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Everything posted by SabineElisabeth

  1. Color me shocked that the doctor Gina recruited actually refused to do the revision June wanted. Any doctor who tries to self-promote by associating with June gets automatic side-eye from me. But, I have to give credit where credit is due, and good on him for retaining his professional integrity. June's reaction to being told no was surprisingly subdued, however. Bet she was pissed. I laughed out loud when the doctor delivered the news to her. Kind of mean-spirited of me, I know, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I wish somebody had pressed June on how it's actually humanly possible that out of $25k a month, she can't afford to give Pumpkin and Josh $2k to support her child. Pretty sure her double-wide doesn't cost that much, and I can't imagine she's sinking that much money into her kept male companion now that he's living with her . . . so where the hell is all that money going? I mean, we see her take a lot of ubers , and then there's the copious amounts of food she's obviously consuming, I guess . . . but, damn. $25k a month is a SHIT TON of money. Agree with previous posters it's truly disgusting that June's gut-reaction when asked to help support her own child was to try to give her away instead. But, big picture, maybe she actually did everyone a favor by finally driving home the fact that at her core, she's a pathetic, selfish excuse of a mother who only has the capacity to care about herself. Hopefully her kids can finally internalize that this is who June's always been and always will be - and that they're better off moving on without her. Could watch the cute kiddos all day long. Love chubby laughing babies, and Ella seems so happy surrounded by all her family that it makes me smile.
  2. Without a shadow of a doubt, June is a pathetic excuse for a mother and her reaction to the custody situation was disgusting. Let's see . . . first, she's pissed they ruined her weekend by asking her to sign the custody documents. Then, she says she's doesn't feel pressured to give away her kid because it's Alana's best interest and seems to imply she should get some kind of credit for recognizing that. Doesn't seem to occur to her at all that maybe she should be upset because it's not in Alana's best interest to live with her. Then she says the only thing that bothers her about it is that she's being "made out to be a bad person." Fucking ME ME ME. She cares about one thing, and one thing only, and that's doing exactly what the fuck she wants to - which seems to consist almost exclusively of spending tens of thousands of dollars to ensure she's getting the male attention her fragile ego needs. Too bad she can't seem to feed that need with attention from her kids, and find some self worth in being a good mother. The degree to which she is self-absorbed, coupled with her complete lack of any self-awareness - and let's not even mention the smug look she usually has on her face - makes me want to bitch slap her through my tv, and I would be delighted if she were never on the show again. I would absolutely still tune in to watch Josh and Pumpkin trying to raise four (good Lord!) kids + Alana, keep their marriage together, etc., and I would love for them to get the big tv paycheck instead of June. Josh and Pumpkin are trying as hard as they know how, and I can't help but pull for them (+ Alana and Jessica) and hope they get a happily ever after in spite of fucking loser June. Oh, and the kids are freaking adorable. Ella is a precocious, bright little ball of energy and happiness, and Bentley with that red hair . . . Super super cute. : )
  3. It low-level creeps me out the way Eric is ever-present yet mostly silent - just kind of always looming in the background. I was very happy the little one's doctor appointment went well. (Still can't remember their names). Seeing him after surgery last season was pretty heart-wrenching. As others have said, I only watch this show for the kids (and Gigi). The kids are so respectful, well-mannered, and well-behaved that at first I wondered if perhaps the parents were strict disciplinarians. But after watching them for a while, the kids don't seem fearful or timid to me. They are just strikingly cheerful and happy, it seems - and that's a good look.
  4. Why are all of Angela's segments on 90 Day Fiance about her traveling across the country to sexually harass various doctors and beg them for more cosmetic surgery procedures? If I'm being honest, I'll watch just about anything 90DF puts out there, but after a couple very uncomfortable mins, I fast forwarded right thru Angela's segment. I mean, if I wanted to see obnoxious women having plastic surgery in Beverly Hills, I'd watch Dr. 90210. (]And not only are her interactions with her doctors totally inappropriate and gross, the ungodly amount of money this previously dirt poor woman is spending on what is obviously a losing battle is also suoer cringe-y).
  5. Watching Big Ed interact with his victims girlfriends creeps me the fuck out. The way he stares at them with his quivering lips, the way he touches and rubs them . . . Just, no. 🤢 And I guess she could be different off camera, but Big Ed's mom seems so adorable and sweet, and I was extremely disappointed to hear Big Ed disparaging her. Not surprised, mind you, but very disappointed. Also falling into the "not surprising" category was Synjin"s admission that he's taken money 🙄 from Tania since dumping her. He's a total man child, and while Tania is also barely working, apparently, at least she can pay her own biils. And speaking of, mind blown at Debbie and Coltee both loudly whining about not having enough money to move. I know they don't get paid a ton to do the show, but come on - between the 3 of them they can't pull together $2-3k? That is pathetic. Almost as pathetic as Jesse and Jeniffer making out when introduced during the Tell All. Jesse, who's an ugly, mean- spirited liar (because I'm sorry, but we all heard you accuse Jeniffer of dating for money) is mired deep in his delusion that he's God's gift to women. And while Jeniffer thinks equally highly of herself, she is at least legitimately physically attractive. When it comes to being quite taken with oneself, Stephanie gives them a run for their money, however. That girl acts like her shit don't stink. Her farts, on the other hand . . .🤮🤮 All of that to say, the Single Life is quite possibly the worst 90DF spinoff there's been. Well, okay, not as bad as The Family Chantel, but a close second. And yet, I keep watching - so who's really the pathetic one here ? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  6. "Robyn and Kody Revealed" would be a much more apt title for this episode. First, let me just get this out of the way. NOW you wish you'd gone with Ysabel for her surgery? NOW you are afraid she's going to resent you for the rest of her life? Well, isn't that convenient. Now that it's over, Kody wants to be thought of as the perfect parent . . . in hindsight? We all know Kody and Robyn are fond of revising history, but FUCK YOU, KODY. You are SUCH. AN. ASSHOLE. Now, on to the covid family meeting and let me see if I can get this straight. Kody passes out a list of rules, and decrees that whosoever shall follow these edicts shall be allowed to interact with the Almighty Kody and Queen Robyn + their spawn. Meri then says she's been following the rules but has still not been "allowed" to interact with Robyn, Solomon, or Ari. (The looks on Christine and Janelle's face as they realize Meri has just 100% outed Robyn and Kody as fake-ity fake liars who lie. Priceless). Kody doesn't give a shit, but Robyn comes back with crocodile tears a'flowin' to try and save face with Meri. She then proceeds to explain that they couldn't allow Meri the great privilege of spending time with them because it would be a "break in protocol" and the other wives would get upset. HUH? If the "protocol" is follow these rules and you can interact with the Almighty Ones, how is it then a break of protocol for the rule followers to interact?? Robyn, dear, you are FULL OF SHIT. And Meri knows it. It was written all over her face. But she's too worn down to even challenge your lies this time. Robyn and Kody barely have two brain cells to rub together between them and really are stupid if they think they're fooling anyone. The only way they've been able to run their little con this long is because the other wives are not the brightest bulbs on the Christmas tree either. (Very telling that the brightest of the children run far, far away and never look back). And while of course Christine's dubious "What does the nanny do?" turned out to be nothing more than her posing the question to the camera, I'm praying the teaser for next episode showing Janelle telling Kody, "Fuck you," as she turns on her heel and walks off went down exactly as the clip makes it appear it did. Because, "Fuck you, Kody. And fuck you, Robyn." You're both awful human beings who are impervious to the fact some of your family members are seriously suffering. Suffering not just that you're too selfish to alleviate, but suffering you have largely caused. You both SUCK. REALLY REALLY SUCK. BAD.
  7. Ari's parents will bankroll her until the day they die - then will leave her a chunk of change to live off afterwards. So, her sister's confidence Family Ari would enjoy an upper middle class existence in the US seems completely reasonable to me. What doesn't make any sense to me however is the idea Ari and Bini will actually stay together long term, as that relationship is a hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a train wreck. * While Ellie's intentions were good, the constant questions would get annoying fast. You aren't really helping if I end up having to allocate all my time to answering questions that are either rhetorical or kinda just stupid. Having said that, I still can't for the life of me come up with even one reason Ellie might be into this lying asshole loser. I realized at one point. I had gone a perilously long time without rolling my eyes at Steven tonight - which brought on a fresh wave of eye rolls, however - so all good. He finally got his head on straight re his social media accounts, and even showed a bit of humility when he said that proposing to Alina is his greatest accomplishment. And - I'll be pulling for Armando's dad to be at the wedding right up to the last possible moment. * Quote attributable to news anchor Jake Tapper.
  8. Triggered, my ass. Makayla is embarrassed. Embarrassed her new husband can barely stand to be near her. And what was up with the weird gaslighting attempt? Is our girl so deranged she somehow forgot her crazy behavior was both filmed and observed?? And while we're calling out bullshit, Ryan, we all know you were full of it with.your "I didn't intend for my profile on the dating app to be active yet." What you didn't intend was to get caught with an active profile on the dating app. You should look on the bright side, tho. If you'd been matched with Makayla and she found out you were trying to get a jump start on finding a new piece of ass, you'd probably be cut up into small pieces and buried in the backyard right now. Instead, thanks to Brett, that was the most low-energy, low-key break up ever. And rather than texting her in a futile attempt to weasel your way out of what you did, a simple "thank you" would have been way more appropriate.
  9. Steven is just gross. For so many reasons. Alina - It's okay to admit you made a mistake. You're young and still learning how to discern others' character, motives, etc. But once it's glaringly obvious, once Steven's sitting in front you in all his gross douchey glory, there's only one thing to do - RUN! Grab your shit, and get the hell out of there. Evelin is a total bitch. With a face that bears a striking resemblance to a rat, if you ask me. And Corey is an idiot schmuck who seems to be drawn to vicious and unrelenting emotional abuse. At this point, the best he can hope for is to successfully rescue his balls from Evelin, cut his loses, and RUN! I get that moving to India confers an obligation on Jenny to learn about, respect, and at least somewhat assimilate to Indian culture. However, Sumit shouldn't get a free pass just because he's not living in the US, in my opinion. He chose to be in a relationship with an American and should put equal effort into understanding and accommodating her culture - which values individualism and self-determination over deference to elders and extended family. And while his choices certainly don't obligate Mother and Father Sumit to the same, it's unfortunate they aren't wise enough to realize it would be much better for all of them if they could open their minds and work towards accepting Jenny and Sumit's relationship. Eventually, if Family Sumit can't be magnanimous enough to make an effort and Sumit remains unable to maintain boundaries against their manipulation, Jenny should get the hell out of there. RUN! Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Just get the fuck away from that toxic morass of family dysfunction. (Hmm . . . I think I'm seeing a recurring theme here 🤣). I have a different take on Ari and Bini than most, I think. I actually kind of like them. They're both extremely immature, but I see effort on both sides, which is the most you can ask for. I was proud of Bini for quickly coming round to Avi having surgery in the US and for maintaining his composure at the airport, as I can't imagine how overwhelming it was for him to feel like he was about to live his worst nightmare all over again. I was also proud of Ari for her efforts to reassure Bini. I was happy for Kenny and Bridezilla when the registrar gave them the news of the gov't removing any barriers to same sex marriage. I still crack up at the look on Armando's face when Kenny called him Bridezilla, but it's hard not to like these two, as well - and I'm rooting for Father Armando to go to the wedding. Did not miss Ellie and her cheating POS this episode. I can't with that relationship and have NO idea what she sees in him. Not to mention that Providencia is uninhabitable . . . Yet another one who should RUN as fast as she can back to the US and hope it's possible to rescind the agreement to sell her pizza joint.
  10. I live in North Dallas and was without power for almost 4 days - and unless you count the one time the power flickered on for less than a minute, there was nothing "rolling" about it. By the end of day 2, I was so cold I couldn't stand it, spent about 4 hours on the phone looking for a hotel or airbnb that was close enough I could actually get there (the roads were iced over), and finally found one with a room available. Literally, as I pulled up, the power went out, and they wouldn't let me check in. Thankfully, I live about a half mile from where I work and saw our office building had power as I was coming back from the hotel - so ended up sleeping in the conference room with my cat for 2 nights. And let me tell you, I was so grateful to finally be warm again, I got a bit emotional. (Okay, fine. I might have ugly cried. I had been so fucking cold!). While (tangentially) on the subject of the Dodds, their segments make me wonder if Bobby was out of work during the pandemic? He certainly spends like someone gainfully employed, but some of his comments make it seem like he just hangs out day in and day out. And seriously, what the actual fuck was he thinking buying an almost $9k boat without talking to Danielle first? So disrespectful of MAFS' Model Husband. Happy to see all the babies arrived and are doing well - although not a fan of any of the names chosen. Seems the next round will likely include Jess and Elizabeth - and if they go through a good stretch again, I wouldn't be surprised if Shawniece relents to having another, as well. SO jealous of AJ and SexyAF's travels. Love seeing their new adventures in the Keys. Other, more general thought is that it seems like Couples' Cam has a ton of couples these days, with some of them appearing so infrequently, it just feels odd. For example. I think we've seen Amelia once by video call and then finally saw a little bit of Bennett this week, bringing the sum total of what we've been shown about them so far to "Amelia is really busy with residency, and Bennett spent some time in New Orleans." Which then had me thinking that it seems like some of the couples have, at least loosely, an actual storyline (e.g. Jess and Austin, Elizabeth and Jamie), while for others, we get what are more like random snap shots of their lives with no continuity or story arc. Not that there's any real point to my musings, but now I've taken the time to type them out, might as well leave them here haha.
  11. Hmm... was expecting the usual format for reunion/check in shows - couples perched on couches answering questions from the host, interspersed with clips from their season. Last night, however, felt like a regular episode... with a voice over promising us a look at what happened with the couples after the cameras left, as they proceeded to show us 2 hours of footage captured by MAFS camera crews.... And I mean, whatever, but it did make me snicker a little. ( : Not surprisingly, we see that 4 momths down the road, little has changed. Jake cemented his claim-to-fame as MAFS' most awkward cast member ever.. . And I lol'd every time he talked about his blind date, "Su-Zahn." Because a name pronounced with a French accent is exactly what you'd expect from the girl born and bred in Georgia. In the meantime Haley remains the same closed off person we saw all season. I'm sorry... but won't be missing either of these two. Speaking of people I won't miss... Vincent and Briana did nothing this episode to change my opinion of them. They aren't awful by any means, but they just...underwhelm. Briana with her fake-demure voice, and Vincent, the perpetual sour-puss. Somebody should've warned him years ago that if you don't wipe unpleasant expressions off your face, it's eventually gonna freeze that way. Erik also didn't gain any ground with me this episode. He's definitely not amongst the worst MAFS villians, but his condescension bugs. Together, he and Virginia just make me anxious, as it feels like every conversation is teeteeing between civility and a fight. Chris and Paige... nothing to say about these two. Next. ... which finally leaves me with the only couple I liked at all this season - Clara snd Ryan - and I'm only lukewarm on them, at best. Guess it's time to start looking forward to the next season. Whether heart-warming romance or head-turning drama, I'm here for it. ( ;
  12. The stupidity and irresponsibility inherent in the fact Karen might be pregnant is astounding, and for the sake of her health and the health of any future babies, I sincerely hope this is just another TLC teaser. Gigi put it best when she said that at this point, having more kids just feels like a "novelty." And yes, I did laugh out loud when she asked Deon if he thought the possibility of Karen being pregnant again was 'cute."
  13. Ella is seriously adorable - such a bright, happy little thing. And it might warm my heart just a little to see how much her family - and the entire crew - are just delighted by her. ❤❤❤
  14. So many issues with Garrick's appalling behavior, so little time.... #1 - I too did a double take when Garrick had the audacity to blame Dannielle's jealously on God. I'm sorry, I know my Bible pretty well, but I just don't remember anything about God promising to remove wives' jealousy so their husbands can treat them like shit and fuck around without having to deal with all those annoying tears and nagging. This really goes to the heart of why this "lifestyle" bothers me so much, I think, because so many of the men act like being a polygamist gives me them a free pass to act without regard to others' feelings, and when their "wives" are understandably miserable, it's their wives' fault, God's fault... basically, anybody's fault but theirs. I see this with Kody on Sister Wives ALL THE TIME - and it drives me crazy. He treats everyone but Robyn like they're nothing more than a nuisance to him, and then he gets pissed off because they're so unhappy. To have something that even comes close to fostering an emotionally healthy situation for multiple wives, the husband has to be committed to putting in the time and hard work necessary for each wife to feel special and important. This requires discipline, thoughtfulness, and above all, putting your wives' needs ahead of your own - but unfortunately, this lifestyle seems to mostly attract men who are arrogant, self-centered, and willfully oblivious to anyone other than themselves. And yes, Garrick, that means you. #2 - Garrick: "Because, we decided together to live this way, and so, we've got other people involved, and we can't just say we're not going to do this any more." Dear Garrick, that is total bullshit. You absolutely CAN decide this is not working out in a healthy way - and in that case, calling things off before there's an international move/marriage/baby would be better for everyone involved. So quit sniveling and slobbering over Bert and just own it! If YOU decided YOU didn't want to move forward any more, I guarantee it would be over. So it's not that you're now committed to seeing this through because of "other people;" you WANT to keep banging Bert. Period. End of story. #3 - Something seems off about the way Dannielle's mom and sister in law are reacting to all this. All of the questions they direct at Dannielle reflect more of a morbid curiosity, as opposed to the outrage I'd have expected. If I were in Dannielle's position, my family certainly would not just placidly sit back and watch the train wreck... no way in hell. Re: Howdy Doody and Fam, I have a question and perhaps one of you can offer some insight. I've been wondering why they don't look within their faith community for a potential sister wife, as that seems the most common way for families who live polygamy for religious reasons to go about meeting potential wives? It seems like their chances of finding someone online who also shares their religious beliefs, meshes with their family, etc, are infinitesimal, and that it would be much more likely to meet someone compatible in person through their church/social network.
  15. The Merrifields - The look on Garrick's face when Roberta tossed out that she might not want to be with him after all... priceless. I don't for a second believe Garrick's bullshit claim that he feels like God wants them to live "the lifestyle." For one, he could barely get the words out when he was recounting the story of his recent mid-life crisis divine revelation, and two, what he was trying to pass off to us as sincere justification was... well... just really really stupid. Personally, his gross smirk and douche-y giggle make me feel all spiritual too. In fact, during their segments, I often find myself sending up a prayer to the universe that both Dannielle and Bert the Bombshell end up dumping his horny ass. In no particular order. Although, the idea of both women putting him to the curb like the trash he is simultaneously gives me warm fuzzies. The Howdy Doody Family - Either Tami's been doing a better job delivering her polygamy propaganda soundbites, or she's warmed up to Sophie considerably since last season. Or perhaps some combination thereof. In spite of myself, I agree with my fellow posters who have kind of developed a soft spot for this family. Tami and Colton are unlikely reality show cast members, to say the least, but they do seem sincere. And Sophie's superpower must be persuasion, as I'm pretty sure that left to their own devices, Tami and Colton would prefer to keep conversation to a minimum when it's just the two of them... and yet here they are putting their love life on display and sharing their "fillings" with a national tv audience every week. In any case, it wouldn't suck for this family to have a happily ever after, and I hope the teasers for next week weren't (totally) misleading about Colton seemingly growing a pair at least long enough to insist they slow their roll for a while when it comes to their (extremely painfully awkward) search for a third wife. On a completely random note, I'd also forgotten he's a pharmacist, as I swear his dim tone of voice and dim expression don't exactly scream of intelligence and substance. The Snowdens - Color me shocked that Ashley gave the green light to Tayler moving in. Maybe she was just taken off guard or convinced it would make too good of a storyline, as I 100% agreed with the poster who said a few weeks ago that Tayler is way too hot to ever get Ashley's approval. After he gave the middle finger to the parameters he and Ashley had agreed upon and fucked the first potential sister wife the first night of her first (and only) visit, Ashley delivered a clear warning to Dimitri by insisting they "date" the slightly overweight single mom. Although personally, I think Vanessa is absolutely gorgeous, Dimitri seemed a little bit less into her, as well as Christeline, than others (e.g. Tayler), so I figured Ashley must have seen them as safer choices. Pretty enough by Dimitri's standards to gain entrance into the cult, but not hot enough to make Ashley feel intolerably jealous and threatened. Thus, I figured that Ashley was only pretending to seriously entertain inviting Tayler to join the harem, and would find enough "red flags" to justify vetoing her after a bit. Overall, eye rolling aside at these two fame whores, their childrens' behavior does seem textbook off, so I do hope that's just a misrepresentation of the true situation, and that they are being well taken care of. The King and his Co-Queens - boring. Sidian and What's-Her-Name - super boring with a side of slightly creepy Plus, her voice totally grates on me.
  16. I am 100% convinced that while a few couples are serious, real matches, the rest are chosen for entertainment value - and I believe this applies to the American version, as well. The "experts" seem to go out of their way to find the most damaged people possible, as they carefully detail in the first episodes, when they show the interview/matching processes. Then, aside from a few tidbits of advice offered in the "commitment ceremonies," the experts are basically completely absent, yet act positively shocked when the couples start imploding.... prompting me to scream at my tv, "No! You knew exactly what was going to happen. So STFU, because you SUCK!" (Seriously, why do I love these nonsense shows so much? Gah!). I agree that the Australia version is more like a dating show, while the premise underlying the American version - whether strangers can make a marriage work if they work at it/want it enough - is somewhat more interesting and is probably what, by and large, keeps the American women from playing round robin with each other's spouses. (Although, the Australian women seem a lot more outlandish in general, so who knows). And while Jess definitely gets honorable mention, this episode's most horrible human being award has to go to Susie. Good Lord, acting like she's got the damn vapors because dude didn't give her a straight answer about fucking Splenda. She needs to get a grip and get over herself. Looking past the clown lips, she might be mederately attractive, but otherwise, she's just another young, single mother who seems to not really have much going on - and I think she'd do well to realize she's not all that, frankly. (I do appreciate that the American version, more so than Australia, casts some very successful participants with impressive careers/businesses).
  17. Assuming the conversation Emma snd Harper had while cooking together was authentic, they have really come 'round in a relatively short period time. Under normal circumstances, their behavior towards each other might be a sign that they aren't the two kindest people, but any judgment has to be mitigated by the fact they're children, dealing with a traumatic loss and the subsequent addition of a big step family - all while being filmed. This episode, I was very impressed with how quickly they both are obviously working through what must be unspeakably difficult emotions. and then offering each other compassion and understanding And I was also proud of Emma for articulating her feelings about changing her last name to Means-Shemwell; honestly, she plead her case against it considerably better than Erica's in favor of. And good on Emma for standing firm - whether Erica makes her accept a name change or not, her feelings are legitimate and should be regarded as such.
  18. Another season of weepy, clingy women; a fresh crop of pathetically lame excuses from their husbands/ex-husbands/baby daddies/"kings" (barf); and for the first time, a few foreign blushing brides-to-be a la 90 Day Fiance to liven things up. Because you know, the first two seasons were so lacking in drama and all, what with the one woman shit show put on by the trashy blond after she failed at whatever scam she was trying to run on the Aldridges, Paige nearly taking out the bitch lovely woman she loved like a sister who was horning in on the "prize" that was Bernie, the "prize" that was Bernie falling over dead while bike riding not long after filming was over, etc. And, like the rest of you... raising my hand to announce, "Present." Enthusiastically present, in fact. (sigh) The situation is looking kind of tenuous, however, as I'd already used up my allotment of eye rolls and alcohol after we were introduced to the very first new couple, the Merrifields. (Luckily, self-imposed allotments are easily adjusted upward, so carry on!). Garrick left me scratching my head with his particularly dim-witted justification for ripping out his wife's heart and stomping on it a few times, a small price to pay to fuck a much younger, hotter piece of Brazilian ass (with whom he can't even have a conversation - bonus!). So, according to the lines he delivered during his couch interview, Garrick heard Bernie say last season had a revelation that the Bible (Old Testament) has a lot of stories about patriarchs who had multiple wives He then notes that believers should strive to be Christ-like, and being Christ-like means to be like.... the patriarchs...? Right-O, dude. Right-O.... The other couple that sticks out in my mind is the "king" and "queen," who seem to have more of a "house girl" than a "co-queen." Something about that whole dynamic just seemed off - the "queen" calling "co-queen/house girl" down because the microwave wasn't completely spotless, "co-queen/house girl" coming back to help the "queen" move because she feels like that is her role in life, .. It all made me want to somehow confirm "co-queen" isn't really a euphemism for indentured servant, and that she really is there of her own free will and can leave for good if she so chooses. Overall, 3 seasons in, it's still difficult for me to truly understand/empathize with these women standing by their clueless, callous men as they gleefully pursue other people. I cannot imagine ever needing another human being so desperately that I'd sacrifice my self-respect, happiness, peace, and dignity in exchange for being graced with his presence every few nights. Hell fuck to the NO.
  19. Yara and Jovi deserve each other IMHO. Neither are very "deep," and I see them having a relationship that never really moves past surface-level, is somewhat volatile, and nonetheless limps along year after year. I can imagine Yara assembling a group of friends relatively quickly, at which point Jovi's work schedule will be mostly a non-issue again - and will probably work to their benefit, ultimately, as both Yara and Jovi seem like they are more tolerable enjoyable in small-ish doses. And while I get it that it sucks to be alone in a new place, I'm not quite as sympathetic to her whining as I probably should be, given that she won the prize when it comes to location. I went to law school in New Orleans and lived not too far from their apartment, which is within easy walking/streetcar distance of hundreds, if not thousands, of things to do - including upscale restaurants and shopping, which seems right up Yara's alley. Natalie and Mike's piece of paradise in the middle of the woods, on the other hand, is like an episode of Punk'd that feels too real to be all that funny. And as someone who lives exactly 0.2 miles from my office, I can't imagine a 3 hour commute every day - in EACH direction. I understand Mike wants to hold on to the land, but 6 hours a day in the car doesn't seem very sustainable. Unfortunately, Natalie, who seemed, for about the first 2 o 3 episodes, to be incredibly bright, fun, and mature seems dedicated to her mission of overshadowing those qualities with her relentless crazy, self-centered, bitchy comments. If I were Natalie, a top priority would be to find something to fill the massive amounts of time she now has on her hands. Off the top of my head, my first thought would be to look into online classes or perhaps starting an online business venture of some sort. Something to give her days some structure and purpose as she's getting acclimated. And for his part, whatever went down between those two last season must have really, really sucked, as Mike honestly seems like he can't stand her any more. Stephanie and Ryan appear poised to crash and burn in the same fashion as Molly and Luis - quickly and with considerable drama. I suspect Stephanie was drawn to Ryan because intuitively, she felt his reliance on her would give her control over him, and that control would give her the feeling of security she craves so much. Although his dismissive attitude towards her makes it glaringly obvious she miscalculated, she unfortunately hasn't yet accepted she needs to cut her losses - and Ryan - asap. When her issues aren't causing her to be triggered all over the place, however, she seems sweet enough and probably fun to hang out with, albeit a bit on the immature side, emotionally. While she has the right idea, I think, that she needs a relationship that offers an above-average level of stability and security, looking for it with a much younger guy is the wrong way to go about it. I think she'd be much better off with a guy her own age or older, who's her professional equal, and is a steady, reliable, all-around good guy. Rebecca, speaking of emotionally immature, and Zied, are honestly just not very interesting to me. Rebecca, much like Jenny and Laura from The Other Way, never fully matured for whatever reason, and it's always slightly disconcerting to see women their age being taken care of by their kids. They lack basic adult decision making skills/responsibility and instead flit foolishly through life, moving from one teenager-like infatuation to the next. They internalize very little from similar, past incidents and thus go all in, over and over, on relationships clearly destined to implode. Tarik's personal Angelina Jolie, aka Hazel, seems like a natural when it comes to being a mother, and I hope little Auri doesn't end up getting hurt. If in fact their new storyline is real and they intend to have a girlfriend, that seems like guaranteed drama. Best case scenario, I guess, is that they shield Auri from it and that they can somehow keep it from negatively affecting their relationship.... which seems about as likely as Darcey getting sober, deciding against any further cosmetic surgery procedures, and being in a healthy relationship. Andrew was certainly sure of himself when he pressured Amira into his stupid plan to evade a travel ban issued by the US government, but when trouble hits, he's immediately rendered more or less paralyzed. In between "googling," as if his favorite internet chat forums haven't already helped enough, he whimpers on camera as if he's the victim here. Judging by his sister's obvious satisfaction re: the oh-so-unfortunate turn of events, she clearly wants to scream the same thing at Andrew that I do: "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And now, STFU." And finally, isn't Julia one lucky girl to have landed not just Brandon, but one bonus set of pushy, over-involved in laws, as well!? Talk about a gift that keeps on giving.... that mess of co-dependency promises to be a blast!
  20. Totally possible I misunderstood, as unfortunately, Bini isn't always the best communicator, both because English is his second language (completely understandable) and because he's not exactly the brightest bulb Ethiopia has to offer. Plus, occasionally, I'm just wrong. : ) My initial interpretation was that he starts accusing her of putting her feelings and issues above the well-being of their son, and then asks her about cutting, saying she's not nice to herself. (Could very well be I defaulted to this being a reference to self harm because I'd noticed the scars on her arms a few episodes ago). Upon listening again, however, perhaps that statement was meant to just be another way of saying the same thing - that stopping the circumcision was for her benefit, not Avi's - which Ari denies several times, while turning Bini's accusation back on him. In any case, only Bini truly knows what he meant, but here's more of the conversation, for context. (And no, normally I don't have so much free time on my hands that I sit around transcribing reality tv show participants' conversations. This morning, however, thanks to particularly bad insomnia, it seems this in fact is my life... so here ya go). ; ) Bini: "I'm thinking about for baby." Ari: "No you're not." Bini: "You're thinking now your feeling. It's not about for Avi's feelings." Ari: "Yes, I'm thinking about my son. You're not thinking about him. You're thinking about, "Oh, my culture. I'm dad, I'm proud, I want to do this. I don't give a shit about your stupid feelings of masculinity!" Bini: "Why you, you stopping the cutting? Because you, you not nice to you. That's why you doesn't get good feeling?" Ari: "No, because I didn't feel comfortable with the situation...."
  21. Ari/Bini - Was only half watching, but did a double take when Bini outed Ari as a cutter (after catching up to her in the van when she grabbed Avi and fled the hospital). I re-watched the conversation 3 times, and even turned on closed captioning the last time to make sure I heard him correctly. IIRC, not long after arriving in Ethiopia, she was wearing a top that showed her upper arms, which looked like they had scars on them, but I don't remember actually hearing it mentioned before. In any case, Bini's comment made me consider that maybe Ari is more than just another special snowflake. Not saying she isn't still annoying but for about a solid 30 seconds, instead of wishing she'd zip it already, I just wanted to give her a big hug. Deavan/Jihoon - Denigrating Jihoon, whether it be based on fact or conjecture, to every single work associate and friend she meets, is incredibly mean-spirited, almost guaranteed to be counter-productive, and just, well, in extremely bad taste, in general. And when she realized Jihoon wasn't actually chatting with the "hundreds" of women whose pics were on his phone, was Deavan relieved, like a normal human being? Of course not! First, she says Jihoon cheated because he hurt her, which apparently he was supposed to have known would happen through his world class mind reading skills? And she then proceeds to dig so hard for something else about which she could be devastated, I got exhausted just watching her. God, I cannot stand that girl. Brittany/Yazan - WTF was up with Yazan calling Brittany, screaming like a damn deranged fool, and then hanging up? They both need to cut their losses and forget any of this crazy shit ever happened. And hopefully for Yazan he'll come to his senses before Brittany's stupid ho ass causes him to get killed. Kenny/Armando - Bring Hannah back next week, please.
  22. Deavan is just so damn melodramatic - about everything. She returns to Korea, discovers that - shocker! - Jihoon has lied to her again, and moans, "I feel like I just ruined my life." Ummm, hyperbolic, much? And in the previews for next week, Deavan (whose entire relationship so far has consisted of one big fight about money, but hey, no reason to start making good life choices now) is trying to plan a second wedding, but apparently can't get Jihoon on board with her grand vision. So, with a facial expression you'd expect from say, someone who has just experienced the most horrible of human atrocities, 17 times in a row, she whines that "Jihoon knew how special a wedding was for me. It just feels like my childhood dream is just, like, destroyed." And her mother is just as bad. Two stupid, stupid drama queens who are finding out that after you've cried "wolf" 1000 times, nobody believes you anymore - nor gives a flying fuck. Sadly, Drascilla and Taeyang are innocent in all of this, but are nonetheless going to enter adulthood at a significant disadvantage thanks to Deavan.
  23. Brittany is young, incredibly foolish, and obviously in way over her head. She seems to think the whole thing is fun and games. A boost for her (dubious) rap career and a romantic journey across the world with her as the heroine. Meanwhile, Yazan is back in Jordan, in the process of being disowned by his family, while Brittany basically ignores him - and lies continuously when they do talk. So, here's hoping Yazan doesn't marry Brittany before the show airs, as I'm pretty sure that the same relatives trolling Brittany's social media will be savvy enough to know how to view the show - and then Yazan will see things for what they are. I ❤ Armando's family ; they are trying so, so hard. Jihoon is a lying liar who lies, and Deavan is on my short list of most unlikable 90 Day cast members ever. Her particular brand of drama queen mixed with profound stupidly makes me want to scream. As for Ari (and Deavan), I have only one piece of advice for them going forward - BIRTH CONTROL! Even the two of you can educate yourself on effective birth control and then use it.... it's not fucking rocket science.
  24. Both Amy and Matt were very supportive of Tori when Lilah was sick, but I always get the impression Tori (and Auj, from what we saw on earlier seasons) prefers Matt to Amy, which is unfortunate, since they both seem to put forth a lot of effort to be good in-laws, as well as involved and loving grandparents to the kids. Interesting Zachary and Tori are already talking about having baby #3. They are definitely pulling their weight on the show these days, but I always wonder how they intend to support themselves once the show inevitably ends. They're going to have a passel of kids, with Tori's unused teaching license being the sum total of their marketable skills. Somebody needs to make them understand that reality tee-vee is not a long-term career plan. And while I would obviously expect some level of continued involvement between ex spouses who share children and a business, there is absolutely no way, whatsoever, I would date someone as obsessed with their ex as Matt and Amy are.
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