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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. It would explain why the shows I love die a quick death, the ones I could care less about live on far too long. It would be nice if the industry really went after talent and sometimes they do, but I totally wish that the leads got a bit more support instead of being taken for granted.
  2. It's really not fair...I take horrible pictures and the only bad ones of Jensen's happen only because he's goofing around. He did say that he likes to look different from Dean when he's not working. Otherwise it gets him confused. lol I shortened his phrase. I can get it to this degree. You look the same in the mirror, and you go as deep as he does playing such hurtful stuff, you can forget who you are. So if you have a different look, it's easier to be yourself. Not sure if that makes any senses at all. But I can totally get why he does it. Of course he's one of the few guys that looks good with stubble or clean shaven. Not a big fan of his heavy beard stage though. :)
  3. Well sister broke down and told my parents. They aren't going. I think since I was so mad, she called my brother to get him to tell her how awful I am and he told her to tell mom and dad. I played dumb when mom told me the news. I guess I'm still a bad sister, cause I would love to smack her upside down. If your willing, pray that the best solution happens now. Thanks for listening. I think the real issue is that I was in overload with everything that happened the last few weeks. A death, friend's son in life threatening situation, Dad's health and then my sister's stuff just threw me over the top. Then just add in the stuff I deal with being a middle school teacher. Will try to calm down now. :)
  4. I totally get complications. I'm sorry that you had that experience. Hugs. This will be life threatening due to her poor health. She almost died last time and to be honest because she didn't make the right decisions years ago before her health went down, and doesn't make enough to really afford good health care...she's gotten some bad health care. She will die...the real question is how many more times can she survive. She's a fighter. She could have been dead years ago, but she has made it through time and time again. One day she won't. The problem she may be bi-polar. She doesn't have logic, or rational thought. I got so sick of her whinnying about how my parents haven't helped her, and she went to jail and lost her job due to that. No she went to jail for breaking laws, a long history of it. A long history of my parents bailing her out. She lies, saying they haven't helped her. I'm not sure if my mom could deal with the flight and she couldn't really do this by herself. She would have to have a hotel, flight and plans. She has back issues. She can't drive for very long either. My sister only thinks about herself and she a grown-ass woman. She has a grown child. She will complain no matter what my mom does. What my sister isn't thinking about or getting is that I'm very lucky that my parents are still alive. Period. I have plenty of friends who's parents are gone. They are in their late 70s' and early 80s to put it in perspective. I spent time with them this Christmas, because I know that I have few more years with my Dad. How long he will stay healthy...I don't know. But I know that once his health goes to he can't be active at all, he will lose his will to live and leave this earth. I expect it will be in a few more years. The real race maybe which one will go first. My sister or Dad. My sister's health, to be blunt is bad. But she is a Dean. She loves bad foods. She doesn't eat healthy and won't change. She's a blamer. It's never her fault. She said that three doctors turned her down. The doctor that did the last surgery , which she almost didn't survive, said unless she lost weight, she wouldn't survive the surgery. She's turned it into that the doctors are rude. She gained more weight as her solution. My younger brother is a nurse, he flat told me "She's got maybe 10 more years before her health kills her." I've lost count of the years, but she isn't getting better, not really. She's the doctor's nightmare. She ate normal foods before she had major surgery. She heard don't eat past...So she didn't have the best conditions entering the surgery. She stopped breathing 3 times. The details are gross, so I won't say more. My problem is that she isn't logical and I'm not able to speak to her about it rationally. But I'm also surprised that she is still here. She doesn't appreciate what my parents have done. It's never enough. To be honest I ended it with "Your a spoiled brat" and hung up. She pushed my buttons and my rational thought fled. I'm ready to hear she's gone. I know it's coming...I just don't know if this one is it. I probably sound like a horrible person but I'm tired of the manipulations my sister puts everyone through. If she wasn't family I would have ended the relationship years ago. I may talk to my older brother, as he is the one that has the better relationship with her. My younger brother and I stopped buying her bull years ago. But most likely I will tell so mom can decide what she wants to do and can do. Thanks everyone for the responses. I know if I ever did a play about my life, I think it would be a really nice dark drama. I already have the title, "Web of Lies." I'm just trying to believe I do have the talent to write. That's a whole another story... :) Don't know but that is a good idea. She doesn't live in the same state or close. I don't have a clue what kind of support system she has now. Our last conversation, before this one, ended with her telling me,"have a nice life." The feeling is mutual.
  5. Question because I don't have to worry about you telling the secret to the wrong person. lol My sister is having surgery, I guess if she is telling the truth. I'm not to tell my mom. the problem by the time she decides to tell my mom, the plane ticket will be high. If she knew now, she could possibly get a cheaper flight. My dad is recovering from a really nasty fall and has a broken jaw. Not sure if my Mom can fly. Do I tell or keep my mouth shut? I hate it when I get put in the middle because if I don't tell my mom will yell at me if she finds out, and if I do, my sister will yell at me. But at this point I just wish I could disown my sister, but alas I'm afraid that won't be a good long term solution. :( Any wise suggestions?????
  6. I seem to be on a roller-coster ride. I really wish the black cloud would just go away. Trying not to write fanfiction, because I think Dean would be killing Sam right now. I tried to have a rationale conversation with my sister but alas she only wants to play the victim card or how she hasn't gotten support from the family. I just want to yell grow up, your a grown women, your way past the time for my parents to take care of you. She is such a selfish brat. Is the mark catching? I just want to slash someone??? Take a deep breath...Good thing she doesn't live anywhere near me. Sorry I shouldn't be writing this...just trying to let off some steam! Dang...when I regain my sanity...I may delete this post.
  7. The show I want to see if two brother's fighting the fight together. That they need each other to solve a piece of the puzzle. I don't want a saint Sam or Saint Dean. I want to see how each brings an idea that the other wouldn't have thought of on their own. I'm also so sick to death of which character that is left will be killed off this season. It isn't compelling, it doesn't even tug at my heartstrings anymore. It's become predictable and I hope I'm wrong...but I'm tired of being proved right. Charlie's and Kevin's deaths didn't tug at my heartstrings at all. I just got mad. I won't say I'll give up on this show, because I seem to be watching the train-wreck, but I don't know if I'll be as excited as I once was...I would love to be proved wrong.
  8. I just have to say YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  9. May be too late for you to see this, but open up the cabinets and let the water drip on the inside. If you can find something to wrap the pipes that may help. If you can use a space heater to heat up some areas, you may make it. Trying to think of how they did it before they had all the technology we use today. Can you buy a few more space heaters to help keep the inside a little warmer??? Not trying to be an idiot, just trying to think outside the box. Had a leak in my pipes, last year, so I get how much damage water can do. Hugs :)
  10. Happy New Year!!! :) May you have more blessings than you can count. May your life be full of joy and fun. Would it be too much to ask for Sam and Dean to have a few blessings this year too???? ;)
  11. Dean will look for Sam unless Carver has decided it's Dean's turn to be written stupidly. But I would guess, he doesn't know his brother broke his word again and Cas shows up and distracts him from checking in on his brother. But I'm afraid this is Carver repeating the season mess up with Dean this time instead of Sam. At least they somehow get back together, how I don't know and hopefully I won't feel the need to break my TV! ;)
  12. Well the group spoke, so I took them both down and well we have a winner. Dean in a 1940's suit is a fine look indeed. I still like the cowboy's look so I'm glad it came in second. :) Happy New Year! -- 40's FBI Agent Dean in Time After Time -- Cowboys in Frontierland 05 - 40's FBI Agent Dean in Time After Time High School Drama Dorks Circus Workers in Everybody Loves a Clown Food Worker Dean in The Purge Horatio Canes in Changing Channels Alarm Company Techs in Shadow Game Wardens in Paper Moon Firefighters in Devil's Trap Janitor Sam in After School Special Phone Company Worker Dean in Adventures in Babysitting State Troopers in The Benders Nurse Sam in Houses of the Holy Doctors in Changing Channels "Sam Wesson" in It's a Terrible Life "Dean Smith" in It's a Terrible Life Priests in Nightmare Patients in Sam, Interrupted Tuxedos in Red Sky at Morning Gym Teacher Dean in After School Special Prisoners in Folsom Prison Blues Lederhosen Dean in Monster Movie LARP'ers in LARP and the Real Girl Yoga Sam in The Purge SWAT Agents in Nightshifter Soldier-Doctor Uniform Dean in Pac-Man Fever Cowboys in Frontierland
  13. Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday and Happy New Year! It was unreal about the destruction of the tornadoes, luckily my family was safe and made it home safe. We made everyone stay at my parents house until we thought it was safe for them to get on the road. But for the ones that were in the pathway, it was so sad to see. However, my Dad's dentist office was destroyed, so I'm not sure what that means for them. My dad took a bad fall and is recovering and my sister is in the hospital, so I'm waiting to see what will happen next. Several family members live near the tornadoes, but got lucky this time as it missed them. This part is funny so I'll tell it. My nephew's girlfriend is a weather girl. So she tells everyone to get into the hallway, so we can be safe from the tornado. Well it's sunny outside and just raining. Mom goes not because she's afraid but to socialize with everyone while they wait it out. She keeps saying but the apps aren't going off. My dad is telling me, it isn't near us but another small town that is at least 30 minutes away. He had been watching and determined that this one was missing us. I'm looking at the weather and going, it's fine. So I keep going back, cracking a joke and then going out to check on the weather outside. My cousin is laughing at me. I tell them I'll let them know when to duck. Honestly, it was a sunny day with light rain. Finally they determine it is safe to come out of the hallway and we go back to normal. A few decide they have to leave. Unfortunately, they lived near the areas where it did hit and so they had to go to cover but luckily they made it out safe again. Everyone made it back home and then the temperatures dropped so the threat ended. But it was surreal to see that many tornadoes in Dec. For the families that tragedy struck, I hope they have somewhere safe to be and know this will be a long time in recovering. @Omegamom...glad you decided to start writing again. :) I've started several stories and somehow I should take my Christmas stuff and turn it into a story....lol. DD I'm sorry about the loss of your childhood home. Glad you've got new doggie love. They'll become special in their own way and some pets you never stop missing but in time the memories bring more joy than sadness.
  14. Dang, I like them both. :( -- 40's FBI Agent Dean in Time After Time + Cowboys in Frontierland 07 - 40's FBI Agent Dean in Time After Time 05 - Cowboys in Frontierland High School Drama Dorks Circus Workers in Everybody Loves a Clown Food Worker Dean in The Purge Horatio Canes in Changing Channels Alarm Company Techs in Shadow Game Wardens in Paper Moon Firefighters in Devil's Trap Janitor Sam in After School Special Phone Company Worker Dean in Adventures in Babysitting State Troopers in The Benders Nurse Sam in Houses of the Holy Doctors in Changing Channels "Sam Wesson" in It's a Terrible Life "Dean Smith" in It's a Terrible Life Priests in Nightmare Patients in Sam, Interrupted Tuxedos in Red Sky at Morning Gym Teacher Dean in After School Special Prisoners in Folsom Prison Blues Lederhosen Dean in Monster Movie LARP'ers in LARP and the Real Girl Yoga Sam in The Purge SWAT Agents in Nightshifter Soldier-Doctor Uniform Dean in Pac-Man Fever
  15. I just wondered how they figured out which guy went where. lol Some on the list are much much lower. lol
  16. When Jensen is really excited about something it shows in his eyes. The "Baby" ep is an example of that. Now it could be he knows something we don't and he's having to be so careful. I mean his eye opener line was a dead give away, but we didn't put it together in time. I just haven't seen the excitement except for a few things. Totally believe he still enjoys working on the set. So I don't believe he is bored...but I don't really know him, just been watching his body language during interviews. I would love to be proved wrong, that he is really excited and just can't tell us. Sure I've enjoyed trying to figure out where they are going and can I pick on the clues. But I've also seen when they haven't set something up and it came out of the blue and not in a good way. Fans can bring back a character but notice we've only gotten Bobby for a few eps. But if Carver can't see a reason to keep Cas, I don't think he would have a problem writing him out. The question is who is he going to kill off, I just don't trust that he doesn't have that up his sleeve. So far he's done it every season. Cas fits more than Crowley. I don't think it's Sam's turn yet. But sometimes fans can't get what they want, example many want JDM back. Of course his schedule and cost makes him impossible but many would love to see him come back. Jmv and I can be dead wrong. :)
  17. Lately haven't had time to play, maybe next game. Most likely won't see the end of this one as I'm going out of town and service is always iffy. :) -- SWAT Agents in Nightshifter + Soldier-Doctor Uniform Dean in Pac-Man Fever + Cowboys in Frontierland 29 - 40's FBI Agent Dean in Time After Time 24 - Cowboys in Frontierland 22 - Soldier-Doctor Uniform Dean in Pac-Man Fever 04 - Yoga Sam in The Purge 03 - SWAT Agents in Nightshifter High School Drama Dorks Circus Workers in Everybody Loves a Clown Food Worker Dean in The Purge Horatio Canes in Changing Channels Alarm Company Techs in Shadow Game Wardens in Paper Moon Firefighters in Devil's Trap Janitor Sam in After School Special Phone Company Worker Dean in Adventures in Babysitting State Troopers in The Benders Nurse Sam in Houses of the Holy Doctors in Changing Channels "Sam Wesson" in It's a Terrible Life "Dean Smith" in It's a Terrible Life Priests in Nightmare Patients in Sam, Interrupted Tuxedos in Red Sky at Morning Gym Teacher Dean in After School Special Prisoners in Folsom Prison Blues Lederhosen Dean in Monster Movie LARP'ers in LARP and the Real Girl
  18. IA that Carver stays his course no matter what the fans say. To some degree that is a good thing. The facts are in this industry, it doesn't matter if you get love or hate it. If people are complaining and watching, you've done your job. If they always love it, they'll get bored and move on. To be honest I think he just likes seeing how the fans react while he shrugs his shoulder and goes about doing his job. Some writers or actors will never understand how a character becomes so real that you start screaming or crying about them. They quite frankly don't think that way. I get it because I've done both. I'm not upset with Amara's storyline like I was with Charlie's death. I'm ready for Cas's death, but then again what are they really doing with this character. Sometimes writing the character out is better than hating how useless or little they are being used. The real issue is renewal and J's staying on. Jared saying he's excited means he feels his character is getting something to do. Jensen appears to be neutral, which means he could feel either way about his character's direction. What will be hard to give up is the fun they have on the set, the feeling of family that isn't usually found on a set. I know one actor said it best when he talked about his two different shows. "This one is co-workers, the other was family." Carver isn't connected to the family in the same way, as he is in LA. The only thing I find a little sad is how much energy we spend trying to make his stories make sense. I just wish he'd put a little more energy into it. Maybe I'm wrong, but the results on the page doesn't feel like I am. :(
  19. One reason I threw my hands up in the air last season, was it was obvious, that they are making things up at the last minute. They aren't looking that deep into this. All the subtext and such doesn't hit them, as they change their minds when it suits them. The one question I have that keeps popping up, and no clue if they are going there... At the end of season 7, they had Dean trapped and Sam all alone. He abandoned Kevin. Well what if this is the season where now it's Dean's turn. Cas is missing or gone, Sam is trapped and Dean is all alone with no one to help. What will he do? Carver likes to repeat so many things, so I hope that this one isn't one he decides to do. Of course the reveal will be at the end of the season. If Amara has already taken Dean's soul and he's fighting it and winning sometimes, the kiss could be a way to weaken his defenses. To over empower him with a sense of bliss but Dean isn't feeling that way. Not sure this makes any sense. I think Carver had an idea of the Darkness and Dean, but is just now filling in the blanks and some parts just are fitting together like he thought they would. At least that would make me feel better about the missing pieces. I feel like I have to watch like a child, without too much thought because otherwise it falls apart way too fast. There have been some cool moments...I just wish there were more. :)
  20. Been sick, so haven't been doing much. But I saw this and thought some might like. Don't know if I will get a Christmas one done in time. I have the opening but the rest is missing. lol
  21. Infrequently vile You are infrequently vile – you mostly put others before yourself, though you may find occasions in which your dark side shines. I think most of us have a dark side...but we keep it in check...Till something makes us crack. One way I do get a small bit of revenge...I'll make someone a bad guy or victims in a story by mixing up names of people I'm angry with. Hee hee. Sometimes it is fun to kill them off, and they never knew their name was used. lol See I do have a dark side. :) Also I hated when people would say, but you're so SWEET. If they only knew what goes on in my mind. But it is best that people can't read everyone's mind...
  22. Well one problem with this theory, I like it but it makes sense. Since when does Carver do that? But maybe this is one time that even Carver can connect the dots...will wait to see if you've got it. Man, I hope they don't mess this up. My last experience with this Actress is really special and I don't want SPN messing it up by having her play a stupid character that we wish had never been on this show. Yes I get that older women lust after Jensen / Dean...but I don't want to cringe watch like I do with some of the things they've done with Sam. She is a talented actress, so maybe she can save it...but I hope she doesn't have to save it. Please don't let it be the terrible duo writing the ep.
  23. Wow, I took a class with her too. Is it a small world after all? I hope they use her in a really awesome way. I found her to be so giving and I want her treated right.
  24. Amara & Dean's kiss...not sure why now? Perhaps he was on a case and gets tricked into meeting her? There is a lot that is hard to figure out, when I try to pause it, it just stops...so wasn't able to pick out that much more. But I agree it is jammed pack, that I don't see a sign of Cas and maybe that is why Dean is meeting Amara. Maybe she's threatening Cas if he doesn't... There have been some many little things that seem off especially after last night's ep. Dean was always good with kids, and suddenly he's not? I'm a bit wondering if the mid final will finally shed the light on what is wrong with our boys? I'm also afraid that they have put too much in the story, which causes a big MELT down instead of the intended effect. Will wait and see. But it does look like the writers are giving Sam the bigger story-line, not necessarily the best story line. What will happen the second half...waiting for the other shoe to drop or perhaps I'll be surprised. It would be nice to be surprised! :)
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