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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I know I'm a small minority that liked Lisa. His reason to go to Lisa was to keep a promise to Sam. However, that said. I would love for Dean to have a come to something meeting with God, head to head and tell him just what he thinks of all of his so called plans. I don't want God to fix it, just acknowledge it. What they will do...well that's the 24 dollar question. I would like to see Dean and Sam have a win. I also don't want Cas gone but I'm afraid for him. I also like Jensen's remark that Dean is curious about Amara and yet also wants to do something about her. I don't think it's a love connection but more of a force connection due to the mark.
  2. They are blending together, so now enter the Twilight Zone...eery music plays now plus theme song. LOL I've seen them wear long shirts and I've seen Jensen where plenty of shirts like that. Jared sometimes wears plaid. It looks more like the them playing themselves, not Dean and Sam. Maybe they felt it was cold enough to put on more than just the t-shirt. lol. I wouldn't be surprise, if Jensen's closet finds some of Dean's best outfits somehow stuff in them. :)
  3. Okay here is a short one shot that I enjoyed... It even has a youtube video for it, lol I liked it, so if you think you would like to see a tag to 10x 09 - although Cas and Claire make an appearance it is really a nice visual between the brothers. The Ghost of You sometimes I read when I can't figure out what to say in my own fics. LOL
  4. Stay safe and watch out for crazy drivers. So sorry to hear about your Nana. I don't know how far gone she is but I once got my great grandmother to start talking about a trip she took as a young girl in a wagon. She had all of the vivid memories that just came flooding out. Then she would look at me and ask who was I? I would remind her mine name and tell her I was her great granddaughter and we shared the same birthday. It's my favorite last memory with her. I don't know why she started talking but for that one brief moment she did. It kind of surprised me as she wasn't talking that much anymore. May we find cures for these illnesses that take so much away from our loved one. I'll also say this, something I learned the hard way. Always say what you need to say before that person leaves this world, even if they don't remember it. Regrets really hurt but knowing you got to say what you needed to say can help over time. Glad you had some good moments even if it did get a little crazy. Be safe driving home.
  5. Oh no insult taken at all. I'll take the independence and fun nature any day. Thanks. blushes. Doesn't Tony always get hurt? I don't know but it seems like I hear it all the time. I don't like the owner of the Cowboys at all. I'll take your word about Greg...I don't expect the Cowboys to win. To be honest I don't have a clue which teams are good or not. The last football games I watched was because I played flute and well the band marches at half times. So junior high, high school football was the only time I sort of paid attention. I didn't take Theatre until my senior year...funny how much that changed my life. So you can see I'm not someone that keeps up with any football news. I wish the sports players were good role models and the only ones I know of that are, are the team that gets put down a lot. But the Spurs when they play good basketball are a good team and most are good role models. But I have friends that are big Spurs fans, so that is how I keep up a little with them. Funny story, I met a Spurs player at a Taco Bell near my school. Still don't remember his name, but my students were so excited. I'm like who is that and what is a Spur? And Let the guy get his food in peace! lol At least now I know the top 3 or 4 players. lol
  6. Jared's responses being different from Jensen is simply how they work. Jared reads ahead and Jensen focuses on ep at a time. Jensen confirmed this is a way they are different in working on scripts. I always thought that Crowley & Sam will unite...Crowley now knows he can't control the little girl, so the fuel for him working with Sam is pretty easy to fix up. Especially if Lucifer is asking for Sam's presence. I think Cas could be the one that is killed off. Not sure that Carver loves Cas so much. His story-lines have been weak for far too long. With his love of killing characters, Cas is the one that fits the Kevin & Charlie spot. Rowena wouldn't mean anything to the boys if she died right now, so I doubt she is on the table. Metatron - everyone wants him gone, so he's safe for now. Crowley death seems unlikely too and again it wouldn't do anything to the boys but especially Dean. Carver has done some really strange stuff with Cas & Dean. My problem is I'm so tired of deaths for no real reason other than "oh we need the fans to get upset, who can we kill off?" I would love to see Mary come back, but I'm also afraid that they will handle it so badly so perhaps it's best if she doesn't come back. I guess the real question is which brother is up for the sacrifice killing? Isn't it Sam's turn? 9 ended with Dean. 10 ended with Death...so I guess it's Sam...yawn :) ETA: why do you always find stuff after you post? Can't and can do change the meaning of a sentence. Hopefully I caught it all now. ;)
  7. Never watched the Gilmore Girls, watched a few minutes on Youtube to see who on earth was Miss Kathy? The drama teacher. God I hope I don't sound like that! :) If I did, I think my kids would shoot me. Once I was told don't ever talk like that Drama teacher or I will hurt you. It was during a contest. I'm pretty laid-back unless they are goofing off...Then all hands on deck. Anyway...I don't think I will ever want to watch the whole show. I can remember flipping through channels and well I never stopped. Just not my cup of tea. I'm not a football fan, but I can't hope for the cowboys to loose. It was the team I grew up with. I of course, went into another room to watch something else while the game played, but it meant something at one time. I don't have a team I like or even keep up with...lol I had fun playing games, eating at two parties, so although a little late, Happy Thanksgiving and for those it isn't a Holiday. Well, hope you had something good to eat. I ate too much, now I need to stop eating for a few days...won't happen, but maybe I can cut back. lol I also enjoy coming here even if lately I haven't had much time to stop by. Hope you have an awesome weekend! :)
  8. I totally get how hard it was and such a cute dog. So sorry for your loss. Take it one day at a time sometimes one minute at a time. When you need a break, come check us out. You don't have to write anything, just read to focus on something other than your loss. I hope my words give you a little bit of comfort. I wish I had the right words, but sometimes they just don't exist. HUGS. Slowly coming back. Finish first production, now it is time for contest. The performance went really well except for one little oopsie...One girl got a sprain ankle from a falling pylon. Yes, acting can be dangerous to your health...So I walked up on stage with my cane, tried to sneak back stage, gave up cane to get her out, and several said they never saw me go up. lol. The show continued without both of us, and I finally got back as it was all over. For some reason I've been wiped out? Go figure. :)
  9. Now, perfect solution...clones. everyone gets what they want. We can tweak them and get rid of the quirks that we don't like. Now if you want the real actors...I'm afraid you're up the creek, lol. I'm a Dean girl, but I admit I've enjoyed Mark on many different shows. Behind on what I think is really going one, but first production is over...so perhaps I will catch up and find something worth spinning, but for now waiting to see if they have pulled an AU on us.
  10. Love "Into the Woods" It deals with what happens after the happy ending. Which tie into God as well. What happens when you've finally created the perfect world and find out you're bored? That what you expect to happen is no longer interesting. Children won't listen because they have to find out for themselves. They need to see with their own eyes and search for more. Dean never let himself go for his dreams and now he knows that what he has done has harmed innocent lives in order to save his brother. Just like the Baker he is disenchanted with going back to what he once loved. It isn't giving the same joy. So how does he save lives, yet not cause harm to someone that may not really be bad. The depth of "Into the Woods" really can tie into Supernatural...it's scary. lol
  11. All really good points and I can agree with it. Now for me the question is how much are the writers really thinking about what they are doing? So far I've not seen enough evidence to suggest they really have a well thought out plan. I don't usually go, oh you did get me. Instead I'm working, and other's are working to figure out a solution that fits the character's and the reactions we are seeing on the screen. Having Dean trying to fight a natural conflict would be interesting. He wants to stop her from killing, stop her before she is too powerful to stop...yet he is drawn to her for reasons he can't figure out. He protected her as a baby, not understanding who she was, but yet he held her in his arms. That type of bond is difficult to deal with. It pulls at his natural protective mode of innocents. Now that he knows she is God's sister...will he feel that screw it, both God and her got to go? My frustration with the show, is that they create such deep interesting situations, but very seldom do they use them...
  12. Okay we have Jensen saying the "Darkness" isn't evil but everyone else saying it is. So what does that mean about Dean. Does he feel he has a way to maybe reach her and help her change her ways? I admit I'm tired of Cas and the boys not working together. Finding a reason to separate them isn't interesting anymore. Seeing them together is. I really wish this show wouldn't be so predictable. Why can't they see doing the same ol' thing isn't working, doesn't scare us or surprise us. I guess they forget we aren't all 12 year old's.
  13. hmm...it's your fault...I warn ya it is a long one that isn't finished and it's different. I consider it an AU. If you want something to do you can give it a whirl...I have a play production coming up...so time for writing isn't happening, but you have 29 chapters to read...if you're bored let me know what ya think. I know it needs some rewriting. Perhaps you can tell what is missing. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/6760936/1/Vanished
  14. I liked a few parts, but almost erased it. Why do we have Sam suddenly not willing to fight...why is he afraid to kill? Dean unable to kill. Honestly show, I don't think you've thought through this attraction between child Amara and Dean. Not cool at all. Showing an adult doesn't make it okay. But my problem more than anything...I was bored. I get why Crowley is bored with hell and such. But a good chunk is easy to avoid. So the message Metatron gives to Cas, is really to Sam. Not in love with this one. did like the bro-mance with Crowley & Dean. Now wonder how Crowley will join Dean & Sam.
  15. Perv or not Pervy...mixed bag for me. Young girl's gleam and smirk that I know something you don't. Also a feeling of your going to love being with me...hee hee (insert evil laugh) Could be she sees him as her new pet or play toy. Besides how fun would it be to be alone with only souls to eat? Had some of the scary vibes although I did go...here we go standard horror idiots...of course I will protect you, now he has to die! Dean's line about the new rules...stupid but it is so we can be hit over the head with Sam's thought when did we stop wanting to save people. Of course, Dean could still be fighting the idea of I need to kill vibe as the pull is too hard to resist, but he's going to do it anyway. I do wonder if the faking it till you make it...is something that Dean is doing. Like he thinks that something was damaged beyond repair from having the mark and hasn't figured out what has happened to his soul. I do wish the writing could have been a little smarter, because I don't think too many wouldn't have heard about Lizzie, but there are some interesting moments. Not my fav but it did have some nice moments.
  16. Rough day...the kids are high on CANDY. Had a student be rude, he looked like he was pouty and about to cry, so I asked "are you 3?" His reason for cussing and being rude, he was asked repeatedly to leave the area and move to where can be seen. I got tired of his attitude I don't have to do what you say, so I used my theatre voice and yelled, move now. He had to leave to get away from my voice...That's when he liked like he might cry and I asked if he was 3??? His comeback: "At least I won't be dead in a few years." I started laughing. My students were like Ms. stop laughing. In my head I'm thinking really this is the worst you can do??? I really don't think you nail the mark when the person you're trying to make mad, starts laughing at ya. This is going to be a rough week.
  17. To me it is almost screw it...They won't promote us, lets do this. But to have denial on their side it's glitches and mistakes. :) We are getting some very effective spoiler alerts/promos. Kind of cool.
  18. A light response to Sue B & nothing I state is intended to offend. I don't have a problem with what ever they do, as they don't really stick with what Angels are, or any Christian beliefs. It's so far removed from it. Sure you have a God that's abandoned his children and some could say this is similar to Jesus, but it still isn't. Plenty of books have stories that have many God's fighting over the world and trying to get followers. I think it is still following the idea that on earth you can not be in your true form if your God, Angel or Demon. It is necessary to give a chance for the Boys to fight a higher power. But I would never take what they show as the truth. I take it with a grain of salt. So I don't get upset over the ideas. So far I haven't seen them cross the line. But for those that it has, I would bet they would just stop watching or would never watch in the first place. I couldn't watch Star Trek, because my mom thought Spock looked like the "Devil" with his ears. But the reruns kept showing back up, and I did watch them. Then I tried to explain what was going on, but she would never watch the show. Not sure the spoiler is really a spoiler but did it to be safe. It is an interesting thought of why she had to be born...but then again, the angel that lost her grace was born as a human but still could hear angels. So is it really that far of a stretch?
  19. lol, That was such a easy costume for Jensen. Jared's looked a little harder...both were there as the top 38. I did a last minute not much thought to my costume. lol The most important part, the kids look very happy! I think that is all that matters.
  20. Dean is hiding the issue of what the Darkness said to Sam. He's not saying everything but that's his character and he's still has the urge to do whatever he can to save Sam. I don't think that will ever change, it's a lesson he learned at age 4. Sam may or may not be hiding what Billie said. *couldn't remember the reaper's name." But Sam has stated his real issue. That we need to save people. When did we start putting ourselves over others. To a degree it's a mute point about Sam telling Dean IMO. Since Dean faced death in this ep. He could have died but he wouldn't have changed anything he did in this ep. His natural instinct is to fight for his life unless giving his life would save someone else...Sam. He fought, to save the woman trying to kill him, to save Sam and to stop the monster from killing more. He fights with every skill he has, and he showed that in this ep. Even if some of the methods were gross or ewwww. I think the point is for Sam and Dean to struggle with the issue of saving people over each other. The cool part is they have a third player, "Baby the car". lol. I think the thing I admire about this ep, is the creative task they did to give this story line. It wasn't hokey and played for laughs. Had some interesting set ups even if it failed at times. But to be creative you have to take risks and this is the show I started watching even though I hate horror. I still hate horror. I'm not expecting DEEP story telling here. So I'm enjoying it more. I think they deserve kudos for the concept and taking new risks in the 11th season. It's why Jared & Jensen are willing to keep working with this show. It also so their love for the fans. You can't please everyone, period. But I think on the whole I liked it. :)
  21. Well we haven't heard Sam tell Dean...so TPTB can change it as the mood strikes them but for now Dean doesn't know. Of course he can't tell Dean. I mean we have to have the angst factor later...it's just how this show rolls. Since I expect it now...I won't get mad later. Not a spoiler, just a spec based on past seasons. They have the angst factor every season since season 3. Maybe 1-2 is the only ones they haven't but even that is subjective. :)
  22. Thinking about some things. Sam hasn't told Dean about the Reaper's message. He did come clean about getting infected, but Sam knows now that if he dies, he will NOT go to heaven or hell. Therefore I bring this theory. Dean thinking he was going to hell in Season 3, let loose and did all the things he wanted to do, a bucket list of sorts. Sam is now having his own bucket list. Why not enjoy time spent with someone hot and without strings attached. So in my head, he knows that Dean would approve of him going for it, so why not do it in the car. Dean responds "with that's my boy" so he knows that everything is okay...for now. the clothes, well that is like the mystery cream that heals all wounds. The magical spot cleaner that gets out all stains. In our world it would never happen, but they don't live in full reality. So the magical bag that has extra whatever they need pops up at the most convenient times. Shame we can't have one of those. :)
  23. Went to a Halloween Party. Just got home. On the whole it was a nice day except for the rain. But I saw kids in costumes as I was leaving. A few homes went all out on decorations. I know I would be bummed if I had gone to the trouble to get the candy and no one showed up. I know it's late but Happy Halloween everyone. Hope you had a good time with friends. :)
  24. For me, Dean has a wide range of music. Not that he will admit to it. I can see him liking Seger and Zeppelin. I happen to like both. I also love country, the newer stuff, 90's forward. It could also be a budget thing. It is music they can afford. So it isn't a biggie for me. On the whole I'm not having any big expectations. I don't expect much for the darkness story. I don't expect a satisfying arch to the ending. So I'm finding myself enjoying the show more. I liked the attempt with the Baby story. It has a new creative energy which could lead to something better down the road. EWWWWWW on the boys not taking a shower...poor baby.
  25. No I didn't know...Plus I wouldn't understand it even if you tried to explain it to me. Hence the reason I teach Drama. What I find the most humorous, is now that she's not doing math, she can't remember how. lol. Also, Jared should be hung for teasing us about said short shorts, when he knew we wouldn't be seeing them. :) FYI: I'm teasing about actually hanging Jared...but now he owes us a shirtless scene with both boys. I mean we need to investigate for science reasons....right? :)
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