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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. It's easy to start telling personal stories by relating it to what we see and read here, but we do have a separate area for that--the Small Talk topic. We'd love to hear and discuss personal stories there. Thanks!
  2. Thinking about it, I like Maria Hill better than May or Black Widow. She gets the job done, she can be a little snarky, and she has her team's back. She's awesome and there's no clamor for more about her. I'd love for her and Bobbie to have a show together.
  3. Marigold, you'll see you have PM. The top right "menu bar" that has the envelope, alarm bell, person, My Shows, Sign Out buttons? The envelope is the PM area. It will have a red circle with the number of PMs when you get one. And yay! Maisie is going home where she will thrive. So glad for your family, wanderwoman. I have doubts about how I'm being a parent to my kids every day. It's normal--it means you're doing an excellent job. The best part is you and your fantabulous hubby seem to have come together and formed an even stronger partnership which is wonderful.
  4. Please take any discussion of the respective Duggar/family/friends to the appropriate topic please. Discussion of the merit of the kids musical talents can be taken to the Other Kids topic. Thanks!
  5. I was thinking of that Raja . I did see a clip where Elizabeth Olsen mentioned that SW can bring people back to life and they did mention his high metabolism, so there's that.
  6. Saw it yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm still amazed at how they can have such heartbreaking scenes with all the big action packed scenes. And how those emotional scenes play into the action scenes. As wrong as Tony was, his motivation was understandable. And his scene with Fury in the barn broke my heart a little. For all the bravado and quips, I got the feeling that he feels he doesn't measure up. Like he said to Fury, he failed. I really felt for him. And the image of the Hulk alone in the jet broke my heart, too. I was shocked by Pietro's death, but appreciated Hawkeye's numb response to it. But dang, I may have gasped. No, didn't see that coming. I'm also glad I saw it with a packed theater. The reaction to Vision holding Thor's hammer (I can't spell it) was awesome--everyone went,"Ooohhh" and then laughed at the reaction. There was cheering and lots of laughing. It was great. I'm debating whether to see it again. It feels like it will stand up to repeat to viewings, but the bank account might say no. We have stayed to the end since before Marvel started with the Easter eggs, so we stayed even though we knew there was no end credits scene.
  7. It annoyed me at first too, but thinking about it more, I think her concern was more that the girlfriend might either be trying to investigate Marcus or (more likely) she might be put in the position to report Marcus from something he said. And given how Gruner used her to get to Sherlock and Kitty I can see why she would be concerned.
  8. Who knew this show could give me such feels? Even if the mystery was tidied up so quickly, I loved the episode for the end scene. Thank you, show.
  9. I might have to try to find the clip from that Jeopardy. My Google-fu is not good, but I am determined!
  10. Even though TLC airs the episodes so that it feels like there's one, it was actually two, and there is a topic for each. Please try to talk about what happened in the correct episode topic. Thanks! *grumbles at TLC*
  11. Even though TLC airs the episodes so that it feels like there's one, it was actually two, and there is a topic for each. Please try to talk about what happened in the correct episode topic. Thanks! *grumbles at TLC*
  12. While this may be a snark site, we snark on the show/Duggars, not each other. People are allowed to have different opinions and reactions.
  13. A reminder folks, that we're here to snark on the Duggars and not attack each other.
  14. Actually, it is off topic. This is for Duggars in the Media. Any discussion about the Duggar children can be taken to that topic.
  15. Posting pictures is allowed. BUT...and this is a big but....this a public forum. Posting private pictures like that is more likely a privacy issue and I would certainly discourage it. Yes, we allow pictures of the Duggars and their children, but that's because they are permitting the public posting. They made that choice for their children. But I can completely understand why our members here might be a little more wary about it.
  16. Please, let's bring this back to episode. I know, Jessa has acne. If you want to discuss your experience with dermatology etc, please note, "Taking to Small Talk" and continue the conversation there. Thank you.
  17. A reminder folks, there are two handy tools--the ignore and the report. Please don't engage, report.
  18. It's a good day for Miley--she's wearing clothes. And her tongue is behind her teeth.
  19. A friendly reminder to not speculate about the sexuality of the minor children. See this announcement.
  20. Folks, talk in here has reached critical mass. You have all had your say about the name, the type of birth, possible complications etc. The dead horse is well and truly beaten. Understandably, it's great big news, but the points have been made several times over and all the talking has become circular. Maybe it would be a good idea if everyone took a break from this thread and came back on Tuesday night after the new episode airs. That way there will be something new to talk about. We really don't want to have to start deleting posts. Thanks your friendly mods!
  21. I was wondering if Gordon brought Cal to see her when he led him out of the cell (after taking him from the football field). But I'm wondering more if the theory is right and that he stitched her back together and he was just after Whitehall because he blames Whitehall for ruining his family. Also, Whitehall was a pretty terrible person considering how he actually butchered her, so I can see where Cal is coming from. Even if he is a wackadoo. I really hope more is made of what Skye said about meeting a Kree and that this whole Mist is actually to make them weapons in a terrible war. That's some pretty heavy duty stuff, and it didn't seem to phase Lincoln at all. However, given that there will be an Inhumans movie, I get the feeling it will be brought up again.
  22. I really do love the various ways Holmes wakes up Joan. And that it was sort of linked to the case, even better. Though the best was the bugle followed by, "I am a considerate housemate." It was nice to hear Sherlock's description of friendship. It's what I've long said about marriage and relationships. It's not soulmates, or two lives becoming one. I hate that crap. It's two people bringing out the best in each other. Sharing a journey, supporting one another and accepting the faults. I'm so glad to see something like that on tv. Sadly, I had to see it the next day because I did, in fact, fall asleep and missed that part.
  23. Folks, this is Josh and Anna's topic...and I do realize it started by wondering how much/if Josh and Anna are paid...but please circle back to Josh and Anna.
  24. My mom called me and said Sherlock asking for ice cream was, for her, so poignant. And I can see that. Even though he does confide in Joan, it was a moment where he allowed himself to be like the rest of us, and indulge in some wallowing and ice cream. It didn't woobify him, but it did make him relatable. (And I don't care spell check if I made up a word!!)
  25. Folks, I know politics is sort of on topic because of Josh's job, but let's keep it more about Josh and less about the politics of it. There are plenty of places to discuss the Religious Freedom Acts etc. Thanks!
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