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Everything posted by Jess14

  1. I couldn’t figure it out until the jail scene when I saw it from the back. It indeed looked like half a blazer from the front.
  2. Ding, ding, ding lol! I guess it’s no less realistic than Teresa magically escaping bullets every season, but the FBI backing off that quickly from KellyAnne (when did she even become a licensed attorney in Louisiana?) is pretty laughable. Technically, the FBI wouldn’t be able to get Marcel off for a double murder (state crime), but him not going scorched earth didn’t make much sense based on what he said earlier. He can still look at himself in the mirror if his people starve, but not if he rats on Teresa? Oh ok! They should’ve made James and Teresa be having sex or something....I don’t quite get why he stays otherwise. He clearly doesn’t seem to want to be there. I know it was symbolic, but I kinda hated Teresa’s blazer. George is back next week! Yay! I need some lighthearted moments that doesn’t involved KellyAnne and Pote’s baby.
  3. I don't know Jenna, so I have no firsthand knowledge, but it seems like she moved to Shreveport with her boyfriend (not for that particular job) and then moved back to Dallas with him. So, it may just be as simple as her leaving or losing the job because she moved back to Texas. It's definitely not a position that one can do remotely.
  4. It never gets old reading "Schmatheryn Schmunn" lol! I laugh everytime. Based on her social media, she is back in Dallas after moving to Shreveport and back with her boyfriend. She appears to still be friends with several former DCCs.
  5. That’s certainly possible. Its hard to really estimate without MTV telling us how much time each team spent at the checkpoints, but it didn’t seem like any of the final 3 teams struggled at any of the checkpoints, like we’ve seen in the past. It’s why I thought the uphill running was the difference on day 2. However, if it was the checkpoints, then CT probably does pull it out with Nany.
  6. Would she? I couldn’t tell if we were supposed to see Teresa’s choice as ruthless, but smart, or just dumb. It seemed like a very shortsighted move to me. Teresa burned an ally, who actually was loyal to her for someone who disobeyed her direct order and shot his brother in the head. It seems like taking a short-term hit to her business to put someone in place in Miami/Sinaloa who she can trust, while keeping Marcel as an ally, makes more sense long-term than just hoping that Boaz finally falls in line. I may be overthinking it though, but outside of the ruthlessness, I didn’t get any Queen Pin vibes from her this episode. She seemed like a hot mess - using her product again and being clueless about key parts of her business. With that said, I’m glad Boaz didn’t go down. I like him, and I would love to see a Boaz v Teresa conflict. I think he is very formidable in a crazy, “burn it all down to the ground” way.
  7. I was also slightly surprised, but they may have a lot of loans, and it also seemed liked they were taking care of the husband's mother. As someone who lives in Atlanta (in the perimeter, but I've lived out of it as well), I'm always shocked that so many of these couples, at least 1/2 of the couple, talk about not wanting a bad commute but then, they pick a home that is WAY out there. I really hope these people are testing out the commute (morning and evening) for a few days before they put an offer on these homes because Atlanta traffic is hellish. Maybe traffic will never be as bad as it was pre-covid with more people remote, but I can't help but think that some of these people must be miserable after a month or 2 of these commutes everyday.
  8. You know, for all of the talk about Fessy making a mistake by picking Kaycee and dumping Amber, Leroy is really the one who threw away $1 million by choosing Nany instead of Amber. I think a team of Amber and Fessy would still lose. She lucked out, not him, but Leroy and Amber - I think they win. It's possible that they would've struggled with puzzles, but I think they would've been so far ahead from the running part that they could've withstood it. Nany would've slowed CT down, and I think Kam would've purposely slowed down if that meant Leroy winning. Obviously, Leroy wasn't an ass about it, and Nany is his friend, so he is never going to bash her, like Fessy would've done. Therefore, no one is going to throw it in his face, but still....it's gotta sting.
  9. I’m so happy for Amber. There’s nothing sweeter than proving everyone wrong. I wanted Leroy to go out as a champ, but I like how he handled it. He didn’t throw Nany under the bus, and he took it in stride. He is a good partner. Fessy.....on the other hand. Not much more to say about him that hasn’t been said, but if he never showed up to another Challenge, it would be too soon. I don’t mind villains, but I need them to be entertaining. He is not that....at all!
  10. Welp....Teresa has officially become Camila. If anything, what she did to Marcel is worse than Camila trying to set up Teresa to take the fall for her. At least Teresa worked for Camila. I mean, Teresa even tried to get Cedric to take fall? Did she ever think to force someone who works under Boaz or under her to take the fall? Just odd behavior. I imagine that Teresa will fix it, but if they have Marcel ever go back to trusting her, that would be the most unrealistic thing ever. Its not funny, but I can’t help but laugh at James going so hard for Teresa’s character to Marcel and then being proven a liar ten minutes later lol. He looked so disappointed in the end. KellyAnne/Pote - I don’t really get them. Pote almost sounded like her big brother or father giving her a pep talk at the end. I guess they’re cute, but I could do without them.
  11. Oh, I wasn’t at all claiming that @EricaShadows posted incorrect information, so if it came off that way, that wasn’t my intent. I was just pointing out that an adult at 100 pounds, 5 feet tall, would be a very, vary small person. I will say though that I consider “ideal weight” to mean “absolute fittest” so that makes sense to me, but that’s just a matter of interpretation lol. All of these standards are crazy however!
  12. To me, this sounds more like the weight of someone at their absolute fittest, not a “good weight.” I’m 5 feet tall, and when I was around 24, I got down to 99 pounds (I was in law school as a 3L with lots of time to plan out my meals perfectly and work out during the day. I definitely don’t have that time now lol). I was tiny, like being able to fit into a 00 tiny, and that is even as someone who is naturally on the curvier side. My doctor was concerned. I would say a 110 is more of a good weight for someone at 5 feet, even 105 perhaps, but 100 pounds is really pushing it.
  13. Same! I thought she should've been point the last 2 years.
  14. Didn't James show up last season clutching and bleeding out from his left side? Yet, this season, it seems like he got shot on his right side.. It's not a big deal to the story but it's weird. I am also getting the vibe that Oksana is the real boss, and this Kostya person is a front. I like KellyAnne, but it almost seems like her elevated role on the show is more about the showrunners really liking the actress, as opposed to her role making much sense. I never bought that she would risk her life to come back for Tony in the first place, but now she's an expert on money laundering and a super lawyer?
  15. I don’t remember that Challenge, but more often than not in the past, CT has been an asshole, so I believe it lol. IIRC, CT and everyone other than Brad was absolutely horrible to Eric when he collapsed during the Final challenge that one year, so I’m not sure he would take kindly to his partner being injured either. However, the main difference between him and Fessy is that CT could always back up his arrogance with results, and unlike Fessy, CT also has a fun and charming side. Fessy has neither of those things, and until he does, he is nowhere near the level of CT, Bananas, Wes, etc.
  16. Fessy really shouldn’t show his face again on these Challenges. He’s just a weak, little punk. Eating nasty shit is part of the Challenge. If you don’t want to do it, fine (I wouldn’t either) but don’t prance around all season saying that you’re the best, and don’t blame it on your partner who is in serious pain, but still putting in more effort than you on one leg! Weak AF! Amber really dodged a bullet. Also, to think that Amber would go back to Fessy takes some serious delusions. My guess is she would’ve switched to Cory if anyone, but she had no reason to switch. She has the best partner already. I wanted Nany and Leroy to do better! Pull it together Nany!
  17. Not thrilled about KellyAnne being pregnant. I’m just generally not a fan of pregnancies at all on tv shows like this. I continue to like that Teresa isn’t letting everyone push her around this season. However, she should be rather embarrassed that it took James coming in for her to get decent security. She didn’t think to get that fixed after some local man put a bomb under her car and/or after people seemed to come and go from all of her establishments as they wanted for a year?!? On the James/Teresa front, Teresa doesn't strike me as someone who is going to go without sex or a man for too long, so we’ll see how long this “you and me... that can’t happen” sentiment lasts. There’s goes Boaz screwing things up lol! It’s kind of Teresa’s fault though. She knew he was a hothead and loose cannon when she put him in charge of Miami, and then she traded his cousin for Oksana. She should’ve had a better plan to deal with him. Polanco didn’t seem to be able to handle the Russians at all after all that talk about not worrying about them....seems like he got his security from the same people who set up Teresa’s season 4 security. He better go get James’ connect for Mossad!
  18. This was my reaction too lol! Although looking at the cast, I almost think getting those 2 would be better than Kaycee/Josh/Fessy again. All 3 are boring and/or unlikeable. Now, Paulie is unlikeable and Cody is boring too, but if we have to have BB people who fit those categories, can we at least switch it up?!? The Real World people are really dwindling here. The last few seasons of the RW were crap, so it’s not a huge loss to not have the most recent RW people, but still. I watch Survivor sporadically, so I don’t know these Survivor people, but at the rate it’s going, it seems like eventually it will be Survivor v Big Brother, with a few MTV add-ons sprinkled in.
  19. Yes. I think she looks the best, by far, in the 2013 before picture. I generally don’t think most of the makeovers make a huge difference one way or another (most come in looking great) but for some of the girls with stronger features, they often look much older after, and not in a good way. Holly Powell is another one. I thought the dark red hair, short cut, and makeup made her look like she was 35 when she was only 19....
  20. Kam and Cory definitely seem to be the best matched team, IMO. Kam is the alpha on the team, and Cory is fine with taking a backseat, while also more than holding his own physically. I think Kam and CT would’ve been a disaster, so I think they both dodged a bullet when Cory picked her. I also think Amber compliments CT pretty well. She’s in shape, and while she obviously isn’t going to do well at puzzles, I don’t see any reason otherwise to think that she’s that much weaker than Kam or Kaycee. Like with Kam and Cory, I think she can hold her own physically while CT takes the lead. I think Nany and Leroy have similar strengths and weakness, so I don’t know about them. And Kaycee and Fessy....I still think Fessy is the most likely out of the men to gas out.
  21. I feel like KellyAnne has looked different every season that she has been on the show. If you go back to the first season she was on as the attorney’s wife, she looks way different, IMO. I rewatched the episode, and I thought George’s reaction to James was so over the top that I wondered if they were about to make another man be in love with Teresa lol! It’s not even that James suddenly showing up wasn’t suspicious, but the things George was focused on made no sense. Like when they showed up at the first location and the kill team wasn’t there, he said James was lying, and then when the kill team does show up, he says it’s a trap....like huh? Didn’t George want to find the kill team? Isn’t it common sense that if you go to the location where the kill team was doing surveillance, they may show up shooting at you?
  22. Yes! I watched the last few episodes of that season last night on Pluto, and just hearing Kenny or Johnny (can’t remember which) mention that the Challengers were left with “a slut, a poet, and Casey” was jarring. Then, the way he made fun of Sarah was gross. I don’t even like Sarah, but it was too much. I already knew the outcome, but even rewatching, I wanted Susie to just sit down right before the finish line, so KellyAnne and Sarah could win and the boys wouldn’t get the money.
  23. Oh for sure. He was hopeless, as was his entire alliance, other than Haleigh at times. However, I would gladly take dumb Fessy over unbelievably arrogant Fessy that we’re getting now lol.
  24. He definitely did not act like this on Big Brother. While he was never a favorite of mine, I never disliked him. He seemed like a decent person, not entertaining, but not someone who I felt no need to root against. Now, I don’t know if things just went to his head or if he thinks this is what MTV wants, or something else, but his ego is out of control.
  25. I enjoyed the episode. Not the best, but set up the rest of the season nicely. I know that the show isn’t supposed to be super realistic, but a local judge controlling so many people in a midsized city like New Orleans is just not believable. I love Boaz. He’s crazy and will bring Teresa nothing but trouble, but I enjoy him. Teresa handing over Javier was weak IMO, so I’m happy that he pointed out to her how she let the judge run over her leading to this mess. Last season, each time the judge said jump, she said “how high?” It was pathetic. However, Teresa certainly seems a bit different and on edge, so that’s good to see. As noted, she seemed a bit incompetent in Season 4, so I’m glad that they seem to have turned that page quickly. I know that the show loves the “trust or not trust James” story, but I’m not quite sure that I get it. James was Camila’s #2 in the first and second season. He was loyal to Camila. He goes to Teresa in Season 3 and was loyal to her before he left. Now, I get why Teresa was upset about the stuff that happened - gameboy, etc, but I feel like that was more of a personal issue (he was working for Camila then, not her), not a betrayal of the business, like what KellyAnne did. With that said, Devon Finch will definitely be back. Either he and James are still working together, or Devon set up that whole situation with the Russians to take out James and then Teresa and will be back to finish the job. Pote running in that first scene and then stopping out of breath was hilarious. Pote is the most loyal person ever, but Teresa is gonna need James or Chicho (or someone else who does some cardio everyone once in a while) to be with her if she’s gonna still be doing all of this running lol!
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