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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Hopefully she's past middle school. Good luck on surviving the drama, since you're not prepared maybe you should write a story with her being the victim and then force her to read it. You can decide if Dean or Sam save her... By the way, the one time my heart stopped was when my dad used, "I'm disappointed in you." He had never said that before and it hurt worst than all the yelling my parents did. By the way, I used it on a student this year, and saw his tears welling up. I knew he would remember that more than anything else his parents had tried. He's the type of kid that pushes the limits all the time doing stupid stuff. If he hadn't shown up, our entire one act would have been disqualified. I didn't have a replacement for him, so to say I wanted to strangle him was a understatement. :) I can smile now but I wasn't smiling then.
  2. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but I thought the question was "Why create a round planet?" If God could create a planet in any shape why round? That's all I remember so it wasn't a big deal to me. I rather thought Sam was on a sugar high, come face to face with the creator and wanting to ask all those crazy questions you had as a kid. You know how people get goofy when they come face to face with someone they really admire. Just my two cents. :)
  3. IA this is wrong and stupid. I'm hopeful I'm interpreting the spoilers correctly. It seems we are getting a Dean and Cas moment in the final...now what that will look like who knows but from reading different spoilers, no I can't remember which one, but my impression - we will a moment with the two. Maybe with the new show runner, they will fix this. I also think it's a problem to write for the approval of fans, because let's face it the fandom is wishy washy about so many things. Therefore you can't please them all. I think the only thing you have agreement on, is for Dean and Sam to work together and stop the force lying storytelling as it is so stale. So they need to write the story well. Sam's friendship with Cas doesn't have the emotional pull that Dean has. But Sam wasn't the one that lost a very close relationship at age 4. Dean usually only allows a few close to him so a lost is dramatic and Sam has the experience of college and making a group of friends. Not sure I can express this part well, but if Sam was living the normal apple pie life, he would naturally have many friends. His college days helped him to be less isolated. Dean, however, has a trust issue and tends to let a few into his inner circle. He doesn't quickly see someone as a close relationship. Part of that is the fact that he is more practical about their life and how it will end. Sam is more hopeful and I think that is the ingredient which makes work well together. It allows them to cover more options when they do team together. If the last ep's goal was to create a checklist of well we've given the fans what they expected and now they will give us something we want but not something we expect...Then this final could be a good thing if everyone worked together to make it the best it can be. My best productions have come from collaboration. When people are allowed to share their ideas and mix it with the process, the results can be outstanding. I'm hopeful that this is what they are going for, not that they were trying to fix something. From watching the JIBCon video's I got the spirit was more excitement of making sure that what they did worked with the vision. I'm hopeful, but due to past disappointments skeptical as well. If they have found a direction that will make it an interesting choice, it might make next season compelling.
  4. Some of the things brought up in the last ep, seems like a big did you catch it? Rowena looking up at, my guess God. The idea of going back in time. Dean being the fireball. Also don't forget the ep where Dean on the inside and Sam on the outside but had to time it just right in order for it to work. For some reasons I'm thinking about mystery spot, where the clock keeps getting turned back. What if they are trying to get back to before Dean kills Death? I suspect there are so many interesting moments that if used the depth of the show, it could really surprise and please the fans. I just wonder if they have really planned this through instead of just throwing some ideas against the wall to see what will stick. I'm hoping for a plan and not just pulling something out of the rabbit's hat and hope it sticks.
  5. Hmmm Somehow I think the moment with God and Dean about him being the fireball is a big clue...now it could be it is so obvious, so they drop it. But I wish the show's action could have showcased a stronger ep. Not sure I hate it, but not in love with it.
  6. IA with this being one of her best scenes. I think her looking at Dean's and his mom's picture was a nice touch. I almost wonder if God knew it would fail but had to let the kids have their way to prove his point. Not a spoiler just thinking out loud. Just so many things didn't feel true to form. I'm glad did make sure Lucifer couldn't harm the boys but disappointed "with can't bring Gabriel back"...boo hoo speech. May have done one thing that is necessary, set the bar so low that next week's ep will actually be enjoyable? Unless that try to make it some big joke.
  7. this part bothers me, as they also played up how much Steve helped everyone but Danny has done his share too. I get it was played for laughs but it makes it a fail. Realism isn't an issue with this show. It is the old throwback to the 60's & 70's when you did what you wanted for plot points even if it hurts the character. I can understand you watch to just relax and enjoy the show, but I also like to be surprised. I haven't been faithful watching, so I guess I missed when they changed Danny to always complaining before the dangerous stunts. I still wonder if they can't figure out why people liked this show in the beginning. I get the writers like to give a little for everyone but couldn't they have shown Danny a little love and still go for a competition of who got the most love? There were other options...I can over look some of it...but I think audiences can handle a more realistic approach to this story and it could have been a really nice mix of comic and heart.
  8. I have a very mixed up reaction to this ep. Metatron redeeming himself I can deal with. But if they are going with God and Amara stuck in the cage together... it just feels like a sloppy remix of Season 5. Will have to watch again, because I think I missed the beginning so hopefully it did record. Again, they are throwing too much at the end instead of layering it throughout the season. I will say I wish they hadn't brought God back into this...the expectations are just too high and it is bound to fail.
  9. Method Acting can be very dangerous...You go so deep you forget who you are. Actors that have been method have hurt themselves to get the emotions they were supposed to feel during a scene or another example, they are suppose to have not slept for days, they don't sleep for days. So that line can cover Chuck's reactions and if he was truly hiding, you can even tie it in with season 5, when Death said he would reap God. As far as this show being Anti - Christian...it depends on which testament your into. The old testament has God as mean and cruel and the new one makes him a little kinder and gentler. Plus add the issue that not all Christian's faiths agree, you've got lots of wiggle room. I never really care, since Supernatural isn't really following any faith and pokes at all of them. Since I always thought that Sam would pick the amulet up and hold on it, I can buy that he's been hiding it from Dean to avoid causing him pain. He knows full well how Dean feels about God. But Sam is the keeper of Hope, in that his character has always tried to find the belief that it will work out unless they decide not to write it for him. I don't see this as Sam losing his Dignity or it being about poor little Dean. They have different ways of seeing the world and that creates natural conflict. Personally for me it makes Sam more interesting and allows him to have depth to his character instead of being a cartoon. Sometimes it's been the writing choices that have made it worse, but I don't pity either brother. Dean is more practical going with what he sees and losing his mother so young, makes sense that he would have a different kind of faith. I also want to see how he handles seeing God now, but with God saving the town and Sam, he may not punch Chuck...Although it might have been fun to see. :) I guess another thing for me, is that my job is to look at what doesn't work with the acting, writing and etc. So although I may point of stuff I don't like, it doesn't mean I hate it. I would have stopped watching if I did. Example I no longer watch Greys and left it a long time ago. I've seen a few eps here and there because a friend likes it, but it's no longer on my watch list. I'm watching Supernatural live sometimes when I can, so I have come full circle. I agree that Robbie had some really brilliant moments in this ep. The bits with God and Metatron, The ending. And for those that didn't want Sam to have it all along, easy, it was with God and Metatron during their conversations. It could be easy to think that God put it in Sam's pocket as he was dying and Dean finds it. The actors make choices based on what they know now, but if the writer's haven't revealed it, their interpretation could be wrong. Jared has stated he would have played several scenes differently if he had only known... Just my two cents. :)
  10. If you go into the spoiler thread you will see many possible ways it can go, predictions that do come true and some stuff that really spoils you. You can always chose to skip a post, but If I don't want to know, I don't go there. Hope that helps.
  11. Not a fan of his new style but it's only for the summer and he usually lets everything just grow out. I have blue green eyes. Sometimes the outfit and light can make my eyes bright blue. But with the ease of photoshop...who knows.
  12. I've come to see the writer's as really fans of fanfiction. They love to whump someone. One time it's Dean, next time it is Sam. They love to just tell the story of the moment. Cannon, what cannon, it's flexible and can change at a drop of a hat. I hated that they made Chuck, God. I did love the interaction of God and Metatron. I loved the song at the end and I think it was Rob's voice. It really fit him. My guess about the necklace was to throw a bone to the fans that wanted it to come back. I will have to see what they do next, but for me they have given me permission to change the plot, the characterizations to suit my story. I might be disappointed if the last ep doesn't have something that comes out of nowhere. I expect that now. I wish we weren't so smart that we figure out things that they think they've been so sneaky about. I have one wish, I want both boys to be needed in this solution for this season's end. I won't wish for the ending to have a long impact because whatever they do it will be solved in a few eps in the next season. But now that they've made Chuck - GOD...How do they top that?
  13. Haven't been around much lately, just swinging by for a few. Glad to see that Mick Lady checked in. The students are wearing me out...the good news school will be out soon. My energy has been really low lately, so I may not be back often for a bit. Glad to see the site is doing well. I think I have an idea for an fanfic and someone may be the inspiration for the story-line. It has to do with loving Jensen's arms...I wonder who that could be??? :) I will leave this one thought that is really to do with the beginning of this month. When we deal with emotions and issues, we do it one layer at a time. Just when you think you've got it all under control, wham here is the next layer. It's normal and just means your ready to deal with the next thing. It seems like everyone I know is dealing with lots of heavy issues right now. Maybe it's in the Supernatural water...don't know but at least we know we've got a common ground to come to distract us from real life issues. Sometimes that is what we really need. Keep smiling and I'll try to swing by soon.
  14. IA they need to bring in God. The first born line totally threw me into WTF? Glad that Amara wasn't fooled by Rowena. I'm really afraid they've set it up way too much and it will be a real big let down. I'm hope I'm wrong. Not sure how I feel yet, will have to wait until after contest this weekend to watch again. Sam's line about Cas...seemed way out of character. Glad the brother's agreed at the end. Had a few nice surprises but some slow and weak moments too. I just hope the solution doesn't feel out of left field again.
  15. For some reason Jensen looks really young in that pic. lol
  16. Love that Jensen is a Gentleman Doesn't look like Jared directed the I am human Video. https://fangasmthebook.wordpress.com/2012/08/17/the-scoop-on-brian-buckley-bands-new-video-jared-padalecki-gets-serious-in-a-bowtie/
  17. Well those that wanted a time for Sam to the rescue while nearly dead...Check. For those that wanted Dean to talk to Billie to find out that yep, she won't make a deal & your lame for thinking I would. check A rinse and repeat of several seasons thrown into one ep...check I did like Billie's and Dean's conversation where she was straight to the point, you're not doing this for Sam, you're doing this for you. So if felt this conversation hasn't been done before...check Now that you mention the Romeo & Juliet - He thinks she's dead and takes his life...so could this be a clue for the rest of the season? Do they think they are being clever and we can't spot this? I did like the doctor and the wife and I did like her conversation with Dean. We did see how Jensen was trolling us with the hospital pics, can say it now since the ep aired. I did find myself trying to fast forward so maybe if I hadn't watched it live it would have felt a little better? I could rate this a 5...not the worst in the bunch but not one I love. I'm hoping the doctor said something to Sam...that he really isn't in the dark about another Dean's secret.
  18. Some actors have working in the motion picture industry. Jared's response to Misha is a hoot. You definitely can tell his passion for writing and how doing all those Oral Interpretation competitions paid off. He should have done Debate...oh wonder if he did. lol
  19. To some degree, there has always been a WTF when it comes to a line here or there from Sam or Dean. It is as though they don't know their own characters. Dean represented the non believers and gave voice to the side they needed to express this story. Many series have had this issue though. Numb3rs comes to mind when they dumb down Don in order for Charlie to explain the math so the audience could get it. So I just fanwink it as stupid and move on. Was it my favorite, nope not by a long shot. If they had crafted it a little better could it have been so much better, of course but for whatever reason they just don't do it. They seem to love to write one character in a corner at the expense of another character. This time it was Dean, next time it will be Sam. It's just how this show rolls. JMV
  20. I'll wait a little longer before I give the answer, but yes I do believe they try very hard to sidestep it all. Change the narrative to fit what story they want to tell. Only it's the fans problem if they don't see how on earth it fits together. :)
  21. I guess I have a different perspective due to being an older sibling that tried to take care of my younger brother and sister...both sides will have a totally different idea of what happened. Both Dean and Sam would have an interpretation that didn't agree with each other and that is fine. Seeing more of young Sam also wasn't a problem for me. I think it is a complex issue and neither looks bad. Dean will always want to make Sam feel better and hearing that Sam needed an imaginary friend would be a painful idea. Personally I don't think what they wanted to get across is what happened but that is normal for this show and many shows. You can't control how people relate to a topic, period. :)
  22. Some of these questions make my head hurt. Avoidance is the key and that is what our head writers do, ignore it and it will go away or at least send a message like in season 6 No, we're not talking about Lisa again...don't care it is a loose end...we will refuse to answer "on the grounds of Brooklyn." Points if you know what musical that is from. :)
  23. I took seeing Sam's body as dead as comforting as we've died how many times and are still here. Of course it may be a clue or foreshadowing???? Loved how Sam hugged and drew Dean close when he got him back. Many levels of creepy and a good solid case. Whoever wrote this, more please. Loved both Rufus and Bobby. That would have been a cool spin off. This one will be worth watching again. That's been awhile for me. Usually it's just a part. There are some unanswered questions, how much does Dean know about Bobby's escape from heaven????
  24. Oh the joy of figuring out the meaning of a scene...lol I had a Drama teacher friend that decided to do "Children's Hour" I warned her not to do it, it would make the conservative community very mad. She said she would only do Act 1 & 2. Well, she decided to do it all, because the students talked her into it. She didn't run it by anyone. She didn't get that the real issue of the last act. The main character is a lesbian, but she hasn't admitted it to herself or anyone else. So the spoil brat's lies turns out to be the truth and she kills herself. The hornets nest she created backfired till they found a way to make the teacher retire. All because she didn't get the ending of her play. I'm very careful, I even asked permission to say "metal bra" for a joke in our play. I had one joke I didn't clear but the kids know I play it very safe now. But I've always learned from watching others. If people understood Shakespeare, they would have a fit if they ever saw their children performing those plays again. Luckily most of it flies over everyone's heads and we just pretend we don't know. lol
  25. I remember one show I watch they joked about the creator of the series. He was only involved in the pilot. His name stayed with the show for the 5 1/2 series run. Kripke has a stronger leg to stand on. It is his baby, and the boys were kids when he started the show. As any proud papa, he can be amazed with how it keeps on ticking even if he isn't involved. But it would be more interesting if the OUR meant something more than just the first 5 seasons. I do wonder if the vision the show has now, is one he likes or dislikes? hee hee.
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