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  1. Really? I don't get deep thinker when it comes to Janelle. She's comes across rather simple-minded, bland, and slug-like. She's my least favourite housewife because she contributes so little to the mix. Meri is a pain in da butt, but at least she has a pulse, plus I'm mesmerized by those painted on brows. Robyn is meh. She worked the womb, and pretended to be sweet with Meri until she became head wife numero uno. It takes some stealth manipulative moves to do that. And Christine is probably the most fun, and likeable wife even tho she is dumber than a box of rocks. I'd still like to hang with her because she'd be entertaining and get everyone laughing.
  2. I have nothing but respect for women who birth babies with no pain meds. I had an endometrial biopsy last week, and it took me three days to recover from the pain. On another note, I’m disturbed by Janelles’s lack of cleanliness. Why doesn’t she STRIVE to houseclean? It burns calories, and she’d have a nice clean uncluttered place to live. What does this woman do all day?
  3. You should win the Pulitzer for eloquently describing the horror that is Miracle Whip. *applause*
  4. The audience isn’t buying what Twit is selling: “i’m short , fat, and cute.”
  5. I notice she had the stuffed giraffe in her garage/shuffle feet studio that was a gift for Ashley’s new baby. She was going on about how much she wanted it in a previous episode and Todd made a comment about how Twit buys gifts but ends up keeping them for herself.
  6. I agree. It all seems seems rather immature considering the serious nature of Buddy's situation. Heather needs to give Buddy space and understand that he's focused on sobriety, and not getting mixed up in drama of Heather being butt hurt over lack of closure. Furthermore, you gotta wonder the extent of this relationship in the first place. Myself and many of the viewers could tell long ago that Buddy was dealing with a serious drug/alcohol issue. I don't get how Heather didn't even noticed that was happening. Is she that dense? And then there is Twit: silently basking in the afterglow of the break up.
  7. The orange cat was not loving Whitney. His body language was showing he was pissed off. (The tail snap). She really needs to learn to respect animals and not treat them like her toys. Gotta love Babs snark in the car from the airport when Twit said she missed her cats and that it was probably similar to missing a child. Twit: “How soon do you start missing me?” Babs: “A very long time.” ???. That shut Twit down real quick. Also, Glenn, please stop encouraging Twit to have children. This would not be a good idea. She can barely manage basic life skills like being able to put on shoes, or bending down to clean a litter box. There is no way this idiot could manage diaper changes, and late night feedings.
  8. But what's funny about a woman is she'd rather be right than be loved. - The Gospel According to Kody the Klown That statement sums up what he thinks about his wives, and women in general. How dare they question him, or even dare ask, as Christine did in a joking manner, to admit he was wrong.
  9. The 3D imaging of Baby Brush was horrifying, and yet they were gleefully cooing about how handsome the pixel baby was.
  10. Meri wants her cake and eat it. She is needy and selfish. Her actions prove that. She chose polygamy and was integral in 'picking' Christine and Robyn as other wives. Yet, she wants, and expects preferential treatment that doesn't work well with plural marriage ideologies. She was seeking romantic love while Kody was off with Sobbin makin' more babies. She retreated to her wet bar of wet dreams, and found her 'dream man' on social media. But the delusion continues....Straw-haired, sharpie browed Meri actually thought a young, wealthy good looking man actually wanted her. When it turned out that her dream man was actually a catfishin' woman, the experience did nothing to humble Meri. In fact, it turned up the victim mode another notch, and her selfishness increased. I'm not a Kody fan, but totally get why he'd have troubles getting cosy with Meri again. She has a lot of nerve to expect the family to invest in buying HER family home, and let her mother live there. How is that fair to the other 3 wives, and all the children?
  11. Maybe instead of spending $ for fancy weddings with 4000 tacos or a road killl cake, how ‘bout saving up money for your child(ren) to get proper Medical care!! STUPID IDIOTS!
  12. Look at who she married...Mr Camo Neckbeard. Every time I see his Brillo beard and the ugly stubble on his neck I wanna puke. Also, Janelle’s mouth and teeth bother me too.
  13. What are you talking about? They were feeding him fast food and junk constantly. Kathryn even mentioned having to stop for food constantly on the road. If that isn't enabling then I don't know what is. He only started losing weight while in the hospital on a calorie restricted diet. However, it was a little too late at that point.
  14. RIP Robert. Dr. Now nailed it when he spoke of the challenges facing obese people. They are often forgotten about , and over medicated. While I admire the love and dedication of Kathryn, and Robert’s Mother, they also enabled the him for many years. For instance, I truly don’t understand the mentality for feeding a man who is over 800 pounds fried chicken and fries for dinner. Anyway, I felt rather mixed emotions about the whole episode. Robert gave it is best shot, but it was way too late.
  15. BeBe slayed the lip sync over Ben, and was surprised Ben got win. I'm disappointed she chose to leave but understand why after reading some of the comments in this thread. By Ru giving the queens the heavy responsibility of eliminating each other is not only unfair, but it leaves them potential victims of the angry social media crowd. OH, and I cannot STAND THORGY. What a passive aggressive nasty queen. I don't care for Milk or Morgan either but Thorgy wins crown as most bitter. At this point, I don't really care what happens, but if I have to choose, I'm rooting for Shangela. I also liked sweet Chi Chi, but Aja really turned things around. Wow. What a big difference in attitude, performance, and styling. I'm a Aja fan now.
  16. I had a peek at Sandra's IG account. She's a beautiful woman but there is something empty about her. Even the photos taken with her fiance were cold, and unemotional, and she looked like the very definition of 'arm candy'. She is perfect for a specific social media crowd who is all about parties on yachts, high end clothes, and Kardashian-like vacant stares. Tyra's lecture to Khrystiana about why she chose her as bottom two made no sense at all. I didn't see weakness in her photo, but vulnerability. She's my pick to take it to the end.
  17. Panic attack, and anxiety is the catchphrase this season. Much like PCOS was in earlier seasons of the show. Did anyone else, during Twit’s coconut walk of lame, expect a James K bubble to pop up over Twit, playing a resounding backbeat of “Owww Mah laigs!” (Btw, I was reading on reddit that James isn’t long for this world)
  18. That and saying Buddy is an asshole since he’s been to rehab. She really is a horrible person.
  19. I’ll say this again: Todd makes the show bearable. His facial expressions, catty quips, and dance flourishes give me life! As for Twitney: that girl can really lay it on thick. The guilt, (poor Glenn), the hysterics, the heavy gasps, and sobs. She not only resembles a tubby toddler, but she acts like one too. Her parents keep falling for it. She’s 33, not 3. Buddy was the only one keeping it real. Somebody please buy her a big pink soother at the Dollar Tree , and shove it into her mouth. Act like a baby...get treated like a baby. Glenn will never live this down. He will be paying for this for a long time. Whit will make him change his will so she inherits it all because he forced her to walk the great 8 k coconut race. Unless she changes her victim attitude she will get fatter. Her parents see her as fragile and disabled, rather than lazy, and entitled...this isn’t helping her. She needs tough love. The kind of in your face realness that Dr Now gives difficult patients. One last observation: Twit’s lack of embarrassment and shame over being too fat to apply her own chub rub cream, and then expecting a friend to reach into the dark, dank flab folds to do it just sums up the problem with her. She loves being catered too and using her fatness to make people feel obliged to do things for her. When they agree to do it, it allows her to continue to push the boundaries of the relationship. In due time, they’ll be cleaning bed sores, and wiping her ass.
  20. One of the minions left a comment on IG suggesting that Twit should become the next Bachelorette! LOL. Can you imagine? Instead of, "Will you accept this rose?" it would be: "Can I smell your armpit?"
  21. It doesn't sound like it from her tweet though!
  22. The highlight for me was the love fest clip of Noodles and Figaro. Venus looked way better without the Whitewalker contacts and bleached out wig.
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