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Everything posted by Jess14

  1. Yeah, I feel like those went beyond skinny jeans and were flat out jeggings 😂. I would even wear that cardigan....
  2. Yes...I think Cody deserved the win for just dealing with him and Nicole for so long. They are both exhausting. It was an awful season but a surprisingly satisfying finale. I loved seeing Enzo go down 9-0. He didn’t deserve any votes. I’m lukewarm on Cody -can take or leave him - but he definitely deserved the win, IMO, and seeing him cut Nicole.....yes! That was the only suspenseful moment of the whole season. Loved that Day got AFP!
  3. I’m very surprised at the praise that the first 5 out layered on Enzo... there’s definitely something to be said for being likeable, and he has a good social game. However, I don’t get how you can trash Nicole for doing nothing, while lauding Enzo. Nicole’s 2 comp wins were far more important and consequential than Enzo’s wins (IMO). Enzo got out Kaysar, who had no allies and sucks at comps. Nicole got out Memphis (a strong player), broke up the Memphis/Christmas duo, and ensured her ticket to Final 3 by keeping Cody. I actually like Enzo far more than Nicole, but I think she is a superior player. I get that some of it was that Janelle was involved and clearly hates Nicole, so no one wanted to really argue with her, but I thought the Enzo praise was odd. Maybe I’m just missing something.
  4. Has Cody given any indication as to who he would take? I know that he thinks he would beat both, but beyond a friendship with Nicole, what is his logic for taking her over Enzo? He has a final 2 with both of them, so either way, he would be breaking his word to one of them.
  5. Agreed. If it’s Cody v Nicole in the end, I could see the winner being the person who did not win the final HOH. Basically, if Nicole wins the final HOH and takes Cody, I feel like she would lose. The final cut happens so quickly before the final vote, but still, I think the jury would see that as a dumb move on her part, and I could see Cody winning easily. However, if Cody cuts Enzo and keeps Nicole...I don’t know. I feel like there are some people in the jury who are looking for a reason to vote against Cody and taking a former winner to the end could be enough to sway enough ppl to Nicole. I think Cody or Nicole both easily win over Enzo.
  6. Yeah, I wonder about this as well.... if the jury’s annoyance with Dani will get implicitly transferred to Cody? If it does, and Cody loses in F2, keeping Nicole over Dani in the triple may end up being a fatal error for him. He clearly trusts Nicole more than Dani, but I think Dani would’ve sacrificed her whole game for Cody if she was still there. She would give Enzo a run for his money in that regard.
  7. I mean....if I didn’t know who these people were and that they were in relationships, I would think Cody was Dani’s man with the way she was ridin for him. Sheesh! Add in her jealousy of Nicole, which is clearly also Cody-related, and it’s not a good look for her at all.
  8. I actually thought Christmas had a decent shot at it when I first saw the competition, and I’m surprised that she did so poorly. I definitely thought Nicole would have issues given her smaller size. However, I completely agree with there being too many physical competitions this year....in general, I feel like BB has been trending that way for awhile, and I don’t care for it.
  9. This. I have nothing else to add regarding the episode.
  10. In order to be the only one who could say that he never went on the block, I could’ve easily seen Cody (had he won) saying that Enzo should go up on the block because Nicole had already been up 2x. Cody has never seemed nearly as interested in harming his own game for Enzo, although he expects it in return. Even his whole “Christmas can’t win HOH and make final 3” was about himself and his own game, not Enzo’s. Now, I have no issue with Cody doing everything he can to best position himself, but I don’t want hear him whining about other players doing the same. That was the same issue I had with Christmas. She fully admits that she would’ve (rightfully) gone after Cody this week. But then she’s upset that he targeted her during the HOH....huh?!? All of these people are ridiculous!
  11. Yeah, that was my issue with it. I’m actually fine with Cody winning, and I actually think Nicole is probably the second most deserving. I don’t like Christmas at all, and I think Enzo is a pathetic player, so I’m grudgingly ok with Cody or Nicole winning, even though I’ve hated this season. However, I thought they came off horrible for a few reasons: 1) They just sounded entitled and bratty; 2) Unless they knew the game beforehand, I don’t see how Cody and Enzo had time to work out the strategy. Cody seemed to just assume that Enzo would follow him, which goes back to the entitlement issue; and 3) It was absolutely in Enzo’s best interest to win HOH! I think a Cody HOH especially would’ve been disastrous for Enzo, as Nicole/Christmas both may have clipped him. It made perfect sense for him to let Cody/Christmas fight it out and win.
  12. Yep...I think Nicole is golden this week. Enzo is the only one who *may* (but probably not) have clipped her, but him winning HOH was best case scenario for her. This is why I thought it would’ve been dumb for Nicole to cut Cody last week. She’s in zero danger this week, whereas she would’ve been in a whole lot of danger if Memphis was still in the house.
  13. I honestly think the nominations at Final 4 are completely irrelevant. It doesn’t matter who is up and who isn’t. It’s all about the veto. The real reason for Enzo to put Cody up would be to take away Cody’s “I was never on the block” talking point. Otherwise, everyone’s odds of staying in the house are no different than if the nominations were changed. Christmas has to win the veto to be safe. That would be the case even if she weren’t a nom. I’m actually surprised by how terrible Christmas’ read on the house is. Can she not see how close Enzo and Cody are? Also, her whining to Cody about following her around on the board during the HOH was ridiculous. They are not aligned. What else was he supposed to be doing! Speaking of ridiculous, Cody and Nicole can STFU with their whining about Enzo “playing for himself.” Finally, he’s doing what he should’ve been doing all summer. Those 2 are completely entitled. I don’t even get why Cody was so hell bent on Christmas not winning HOH. He’s obviously looking ahead to next week, but a Christmas HOH would’ve guaranteed him Final 3, IMO. Nicole and Enzo would’ve both cut the other over him. Christmas is the only one who will cut him this week, and she can’t do that as HOH. Now, he’s gone if she wins veto. Enzo running around pretending like he’s been such a great player is really cringeworthy. Talk about no self-awareness.
  14. I doubt it, honestly. Enzo doesn’t seem like a deep thinker. I doubt he realizes that his gameplay has amounted to nothing more than being Cody’s spy in the house. In fairness, between telling Cody about Wise guys #2 and about Tyler overtures regarding Committee, etc., I actually think that saving Nicole was the most understandable as a stand-alone move. David was Tyler’s ally, not really Enzo’s, and I can see an argument for why he thought that it wasn’t in his best interest to make that move during an unpredictable triple eviction, even if it was in his interest long term. However, I can’t even give credit to Enzo for that reasoning because I don’t believe his thought process went any further than not making Cody mad. Add in throwing Memphis and Tyler under the bus - 2 people who wanted to work with Enzo and were good enough at comps to take Cody out - and I can’t think of any move that Enzo made that was more beneficial to himself than Cody. ETA: To be more clear, I think voting out Nicole could’ve given the impression that Enzo was fully aligned with Tyler/Christmas, and had Dani or Cody won HOH, they could’ve put him up if Tyler/Christmas (probable noms) won veto. Granted, Enzo probably didn’t run any scenarios in his head, and I still think he should’ve voted out Nicole, but I can see how it could’ve blown up in his face.
  15. I'm torn between wanting Enzo to lose 9-0 or wanting Cody to cut him at Final 3. Cody won comps when he needed to, but Enzo is a huge reason why everything went so smoothly for him - telling Cody about the 2nd Wiseguys, telling him about Tyler's lie regarding the Committee and Cody coming after him, saving Nicole during the triple...ugh, it's pathetic. I have less of an issue with Nicole winning. At the very least, I think all of her moves have been to her own advantage, but Enzo...no.
  16. Well, if she’s already walking away with that much money (I didn’t realize it was that high), then maybe she should go for it. But idk, this just seems like a move that the viewers want (myself included) because it’s interesting, not because it’s actually a smart move for her. I can just see Memphis winning the veto next week, cutting Nicole, and then Julie saying in the interview to a teary Nicole ....”Nicole, last week you decided to keep Memphis over Cody. Cody was your #1 ally. He kept you over Dani; he kept you safe at Final 6, and he would almost certainly have taken you to the final 3. Do you regret that?” However, that would be SO fun to watch tho... I hope she does it!
  17. Yeah, I think definitely that’s the question. Cutting Cody could pay off for her, but it could just easily cost her the shot at getting any money, and for me at least, $50k is better than $0. I just always feel like final 4 is so risky. The only way to be safe is to be HOH, and Nicole already cannot be HOH. The next way to be safe is to have other people in the house who won’t evict you. Cody, Enzo, Nicole, Christmas - I don’t think she gets cut. Enzo should cut her at that point, but I don’t see it. However, a final 4 with Christmas, Enzo, Memphis Nicole - well, she better win that veto or she’s gone. If Christmas was HOH, there’s no way she would get rid of Memphis and keep Cody, because Memphis would take her to end and Cody wouldn’t. I don’t see how it’s all that different for Nicole. Those are my thoughts at least, but again, I would be thrilled if she did cut Cody now - it would finally be good tv.
  18. It pains me to say this because I can’t stand Nicole and would love to pile on her for potentially making a dumb move, but I actually don’t think it would be smart for Nicole to take out Cody now. Now, I would love it (finally something interesting!), but I don’t see how it makes sense for her game. Backdooring Cody would arguably give her the best resume of the remaining houseguests, and in turn, she would almost certainly get cut next week if she didn’t win the veto. Keeping the Memphis/Christmas duo in the house does nothing to help her. Cody will at least take her to final 3. I do agree that she won’t beat Cody in the end, so I think she should absolutely take Cody out at Final 4 or 3 if she has the shot. However, she has to make it to the end first, and I think her odds of making it past next week are better with Cody in the house than with Memphis.
  19. Nicole won HOH....well, the smooth sailing for Cody continues. This week, when he couldn’t play for HOH, was the best shot to take him out, IMO. I think the only way he doesn’t make final 3 is if Enzo wins HOH next week, and whoever survives between Memphis/Christmas wins the veto, which isn’t out of the question. Memphis and Christmas are both good at comps, but my money is on Cody winning either HOH or veto next week. I actually don’t dislike Cody. I prefer him to Memphis and Christmas, but my goodness, this season could not be any more boring.
  20. I’ve always had a soft spot for Jenna. I love her dance style. I remember that after watching the auditions her rookie year, I was concerned her whole training camp that they were going to cut her for “looking too young,” or some other BS, so I was pleasantly surprised that she seemed to make it through training camp pretty easily. Honestly, outside of the fact that videos from her 6th year are the best dancing videos that we have of Jenna, I wish she would’ve retired after her 5th year. Hindsight is always 20/20, but in general, I think being in the DCC environment for 6 years has to be unhealthy. I definitely think that the social media attention, and being one of the most visible ones on the team, the most senior vet, and a favorite went to her head, and she started believing that the rules didn’t apply any more. I don’t have insight into the personalities of her group of friends, but I totally buy that there was a toxic mix between them in that competitive environments. Its unfortunate though because, IMO, she is as close to an “Emma” as they could find - by that, I mean someone who likely could’ve been an All Star for years, could’ve stayed in shape and stepped in every other game, and still outdanced most of the current team members. Unlike Holly or Cersten, Jenna always struck me as a true believer in the DCC world (too much so actually - remember her comment how DCC was all she had known her adult life), so it’s a shame that she screwed up so badly at the end of her career.
  21. Agreed. I’ve come around on Rachel W in terms of dance and performance, but I think Cianna outdanced her here.
  22. Thanks for putting this together! Isn’t Carissa biracial, as well? Perhaps she is one “whom the we know for sure” phrase is referring to. Also, on the hair issue, if you look at Sintia (Sinita?) from season 7, she was never featured, but she is pictured in the background of multiple scenes. She starts out with natural curls. After makeovers, you see her in the background while they are dancing at Gilley’s, and her hair is straight.... I had thought that Kelli wouldn’t require a girl who came in with curls to go straight, but apparently she did. It’s a bad look. I’m glad that they finally found someone who is experienced in working with textured hair.
  23. I hope nobody asks me what I did this afternoon....saying that I gamed out Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders formation hypotheticals from 3 years ago, would probably earn me the biggest side-eye ever 😂
  24. Ok. I don’t think we disagree. I think the scenario that you laid out with Holly as a 5 year is likely. I think there’s different hypotheticals being floated, and we may all be responding to different ones lol. I thought the initial premise from several posts back was whether Holly would’ve ever been made point. I assumed that the question considered a “DCC world” where the Holly/Erica/Jenna drama didn’t happen. In that case, I think Holly would’ve gotten point as a 4th year, after Jenna presumably retired after being at point her 6th year. Who knows what Erica would’ve been doing lol! Now, had only Jenna (and Erica) gotten in trouble and not Holly, I think Holly would have gotten point as a 3rd year over Kash. Although that scenario is so hard to imagine, since the Jenna/Holly stuff was so intertwined, with Holly actually being the one who had more issues.
  25. I don’t know. I don’t think she would’ve jumped Kashara once Kashara got point. However, had there not been all of the drama, and Holly had returned for year 4, I think she would’ve been in a prime position for point. The original formation the year she quit had Jenna at point with Kashara and Lacey on the side and Holly behind Jenna. If everything went smoothly, I think it’s likely that Holly would’ve moved into Jenna’s spot after Jenna retired (assuming Erica was also gone). I know that Kashara was a Kelli favorite, but I don’t think there’s any way that she would’ve gotten point over Holly, Jenna, OR Erica if not for all three of them having issues. That’s not to denigrate Kash at all. She stepped up, and lots of people loved her at point, but before all that went down, there’s nothing to suggest that she was even in consideration.
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