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Everything posted by SabineElisabeth

  1. Kanye owns the Yeezy trademark, but Addidas owns all the design patents and announced it will continue to sell the shoes with all Yeezy branding removed. Primary retailers pulled all branded Yeezys off their shelves, but they can still be found at re-sale shops like "Impossible Kicks." And I'm sorry, but it doesn't surprise me even a teeny tiny bit that selling ugly-ass hoodies at an outlet mall was the pinnacle of their brand's success . . . Not to mention their God-awful song, which was actually a welcome reprieve from Darcey's relenteless man hunting. I've known my fair share of women who were fixated on having a boyfriend, but Darcey's pathetic, full on pursuit of any man who accidentally looks her way has to take the cake. And as her desperation grows, it's obvious that she's becoming more and more willing to settle for any man who will give her the time of day, all the while prattling on and on during her talking heads that this time, she's absolutely not settling. "Okay, Darcey. Sure. Whatever you say." :::eye roll:::
  2. Speaking of, I find myself missing the first few seasons of this show more and more - as every season both the matches and the set up of the show itself seem more focused on producing max drama rather than lasting marriages. For the first several seasons, if I remember correctly, the show would give each couple a set amount to go towards living accomodations between wedding-decision day, and the couples then had to develop a budget together and could allocate an additional amount towards rent, if they chose. Usually after quite a bit of negotiation / compromise, the couples would choose what type of housing they wanted, the location, etc, and would then secure a new place that met their agreed upon parameters. I always thought this was a great introduction to the day-to-day realities of marriage and hate the current set up, where the couples all live in the same producer-selected apartment complex. Rather than prepare them in any way for long-term relationship success, the current format is clearly intended to create drama - which is unfortunate IMHO. In any case, regardless of the where, I totally agree that as long as the situation isn't physically/emotionally abusive, the couples should be obligated to live together for the duration of filming. It's always kind of surprising to me how quicly some partcipants are willing to check out of a legal marriage - often for the most trivial, ridiculous reasons (Gina, I'm talking to YOU!). But again, I blame a lot of this on the lack of support from the "experts," which seems to dwindle more and more by the season. To me, the whole poing of an "experiment" in which a couple enters into an arranged marriage is that a happy, loving relationship can be developed if both people are committed to "the process." (Sorry, I really hate that phrase too). So, why aren't the experts there reinforcing the idea that a positive input into the relationship by one partner generally elicts a positive response from the other partner, rinse and repeat, and that positivity has a way of building on itself, eventually developing into a real, healthy relationship? Instead, and I truly hate to be cynical and resisted acknowledging this for several seasons, the "experts" seem to deliberately create totally mismatched couples and then throw them all together in an apartment complex with little more than a "good luck with that." Kind of sucks, as I personally always prefer a "happily ever after" to drama.
  3. If you are someone who can only be attracted to people with very specific attributes, then you 100% are not a good candidate for MAFS. (Assuming the intent of MAFS is to make happy, lasting matches, that is, rather than drama). IMHO, the best candidates for the show are those open-minded enough to let attraction grow. And unfortunately, rather than being present to coach participants in this, the "experts" are more MIA with each passing season.
  4. Tonight I realized that no matter how hard I try to convince myself otherwise, I don't really like anybody this season. Generally, I do like Nicole and Chris as a couple - or at least the idea of them as a couple - but would most likely not be great ftiends with either in real life. (The sobbing over the dogs would've been a huge turn off for me, and Nicole is a little bit too . . idk, I can't really come up with the right word. Assertive? Overly confident?) Overall, the "experts" (also known as the "producers") managed to put together the most unlikable, uninteresting cast yet this season. Like, these people like, really do, like, suck.
  5. I'm actually finding this show harder to watch with each season, as Darcey and Stacey are becoming increasingly disfigured IMHO. And I'm pretty sure that at this point, they can't just undo the work they've had done - and so they keep doing more and more trying to revise and tweak past procedures, but instead, they just look more and more disfigured and cartoonish. I say this, by the way, with zero intent to be mean-spirited about their appearance. To be clear, I find Darcey and Stacey so snark-worthy for so many reasons (and in fact, often wonder why I spend time watching two of the most vapid women in the world in the first place), but their obvious body dysmorphia and resulting obsession with cosmetic surgery just makes me really sad for them. At this point, I honestly don't see how any reputable surgeon would agree to further procedures unless they are actually medically necessary, as it's really not okay to perpetuate something which at this point, seems clearly to their detriment, both physically and psychologically. In any case, as to the last episode, I won't say their "fashion designs" are shit, but they're definitely not my style preference. I also thought it was pretty lame - and unsurprising - that they only seemd to consider the two (most obvious) options for their new collection. Super bright "Miami" colors or black/navy. Their creativity shocks and awes. Also, Florian is a grifter loser, and that is all.
  6. Sorry, Gina, but insulting someone's appearance in any way is hurtful - and you did it first. Not at all saying that excuses Clint's subsequent comment, but you definitely lost the moral high ground here. And personally, I would have real reservations about being in a relationship with someone who doesn't get that, as it evidences a lack of insight and basic self-awareness, IMHO. And on top of not being particularly kind people. it seems, I find both Gina and Clint boring AF. Gina is all "salon, salon, salon," and Clint is all "sailing, sailing, sailing." The only couple that has even a remote chance of working out this season is Chris and Nicole. I can't say I'm particularly enjoying watching them, however, as they've both been pretty wounded in the past, and I frankly am just not a very nurturing person, so that can be a bit exhuasting for me - even second-hand. But, they seem really into each other, and I am totally pulling for them to finally get their happily ever after together. As to the rest of the couples . . . meh.
  7. Re: Daniele - Forfeiting an additional $15k/yr in retirement income to go play with her boy toy a few months sooner doesn't seem very smart. Moving to another country with nothing but a canned line about "manifesting" an income is just plan stupid. Making a unilateral decision not to honor the agreement she made with boy toy re moving to the US and then weilding the power she has over him to execute on her decision by not applying for his visa . . . yeah, that just makes her a pretty bad person, IMHO. Granted, I have a strong feeling he's way more interested in the US than in Daniele, but nonetheless, two wrongs don't make a right, and I truly hate seeing US spouses use the power imbalance inherent in these relationships to treat their partners as though they're lesser than, don't matter as much, etc.
  8. Agreed. And I'm not sure that only applies to men. For instance, I always thought this to be the same basic reason that Stephanie decided to stay married to AJ in the Philadelpha season, as well. She was so far out of his league, but it seemed her prior relationships had been crappy - while AJ openly worshipped the ground she walked on. Overall, I think being accepted / regarded / validated (or however you want to say it) is one of the most basic human emotional needs, and it's looking like Chris and Nicole are a great fit in that respect - so I'm also predicting these two stay together.
  9. The "tell all" host is quite possibly the worst ever. Like, she really, really sucks. A lot. Guessing the Browns probably said they didn't feel "safe" sitting down together being asked real questions anymore . . . Neither Kody nor Robyn seems to have a firm grip on reality these days, and the two of them spent so much time trying to spin shit they made me fucking dizzy. Robyn also gave us a sneak peek of the narrative we can expect re: taking more wives. Poor little Kody and Robyn have always wanted nothing more than to be part of a big polygamist family, but despite Robyn being a model sister wife and Kody sacrificing (said in a screech while maniacally flipping his gross hair) to love his POS other wives, their dreams have been dashed. Their hopes crushed. Dazed and confused about what to do next. Their hearts and spirits so mortally wounded, their psyches so traumatized by the other wives who refused to RESPECT Kody, damn it, that they're just too afraid to try again. So, their lives ruined, what is there to do but live monogamy? And makes sure they whine and and cry about it as often as possible while pointing out it's all Christine, Janelle, and Meri's fault. I really don't see how the show can possibly last more than another couple seasons. Meri and Kody have been over, next season will cover Janelle leaving, then maybe one more season to see the fall out. After that, all you have is a monogamous couple nobody can stand and three single women. (All about a Janelle/Christine spin off show, speaking of). And once the show is cancelled and their income stream has dried up (not sure the two village idiots fully thought out the consequences of running off all the adults who actually work), I'll be here with my popcorn to watch Robyn and Kody unravel. My final thought on this season is that it was FUCKING RICH of Robyn to say that despite his other wives being overweight and having stretch marks, Kody stll managed to have romance with them. Hilarious, given that Meri, Janelle, and Christine all look as good if not better than they did when we first met them 10+ years ago IMHO, while Robyn . . . well, let's just say every time I see Robyn, the first thing I think of is the saying "rode hard and put up wet." And seriously - what a BITCH she is. That comment alone reveals everything one needs to know about the kind of sister wife Robyn was. But, as I've said previously, Robyn's made her bed and now she can lie in it until noon every day with Kody, as they think about how they manipulated their way to a lifetime together without those pesky other wives and kids . . . and slowly realize that the joke's on them.
  10. Framing the ongoing drama as either being caused by Andrei or the Family Libby is a false dichotomy, IMO, as I believe they ALL suck. Andrei is an angry, agressive asshole; Charlie is an angry, agressive drunk; Libby's sisters are the epitome of junior high mean girls; and neither of Libby's parents seems to have a clue how to deal with the little monsters they raised. And as to Libby, it pisses me off every time I see her beautiful little girl witnessing Andrei talk to her mother like she's a POS, and her mother excusing and normalizing such an abusive and disrepectful dynamic. Anyway, moving on . . . Angela is trash. Absolute trash. And I'm pretty sure she keeps mixing up her 90DF segments wtih the audition tape she's working on for the Jerry Springer show. And speaking of, Big Ed is not far behind, IMO. Owned by his insecurities, he predictably - and pathetically - tries to chip away at LIz's self-esteem with his verbal abuse, seeks attention from women like an addict looking for his next fix to try and prop up his fragile ego, and seems incapable of original thought, giving others out-sized influence over his life. Just seeing him on my screen makes me feel gross, so it's a bit of a mystery to me as to why LIz - who experiences Ed in living color, bless her heart - is so desperate to stay with him. Although, Liz clearly has more issues than Sports Illustrated herself, as evidenced by her long history of unstable relationships, unstable living situations, working mediocre jobs, and perhaps most telling of all, by the fact she's only allowed to occasionally see her young child. Last, but not least, Bilal and Shaeeda are so awkward together they make ME feel uncomfortable. I've never understood their relationship and am surprised it's lasted as long as it has. And I actually hate this for her, but absent major medical intervention - which seems highly unlikely given her current circumstances - I'm afraid Shaeeda's window of opportunity for a baby has passed at this point. So, IMO, time to cut your losses, leave your daddy husband in KC, and get back to living your best life in the beautiful Caribbean surrounded by people who actually like you. And yes, I know, I know . . . if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, but in my defense, that's easier said than done with this season's cast!
  11. Every single week it's a different version of the same story: Somehow, Kody and Robyn's behavior becomes even more deplorable and reprehensible, they manage to be even more self-centered, and they reach a new low with their false narratives and gaslighting. And speaking of their manipulative bullshit, I nearly spewed my diet coke when I heard them plaintively delivering their newest lie this week - that several years ago, Kody wanted to reconcile with Meri, but didn't because Christine "lost her shit." Let's assume for the sake of argument that Kody did in fact decide he wanted to reconcile with Meri thanks to the big ass batch of anniversary rice krispy treats she made for him and went around telling everyone (except Meri, of course), but then changed his mind because Christine was jealous. If I were Kody and that really did happen, I'd be way too embarrassed to ever tell anyone that I chose to end my marriage with one wife because another wife had a hissy fit. That is so fucking lame, there's really nothing else to even say about that. However, now it's Meri's turn, and she wastes no time in exposing Kody and Robyn as lying liars who lie, telling us that the ooey gooey warm feelings the rice krispy treats elicited from Kody didn't even last the night, as evidenced by his physical repulsion when Meri mentioned kissing him. So, when exactly did Kody go tell his other "three best friends" Robyn and his baby mommas about his new-found desire to work things out with Meri? Oh, that's right. He didn't. Never happened. If Kody and Robyn haven't figured it out yet, they're in for a rude awakening when they realize that nobody really gives a damn about them anymore. The rest of the family - i.e. all the wives who actually work and have an income - have moved on and are living their best Kody and Robyn-free lives. But hey, I'm sure Kody can support his remaining wife who sleeps until noon, her grown-ass kids who still live at home, Sol and Ari, plus the help just fine on the money he makes shilling guns at flea markets. The only thing that makes any of this the least bit palatable is that Kody and Robyn are getting exactly what they deserve - each other.
  12. I laughed out loud when Krysten roped Mitch into dog-sitting. She didn't get the husband she wanted, but a dog sitter (especially for that damn pug of hers) isn't a bad parting gift. 🤣🤣🤣
  13. I can't remember names, but maybe she's talking about the guy on the season filmed in Miami who smoked weed during the honeymoon? If I remember correctly, he was adamant it was no big deal, and his wife, who I believe peace'd out before the honeymoon was even over, was equally adamant that he had a serious substance abuse problem. Fast-forwarding to this season . . . Justin and Alexis make me wish for something to dull the awkwardness of their scenes. I personally don't care for either of them, and I think they're horrible together. My other least favorite person this season is Lindy. She is soooo annoyingly immature. Personally, I can't stand it when women act all bratty and then insist their partner "hold them accountable" or however they happen to phrase it. No! Grow the f*** up and hold your own damn self accountable! Do you want a partner, or a freakin' daddy? And the fit Lindy threw over Miguel adding her to his health insurance bugs me to this day. The amount of righteous indignation she had towards Miguel was actually insane given that Lindy herself doesn't care enough about having health insurance to freaking get out of bed in the morning and WORK. While I consider it be a massively immature choice, it's her choice to make - but choices have consequences. So, STFU and stop complaining about your student loan debt and stop trying to guilt trip Miguel over health insurance. Ugh! My two favorites this season are Nate and Krysten. Nate seems to see things pretty clearly and is straight-forward without using it as an excuse to be mean. He's also taken a lot of crap from Stacia in stride - such as the prenup - but I can't blame him for eventually getting frustrated with her. She does in fact talk in circles, and she's always critical, then tries to claim she didn't say whatever critical thing she just said when Nate calls her on it. However, I think that Stacia (and Nate) would be just fine with a little bit of coaching and a few small tweaks. Too bad the experts don't seem to give two f***s about the couples anymore (compared to the first few seasons). As for Krysten, I have a major girl crush. She's smart, funny, easy-going, ambitious, caring, mature, thoughtful, gracious . . . and super pretty, imo. Mitch lucked the f*** out getting matched with her, and I kept hoping (more for Krysten's sake, really) that he could rise to the occasion and be the kind of partner Krysten deserves . . . but maybe that's too much to expect in 8 weeks. If they don't make it, though, it will be his loss - which I think he kind of realizes, actually, but not feeling confident that's going to be enough to get him over the finish line.
  14. Natalie (in hysterics): "For me, sex is serious!" Great. Then don't have sex unless you're in a serious relationship, psycho! (And Natalie, pouting is so not a good look for a grown-ass woman). ________________________________ Tania: "All right, so, question, I have a question." Joel: "What?" Tania: "Um, whose lips are on you?" Joel: "What? Um . . . Oh, it was an ex-girlfriend of mine." Tania: "And you haven't decided to cover it up because . . . " Joel: "Listen, listen, this is a tattoo." Tania: "Okay." Joel: "The girl had beautiful lips." Tania: "For me, tattoos are more permanent than [divorce] papers." Tania (talking head): "I understand Joel being confused and like, why are you dating if you're still technically married. I understand that, but to keep it, keep it going and keep it, keep it going is really annoying and a big red flag for me." Umm, hello? You brought it up, not him? And just fyi, bringing up a touchy subject, then trying to shift the blame to your date and using that as a reason to dump your date is really annoying and a big red flag.
  15. The non stop verbal abuse Angela spews at Michael is so awful I can't even stand to watch their segments anymore. Not to mention that every single talking head is another disgusting and sick attempt to try and justify her abuse by blaming Michael and claiming some great love for him. I'm sorry, but if I were unable to stop myself from treating someone I love that way, I'd just remove myself from the relationship. But, we all know she's full of shit. Her abuse doesn't come from a place of love - it comes from immense insecurities / jealousy and selfishness. At this point, what I want to know is, why in the hell is she still on my tv? And while I'm on the subject of couples who make me feel super uncomfortable . . . Big Ed / Liz and Bilal / Shaeeda. Liz claims to be happy, then spends the rest of her segments low-level telling us all the reasons their relationship is still dysfunctional as fuck and that she's really not so happy. And honestly, Bilal acts like he can't stand Shaeeda. I don't get that relationship at all. And the way Bilal gets mad and gives Shaeeda the "silent treatment?" Yeah, that would be a "hell no" for me.
  16. I'm in roughly the same age group as Whit and also from a very affectionate southern family - but never in a million years would I kiss my parents on the mouth. Super ewwwww.
  17. This makes me not feel quite so bad, because I also didn't think she looked all that great. The first thing I noticed were those roots. I thought maybe that's a thing now and I'm just not up on current trends, but imo, a fresh color job was definitely in order. I also thought her make up was off; I think she would've been much better served with a more natural look. And I also didn't really like her dress. 😐 OTH, I thought Babs looked really beautiful. And kind of annoyingly, I actually even thought Whit looked quite nice. Her dress / make up / hair were oddly appropriate.
  18. I often wonder if Glenn ever gets tired of being the only functioning adult in that family? Granted, I'm sure he has traditional generational values and always expected to be the leader within his marriage, but I'm betting he didn't expect to end up with two grown-ass kids who seem to just kind of . . . exist.
  19. Justin and Alexis need to learn how to let shit go and move the fuck on. Good Lord. And Alexis, healthy self esteem is good, but you way overshot healthy and landed in obnoxiously over-inflated. A little humility would go a long way towards making you less insufferable. Morgan is abusive, IMO. And either, this show somehow attracts and/or intentionally casts a LOT of emotionally abusive people, or there are way more abusive people in the world than I ever realized. And I agree with other posters - Krysten is the real deal and a total class act.
  20. Tania: "If anyone asks, I just say I'm divorced." Tania's Hook Up Hopeful: "But that's lying!" Tania: "It's not lying . . . " [Wait. Fuck. Of course it's lying. And dude obviously isn't down with lying. So what should I do now? I know! Lie about lying]! Tania: "Okay, usually I say I'm separated." [And if you still don't like my answer, no worries! I'll just make up another one. And another, and another, until I finally say what you want to hear]. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 And in other news, while I actually would love to see Debbie in a healthy relationship with someone who treats her well, watching her and Tony make out . . . 🤢🤢🤢 Ugh! Things you can't un-see . . .
  21. As an attorney representing mortgage servicers and banks, I have quite a bit of exposure, albeit mostly indirect, to bankruptcy law - so here's a quick run down of how bankruptcy affects your credit score. A "chapter 7" bankruptcy, where most debts are discharged (wiped out), remains on credit reports for 10 yrs from the date its filed, and a "chapter 13" bankruptcy (debtor pays debts back in whole or in part over 3-5 yrs usually, pursuant to a structured payment schedule) remains on your credit report for 7 years. The underlying debts, however, only stay on you credit report for 7 yrs, regardless of what type bankruptcy you file. Interestingly, and this is what I think Nate was referencing, once you receive a discharge ( usually 3-6 months after filing), you can actually get back up to a relatively decent credit score within about 6 months. Because your debt has been wiped out and because you're precluded from receiving another discharge for 8 years, you've become less of a credit risk, and most people can start obtaining financing etc again by the 6 month post-discharge mark.
  22. Without weighing in one way or the other on whether June loves/loved her kids, I do think the happy family image HCHBB tried to portray in the early seasons was more made for tv than real. As other posters have said, Anna lived mostly with her grandmother and only moved back home to film (and presumably collect whatever pittance June offered her for it). Also, when Jessica was talking to Dr. Ish a few episodes ago, she mentioned living half her life with Doe Doe (not sure if that was old news, but it was the first time I remember hearing it). Not sure about Pumpkin, but that means that at minimum, when HCHBB debuted, at least 2 of June's 4 kids had been farmed out to family members for substantial portions of their childhood - which doesn't exactly scream "happy family" to me.
  23. It's entirely possible I just haven't noticed, but it seems like Josh hasn't had a "regular" 9-5 job in a while, so their only source of income would be from filming, right? I'm guessing that the bulk of the money for the show goes to June's nasty ass, however, so it wouldn't shock me if finances are tight for Pumpkin et al. They do have a lovely home, altho it's definitely nothing over the top But even in Georgia, living expenses for 3 adults, a teenager, and four little ones would still amount to a chunk of change.
  24. Color me shocked that the doctor Gina recruited actually refused to do the revision June wanted. Any doctor who tries to self-promote by associating with June gets automatic side-eye from me. But, I have to give credit where credit is due, and good on him for retaining his professional integrity. June's reaction to being told no was surprisingly subdued, however. Bet she was pissed. I laughed out loud when the doctor delivered the news to her. Kind of mean-spirited of me, I know, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I wish somebody had pressed June on how it's actually humanly possible that out of $25k a month, she can't afford to give Pumpkin and Josh $2k to support her child. Pretty sure her double-wide doesn't cost that much, and I can't imagine she's sinking that much money into her kept male companion now that he's living with her . . . so where the hell is all that money going? I mean, we see her take a lot of ubers , and then there's the copious amounts of food she's obviously consuming, I guess . . . but, damn. $25k a month is a SHIT TON of money. Agree with previous posters it's truly disgusting that June's gut-reaction when asked to help support her own child was to try to give her away instead. But, big picture, maybe she actually did everyone a favor by finally driving home the fact that at her core, she's a pathetic, selfish excuse of a mother who only has the capacity to care about herself. Hopefully her kids can finally internalize that this is who June's always been and always will be - and that they're better off moving on without her. Could watch the cute kiddos all day long. Love chubby laughing babies, and Ella seems so happy surrounded by all her family that it makes me smile.
  25. Without a shadow of a doubt, June is a pathetic excuse for a mother and her reaction to the custody situation was disgusting. Let's see . . . first, she's pissed they ruined her weekend by asking her to sign the custody documents. Then, she says she's doesn't feel pressured to give away her kid because it's Alana's best interest and seems to imply she should get some kind of credit for recognizing that. Doesn't seem to occur to her at all that maybe she should be upset because it's not in Alana's best interest to live with her. Then she says the only thing that bothers her about it is that she's being "made out to be a bad person." Fucking ME ME ME. She cares about one thing, and one thing only, and that's doing exactly what the fuck she wants to - which seems to consist almost exclusively of spending tens of thousands of dollars to ensure she's getting the male attention her fragile ego needs. Too bad she can't seem to feed that need with attention from her kids, and find some self worth in being a good mother. The degree to which she is self-absorbed, coupled with her complete lack of any self-awareness - and let's not even mention the smug look she usually has on her face - makes me want to bitch slap her through my tv, and I would be delighted if she were never on the show again. I would absolutely still tune in to watch Josh and Pumpkin trying to raise four (good Lord!) kids + Alana, keep their marriage together, etc., and I would love for them to get the big tv paycheck instead of June. Josh and Pumpkin are trying as hard as they know how, and I can't help but pull for them (+ Alana and Jessica) and hope they get a happily ever after in spite of fucking loser June. Oh, and the kids are freaking adorable. Ella is a precocious, bright little ball of energy and happiness, and Bentley with that red hair . . . Super super cute. : )
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