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Everything posted by frenchtoast

  1. Oh, Bob Mondello! Years back, when I was living in NY and working in NJ, it was a hour each way commute and I listened to NPR, so heard his reviews. I wrote to Mr. Mondello once because some clearly not comprehending listener complained about movie reviewer bias (after he had done a small piece on it and explained how it is individual and you have to take that into account). And he wrote me back. I was quite chuffed.
  2. My 9 year old will be dressing up as Athena this year. And her friend is going as Medusa. But then, she's read a lot of Percy Jackson. And at least they handed out candy along with the tracts. My kids usually get one or two of those tracts in the sack of candy, too. They took a situation they probably don't approve of--Halloween--went along with it by handing out candy and used it as a platform to spread their message. Honestly, that seems fine to me. Other than having 50 Bibles on hand to distribute, that was a head scratcher for me. Though I have a feeling that was an exaggerated truth.
  3. Me too. I hate all that sappy, commercialistic crap. Mothers Day for me consists of getting my favorite takeout, me choosing the movie and not having to clean up after everyone. I don't want gifts or cards or anything. On the flip side, my husband is a mooshball and loves to get me cards and the kids love it too. Which is fine--they want to and I appreciate that. But they show that they love and appreciate me without being told by Facebook. I have to say, I'm bad about liking stuff not only on Facebook but even posts here. I like them and forget to click the little button. So, everyone, assume I like all your posts :) In other sad news, my grandma passed away last week. She's been under hospice care (at home) since March, so it was anticipated and welcomed since it's what she wanted. But both of my maternal grandparents are gone, and they were a huge presence in my life when I was young. I try to carry that on with my kids and their grandparents. And also how they would have Saturday Suppers with family--we try to get together with friends and family on more than just holidays. Just spend fun time enjoying each other's company. And, my brother who has ulcerative colitis and got Lyme's disease this summer has been slowly recovering. He pushed himself too hard and passed out driving and crashed his car. Thankfully, despite the car rolling, he only sustained a sprained wrist (go Prius V!) Still, in the space of a week, it was quite a bit for the family. But things are good, too. We will hopefully be getting a dog soon. And my mom is moved up nearer her grandkids and is able to enjoy them more regularly.
  4. It sounds like that's going by meteorological season dates rather than astronomical. So rather than going by the position of the Earth relative to the sun, it groups the seasons in three months.
  5. I love how the dogs run to their homes while the owners' backs are turned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w90TefUVo8
  6. Folks if there is one way to start problems between posters it's to talk about abortion. Yes, the Seewalds and Duggars are pro-life and attend rallies. But we really, really don't need to discuss abortion and the "sides" of it here. It's just bound to get bad real fast. Thanks!
  7. Rye and barley have gluten full stop. Celiacs cannot eat anything with wheat, rye or barley. It is not a contamination issue with rye and barely, they both have the protein that will affect a person with celiac. Oats are weird...which is why for health sake hubby avoided them. From what I understand it was a few things: some was contamination in processing and some it could be what it was growing near though I am not sure how that worked. It could even be the variants used might have it and others might not and replanting etc all that stuff. Oats were being tested and coming back with the protein that celiacs need to avoid. We used sorghum (buckwheat) flakes and a few years ago another company that has a lot of GF stuff had GF oats, so I've used that. But unless it had been tested and could be determined as gluten free, those oats were not purchased. However, this makes it sound like it's all gross food and whatnot. We have hosted many holiday dinners where everything has been gluten free and they were awesome. It just takes a little extra work, but it's worth it.
  8. My husband has celiac disease and avoids oats because you can't be sure. Oats were definitely on the list of foods to avoid when he was first diagnosed 13 years ago. Gluten hides in a lot of stuff like soy sauce, salad dressing and shredded cheeses. Gluten is also in rye and barley. Contamination is a huge thing--we have two butters in our house. If we accidentally double dip the peanut butter, we label it as contaminated. As much as GF has become a fad/joke, for those with celiac disease it is a huge deal and affects them every time they sit down to eat. So while dealing with the general scorn, we are soooo grateful for the pastas and the breads and the more readily available foods and menus now. And in this case, advertising from the likes of Chex mean that we will go out and purchase. (It's also made us compulsive label readers).
  9. Don't forget there is a topic--The Duggars and Their World--to discuss how the Duggars homeschool. It's starting to get real off topic here in Duggars in the Media. More anecdotal homeschool discussion should go in the Small Talk topic. Thanks!!
  10. Folks, let's try to keep this about religion and more specifically the Duggars and religion. There's been a lot of straying off topic, let's try to bring it back in. Thanks!
  11. Folks, we know very little about Jana, and it's a lot of fun to wonder and speculate. But we already know that there was abuse in that house, speculating about more and from different molesters is making the topic a bit uncomfortable. Can we try to keep away from speculating that Jana was abused? Also, as for the two other victims, unless they self-identify, we're keeping the spirit of the redaction and allowing them that privacy.
  12. Yeah, the horse is well and truly down. Let's find a new horse and move on from the toilet discussion.
  13. We're so glad that you all love this forum and created this lovely and supportive community, but can we move past the TWOPHoward/bad TWoP mods stuff? It's starting to get a little...uncomfortable in here. And, no, none of us is TWoP Howard. It's just...it happened, it's in the past, let's not dwell on it? Thanks!
  14. Folks, speculating about health is one thing, making diagnoses and stating health issues as fact are another. It's starting to get a little uncomfortable with the diagnosing of health issues when few of us are qualified and none of us have access to his medical records. Let's keep the health speculation to a minimum. Thanks!
  15. A heads up, at the end of that article, it's a spec ad, not an actual Tide ad that will be aired.
  16. I was a French language major in school and my roommate (a high school friend) is an Anglophile. So she was English Muffin and I was French Toast.
  17. Hey folks, can we follow the lead and have the conversation that's not about commercials and head over to the Small Talk area? Thanks!
  18. UGH! I've asked the kids and it seems their schools have some sort of air conditioning. But it's been absolutely brutal. I can understand why schools have been dismissing early because of the heat--it's a legitimate danger.
  19. Thanks Janarella. Especially with a baby living there, posting something where you can figure out an address is not something we encourage. However, using the Private (or Personal) Messenger is fine.
  20. I would love fall if I didn't have to do the yardwork of leaf removal. GAH, I hate. From mid-October until mid-December it's never ending. It's been so dry here that the maple has already started losing and instead of the vibrant yellow the leaves are tan. The lawns are brown. I don't know about an Apple watch, but I believe cider donuts are those dense cake ones. I've seen Entemanns ones but they're probably not as good.
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