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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Sorry, @Mick Lady (glad your feeling better!) working on first production and I'm really tired and not doing much checking in anywhere. I see the doc next Monday, finally made myself set the appointment. Health wise I'm not seeing much other than low energy after work. Focus is lower but trying to not take pain pills may be part of that too. Although I have given in a few days...chronic pain just sucks. Working on writing a murder mystery with the students. I had done half of it in 2010 so hoping to get a lot more done this year. Maybe if it gets good enough will see if we can get it published... Some days I think I really need to start finding a new career...see how scattered my thoughts are? :) May all that are dealing with health issues, natural disasters may you find relief soon. Prayers for those dealing with Las Vegas...no words.
  2. what was his comment? The 3 guys are awesome, shame we can't JDM back for a reunion.
  3. Hope you get power back soon. Guys read the rare side effects because yes some antibiotics can blow your tendons, Achilles heel and etc. I'm down to one antibiotic because it happened to me, but luckily I realized it soon enough and got off before it did too much damage. I had been warned about it, so I was watching for it. The hardest part about any illness is it doesn't fit the simple picture and they can't figure out what is wrong. So I hope she feels better soon. Hope you can connect soon again. :)
  4. That is what I hope for too. I'm just feeling a little blah and stopped taking the pain meds to see if that will help which has the backlash of me being in more pain, but I've lived with chronic pain for years. Just lots of little things adding up, so the first step is to get the ultra sound stuff to the next doctor. Hoping to get that going this next week. Thanks everyone for sending positive vibes and prayers. It's nice to know that Supernatural, our only common ground, can make a connection. I know this battle, one step at a time, but sometimes I worry...so posting has helped me to calm down a bit. Thanks again. :)
  5. Glad he's doing better and glad you're back! I'm asking for prayers...I don't know what it means yet and the next step is to see a surgeon but I don't know what they think is wrong and just feel under the weather. So I guess I failed an exam so if willing would you mind sending some positive prayers my way. It feels silly to ask when so many are dealing with such awful stuff due to hurricanes and etc. I'm hoping it's minor cause I don't have time for anything else. I just don't do well with the unknown...
  6. well at least they are included. that's all I got. Get that but my major Bromance characters are NOT brothers. But guys that you feel like would be good brothers or friends...I guess it is just there way of including them because they do have excellent acting chemistry which isn't always the case.
  7. If you can find some dry ice it will keep it cooler longer. Hope you get power soon and stay safe. All that have been hit hard by the weather I hope you stay safe and find the help you need.
  8. As an Actress, teacher, director and a fan can I get an amen! Just add life brings skills because as you age, you deal with more stuff comedy, tragedy and all of the emotional baggage allows for more expression. Acting in a skill set but the average person doesn't want to watch artistic films as much as they love a dumb comedy so the acting profession is limited by what makes the dollar. Teaching kids to act, I discovered it isn't about how talented they are, it's about how much are they willing to learn. But it doesn't help that we have a society that doesn't appreciate the creative person and wants to stuff everyone into the math and science. It doesn't help that we blame when we don't like a performance and believe that anyone can easily do it. Instead of getting that the trained actor that can play any part and make us feel anything takes time and lot of hard work. There is a lot of bad acting out there and as long as we believe that actors don't have to be trained and anyone can do it, it will continue. I'll get off my soap box now! :)
  9. Haven't been here lately. San Antonio is suppose to get the 90% I believe because this round it was just a small thumb print that covered the sun. I looked through a box and it was cool to see the cloud effect. Guess I'll either buy glasses or create my box.
  10. My guess and I don't know, but many actors find themselves in a slump after being on a show for a long time, so they may have just decided where they want to be if the acting thing didn't go like they wanted. Austin has music and many other attractions and when your from Texas driving 4 hours or more isn't the end of the world. When I was younger the drive to visit my folks wasn't that bad but traffic is getting worse on 35 but they have options, I don't have they aren't poor by any means. Having lived near Dallas and Austin, I really enjoyed living in Austin. I just couldn't make a living there, so I left. Both actors strike me as being close to family so Austin may offer all that they want in that regard. The cost of living in Texas is cheaper than some areas, especially when you compare Hollywood to Texas. JMO.
  11. It depends on the situation. Sometimes the older sibling is put in the position of protection and gets mixed messages from the parent. No they aren't the parent but usually the younger sibling doesn't get the weight the older sibling is being forced to deal with either. As an older sibling I relate to Dean, the weight he tried to ignore but couldn't due to near death experiences for his baby brother. As an adult I can now sit back and say not my problem but Dean still hasn't been able to totally let that go. I also hated what they did with Mary this season. I almost wished she hadn't been brought back. The potential could have been interesting but like many storylines, they have failed more than they have risen to new exciting heights. JMO.
  12. Tea or coke diluted with water was our usual mixture to substitute for alcohol when we did performances. Of course I was the only one that didn't have a clue as to what it should really look like. I was 19 at the time and grew up in a household that if you drink you'll go to hell. The funny part, all of my siblings are going to hell by that definition...we all drink although it is still rare for me to do it since I don't like the flavor that much. I have seen actors steal someone drink in a production during a dinner Theatre type show and it was a well know actor at the time. It was funny to me, I'm sure it wasn't so much for the person that bought the drink. But I wouldn't be surprised if the boys accidentally got the good stuff every now and then as a prank or reward depending on how you looked at it. lol
  13. Welcome Janet, lately I've been lurking more than posting. Welcome to this crazy family...looking forward to see you post. :)
  14. Michaels tweet looks like a poor coverup and Mark isn't willing to sell his fans short. He's free to speak his mind. Don't know we'll ever get the real story at least for now, but TPTB have something to answer for. Have no problem with choosing to have Crowley's story come to an end since it wasn't going anywhere anyway, but sounds like Mark made some requests that weren't honored so he's done and moving on. That's what I would guess with what little I've seen.
  15. From an actor's point of view, his character is at a standstill and not interesting to play. If he wants to challenge himself as actors usually want to do, then it is time to move on. I can see Mark being upset with some of the choices they made and feeling like it was just time to move on. To honest I wish they hadn't brought Lucifer back. But I guess we will get three or four stories about Mary and Lucifer, maybe. Or will Mary just disappear in the other AU... I wish I felt confident about the writers, but Jensen's latest con story about Mary demonstrates how little thought they gave to bringing Mary back. So much of the good stuff seems to be a happy accident. I think that is the biggest crime.
  16. Must be time for weddings. Also been guilty of not reading much on the board. Should do better once school is out. Going to nephew's wedding this weekend. Does that make me old? lol Glad Sue B the wedding went well, and glad Mick Lady that Mick is recovering even if you have to share the remote again. lol.
  17. This IA. My upset is that they've done such a poor job with Mary and it shouldn't have sucked. You can go against the fans, but do it in a way that involves depth and show us the conflict. This show always has so MUCH potential with ideas that should be down right engaging, but then they don't use the wealth of the show's history to make it inspiring or engaging. They rush the important parts and drag out the blah stuff. I guess when I watch this season again, I'll see how the first few eps paved the direction, but I just wished I felt excited...
  18. Iconic Dean moment? Hardly. Raised Hand of Survival IA it's an Iconic Dean moment but it is also been done before. So careful show...I know how you love to rinse and repeat but it may do more harm than good. So the show is doing it's usual pushing way too much in the final. Hopefully I'll enjoy it and not want to smash my TV. :) I just wish the show would go out strong and not limp along until they finally shoot it dead. Since they love "give them what they want but not as they want it" Bringing Bobby back would be easy to keep silent, I'm not sure they could with JMD. The question I'm not sure I want answered is who is causing Dean and Sam tears and sadness. Who died that will either cause the fandom to explode or be a whimper that only some would care about...I'm kind of tired of who shall we kill this year.
  19. Shoot wasn't it something they did in all of the old 60's and 70's cliffhangers, especially the old Batman series. How many times were we left wondering if our heroes could get loose and escape before their untimely death. Which is why I thought this ep was so predictable. I couldn't even get excited about our boys finally hunting for the bugs. Oh writers can't you come up with something new? Why not make me care about the bad guy before you kill them off. Why draw up characters that are one dimensional? Even if you redeem any of these characters, it's too late... Is it possible for Dean to launch his grenade launcher ...now? Poor Crowley, good help is soooo hard to find. lol
  20. Now I'm not caught up this season, but I thought it was Crowley in the rat or perhaps his dear old mom, but I don't believe Crowley is dead. Everything was sooooo predictable. Actually a little on the boring side. Yes, it can be fine to do what we think your going to do, if you make us care but even if Crowley was dead, it didn't mean much to me. Killing another female character, so overdone. I wish I felt excited about the finale but right now not sure I care. I hate they brought Mary back for this. May be one of the worst eps...yes I know there are others that beat it as the worst, but part of me just wants to delete it. Maybe this should have been the last season... I wished I felt more upbeat. I'll try to avoid saying anything more for those that enjoyed this mess. Sorry Sue B if this post is too negative. I'll stay away for a bit and maybe I'll change my mine with some time. :(
  21. Claire would add something to the characters of Dean and Sam feeling pain but I'm not sure the fans care either way. Frankly I'm bored with killing off characters...I would rather something new. My problem...not sure what new they could do other than have the BMoL turn on themselves or having monsters they thought they had done away with in England actually alive under their noses and gotten better at staying off their radar. I would like to see Crowley pull something over Lucifer instead of him doing something to well anyone. I wished I cared about him but that's the problem I have they go so black and white that you can't root for the character anymore. Maybe there will be a surprise that I will be excited about...one can dream, right? :)
  22. Personally I haven't felt oh my gosh cliffhanger since season 4. It's been done so much that by this point I just go okay what will they rewrite to make it happen. I wish the writers of ALL shows would stop the cliffhanger storyline...it's old now. At one time it was shocking and exciting but that means you have to do something we can't figure out, or something new. Killing Mary would backlash I think so I think they would be smart enough to avoid that...at least one hopes. Hating Lucifer...how can that be new? I do think that Ketch is really wanting to harm Dean for making fun of him. The scene where the boys are laughing at him...well he will try something but again that is expected. So show, how will you do something I will enjoy and still surprise me...THAT is your challenge. :)
  23. Christian Kane 257 Jensen Ackles 233 At one time Christian and Jensen were friends. I don't know if they still are friends, but I like Christian so it doesn't bother me that much. Yes, I still like Jensen, but he lost by a few points, I would rather it be like that than a wide margin. :)
  24. Oh do I know how that goes. But when my parents lived with me as an adult it was a short time. I could hold my tongue. If she was moving in permanently we would have to have a sit down and one thing I would say, Is I'm adult and you're not to tell me what to do. I'm a night owl and will do what I choose to do. Just as you have choices about what you choose to do. I'm lucky for as long as both of my parents are alive, she won't be moving in with me, yet. But that day could come. I'm trying to look ahead so I can figure out what my options are so I won't go in a direction that doesn't work. That is what made it so hard, you were reacting and under pressure so be gentle with yourself. You did THE BEST YOU COULD at the time. I've worked to create boundaries with my family but sometimes I just react and go back into the old bad patterns. So when you take a step backwards, realize you've just found the next layer of the onion and time to regroup and move in the correct direction. Man is this so easy to do especially when you don't feel good. I'm trying to find that risk taker that seems to have disappeared. To be clear, I'm in the driver seat for my weight challenge even though I'm participating in a small group. So for me this is the first step. If I don't think I look good, it's hard to move to the next challenge. Sometimes I tell the kids, we're in the same place...trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. I wish it was easier to be a creative person and make a livable wage. But I'm trying to do more than just work, sleep and work. Taking some baby vacations is a start in the right direction. Dating would be the next challenge but that another whole bag of worms that I'm not sure I'm ready for. If I can start making a plan and actually sticking with it, that would be a huge step. One day at a time. :)
  25. I had the school nurse ask me point blank, why are you so fat? You eat really light at school because she saw what I was eating, do you go home and pig out? Nope. But I do have a lot of pain I deal with and I'm finally working out. I started out with just swimming but now I do the treadmill. I got told I was pre diabetes and I started taking the meds with cooking my own meals. I've cut what I eat and when I tell people I was over 200 they were shocked. People don't think I weigh what I do because of where I carry the weight. I'm large busted so in order to get a top to fit it has to be a larger size. So due to health reasons, I'm slowly working my time up. Since I've been unable to work out lately, I will most likely have to start over. That's my biggest problem. For years I was in the cycle of losing the same pounds. Now I'm seeing some results but I haven't gone much lower than this size in 8 years. But the group I'm working with is encouraging. I think the meds got me out of the cycle and I'm trying to see if I can continue without them. Most are using the lose it app. I'm the mixture of old folks and young folks. I text on phone but I don't like apps using google play. It confuses me and it seems like if you don't own an Iphone, most apps cost something. I didn't want to pay 600.00 for an Iphone. The world has changed a lot and I know my students think I'm really old. So it is funny when the show starts calling Dean and Sam old since they are the younguns to me. So yeah I guess I'm old but young at heart. Does that count?
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