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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. EW article I really have to disagree. If it had been done in a way that I could believe it...I guess. I didn't have a problem with how it started. Or even with Dean thinking that Sam was dead. But how Sam could suddenly save not only himself but Dean while at Death's door...I guess if I think of it as a fanfiction story with the idea of whumping both main characters I would enjoy it more. I'll see if I enjoy it on rewatch but for now I can't say it was one of the best of season 11. JMO
  2. I think that is one of the interesting things about this show. How many things by accident and maybe a very loosely thread creates so many interesting questions. Things that are important are overlooked and things that don't need as much attention gets beaten to death with a dead horse. I could see God knowing that Dean had to survive for a little longer in order to stop Sam from being twisted. It also might be a reason that God sends the message in Dark of the Moon that he's done. If he had been saving Dean and Sam all along, then maybe he finally reached the point that this story has to play out however it needs to go. After all he was fine with Dean being a Demon and wearing the mark. Now if they really wanted to breathe new life in the show, this would be a really cool choice. I think there is so much potential in next season but also prepared for more not so great story telling. But if they were smart they would pick up some of the many wasted threads and use it with a twist. I think writers are stuck in thinking a certain way from how they are taught to write and that leads to thinking in a stuck box story line. If they got you can do both character development and mystery this show could have explored some really interesting ideas, instead of just dropping hints and leaving too many interesting questions unanswered. IMO :)
  3. This is one where I wish we could do a rewrite. Have John in real trouble instead of hiding out from his sons. I don't think it would require major changes but make some of the points stronger. But then I think this is where the writing fails and is weaker than it should have been. It does however give lots of potential that has been ignored.
  4. Well, this would mean that the writers painstakingly consider all the stuff we do. I highly doubt it. I imagine it is more like, "how do we get ourselves out of this box we wrote ourselves into?" "I know, what about a bomb? I mean like the souls caused Cas to explode so shouldn't it do anything bad to Amara?" "What about the souls, what happens to them?" "We'll worry about that next year..."
  5. I almost wonder if they write more for the binge watchers. When you watch it live, the continuity drives you insane but when you binge you miss too much. People are changing how they watch any TV or such and the industry better change with it. I'm hoping they've kind of learned from the past. I'm interested in Carver's new show, not due to him but because I loved the movie. So I'll probably give it a try. I don't think Gamble was the worst either. I think they finally trust J2's and well they get a lot of freedom. The biggest issue is that it is back on Thursday against some really popular shows. So it will be interesting to see how they do.
  6. Question, with the Darkness Gone, could Sam have his powers back? What if they weren't gone but suppressed and Toni is the last straw that frees them once again. Jared's hinted that but there hasn't been a reason to believe it. So if Sam powers returned, with the don't worry, You've got Sam and Dean... This whole season has been about returning to the saving people and hunting things the family business. If next season goes in a direction that the superheros have gone, that even though you've saved the world, you have harmed so many, too many. So if this season takes that on, it could get back to the boys on the run, fun odd hotel rooms, and showing the difference between hunters and MOL. If they haven't forgotten about Jesse as the Anti-Christ and want to pull him into the storyline maybe he's connected to the British MOL. So the big questions that we know...Where's Dean? Is Sam okay? What's Crowley doing now that he no longer cares about Dean or does he? When will Cass get back and will he figure out anything about Dean or Sam? How long is Mom sticking around? Things we know, the boys are usually never separated more than 3 eps, so either another tiresome flashback or Dean is back in three. The one to pay attention to might be Jared as he seems to be making the bigger slips in spoilers. Still lots of stuff to consider and maybe inspire the fanfiction muse. :)
  7. They respect Jensen. Every time he has directed they have supported him with positive affirmations and shown that they think he's a great director. I think he's the one that expresses when he wants to direct. I think he knows his limits and I think he's the driving force on his schedule for directing. I wouldn't be surprise if he also wants to spend more time with family. He may want to do it next year or not. Robert Duncan McNeill started directing in the same way. He and Jensen's experience of directing is very similar. Robbie is now known as a director even though he's an excellent actor. He only directed 4 shows for the entire run of Star Trek Voyager. So I wouldn't jump to they don't respect Jensen when he isn't directing every year. JMV
  8. It's a gamble and many have gone behind the scenes. So I don't blame them for sticking with SN until they've grown tired of it. But Jensen is friends with some good directors so he might have a chance... Kind of frustrated. My boss told me by accident that I was changing rooms again. This is my 4th room in 4 years. My biggest gripe...that I'm told one day before school is out with the kids. Now I've got to pack everything up and I'm losing more storage again. The only up side...I didn't unpack all of it because I was scared it would happen again. The tears are over, but I really wish I could find another career. I don't get why I'm the person that people feel they can just dump on. I had sent an email asking weeks ago and was lead to believe I wasn't changing rooms. I just love how I'm ignored. She is a new boss, but not making me excited to have her right now. Don't think she'll be as bad as the one she replaced, but I guess I was right not to trust her...
  9. I didn't have a problem with the Campbell family, I had an issue with how it was dealt with. So I'm open. This is the fun of fans. We all see things differently and although we may agree on some issues..we don't have to agree on all. I doubt they will do a long arch because they usually do one half to Dean and the other to Sam. Now if they did something to both at the same time...that would be cool. I doubt the writers have the plan down yet. I wouldn't be surprised to see that they thought hey this will be cool, the fans love Mary...now what on earth do we do with Mary? @Sue B...we are on the same page. I don't see the Pigeon Lady as a major part, just a pawn in the game. For me Sam and Dean played the much bigger parts. Things that bothered some fans I didn't notice. I felt the same way about season 6, parts people hated I loved. So I'm interested in what they do with Mary. If they make it interesting for 3 or 4, just 1 ep...I'm cool either way. :)
  10. No Season 3 got cut short due to the writer's strike. There was a mystery about her family. How all of her family members were being killed off. We sort of got something on that in season 6 with Gamble but maybe there is something we don't know that Dabb was part of or knows about. There is so much rich history in this show that if it is done right they could use it and make it important. Of course, it means a seriously planned out arch. Not something I've counted on with these writers. But Mary would be in the dark about all of this. She died before any of this was revealed so if it was coming from her discovery...it could work. Not spoilers because I don't know why they brought her back and to be honest I was surprised to see her. I didn't connect the dots, this time. Of course my job is the blame as pain and stress is really lowering my attention span. So I'm just thinking out loud. When school is out, I'll try to watch 20 to the end. Usually the real weight is in the last 4 eps. It's been this way since the beginning. IMO. All show runners have sort of stuck to some things that have worked in the past. Another clue could have been how many images have we seen of mother and son? Mary & Dean. Toni & Son. Could these be a tie in somehow? No answers. LOL.
  11. How many times had I been told something, but it didn't stick nor did I act on it. Dean's speech created the desire to act on it. Plus she needed backup to face her brother...Dean did that too. Shock value ending...I'm afraid they've done that to death. Most of Dean's storyline's have felt that way...unplanned in the end and used for shock value. Now if Dabb is tying it back into the Season 3 story line of Mary's that was dropped it might mean something....might. I don't have a problem with them bringing her back but it would be nice if it meant something. Also I hope they understand how and why the Bloodline ep failed. Using the boys to do it, won't make it work but it does remind me of Highlander where the watchers were supposed to stay on the sidelines and got involved and even made friends...So I will wait and see what they do before I make up mind about it. For now I'm hopeful.
  12. This is the reason I love both brothers. They may argue but they know deep down when the shit hits the fan, they need each other. Talk about bad timing. Sam needed some time to deal with all of that. After everything Sam has just faced, I don't think a little gun is going to matter in that moment. I mean when your trying to figure out how to save a sun, would you be afraid of a little gun pointing at you? In that moment you have forgotten how that felt, and I bet Sam thought I can take her before she really hurts me. lol
  13. Since I love Shakespeare, I love this. I think it will be how I will address the idiot. lol
  14. But that would mean that they actually planned out the seasons! It's why I'm not upset. I didn't expect full closure from the writers because they are terrible at endings. It's too hard. A somewhat quote from season 5. Yes in 10 you have Sam releasing the Darkness but you also have Dean blindly taking on the mark in 9. So if Dean starting the Apocalypse by being broken in hell counts, then Dean taking on the mark is a major key point. However, if you really follow the chain of events it goes back to a brother and sister not understanding each other. Did they skip a lot of key points, of course, they always do. I guess for me this time, I saw Sam's reasons being colored by I love my brother and I can't lose him. He told Charlie, of course, not Dean...but we saw why he was conflicted. Now if this next season takes them both to task for the damage they have caused trying to help, that might be a interesting tale and still allow for the funny one off hunts. I don't care to see someone blaming Sam anymore because I'm so sick of the manipulation for bad story telling. They will never address all of the points, they never have, beginning with why did Dean's eyes bleed in Bloody Mary. So we got a resolution without making either brother nothing. Sam was looking after God. It makes sense that Amara would only allow one human to witness her conversation with her brother. Dean was the one human she would save as she had no problem letting Sam die. Sam united the troops, a important role. Without that moment, Dean would have drunk himself to death literally. Does the final have its weaknesses, oh hell yeah, but it wasn't as bad as I feared it could go. It did what I expected. Something tied up too quickly, once again. I blame the writing. Do I wish they would really plan out the seasons instead of reacting to a moment, of course...but they have done this every year so I just now choose to enjoy the moments I like and fanfiction is a wonderful place to use to write out your frustrations and fix those nasty plot holes. :) So go write that conversation with God and Sam. Expecting the show to do it...well you'll be disappointed. JMV. :)
  15. Watching a second time and fast forwarding through the introduction of Toni, I found myself liking it a bit more. This time Sam is on the sidelines where Dean was on the sidelines in Swan Song. I guess an important factor for me was that Sam's role was important and they didn't drop his story to give to someone else as a bad switch and bait. Sam had faith, that something could be done. He didn't give up and quit. Who started what, didn't matter anymore. Blame was divided IMO. God didn't deal with his sister in a fair way. Thus his actions caused all the chain reactions. His blaming Sam, was to avoid ownership for his own blame for everything. He's shown the be the bratty child that doesn't own up to his mistakes. He couldn't or wouldn't until he was dying. Dean didn't know that Amara couldn't hurt him. How many times has it been Dean that has gotten through to the darkness over taking a human. It's what Dean does. He reached his Dad, Bobby and now Amara. Plus I believe she could feel him not really wanting it to end this way, wishing for a better way. She provides the information that God hadn't given. She wasn't killing the sun. They were both dying. Now there is another option and Dean does what he does best. He opens up about the price of revenge and how it doesn't make anything better. He gets her to listen and willing to try something different. The pigeon lady may have opened the door, but Dean sealed the deal. Both brothers looked like heroes to me. I don't think it was by fluke that God's last response to Dean's question is the world has you and Sam. Dean needs Sam to function. Sam needs Dean to function. So it shows that Love is the strongest power or emotion, if that makes sense. I really liked how they had the two leave by having a spiral of light and dark moving up and out. Will they ever please anyone...no but at least I'm not angry this time. I expected that we wouldn't be satisfied with how they did it because they are stuck in a pattern of story telling. They can't seem to stop the formula, but maybe at least they have stopped the two brother's angst over nothing really. Personally, I think Dean does have issues with his Mom to complete. So I'm hoping they do something unexpected with her. I may be let down, but for now I'll take a page from Sam's book and remain hopeful. :)
  16. I think I'll have to do a re-watch after school is out. No time right now. Although I did think they did a few moment fine, the introduction of the British branch felt weird and not in a good way. I didn't have the hate I had from last season so that is one good thing. I'm hoping that Mary lasts longer than a split second...Dean deserves that much. IA the introduction of the British chapter interfered with the tension and set up for the ending. I did like Dean reaching Amara and I actually liked her this time. Is it leaving me with a big OH NO, nope but I like that the introduction out of left field is at least tied into the history of the show. Last year's out of left field made me mad. So I liked this one a bit better but I'm also relieved that we didn't have a fake out with Dean and he really did go to the show down and no last minute switch.
  17. I'm confused where is this idea coming from?
  18. "I don't have a choice"...yikes this may be the final in a way we didn't expect. If it bombs well we were warned. :) Try to keep expectations low and just focus on his pretty eyes...
  19. Right after you watch that trailer it is the next vid, like a continuation. I get it. It would be nice if they would promote it with just a short shot even, just when I watched I kept seeing Super girl and had to work to get the others. But then again I don't watch the others. By the way, them putting Supernatural back on Thursdays is almost full circle. This is the case of taking the fan base for granted. But it is early in the promotion circle so we may get a crumb later...although I won't hold my breath. :)
  20. They are promoting Super girl heavily. Lots of Super girl because the show has just come on board. It's the one they need to get the ratings up for. I noticed Super girl more than the others. However just after that they have dare to defy and the boys are in that. Since it's only been a few seasons that they promoted the boys, I'm not going to worry. They have been doing a really good job of promoting it with the Facebook videos this year and I bet they continue that again.
  21. It is on the lineup. Season 12 will move back to Thursday. They have said it will continue as long as the ratings hold and the boys want to do it. So it's back to they have a strong fan base, we need to spend money on...If it was Friday again, that would be more worrisome. :) I'm excited and nervous about the final. Please don't let me hate it...please, pretty please!
  22. When you've had a bad experience or something brings it back up, it can be difficult to deal with, so I can see both of them having a bit of a emotional reaction. I'm glad he made it through as that shows the healing is well on the way. I think one reason I still love this show is how well they get along. I hate when I find out that two actors can't get along and the show suffers for it. I don't think these two will ever not be there for each other. If you can still get along after 11 years, I think it's a safe bet it can continue.
  23. Middle school sucks! Especially right now. The students are driving me insane, with I don't wanna, this class doesn't count, so what if I fail it, it doesn't mean anything. Student: You lied to my parents, I didn't refuse to do my work. Me: Did you do your work? Student: No, but I didn't refuse to do my work. Me: Just because you didn't scream I refuse to do my work, doesn't make it any different. If you choose not to do it, you did refuse! (Hits head on desk) My energy is being sucked dry. I slept most of Saturday away and wondered where did my weekend go? Some of these students I will not miss ever...I'm afraid the feeling is mutual. But I have seen really bad students change in high school and some as soon as their freshman year. The problem I think most students have in common is that everything is so easy for them now. Teachers are expected to give everything on a sliver platter. We were allowed to be bored in school, to have monotone teachers and have to learn how to learn on our own. Now kids are supposed to be entertained and heaven forbid you take their phone away. lol Good news school is almost done and hopefully I'll be feeling more alive soon. Otherwise maybe Amara sucked my soul away or I'm in the empty waiting for Dean. lol. Not a spoiler, just my warped sense of humor. So hang in there, this too shall pass. :)
  24. I'll try again. Maybe this direction will help. Some people have many friends but none are really close. This is how I see Sam. He made friends with Ellen, Jo, Bobby, Cas, Charlie, Sheriff Jody Mills and others but they aren't really close knit friends. Someone he can ask for help, but he also keeps them at a distance. Dean starts out keeping them at a distance but when he opens the door he does it all the way. They become family and he's loyal to them. But he's not quick to say you're welcomed into my inner circle. As we all know, if Sam is in danger...Sam trumps anyone else. I can relate to Dean in this way. I don't meet that many at a party. I only have a few friends I call friends. I have a friend that says all these people are her friends but really they just hang out together because they have some things in common. She is much quicker to get phone numbers and etc from them. I'm slow on the other-hand, but I've been betrayed a few times by supposedly close friends, so I am more guarded, I guess. I use the example to try to make my thoughts a little clearer. JMV
  25. Reminds me of a Collin Raye Song...That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm twisting the words, oh well, Sam was in a moment excitement and just couldn't express himself well, because he lost all sense of reason and Dean just rolls his eyes and goes on, because he can't help loving his fan loving geek brother. Since the writers can't be bothered to make things connect from season to season, it's the best I can do. :)
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