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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I wish the ending had had more time as it was the more important part. I get Jensen and Jared having a hard time about the bar scene, but I just like John being a father for once. But could they have done something different...or better, sure. It feels like to me, Dean has had his fair share of people trying to take advantage of him and I always thought his time in hell has issues that weren't really explored and certainly they have hinted many sexual abuse issues. It's why I never bought that Sam's hell was soooo much worse. I think this one could have been so much stronger, but it just didn't do what they had planned on it doing. Can't rewatch right now, but will try to latter and see if the second time if I like any of it more. I think my main issue with Claire is that I didn't really buy it. I don't know if it was the writing or acting. But it was one of the weakest eps for the season for me. Hopefully an ep that is later will make it better.
  2. I guess my positive to it is because for once they show John in a better light and I'm so sick of mean, cruel John. I hated when they started that story line. I also agree it was for Cas's storyline to make better sense. Was it the perfect story, no, but I do wish they would show John in a more positive light, because otherwise I can't buy that Dean would be all teary eyed and know how much he loves John, if he really thought he was the big meanie and abusive father. That would have worked better, I think what really makes the story bad is the I hate you, but kids do sometimes say that for the stupid of reasons.
  3. I think Dean stated he wasn't Father of the year and nor do I think it showed that he thought his Dad was perfect, but just that when he was growing up, he felt he did look out for him. For me John goes of the deep end once he find the trail of the YED once again. That's when things really went south for Dean. So that is why I don't mind the story. I don't see it as a cure for dear old Dad and he's an angel, but with his warts and all, he loved us the best he could. And even Sam says in Season 1, they could have had it so much worse.
  4. Kripke stated that John was an excellent hunter and knew what the YED knew. How much we really never stated but a spin off of the young John as a father with 2 little kids would be a gold mine I think with the right Casting. They have such a rich history to explore and it is a shame that they don't do that. I wouldn't mind seeing John shortly after he lost Mary with 2 kids.
  5. This is the part that needed to be expanded and some other parts would have been strong if shortened. This is the problem with supernatural, sometimes they cast some amazing actors and hardly use them and then cast someone down right bad and give them a huge part. I agree with some of the girls in fanfiction were really good, but this one was acting with her head and not her instinct or soul.
  6. On a superficial note, I love Dean in the Blue and purple plaid shirt. Not sure why Dean was laughing so hard at the 3 Stooges and makes me wonder if that means something? Mom and Crowley = snore. Not interesting at all and I can't believe he was so stupid to fall for her lies. But I don't really care anyway...if they don't do something better, kill them off. I liked the scene in the dinner with Cas and Dean. I loved the father story, nice to hear a nice moment with John for a change. Cas and Claire...mixed it just wasn't tight. a few good moments but otherwise a bit long. At least Sam didn't jump to Dean you're a monster. But wondering if the psychic dream means something more. Do I care who he killed nope and I hope it doesn't turn into another Amy storyline. We knew the MoC storyline wasn't over but not really sure what they want me to feel on this one, it's messy. Can't love it but not totally the worst ever either....
  7. I agree about the wedding and Dean freaking out about Sam getting married. I even liked when she stuffed the sock in Sam's mouth but then I was like just spit it out, no way you can't do that which totally took me out of the ep. After that I just thought it was too over the top. If they had gone for less laughs it might have been a much better ep. This is one that I wish they had had skilled writers and the break up scene, totally get why the J2's tried to rewrite it but unfortunately it still stunk. I loved having both on the show, I did love Angel and part of Buffy but I didn't finish the series it got too weird for me. I enjoyed War of the Roses but for some reason this show just doesn't work for me. I guess I would have to rewatch to see if I could see a new way of doing it....but no time for that. Maybe if they had gone for less laughs??? don't know.... so I guess if there is someone that loved it, they will have to give it the better send off.
  8. Death's Door ++ The Mentalists++ Shut Up, Dr. Phil -- 29 - Time After Time 27 - Slash Fiction 23 - Hello, Cruel World 23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 21 - Death's Door 19 - Meet the New Boss 19 - The Mentalists 17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 15 - Adventures in Babysitting 15 - The Slice Girls 15 - Repo Man 15 - Out with the Old 15 - The Born-Again Identity 15 - Of Grave Importance 15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 15 - Reading Is Fundamental 15 - There Will Be Blood 13 - Survival of the Fittest 13 - The Girl Next Door 11 - Party On, Garth 05 - Defending Your Life 01 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding!
  9. There are some Bobby moments I choose to ignore and I still Like John because I ignore some of the stuff they gave him later. Since every writer has written some really bad WTF moments, I feel I can ignore it. JMV I would say Bobby was more a father figure after John died than before. But I myself have a sort of close relationship with my nephews and we don't see each other very often but when we do get together we always get along and make each other smile. So I guess that is just what I see about Bobby, that every once in awhile he saw the boys and helped them get better at something, but that doesn't mean that John wasn't there much more than Bobby. So that is how I choose to see that and it makes it work for me. But I understand those that hate him too, I just never got on that bandwagon.
  10. We teach projection for the stage, because in schools, they still don't use mics...stupid I know but the one act competitions don't allow mics. But projection isn't about lowering your voice. A good coach would always say don't do a voice that hurts your throat. Jensen has stated he started it because he thought about Dean trying to be John and plus he thought it was cool. But some males have deep voices because that is there natural pitch. If it is natural it doesn't sound painful. Jensen has been better this season but I agree I don't want him to harm his voice, because he has a great singing voice and it could hurt it permanently. I understand why he initially started it and shows how deep he thinks about his character choices but as his voice naturally deepen he could have talked closer to his natural voice. Sometimes it does work, because I did believe the reason Demon Dean was hunting Sam was because he was stupid enough to poke the sleeping bear. I can agree with @catrox14 on this one.
  11. Some lines just don't hold a lot of weight for me. Dad would dump us on you whenever he had a hunt, obviously wasn't totally true, because we saw times when the boys were left on their own. I guess I give the example of how each one of us in a situation would see it differently. Real example for me, we were robbed, at least 4 of us were involved in the bank holdup, I saw 2 guns, the person next to me saw 0, and the other two only saw 1. This is how life is, we each have our own interpretation of what happened, but that doesn't mean that Dean and Bobby saw eye to eye or that Bobby was with them all the time. It could be a few times he did take them in, or maybe when they were too young to be left on their own, Bobby helped out more. Does that mean that Dean didn't really help raise Sam, I don't think so. I know I helped out my mom raising my younger siblings, but their memory might not agree with that. When they got older I had moved out, so the times I really helped out, they might not even remember that. That is how I see Bobby, he has memories that maybe the boys don't focus on. The last memory wasn't the boys being young, but them being grown men. So he tossed the ball once with Dean, we don't have Dean saying they tossed the ball all the time. I can see it being a rare thing and a very special memory for Bobby, but it doesn't mean that Bobby did it everyday. JMV, I never got tired of Bobby. I still liked him and wished he hadn't been killed off.
  12. Actually, I do get it and it wasn't Out of Character for me. When Bobby tries to get Dean to burn Sam to move on, Dean yells at Bobby. Before this Dean had called Bobby and told him if you're gone, I hope not, because I'm barely holding on and I'll drive my Beautiful Brother off a cliff. So for Dean he was losing it, he didn't have anyone else to help out and he was drinking pretty hard at this point. Also I've watched quiet kids, reach the breaking point and suddenly start screaming and throwing things down which is out of character for them when they get upset. So I just took this as Dean was past the threshold of what he could handle and reacted. Sam is being the realistic one at this point and preparing himself for the hard time and Dean is looking for anything to keep it from happening. So I do think it is a very strong ep for this season and it was a really nice way to send Bobby off, if they had to kill him off. Personally I didn't have a problem with him seeing himself as the boys father figure, that doesn't mean that the Boys did and Dean had yelled at Bobby in Season 5 I believe that "you're not my father" so it did tie into Bobby's image. I think as the years went on, Bobby had become a substitute father for Dean, but that still doesn't mean he takes John's place in Dean's life. Dean loved John, and he loved Bobby. He needed both of them. If that makes any sense.
  13. I'm hoping Carver is moving into a better place, I agree that many of the stories had great overall ideas but the execution stunk. So I wish whoever is in the driver's seat of the written scripts, would reflect about the consequences of the long term effects before they quickly pen the story. I would love to support the fantasy staffing, but I just don't know who it should be. I like Cas and Crowley but I would love for the angel war bore story to be over. But I think that is actually a popular opinion. What I find fascinating is all the different reactions we have to one scene. So I can't blame the production on some UO because I don't think you can predict all of them. Then some of them, I just wonder what were they thinking, or were they just drinking too much that night??? JMV :)
  14. ++ Death's Door ++ Time After Time -- Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! 25 - Time After Time 23 - Slash Fiction 23 - Hello, Cruel World 21 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 19 - Meet the New Boss 19 - Death's Door 17 - The Mentalists 15 - The Girl Next Door 15 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 15 - Adventures in Babysitting 15 - The Slice Girls 15 - Repo Man 15 - Out with the Old 15 - The Born-Again Identity 15 - Party On, Garth 15 - Of Grave Importance 15 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 15 - Reading Is Fundamental 15 - There Will Be Blood 15 - Survival of the Fittest 09 - Defending Your Life 09 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil 01 - Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! I loved the idea of Defending Your Life. I loved how they used Jo in this one but the whole Amy issue just turns my stomach. NO WAY was it the issue that Dean felt the most guilty about and for that I can't save it. I won't kill it, but I won't save it either. If it had better writers and gone for what the real issues, it could have been awesome instead it divided the fan base over really nothing.
  15. Well you do have Dean in season 8 Yelling Cas's Name when he is killed, so I think it works on several levels. It isn't a clean cut friendship where they haven't done something to each other. Both have done some awful things to each other, but Jensen described it this way and I think it is the way it works. Cas and Dean are like war buddy's. They've seen each other's worst characteristics. Yet they still try to fight on the same side for the same things, so when you look at the whole and not the parts, they bonded over fighting for team free will. Now Cas doesn't understand human emotions and Dean is his guide in this. Kind of like when Soulless Sam said to Dean, you make hunting better. (Not saying they did a great job with that storyline, just using it as an example.) On some level they get each other and they don't have to apologize for their actions over and over. To be honest I think some of the parts of them not being bonded as friends has been the results of trying to dispel Diestiel. But I can only give what draws me to liking their dynamic together. Cas is the only one Dean can tell his real feelings without risking the end of their friendship. Cas understands Dean well enough to call him on his bull and force him to talk to him and Dean has gotten through to Cas sometimes a bit too late, but he has gotten through. So the connection is one that was forged by fighting the good fight together and Cas did the one thing no one else could do. He got him to hope and pray and he does pray to Cas in the worst of times. Last Season when Cas was human, he also allowed him to leave the hunting world because at the time he thought it would be the best thing for him. He was wrong, but he did have good intentions. JMV Just like family, you care about someone even when they drive you batty and you want to be as far away as possible. But when the going gets tough, you are there for them because that is what real friends do. On some level, they do that. They keep each other moving in the right direction and Dean is the only one that really gets why Cas just doesn't understand some things. So although he is way more powerful than Dean, he has a leadership quality that Cas will follow. Finally, because, Jensen and Misha have a bloody chemistry that just pulls you in. Now you don't have to agree with anything I said, but I can only tell you why I love them together as friends. Have they had a rocky road at times, sure but on the whole they work as friends for me. @Sue B I hate when they show the best parts in the previews, but I'm hoping there is something that hasn't been shown that we will love as well. I'm hopeful, but these days I go in prepared to be burned. So Sad. But I do love that scene. Maybe it's the lighting of Jensen's hair, but it looks lighter than the beginning of the season....For some reason I like it with highlights. lol I really like his look this season.
  16. they better not give the mark to Sam, I swear I will hunt the writers down... It will either be awful or will make everyone's head spin. I agree with the Nightmare, and Dean meeting Cas alone. The promo does give why Dean is lying to Sam. But will Cas have the juice to kill Demon Dean, I mean he still has the issue of his grace dying, unless this ep fixes that one. At least I hope it does.
  17. It is interesting that many of the shows you love I do too. So at least we tried. One small note for me, it was fanfiction that got me into Supernatural, and although I love several good western shows, I thought they had some good stuff. Maybe they just didn't watch enough westerns...or they were like we only get to do this once so lets put in everything we can. But it is still one I remember fondly.
  18. Appointment in Samarra -- Weekend at Bobby's + 13 - Weekend at Bobby's 11 - Appointment in Samarra In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Clap Your Hands If You Believe Live Free or TwiHard The Man Who Knew Too Much The Man Who Would Be King French Mistake Mommy Dearest Frontierland Sniff, Sniff I couldn't save it darn it! Well at least it hung on till near the end. I've given all the reasons I loved it, but alas I couldn't fight against the ones that didn't love it. So it has to be Weekend for me. I do like both but Weekend was such a strong ep. But I will allow my mood to change my mind since Frontierland is gone, gone! Oh the pain. Ouch. Too much? Oh well. :)
  19. I liked Catherine and never had a problem with her. I don't agree that Kono and Chin are just showing up for a shot or two. They will give them a storyline as they always do. I agree that H50 can have more women, so I'm not sure we are really disagreeing about all of this. But if we talk about this anymore it needs to go into something that deals about the entire series and not this ep. The set up has been to give Chin, Kono, Danny and Steve a big story. This also allows for the characters to have time off so they don't get burned out and want to leave the show. I don't love everything about this ep or every ep for this season, but I haven't been as excited to watch it since season 1. So that is a big deal for me. Maybe because I took a break it is working more for me. JMV.
  20. Not sure but I think the count is off, you might want to check the numbers on your vote?
  21. I loved it!!!! The guy doing the graffiti having his art work turn to blood, made me laugh. I loved hearing "The Weight" and now anytime I hear that song I really hear Jensen's voice and really wish he would release it on an album as it really fits his voice...but the song made me smile. I loved Jody and Donna, although I thought they showed them on a golf cart some time ago which I didn't see in the ep...so that made me go huh? Maybe I'm remember it wrong. Loved Sam and Dean talking. I thought it was a decent pace. I liked the writers for this one, so I hope they will do another one soon. It didn't feel like Sam and Dean were guest stars as the use of why they weren't involved at first worked for me. I really needed the laughs so I was really glad for the stupid parts. Actually they did a good job of distracting me, because I didn't guess vamps so the reveal was interesting for me. Will have to rewatch it again. :)
  22. -- Appointment in Samarra -- Weekend at Bobby's + Frontierland 15 - Weekend at Bobby's 14 - Appointment in Samarra 07 - Frontierland 07 - French Mistake 04 - Mommy Dearest 02 - The Man Who Would Be King In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Clap Your Hands If You Believe Live Free or TwiHard The Man Who Knew Too Much Well count me on Frontierland and I could live if Weekend @ Bobby's won, but French mistake is not in the top 3 for me. If you can say Frontierland didn't live up to it's potential then French Mistake also failed IMO. Sure it has it's funny moments but I like the others so much more. So my vote is easy, anything above Frontierland, I vote down. I'm okay we don't see eye to eye and this season I don't think we have agreement. Actually on Frontierland, I thought it was refreshing that the guy that Dean has to take down wasn't someone you wanted to hate. It would have been more cliche if he was a bad guy that had to be put to death but for Dean to have to kill a hero for the greater good, that was painful. Which is why Dean went for the duel. It was the only way he could give the guy the respect he deserved, but he had to look at the big picture. He was in a win / lose situation. If he let the guy live, then his time period suffered and it wasn't just Dean and Sam that would lose, it was everyone they were trying to save. So maybe it was a bit of deep thought that I admit is usually an accident on this show, but it worked for me. Everyone has pointed out so greatly why their fav, was so strong. I think that is the main issue with season 6, it is not a clear cut love all the ep. But I do think Weekend at Bobby's is one of the best ones directed by Jensen.
  23. For me it isn't a woman thing. But adding females to a cast with hot guys and trying to make them love interests is tricky at best. Some will love it others hate it. I don't see Jerry or Grover taking away from the main cast. Now Joe White started to do that and to be honest I stopped watching for a few seasons. What drew me to the show is Danny & Steve friendship which this ep did highlight for a small bit. I don't remember this one that well and that says how long lasting it stayed with me. Not one of their best eps but I am wanting to tune in this season, so as long as I feel that way I will continue to try to watch this season. I didn't feel that way last season.
  24. Appointment -- Weekend at Bobby's -- Frontierland + 15 - Frontierland 14 - Weekend at Bobby's 13 - Appointment in Samarra 13 - The French Mistake 12- The Man Who Would Be King 12 - Mommy Dearest 07 - The Man Who Knew Too Much 01 - Live Free or Twihard In flagrante with the King of Hell All Dogs Go to Heaven Unforgiven Mannequin 3: The Reckoning Like a Virgin Family Matters And Then There Were None Let it Bleed Caged Heat Exile on Main St. You Can't Handle the Truth Two and a Half Men The Third Man My Heart Will Go On Clap Your Hands If You Believe
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