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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. The mystery was rather meh, and Sherlock's conflict was meh (though that's a big ask and to come from Papa Holmes is kinda gross) but I do love me some snarky deadpan Bell, almost chipper Watson and having them all work together again. It may be filler, but it's enjoyable filler. And it was nice to hear Bell explain that he can't hold a crime scene indefinitely due to traffic concerns. In fact, I would have almost preferred just a routine day for Sherlock and Joan--they have a case (usually a bit weird) and they work with Bell. It sets off the dramatic stuff when it gets included. I hope we get an episode or two like that.
  2. Folks, let's remember this is the Jill and Derick topic. Let's take speculation about another courtship to the Other Kids topic.
  3. Also, Fury called Maria Hill just before he was chased in the car and they most likely planned his death on the operating table after he escaped down the mouse hole. It begs the question of why he would order that at that time, though. I'm thinking he sent the order when Natasha put everything out there.
  4. I hated her right at the beginning too. And I nearly wept at the end of her story. It gets better. I really enjoyed it, more than I thought I would.
  5. *Waves hi* Just fixed the titles to conform with the general template for the forums. Title: Quippy description. Technically I'm the mod here, so feel free to PM me with any issues or questions or what not. Or use the report button. If I watched the show, I'd throw something quippy right now. But I didn't, so you'll have to bear with me. Oh, and yes, members are welcome to start topics. We may merge them with something if we feel it's too narrow or something, but for the most part we're pretty easy going.
  6. I know we're talking about how the kids compare to others, but it's starting to stray a bit too much. Let's try to keep this about the kids themselves and Grandma. There is a topic for the parenting and how they were raised that should the conversation flow to that can be moved there. Thanks!
  7. I applied to 3 or 4 state schools (SUNY--State Univ of NY) and got in to all and went with the one that allowed freshman to have vehicles. Yep. I think my counselor had me apply to a private, but I don't even remember because there was no way I could afford it. It is also one of the better SUNY schools, good distance from home and I liked it. The department of my major was terrible though.
  8. Since it has kind of, sort of come up, here's the guidline regarding posting addresses and such. In short, please don't.
  9. From the Other Kids topic: Growing up, my dad was a general contractor so always took a shower at night, so we did too. And since I played soccer in middle school, I really wanted to shower at night. And then it just became habit--I really like washing off the day and not having to take a shower in the morning. Sometimes I have to wet my hair to correct the bed head, but otherwise, it's a nice way to end the day.
  10. Folks, can we move the first sex talk to the Prayer Closet? It's starting to get off-topic. It's fun to hear everyone's stories, and it'd be fun to hear how we all told our own kids (if we have). The Small Talk Prayer Closet is a better place, though. See you there!
  11. For some reason I though Deja Vu All Over Again was the Milverton episode, but it's Dead Man's Switch. And it's where Joan gives him the gift? How did I not remember? (I may have dug up my season 1, wriggled in to the rabbit hole, and watched one...or 3)
  12. I cut her a lot of slack about her mini-breakdown. She is only 18/19 and this is probably the toughest thing she's ever done. She had a moment where she felt overwhelmed and it all hit her, she took a bit, listened to Laura, and came back and didn't harp on it. She's at the age where she would start leaving the nest, but this is much more difficult as they don't have any contact, or at best, minimal contact. That's a big change, and as much as she is ready, at that moment it was just too much. She's acted a lot more mature and less whiny than others older than her. I loved Logan with the kid. He didn't talk down to her, but he did steer her so well. But I especially loved the talking heads: the deadpan Shiiiiiiiit. And then, "If she wants mermaids, that's what you give her." He really seemed to understand the challenge the best and was able to relay that to his kid. But he also had the right attitude of it may not be my favorite thing, but I'm going to my best. Loved him. And I loved Rayce's reaction to the mermaid tale.
  13. Hmm, I'd be interested to see what others would say, but these are episodes I enjoyed and also tell the Joan/Sherlock story and some of the Moriarty story. (I left some out that I thought were good for Holmes/Gregson because, well, I had to whittle it down.) I love You Do It To Yourself, A Giant Gun Filled With Drugs, and Details. I wish I could remember which episode Sherlock being a jerk about his sobriety anniversary and the gift Joan gave him. And the episode when he met Alfredo. And the episode where we met Alistair. I may have just gone down the rabbit hole. Pilot Rat Race You Do It To Yourself The Leviathan M. A Giant Gun, Filled With Drugs Details déjà vu all over again A Landmark Story Risk Management The Woman/Heroine
  14. I remember when I was 8 months pregnant and some man, a complete stranger waiting to pick up his food at a Chinese take-out, was astounded that my due date was so far away. Wasn't I going to pop? It upset me so much I mentioned it to the OB who asked, "Where did he get his medical degree?" I was fine, well within parameters and I shouldn't listen to strangers who aren't following my progress. It still rankles, 12 years later. I looked as big as Jill, and it wasn't considered indicative of anything other than being pregnant. And considering it was late July I was wearing a voluminous dress trying unsuccessfully to keep to keep cool, so it wasn't that I was wearing something too tight showing off my popped out belly button. It's just the way things work out. Some are big, some are tiny, and we have no control over it.
  15. This is the perfect place for a tidbit like that. That's kind of awesome. How did you not laugh? One of the most difficult times I had when pregnant was choosing names. And we didn't find out the sex, so we had to choose a boy and a girl. By the second one, we didn't have an agreed on boys name. Thank goodness she's a girl!
  16. Please, folks, can we get back to Things About the Duggars That Get on Your Nerves? Thanks!
  17. It was raining this morning by me, possibilities, and then it somewhat cleared up by afternoon. When I left at 5 there were a few drops, lots of wind and then all of sudden, pellets being blown all around. It made for quite the drive home. But, yeah, some really leonine March weather here.
  18. Well, paigow, your avatar is making me thing it's Q.
  19. Soak up every minute of it, bigskygirl!
  20. The calm and mature discussion of religious holidays and history is appreciated, but it's not exactly on topic here. The Small Talk thread would be a good place for it. Many conversations can be ongoing at once in that thread. Thanks!
  21. I was with those that had said Gregson said something to Holmes after the first meeting, but he didn't. He did relay to Watson that Gregson couldn't let him have access to any of the files and I'm thinking I just saw it in my head. what I find especially fascinating, is hubby thought there was a scene of that, and others here, too! It's like we know Gregson so well we're able to make a scene out of our heads. Hee.
  22. My now 12 year old has been going to counseling for 2 years. We haven't explored pediatric options for medication for depression for him, but he definitely suffers from it. Good luck to all those suffering as well. There was some talk in another thread about an engagement being a surprise versus shopping for a ring. Personally, I think it depends on the couple, but considering how much a partnership a marriage is, I think it's something that should be discussed and not be a surprise. Then again, I don't really see the point of engagement rings other than spending a lot of money. I have one but hubby really wanted to give me one. It doesn't fit any more and it got in the way and I gave up. I only wear my wedding band now. I also got married at my home, 15 years ago this August, because I really didn't want to spend a lot of money on a fancy party. But that's me, and it fit us well.
  23. I'm going to take my response about engagement rings to the Small Talk thread.
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