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Everything posted by Jess14

  1. Are there non-photoshopped pictures of Gina as a TCC? I keep reading posts that she just has a tiny frame, but IIRC, she looks significantly smaller now than she did as a rookie (when she was already in shape), so this doesn’t appear to be just a “small frame” issue. However, I haven’t watched her rookie season in a while, so it’s possible that my memory is jumbled, and she was smaller than I’m remembering. Regardless, It’s not like EDs are uncommon in the dance world, and the DCCs are uber-focused on looks and body. It’s not hard to see how anyone could slide down the path of having unhealthy habits in pursuit of the DCC requirements, no matter how lovely or likeable they may be otherwise. Now, on the dance side of things, I’ve been calling for Gina to be point for a few years now, so I’m thrilled that it looks like she actually may be point. She is by far (IMO) the strongest dancer on the team.
  2. Oh, that’s interesting. So, I’m curious. In the house that Kirsten sold for her friend, where they had re-done the outdoor space on the roof, that was clearly a private area. Would there have been another stairwell up there, where other residents could access it in an emergency? I could certainly see there being a ladder of some sort, but it is some sort of requirement for their to be an actual public staircase to a private rooftop terrace? As for outdoor space, I think it just depends on people. I know people who use their exterior space a lot, and especially so during the pandemic. It’s been years since I didn’t live in a single family home or townhouse, but last time I had the option, I picked an apartment unit with a sunroom over a balcony. It was way more functional, and I would probably do the same again. However, I had friends in the building who thought I was crazy for not getting a unit with a balcony.
  3. I think Kirsten is a good addition to the show. I find myself usually agreeing with her opinion on things - like Steve’s house. It’s just country to me, not country chic. The grounds are certainly nice for someone who wants that much land, but otherwise, that house does not appeal to me at all. I would like less antics from Fredrik and more discussion about pricing, etc. His statement that if you lower the price, people will just lowball the price even more made sense to me. So, it seems like the question is do you not lower and risk not getting any offers at all or do you lower the cost and then just get offers that are even lower? That convo would be more interesting than “moving” into his listing and not making up the bed properly. Tyler’s client was very annoying. I actually hope she was acting up for the cameras. The listing that Ryan’s team member had with the penthouse that didn’t have a private staircase to the private rooftop was bizarre to me. It seems like the developer could have found a way to close off the staircase for the rest of the building.
  4. Why not? We’re switching genders from the actual situation, and I think that situation is more comparable. However, I also think a dad putting his teenage son’s bed in his closet would get called out too. I know I would think that was shitty especially on a $500k(?) budget. Now, if *she* had not mentioned a bedroom for her kid at all in this particular episode, I probably wouldn’t have even remembered that she had kids, but she brought them up multiple times in the context of her search, and even suggested that she would have to change to the closet in the condo that she ended up buying.
  5. If you switched the genders, and a recently divorced father bought a condo and put his 16 year old daughter’s bed in his closet, I could actually see the response being worse. Ultimately though, its just an unusual situation, and I don’t ever remember something like it on the show or in real life. I knew a lot of kids who had divorced parents growing up, but none who had a bed in their parent’s (either parent) closet. Just very strange, especially in this case, when it’s not a cost issue or even an inventory issue. I live in Atlanta (and have lived in Buckhead, which is where she ended up buying). A condo with multiple bedrooms is not rare.
  6. Right! I try not to judge, as I don’t know these people’s real situations, but with her budget, it seemed pretty obvious to me that she could’ve found a real 2 bedroom/2 full bath in Atlanta, rather than having her 16 year old sleep in her closet. Again, I don’t know know these people, but if my parent had moved to a new place when I was in high school, and that was my sleeping arrangement, it would’ve been a big clue to me that my parent wasn’t interested in me staying over very often.
  7. Do any of the brokers come from middle class families? Tyler, maybe? I just wondered about that when Kirsten was talking about living in Rye, which appeared to be a very wealthy area.
  8. I didn’t really see jealousy from Cassie or Ally, but to be honest, I also didn’t see Taylor’s appeal, so I don’t know what anyone would be jealous of. From my perspective, she was cute (nothing more), a below average dancer, immature, and rather obnoxious. She seemed like someone who would annoy me too. Even disliking Taylor, I still thought that Cassie and Ally’s behavior was inappropriate (and I disliked both of them as well). It’s fine to call someone out who brags about not practicing and then can’t do the choreo (which I believe Taylor probably did do), but it was done in a way to embarrass her, and Ally’s “just say yes mam” was one of the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Are they grown women or not? You can’t ask people to act like adults, and then tell someone that they can’t respond to allegations made against them. That’s now how adults operate.
  9. Yeah, I think this is a matter of what you’re used to and also of the homes in the area where one lives or grew up. Not having an ensuite to the master would be a deal breaker for me, but outside of older homes, it would be more unusual to find a house that didn’t have one in my area (or the area where I grew up) than the alternative. Even my grandparents house that was built 65 years ago has one. I know that’s not the case everywhere, so, it’s all just a matter of experiences.
  10. Yep, and Derek was the one who pushed to move to LA because he didn’t like NYC. This was with full knowledge that Fredrik’s primary real estate business was in NYC, and he would be flying back and forth all of the time. So, even if Derek was shouldering a much bigger share of the work with the kids (which I don’t think he is)…..well, that’s kind of how it goes. Now that’s not to say that Derek’s opinion about having more kids is irrelevant. Both parents need to be on board for that, and I think it makes sense that Derek is content with the twins and his other son. Also, nothing about that conversation led me to believe that Fredrik had really thought long and hard about having more kids. I completely forgot about Steve until the previews. He hasn’t seemed as arrogant to me this season as he has in the past, but of all of the brokers, I feel like he adds the least to the show. Regarding Emilia…I’m not surprised that she quit working as an attorney given how much Ryan makes. That’s a time-intensive, stressful job, and I doubt she was at a point in her career where she had that much control over the hours she was working or her schedule. I would probably quit too lol!
  11. I liked the premiere, and I basically have no issue with any of the houseguests yet (yay for more poc!). They definitely gave the team leaders the options that they did in order to ensure diverse teams by race and gender, but I’m glad they did that. Another season like BB22 would’ve been disastrous. I definitely see Frenchie as a comp beast, and I also think Claire will be quite good. I don’t know about Xavier yet. It’s hard to know where he stands since he’s trying to portray himself as dumb, and I also get the feeling that he didn’t really try during the HOH. If I had to guess Sarah Beth or Derek may be the first to go.
  12. Goodness. I’ve definitely heard the stories about how some female attorneys weren’t allowed to wear pantsuits years ago at some law firms. Glad things have changed (at least at the firms where I have worked!). I don’t remember the last time I wore panty hose - black tights, yes, but not panty hose - and I know the first thing that I typically do when I get in my office is kick off my heels (assuming I’m wearing them; I haven’t worn heels to the office since pandemic hit).
  13. That also looks like Karissa's portrait for the website. Her every day lawyer attire may well be far more casual and colorful. That would be the case for most women lawyers (including myself) that I know. If I need to be in business attire, I often wear colorful blazers or dresses, but my profile photo is a dark suit (and if I was going to be in a super formal setting, I would also go with the safe option and wear a dark black or navy suit). However, on an everyday basis, I'm much more casual. I know that there are some law firms that still require suits Monday-Thursday, but many are far more casual nowadays than they used to be. I do agree that she could use a haircut.
  14. I live in Atlanta, and I saw people wearing masks outside all of the time during the covid peak. I wouldn’t say it was the majority of people, but it was hardly an unusual sight. I’m glad Kirsten sold that apartment. However, the more I saw it, the more I disliked it. The bedrooms were just awful, and while the outdoor space was nice, it wasn’t enough to compensate for the flights of stairs and poor layout. During the cold months, most of that outdoor space would not even be usable (at least for me, as I hate being cold), so I don’t see the benefit in it having more square footage than the actual apartment. Steve’s house in upstate NY doesn’t really interest me. It’s different, but I mainly watch the show for the NYC real estate porn, not to see a big country estate. I basically don’t remember anything that happened with him during the episode.
  15. The bold applies to everything though, right? People speculate about why certain girls get cut all of the time, but it seems like bringing up race is the only thing that bothers some people about the discussion about who does and who does not make the team. It's unquestionable that the DCCs are not based solely on talent. We have seen that excellent dancers don't make it for weight, or their face, or their body type, etc. As you said, there are a lot of variables. Given that, do you really think race has no bearing at all on who makes the team? Do you think that race has no bearing on who shows up to tryouts in the first place when everyone knows that they need to have the "DCC look," and what is the typical picture of a DCC that most people have (I don't think most people would say that it's a woman of color)? I think everyone would prefer a world where everything is based solely on merit, but systemic issues are present and can't be ignored. Like when it comes to college apps, some of the people who don't want race or sex to be considered throw a fit if re-zoning their kids high school is discussed and would never ever send their kid to a "bad school" or predominately minority school. Why? If the kid is so smart, then shouldn't he/she be just fine at the bad school? Of course not! We all recognize in some form or another that there are other factors besides individual merit that impacts how successful someone will be. To be clear, I don't think anyone should put down any race or anyone because of race. That is wrong, but discussing why there is a lack of diversity isn't doing that, IMO.
  16. Yep. While a lot of the stuff on this show focused on 90s viewpoints of conduct, impeachment is not one of them. That is still used today and likely always will be because as you said, it’s a very successful tactic. The issue in that particular case was whether Kate defamed Jeanette, not whether Kate was Martin’s victim, which she 100% was. If an attorney (any attorney) had those chat logs proving that Kate had lied about some of the details of her capture, and the attorney did not use it for impeachment, that would be borderline malpractice.
  17. I binged the show over the last few days, and I liked the finale. However, after reading comments from the writer, I’m very disappointed in the twist. I thought that Jeanette exhibited sociopathic behavior throughout, so the ending scene was believable to me. I thought they could go either way with her. However, knowing that it was just a twist for the sake of a twist, and we’re just supposed to see Jeanette as misguided……. That really annoys me. If they wanted to go the misguided route, it would’ve made more sense for Jeanette to have seen Kate on another occasion in the house (before Martin locked her in the basement). However, she heard her crying for help from a locked basement, and as far as Jeanette knew, she had been down there the whole time! For her to do nothing in that instance takes her behavior waaaaay past “misguided.” They should’ve thought about that a lot more before adding it.
  18. Tyler seems like a genuinely nice person. I thought the way he handled the buyer who is moving to Florida in this episode and the last one was really sweet. After annoying me earlier in the season, I like him again. Fredrik’s ipad on a stick was pretty awful. I have to think that was just for tv. I was also surprised to see his attitude towards Ryan. I liked that everyone seemed to be friends now, so I hope we’re not going back to a lot of drama between Ryan and Fredrik. I thought Ryan owned the other business, so I’m actually confused. Regardless, I wish him well. I liked how Steve’s Ansonia remodel. It looked really nice but that kitchen is just awful. It seems like real estate has picked up in NYC the last few of months, so I wonder how some of these sellers feel who sold at a big discount last year.
  19. Yep. I love Pote, but I was not expecting the series finale to be the Pote hour. On the main crew almost all making it out alive, I wonder if the showrunners felt like they had boxed themselves in. We barely saw Teresa as the Queen (at this point, she’s been on the beach longer than she ran the cartel), and she was miserable all season. She may have smiled once or twice, but I think the only time she looked happy was when she was having sex. So, killing her wouldn’t have been satisfying (to me) because we never saw her enjoy her life. I kind of feel the same way about James and Pote dying. Both would have been devastating for Teresa, and I didn’t really need to see her suffer another devastating loss. With KellyAnne, they really leaned in to the Pote and KellyAnne relationship and made her pregnant, so I again think they didn’t want to kill her under those circumstances. So, we end up with everyone carefree on the beach lol!
  20. I think he only shot the cocaine box, and everything else was staged.
  21. I think there is a noticeable difference between the first 3 seasons and the last 2. I binged the show, and I was addicted the first 3 seasons. Sure, there were still plot holes and inconsistencies, but it was easy snd fun to watch. I’ve never consumed 39 episodes of a show so quickly. The fourth season though….it took me a good minute to get through. And this 5th season is more in line with that one, IMO. At the time I wasn’t sure if it was because 2 main characters (Camila and James) left at once and were replaced by what felt like a million new characters, who were all basically introduced at once, or because the new villains sucked and weren’t at the level of Cortez/Camila or because the story was less coherent, or because Teresa was just more interesting when she was trying to survive and get to the top. I’m still not sure, but I definitely agree that the show lost a step after season 3 when Camila was written out. Back to the finale….I thought Pote and KellyAnne’s daughter was adorable, but she looked like she was 6, not 3 or 4 lol. I’m willing to overlook this plot hole because I liked the ending twist, but it seemed like the whole plan hinged on Devon asking James to kill Teresa, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason why Devon would do that. There are other assassins who have no connection to or feelings for Teresa. Why not ask them to kill her and James? They shouldn’t have killed the poor neighbor. That seemed unnecessarily cruel. Poor Chicho got left out of the family, but I’m glad he and Marcel are in business. I could actually be tempted to watch a Marcel spinoff, as I think the actor is excellent.
  22. I didn’t love the episode itself. I would’ve liked to have seen more Teresa, since it’s her show, and I never bought that she was dead in the first place. However, I’m a sucker for happy endings, so I’m satisfied. Those last 5 minutes were a beautiful send-off, and I’m glad that the core four all made it out alive and happy.
  23. Tyler needs to get over whatever his issue is with Kirsten. I don’t think she should’ve went up to penthouse with his developer at his party, but that’s the game. It is what it is. Now, it just seems like she lives rent free in his head, whereas she doesn’t seem to care about him. Perhaps he’s playing up the rivalry for the cameras, but it’s not a good look. I guess that because Fredrik is now on MDL NY and LA, he is only going to be on each series half of the time. I kind of wish they would’ve just left him on NY though. I think LA already had a good mix of personalities, and he adds more to MDL NY, IMO, especially since he and Ryan get along now. I think Kirsten is a pretty good addition, and I generally like Tyler (although he’s grating on me a bit more this season), but I still think Ryan and Fredrik make the show. The agent who represented the buyer on Tyler’s listing was super annoying. Watching the early covid days gives me anxiety still. I was one of those who had followed the news overseas in Wuhan and Italy, so I fully expected things to deteriorate rapidly in the US, but I never dreamed that things would get as bad as they did or that I would just recently (almost mid 2021) be going back into the office for a few days out of the week.
  24. Yes, exactly. They made Dawson such a whiny, manipulative asshole at the end of Season 3 that they had to redeem him, so then Pacey had to become an asshole who mopes for the second half of the season and yells at his girlfriend at prom in Season 4. There was an easy way to make both sympathetic, but they were too lazy to do it. I do always wonder if I would be more pro-Dawson if I had watched from the beginning. Probably not because I always liked Josh Jackson, but back in the day, I started watching in mid season 3 (the episode where Pacey and Joey take ballroom lessons) before going back and watching the rest later. So, one of my first impressions of Dawson was in Season 3, and his behavior made me decisively pro-Pacey. I never waivered.
  25. Yeah, that may be it - just one of those things that were not supposed to think through lol. Regarding the neighbors, the only way that it would make sense for them to be bad would be for someone in Teresa’s org to be undercover and have purposely placed Pote/KA next door. Chicho maybe? He seems to always be around, and his call to Pote could’ve been a way to get his away from KA. However, there is only one episode left, and they still have a lot to unravel in 45-ish minutes, so I can’t see them throwing that in there too. ETA: Of course, they spent a decent portion of the last episode on those neighbors, so maybe they will throw that in there lol. I would be more likely to believe that Teresa was actually dead if anyone besides James (other than Pote, of course) was the shooter. It would’ve even been a stretch earlier in the season, but they could’ve tried the Game of Thrones type ending when Teresa was on her power trip. But now? Doesn’t make sense.
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