’s anger issues and seemed not very surprised by the rehab announcement. He thought it was for booze though.
  24. I was rather concerned when Whit was leaning too close to Ashley and her new baby. I half expected her to pull out the hot sauce and sprinkle some on both of them. Nom, nom, please pass me the placenta. Glenn wearing the no bs tshirt and swimming cap was so sad. But pathetic is the word to describe coaching his 30-something morbidly obese daughter doing orca flips in the pool while wearing a bikini on national tv. Glenn should save his “bonus check “ and spend it with Babs to get them as far away from their socially delayed daughter as possible. Heather knew about Buddy’s addiction long before and it was probably the real reason for their breakup. I’m quite disgusted by the fake tears and surprise. Todd was the only one letting the cat out of the bag regarding Buddy’s true issues when he spoke about the drinking and the anger outbursts. I like that Todd doesn’t play by the TLC Fakebook.
  25. Liz and her Mother made for a pretty sad looking pair. :-( I'll admit to fast-forwarding through most of it. I'm wasn't able to stomach another lymphedema case. In any case, Liz seems really checked out. The "I can't wait to get my life back" mantra was said robotic- like because it was on the TLC script. Liz hasn't ever really had a life because she has been in bed for most of it. Like any food addict, Liz was trying justify eating pizza by mentioning it was a 'meat lovers' and contains protein, and therefore it was okay for the diet.
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