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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. 1st, the positive, Loved the fan made trailer it really pulls you in. I'm so tired of them dropping Dean's arch to really focus on Sam's issues. I am still hopeful that they do this right. So far I haven't seen anything to get upset with Sam about. I'm also fine with Demon Dean twisting the knife to escape as that is very logical for a Demon. Now if Crowley and Sam somehow team up to get Dean Human because neither can deal with him as a Demon I could live with that. Right now I'm still excited but my hopes are not too high. Also I would really hope that for once the fandom could unite and show both brothers some love...It's way past time and if this story kicks it in gear well I'm all for that. :) Yes, I still believe in happy endings, why do you ask...laugh...
  2. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester ++ The Song Remains the Same ++ Swan Song -- 25 - Dark Side of the Moon 25 - Point of No Return 23 - The End 21 - The Song Remains the Same 19 - Changing Channels 19 - Good God, Y'All 19 -The Real Ghostbusters 17- Two Minutes to Midnight 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 17 - Hammer of the Gods 15 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 15 - Abandon All Hope 15 - Sam, Interrupted 15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 13 - Swan Song 13 - Sympathy for the Devil 13 - 99 Problems 13 - Free to Be You and Me 11 - The Devil You Know 03 - Swap Meat Trapped in the box with Lucifer and Michael Fallen Idols
  3. Seems like we are on a roll now that we've gotten creative naming titles for the Dead Pool. Very cool title, I wish I had thought of it, but alas my talent with words must bow down to you! I guess it's not surprising that Fallen fell first, did anyone like it? No...poor show of course I did enjoy seeing Paris being killed...other than that, I've got nothing.
  4. My problem is it built up such a strong dislike, that it took several eps for me to start getting over it and it pulled me out of the story. I had to work to get back in. This is not a good thing, IMO. I agree it shifted when Kevin came back as a ghost but I was ready for him to be killed again for no reason. Once the damage has been done, undoing it is difficult. I hope your right that it is a comedy and a light ep with the two sheriffs. One difference for me, if I no longer enjoy any of it, I leave. I don't keep complaining, I just stop watching. I'm hoping to fall in love once again, but I am also cautious if that makes any sense. I believe the writers have the right to create however they want, but I also have the right to stop watching if it isn't entertaining anymore. So far I'm enjoying and looking forward to this season, and I am hoping that how Dean gets rescued from being a Demon is satisfying. I'm also trying to have no expectations for the first ep, so I can enjoy it. Anytime I get to excited I usually am very disappointed. But I'm taking the cue from both the boys that they are enjoying this season...not sure how I feel about Cole, but I will wait before I react.
  5. I really think this is the conflict can she find a way to become good and deal with the ups and downs that normal people face or will she once again resort to what she knows best. Regina is a very fun villain and in the world of fairy tales good and evil is black and white and without any grey. I liked how they want to help Regina and think that they should react like they would with a normal person but she isn't normal and her first instinct will always go to a quick fix. I did watch Frozen and actually liked it much to my surprise. It reminded me of Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid and I really liked what they did. I also enjoyed the twists the came up with. But I also doubt that Disney would give them permission to change the costumes too much if they are in period piece dress, now in the modern time, I think they can get away with it and I wouldn't mind them exploring that. As far as the snowman and special effects, I didn't have a problem, but then again, I grew up when special effects were pretty bad. Watch the first Star Trek show and you can still see the ship being pulled by a string. However, we the viewer were asked to use our imagination and play what if this could happen. I think it is sad that some will never know how to use their imagination while watching a show. I really liked the show and I found this story far more interesting than I did when they went to Neverland. But then again I'm not looking for a deep show, just the enjoyment I experienced in season 1 when they mixed up the old fairy tales with a splatter of today. Since I teach middle school, you can't deal with how a young person will grow up, the growth spurts are unpredictable and I didn't have a problem with Henry. Of course for me, he's always been a weaker actor, so my expectations are low to begin with. I did laugh when I realized they had sleepy driving, duh how stupid can you be grumpy? lol So I enjoyed it and I'm really looking forward for more
  6. I'm tired of them killing off the characters, because it is now predictable and I'm not seeing as really adding to the story telling. Plus once the character is killed you can't keep bringing them back because it makes the death stupid. They have killed too many characters off. Kevin's death didn't even register as any level of pain, because I just said another one. I didn't care and not even Jensen's performance could pull me back in. At some point you stop investing in a show if they keep killing off the characters you like and that is the beginning of letting a show go. I'm excited for this season but at the same time, I'm very aware of how the show has burned me in the past since season 4...so Jodi Mills death's would make it easier for me to stop watching all together. Hopefully the writers aren't that stupid and have a handle on how tired the long time viewers are about the death's of loved characters. And no this isn't a cry to bring Bobby back, I just haven't seen a way that works in doing that.
  7. I don't hate Season 5 but the ones I don't like, I really don't like them. But I blame the writing for the fail. And yes I agree, every ep has a gem in it...but some just aren't worth saving for that one moment. ++ Dark Side of the Moon ++ The Song Remains the Same -- Fallen Idols 21 - Point of No Return 21 - The End 21 - Dark Side of the Moon 19 - Changing Channels 19 - The Song Remains the Same 17- Two Minutes to Midnight 17 - Hammer of the Gods 17 - Good God, Y'All 17 -The Real Ghostbusters 17 - My Bloody Valentine 17 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 15 - Sympathy for the Devil 15 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 15 - Abandon All Hope... 15 - Sam, Interrupted 15 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 13 - The Devil You Know 13 - Swan Song 13 - 99 Problems 13 - Free to Be You and 09 - Swap Meat 01 - Fallen Idols
  8. No I voted it up first and you just helped get it back to 15. :) Yes I do enjoy this one. We are going to have a very difficult time I predict this round, because I don't think we agree on much.
  9. I still miss Jackie, but for the first time at the end of the ep, I started to like Danny's new partner. I don't know why, but a lot of Jaimie and his partner moments just don't interest me, it's not badly done...I just don't care. I really liked Danny's and Frank's sections and it did grab my attention but it still isn't a show I must see. I liked how it showed Frank really having a difficult time doing his job and hating the parts that the cops can't understand. I thought the speech was really effective and really put a nice punch at the end of the show.
  10. I really enjoyed it and I haven't been a regular viewer in a while. It was fun, fast pace action and I enjoyed being able to escape and forget about my day for a bit. there are plenty of realistic shows out there if you want that, but I enjoyed that this one was different and the moment with Danny and Steve in therapy session was so funny as you could tell it was deep with all the non truth being thrown around. I don't know if I would buy Danny if he wasn't complaining and in some ways this show is a throw back to the old "Starsky & Hutch" series. Starsky always complained unless it was something serious then he wouldn't say a word, so this is how I see Danny. The ending definitely made me wonder what will happen next and yep I could see a big X painted on Adam's back. Looking forward to more and I haven't thought that in awhile. :)
  11. ++ The Song Remains the Same ++ The Curious Case of Dean Winchester -- Swan Song 17 - The End 17- Dark Side of the Moon 17 - Changing Channels 17 - Hammer of the Gods 17 - Point of No Return 17 - The Song Remains the Same 15 - Sympathy for the Devil 15 - Good God, Y'All 15 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future 15 -The Real Ghostbusters 15 - Abandon All Hope... 15 - Sam, Interrupted 15 - The Song Remains the Same 15 - My Bloody Valentine 15 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid 15 - 99 Problems 15 - The Devil You Know 15 - Two Minutes to Midnight 13 - Swan Song 13 - Swap Meat 13 - Free to Be You and Me 13 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 09- Fallen Idols
  12. Even if I vote both down, one will be far ahead and I wouldn't change the order, so yes for me, LR is the winner. It's not my turn to vote yet, but I can in a bit if that helps. I don't have a time for a rewatch and some of season 4 is sketchy in some places, But I did like the return of the ones they couldn't save coming back to haunt them. Isn't this the one that Cas tells Dean he took him out of hell and he could take him back? Are you There God...had some really nice moments and the brothers were united for a little while. I wish this show was better at doing two brother story lines at the same time. It seems like to me, one gets drop while they focus on one and bring it to the front.
  13. Hopefully, the reasoning is sound, but this is Supernatural after all. At least he is happier this season because last season the storyline had gotten him pretty depressed and well I like happy Dean much more than a depressed and sad Dean.
  14. I can agree, it is a hoot! On another thought, it looks like Jensen is really getting comfortable singing at the cons. Not during the Q & A but he joins in with the band and I don't remember him always doing it as often as he is now. I wonder if he will someday try to do more music. I know of an actor that is doing music gigs now and not as much acting now that his last show went off the air. NOT saying he will, just wondering if somewhere, when down the road if he will try it.
  15. Too late, mine are gone, but I've also said my peace about Fallen Idol. It's not a fav, nor is it one that I spend a lot of time thinking about anyway. :)
  16. -- Lazarus Rising -- The Monster at the End of This Book -- Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 25 - Lazarus Rising 05- The Monster at the End of This Book 01 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever It's a Terrible Life Wishful Thinking Monster Movie In the Beginning On the Head of a Pin Sniff, Sniff - Okay I did goof, but I do like in the beginning...Dean meeting John and trying to get him to buy the impala, Finding out how the boys got their name. In my defense...I haven't watched season 4 or 5 more than once except for a few eps, so I did slip into the wrong season, but yes I still like In the beginning. Actually monster isn't awful, but it did have some good moments, but to mourn the lost of two I enjoyed, I'll go with voting them all down. I will have to think about my top three, but I'm only clear on my 1st place.
  17. I think the real problem is that not too many believed that Dean should be blamed and it didn't help Sam's image at all, In fact I think it harmed it way more. Season 5 does have what were they thinking moments? or were they thinking?
  18. Nah, it got bumped one more time. On the other hand - In the beginning...sniff sniff --Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester + In the Beginning + On the Head of a Pin 32 - Lazarus Rising 11 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 11 - The Monster at the End of This Book 04 - On the Head of a Pin 02 - In the Beginning Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever It's a Terrible Life Wishful Thinking Monster Movie I know I'm alone on In the beginning but I couldn't let it go yet. Sam finally meeting his younger parents, the shut up in the back seat with two grown men reacting like boys. And the ending with Mary telling Dean that the angels are watching over you and really knowing how awful that makes it..
  19. + In the Beginning +On the Head of a Pin -- The Monster at the End of This Book 34 - Lazarus Rising 16 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 13 - The Monster at the End of This Book 06 - In the Beginning 06- On the Head of a Pin Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever It's a Terrible Life Wishful Thinking Monster Movie
  20. -- Are You There, God.. +On the Head... + In the Beginning 34 - Lazarus Rising 18 - The Monster at the End of This Book 15 - In the Beginning 13 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 06 - On the Head of a Pin Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever It's a Terrible Life Wishful Thinking Monster Movie I know it is a matter of time but I'll fight for it a bit longer.... I liked Monster Movie and it was a nice throwback ep and Dean in lederhosen is a hoot.
  21. + In the Beginning -- Wishful Thinking + On the Head of a Pin 36 - Lazarus Rising 23 - The Monster at the End of This Book 18 - In the Beginning 16 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 07 - On the Head of a Pin 05 - Monster Movie 02 - It's a Terrible Life 01 - Wishful Thinking Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever * Gave Terrible Life Mercy for this round.- insert evil laugh!
  22. Nah, I'll fight to the bitter end, I gave up on Yellow Fever, couldn't save Pin and tried attacking one that I knew others would have to vote on. Go ahead Awesome000 do your worst...will enjoy the duel and may the best cowgirl win. :) I did love Frontierville but then again I've always have always had a soft spot for cowboy shows. To be honest most shows have only a couple of strong sections and I didn't take out your favorite for season 1, and several of my favs from season 1 bit the dust because I didn't understand the game. I think if I had to sit down and fill out my top 5 for each season, it wouldn't match the way we voted...Although Scarecrow was a good ep, I'm just not sure it would be my # 2.
  23. Don't you know, tactic #1, attack the one someone loves so you can force votes to try to save your favorite. :) Besides you've been after Head of Pin for a while, Poor Pins are feeling very unloved. Also sometimes you have to sacrifice one you love in order to save the one you can't let go, so vote away, this would be very boring if we all loved same ep. Although it does seem as if we do have an agreement on the top ep for the last few seasons. OOOPS I almost reported myself...good thing there is double check on that, silly me, hitting the wrong button. Next season, I think it will be every man or woman for themselves! RUN! ;)
  24. -- It's a Terrible Life -- Monster Movie + On the Head of a Pin 35 - Lazarus Rising 23 - The Monster at the End of This Book 19 - In the Beginning 18 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester 08 - On the Head of a Pin 07 - Wishful Thinking 05 - Monster Movie 02 - It's a Terrible Life Sent to Hell with No Hope of an Angel Rescue Criss Angel Is a Douchebag Family Remains Metamorphosis Sex and Violence I Know What You Did Last Summer Heaven and Hell After School Special It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester The Rapture When the Levee Breaks Jump the Shark Lucifer Rising Death Takes a Holiday Yellow Fever Rip - Yellow Fever, you have some great moments but alas your ending was just too deadly. But I will always love Eye of the Tiger and I can never hear that song without thinking of Supernatural now...is that a bad thing? Sue B mentioned all the best parts so I won't repeat that here.
  25. @SueB, Oh I can get it, Crowley isn't your normal villain, you hate, you love him and you want to see him suffer. Yellow Eyes, I just wanted to see how they got him, but with Crowley, he's always thinking he's got it where he's on top only to get crushed once again, Cas anyone? So yes I do love to hate him and I do enjoy him but he must I'm sorry he must pay for what he's done to Dean. I'd love to see Dean twist it around and just when Crowley believe he had it all, find himself waiting hand and foot on...now my twisted mind comes up with him being a PA to the worst director ever in a show called Supernatural and he can't escape no matter how he tries. What ever he orders to eat, it is the one thing he can't stand and only Dean can set him free and Dean's forgotten where Crowley is, so he's stuck....oopsy... me bad I know. Crazy, possible I teach middle school so blame my students! ;)
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