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Everything posted by Maverick

  1. They established the standard time travel show trope of 'you can't go back to any point in time you've already visited' back in season one. I believe it was used to explain why Rip couldn't go back and try to kill Savage before the meteor strike after his first attempt failed (which of course didn't explain how he couldn't kill Savage in his 20s or some other point prior).
  2. Saw Brave New World today and was another shining example of how horrible Jo is. She can't afford to stay in the dorm and how does she turn to? Her family? Nope. Mrs. Garrett? Nope. Blair. She won't accept any financial help from Blair but she basically demands that Blair allow her to use her room, risking not just her but Blair as well getting expelled. Then when coming in through the window one night, she rudely kicks Blair's guest out because she wants to get some sleep. Blair could be egocentric, but it was clear deep down she cared greatly for those she considered friends but Jo refused to see anything beyond her being rich and using that as an excuse to treat her like shit.
  3. They really needed to cut that goat conversation down/out. The whole thing was ridiculous and a waste of time. People were boycotting the show because someone ate a rat. Did they really think the show would let them kill a goat, much less a baby one. The time would have been better used for a separate reward challenge. What the hell are Caleb and Cullpepper wearing? Caleb is bad enough with his denim rolled up knee high looking like he's about to go to the crick to hunt some crawdads but what as up with Cullpepper's mauve capri pants? Did he think since they had Blair from Facts of Life on one season that Gidget would show up and he was ready for the bonfire on the beach with the groovy gang?
  4. The host is awful. Why have a football player host a baking show? And stop with the he's so hot crap. Some people can pull off the scruffy look. He is not one of them. I was not impressed with the guy who said he planned on being the hottest guy there until he saw the host. Seriously dude? No. Just no. You're not the hottest one there but he's not the reason. He reminds me of Matt the full of himself hipster from the Christmas show. Speaking of the Christmas show, that seems to be where they put all the talented bakers. The Halloween show this year had a really low level of quality too,
  5. Barry as Savitar is a reasonable theory, but this episode makes it harder. The Speed Force--which apparently can see the past future and alternate timelines--tells Barry he created the prison and locked Savitar in it. So unless he develops a literal split personality with one side of his body dragging him in it seems like it has to be someone else. The odds on Wally also went down since he's been rescued already (although it could be a fake out). Jay's unlikely since it's too soon to throw the real Savitar in there. Since they're hitting so many notes from the previous seasons, like last year where we didn't even know there was a 'real' Jay Garrick that was an option until the end maybe this is how they'll introduce another new character. Maybe it's Bart Allen. Didn't Jessie still have the claw she used to stab Savitar? It's shame they can't find someone to run a DNA analysis on the blood on it,
  6. It's a stretch but I can buy Stein there since he worked with Team Flash, but why would Malcolm--who Barry barely knows and Kara doesn't know at all--be part of their dream world?
  7. Savitar has plans for Jessie. And Caitlin. And Wally. I've decided Savitar is a corporate middle manager. You know the type...lots of plans, can't do shit to execute except tell other people to do it. Barry called the thing trying to kill him Zolomon, so it appears that's who's chasing Eobard since they look like the same creature. Between that, Future Barry's message to Rip and the fact Savitar is imprisoned in the future they're ultimately going to tie the two threads together.
  8. Wow, that's legal? In my area, it's illegal to drive with a cracked window and insurance companies are required to replace they without charging a deductible or having it impact rates so there's no excuse not to.
  9. Why was Cirie wasting her time on nutty Debbie? I don't know why she tried to give her a heads up to begin with, but it should have been plainly clear that Debbie wasn't buying what she was selling (presumably because she had no money, being paid in military tactics and all) and Cirie should have just bailed on that whole mess. Either Cirie didn't watch Debbie's season to know she's a) looney and b) unwilling to work with other women or she's just that desperate for allies, in which case she's in big trouble.
  10. The evil, growly versions of the Legends were Thawne's constructs, not how Rip thinks of them. I was really pissed we didn't get evil Stein. Also pissed they're hinting at Stein leaving. I'm assuming Ray met Mari in the Arrow episode she appeared in? Did she relate her backstory there or are we supposed to assume Oliver filled her in later? And don't Jax and Stein know her too? I thought Firestorm was in one of the Vixen episodes. I found the Nate/Amaya scenes cringeworthy. Nate is such a putz. I'm more than a little tired of the nerdy goofball (who happens to look like someone who aged out of a tween soap opera) pines for the super hot woman and wins her over.
  11. I'm waiting for Team Flash to realize they just need to hold hands and pull Wally out of the Speed Force. [/Justice League Unlimited] So I'm starting to think Savitar is part of a temporal causality loop. Savitar kills Iris so Barry becomes his adversary until some point in the future Barry imprisons him in the Speed Force (where can presumably access any point in time, hence how he's the Hindu god and escape the Speed Force in the present day. Savitar goes bonkers escapes from the Speed Force, kills Iris in revenge. Savitar kills Iris because he was imprisoned for eternity but wouldn't have been imprisoned if he hadn't killed Iris. Savitar is almost definitely someone we know. He mentioned he's 'created' soon and seemed to take in a familiar way with Cisco and Iris. I'm thinking there's a clue in the way he refers to most of Team Flash by first name, but mocks HR as the pretender. OTOH, the writers probably hasn't figured out who Savitar is and none of it will make sense when he's unmasked.
  12. Jessie Palmer is qualified because he's hosting Spring Baking Championship. With FN, that's all the qualification you need. The used to get somewhat better quality judges. In the early seasons I remember being shocked they got Jeffrey Steingarden to judge on this thing.
  13. He knows what's in Big Belly Burger's secret sauce.
  14. Steven has them all beat. Forget accents. There was a whole plot about why he looked different after being blown up on an oil rig. But when they get to the reunion movie suddenly he looks like pre-explosion Steven again.
  15. I think Rock n Roll Jeopardy was after he started Survivor. I wondered why he didn't have anything from his gig on FX when it first started. He was an on-air host there which was more applicable to what he was applying for than corporate training videos.
  16. That just shows a lack of preparedness on Team Flash's part.
  17. It's mentioned in later episodes that before the Occupation, the Bajorans were known for their art, architecture, music, etc. They weren't primitive, but they were very much an agrarian, artistic culture. Despite having FTL travel, they weren't explorers like the Federation or conquerors like the Cardassians. They had technology--perhaps developed or perhaps introduced from other races--but it didn't take over their culture. Now that doesn't explain sill believing in smoke monsters. That I attribute to trying to graft some TOS/TNG -style plot onto DS9.
  18. It seems like there was some plan for season 2 that changed pretty dramatically. The way he appeared so dramatically, wasn't used in the first episode and then used for only one episode after that was just strange. The whole reason for his being in the season finale was "explained" in a throwaway line ("He told us not to go to 1942 and vanished"). M'kay, that was a great payoff to a cliffhanger. It's pretty obvious there was supposed to be a story there about why Mick would have sent Rex to that at that point in time (and how they even knew each other) and that Rex was supposed to have a bigger role. I don't know if they didn't know about Darvil's schedule when they wrote the season finale, if the Vixen actress not wanting to do the show changed things or if they just came with a different idea of doing the Legion of Doom they wanted to do instead but it definitely feels like a disconnect between the 2.
  19. I was more bothered by the fact t hat since they have a guy who can open portals to other worlds that they didn't just have him portal the thing to a barren Earth. There has to be one. And if there's not, just send it to Nazi Earth. You just know there's a Nazi Earth out there somewhere.
  20. Well if Lip Sync Battle can have all those dancers, Flash should be able to spring for a few.
  21. Music Meister is mentioned in the future headlines, so he either is from Earth 1 or stays there.
  22. Well, American-born and raised Fallon picked up an English accent when she came back from the dead and England-raised Amanda gained an American accent when she was recast so The Dynasty folks weren't the most consistent on accents. At least with Blake's brother they tried to explain his Aussie accent by saying he lived in the Outback for years.
  23. I wasn't the feathers in and of themselves that was against the challenge. I mean hey, it's the apocalypse...no need to waste those features after you've killed dinner. The problem was the head dress looked like it was looted from the Jubilee! show on the Vegas strip.
  24. Sisko's Emissary status takes a long time to be addressed. On rewatch, I was really surprised how long it took them to revisit that plot point. I don't think it's substantially addressed until sometime in season 3. I was really pissed the wrote out the Opaka character so early. Ultimately I suppose it worked out since it made more sense for an adversary of Sisko to be the head of the Bajoran faith rather than an ally but still I liked the actress and the character and wish she had returned more. Yes, Kira's histrionics were quite cringeworthy. Nana Visitor did a great job with quiet, more subtle portrayals of Kira's internal struggle coming to grips with her past but the more--animated--scenes didn't work as well.
  25. Out of place? Not at all. Not if Mad Max has Bob Mackey as the costumer, that is.
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