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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. my hair is curly. So one thing you can do when your hair is long enough is highlight your hair. I had medium brown hair. But with the gray, It is now gotten lighter especially in the front , so I use medium blonde and have it highlighted usually twice a year. The gray looks like highlights. You can start with a rinse if your not sure what color to try. I've known some people that were considered really beautiful, but their personality really stunk. I'd rather have someone that is great person so I try to focus on being the best I can. I don't always make it, but I do try. lOL
  2. Do tell us lots of stories, I'll get to live through you! :) It must be nice to have found the right man, never got that lucky. Take a break and I'm glad you'll still come here. Some topics I just ignore, not worth the effort. I haven't watched last night but it sounds like it had many things to like. Focus on that. :) I've let go of 24 lbs. I'm starting my next challenge. Funny the school nurse was like you look good. I know I have a lot more to go. What I will have to watch is my mind/brain. Sometimes impossible, at least it feels like it. I was anorexic in my twenties. Trying to be an actress, hearing how fat I was, I created a strong goal, 88 lbs. I got down to 110. I had lost it quickly by not eating. I discovered that if I waited long enough the hunger pains ended and I could go without as long as I kept busy. I exercised. I got sick and that is what saved me ironically. I decided I could slim down, I had gained 5 lbs in one night. So I stopped trying. I guess I tried off and on, but never really had success. Well I'm on the right track for now. I have a few that don't believe me, but they didn't know me then or how single minded I could get. I can't go by weight. I won't go for the right amount. I'll say I need to lose 100 lbs, but 70 would closer to the truth. I'm trying to focus on dress size. Goal to get to size 12. People are telling me looking good, but I still feel really over weight. I know I've got lots of room left. My concern is will I stop when I get where I should be? So I've got people watching. One person already gave me a warning. Stop it, your weighing too much. It's that part of me that gets obsessive that I have to watch. I'm trying to eat healthy but also allow myself to eat stuff that is bad every now and then so I don't go back there. One friend is telling to get more serious, she doesn't get it I have the mind set of what we told young girls growing up, that you must look a certain way to be pretty and what Hollywood thinks you have to look like. I get it, too well. So I got into my short shorts. My goal is to get into a cute swimsuit. I know my legs look great, it's not my problem spot. :) I know I won't care if my bust-line gets much much smaller but the middle well it's got a way to go before I'll be happy. So I'm trying to retrain my mind but I do get frustrated because I will see some young girls that really aren't that over weight and I think man are they fat. The healthy part of me knows I need to think differently, but it is a battle to fix. I know I've shared way too much, but if it can help someone not to travel this road, well it's worth it. I'll shut up now.
  3. Everything I'm seeing right now is depressing as HELL. I'm tired of BMoL. It could have been interesting but unless they come up with something new and exciting, it's a bore and let's move on. Lucifer...boring and I don't even care about his brat. Just say NO to killing anymore Characters, it's dull. Funny I missed last weeks ep, and I'm not going oh dear I must watch, not a good sign. I can handle the boys being apart as long as they do something interesting. So go get creative...please. If I ask nicely will they comply????
  4. Nah, he's totally got her landing in the soft spot on the bed. He's controlling her landing, so it's cute. Watch she lands in the same spot both times. These are the times that will be cherish moments for her.
  5. I teach Theatre, and I often deal with students being in my first production and then moving away. Drama has a need for guys. They are hard to find, so if someone from the school said "Hey, he would be good, then yes he could get drafted for a production. I would think that John would try to keep them in the same school for several months but I have students that have switched schools at least twice before the 1st semester ends. So my guess would be reasonable for them to move 4 to 2 a year unless something caused it to be more often. My guess is that Sam saw Dean and John as a united front. He felt like the outsider. He wanted something that he knew wasn't going to be accepted by the rest of his family. It isn't unusual to different memories of events even if you shared the same moment. We focus on different things. We know Dean was caught in the middle between Sam and John. We know that Dean was a normal older brother too but still he looked out for his brother and sometimes failed. The biggest problem is that we as fans won't get the information we need to know because the writers need the gaps to continue their story. But even if you had all the information, how everyone in the family thinks about something isn't going to be the same. Sam didn't get his height right away so when did he get tall? He's teased for being chubby but was he really or was a really a very skinny kid? He might have been a little overweight in elementary because I've seen that with boys. But it would be fun to see what happened when they were growing up. It is a spin off that cartoons could pull off, lol You would just have to find the right voices. :)
  6. when they were growing up some foods were dirt cheap. So yes there could be throw this out it is easy to replace but it doesn't mean it was what either of them really wanted. How much did Sam eat as a child. Personally I see it more as at times money ran out. Other times it was fine. I don't think we're supposed to think the boys starved. We don't really have the information to know for sure. Just that there are some signs that point to Dean making sure Sammy ate. At some point he got his brother to eat hamburgers if he cooked them right. We also know that at times he would leave Sam in a safe place, at least in Dean's head while he did what he wanted to do. I had plenty of food growing up. I was expected to eat second helpings. However I still have issues with food. Some would never see it. So since I have complex reactions, I can see Dean having it too. It isn't one that we can answer for sure, it isn't an issue the writers care to answer. So there is plenty of wiggle room for your own interpretation. I don't think they intended to make John such a bad Dad. Again, I don't think they always think through how it will land since they usually write for this moment to tell this story. We know a lot of Dean's love of food is for comic relief. But even though you can see Dean stealing not because he needed the food, it isn't clear why he did. Plus we know Dean will cover it up and lie. One thing that is funny for me, is that there is a bunch of fanfiction devoted to this topic. Some have the boys starving to death. Others somewhere in the middle. We know that John did have the boys watched sometimes. We know that Dean was instructed to call for help and later left with Bobby. But boys being boys, I can see Dean using the funds on something he wanted in the moment and then having to figure out an solution to rebuild his missing funds. Sweet talking the girls? We know it is Sam that has the issue with theft at the beginning of the show. Dean feels it's justified so he can do what he can to save people. I'm stopping now as I think I'm being to ramble and not make a lick of sense. :)
  7. One problem with all social media is that one person posts an opinion and a few agree and suddenly they have way more power than they really do. The fan based is mixed. Those that are in the middle ignore the ones that complain about things they just don't give a flip about. Although I do like many of the female characters, there have been a few that failed and I blame the writing more than the acting. Some were just given bad directions. When an actor makes the character more interesting as they get more material then it becomes clear it is either bad writing or bad directing. For this show I've seen more bad writing. Kim Manners is/was a great director but even sometimes he couldn't make it work. I think if you want to be a long time fan of this show, you have to over look some of the serious flaws. I personally never saw the blame for Sam going off to college. I did see a brother wishing that things didn't have to change and a brother being angry for someone not answering their phone, but that is normal family stuff. What I got tired of was the writers not allowing the brothers to grow and move on past it. Hence it became a complaint about bad writing. Enough said as this is one of those topics that seems to start a merry go round conversation with no end in sight.
  8. I think it shows up in Adult Dean. How he is always grabbing free food, stuffing his mouth. I know some of the issues I dealt with growing up still effects me. Not being allowed to drink on trips, being forced to eat when I wasn't hungry. I go to friends homes with a glass. Even when they tell me they will have a free lunch, I bring a just in case meal. Dean being the older brother, it has been implied in many eps that he made sure Sam had enough so Dean could keep him in the dark about the issues. I think if they took the time to cast correctly it would be interesting to see a flash back to the boys trying to hide the fact that their father was late or missing or even trying to explain away the hidden injuries. But that would mean that the writers would want to mine the many plot holes of the past. But it is fun to think about. :)
  9. I will never forget my mother crying as the wedding cake had issues from the hour drive. I was the voice of reason, going okay, you don't have time to do this but what about if you do this. We got the cake fixed and NO One noticed anything wrong. So I can get you putting all this effort into it only for it not to go the way you had planned it. So I'm glad you relaxed with some tea and now enjoy some wine. The hard part will soon be done and don't forget to enjoy the moments. All the bumps will become little stories to tell and magical moments for the memory books. By the way, Weddings are hard work no matter how you do it! :) Take some me time even when you have way too much to do. Oh one crazy thing for me, was while getting ready for the trip, I lost my ipad in the house. I couldn't find it and had a little melt down. Where was it, next to the old computer. If I organize better, I wouldn't be doing things at the last minute. It's why I've never been the one to Plan the big moments, Bridal Showers, Parents Wedding Anniversaries Parties, I'm the picker upper for those that take on the headache and I'm much better at the support department. I know my own flaws. :)
  10. I remember the song, but not the movie. I can see from the clips how it is an 80's movie and it looks like a major mixture of several hit movies but might be more interesting in the short clips than the real movie. Don't know it wasn't a film I saw. Looks like the major reason it didn't get more was because it went way over budget and then didn't make the money back. I got back just in time. Got out before they cancelled all the flights. Luckily our connecting flight just was delayed a little over an hour. But since I didn't get stuck in airport, well that was a good thing. My friend, loves my cane. Several times it got us in front of the line. I can tell that New York still believes in smoking. I forgot what it was like to walk down a street and have the strong cigarette orders. It was one of the ways that you can tell a New Yorker from tourist. Another way was that crossing the streets. Tourist wait till the light changes and New Yorker just weaves through the traffic. I did start crossing sometimes when I could tell it was safe, but it was funny hearing the cars honking when they couldn't go anywhere. There was a sign that you get a $300.00 dollar sign for honking but I doubt that they can enforce that. :) I did see one Broadway play. "Cirque De Soleil Paramour, the storyline is old. Director makes a star and there is a love triangle between the young and rising star, director and a song writer. But what makes it really cool is all the acrobats / dance and the they add visual effects. The plan was to see another Broadway play, we were going to try Kinky Boots but my friend got food poisoning at Starbucks. I'm not feeling that well either but it did slow us down. I did central park covered in snow, did The Ride, Top of the Rock, The Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The 911 museum and the observatory, one Tour on the Big Bus, rode the subway, Walked Time Square and Walked to Central Park and feel like I did all I could in the cold weather. I know 32 isn't that bad for those that live in cold weather but for me it was too much. I know it got down to 20 and sometimes I felt like my face would freeze, lol. My only casualty, I lost my purple hat. I'm standing in faith that a homeless person found it and it is keeping their head warm. :) Going to do nothing today. I had a great time. I would like to go back but during warm weather!
  11. may not be able to post till I get back and yes we are checking out plays when we get there. Found my missing purple shirt. Done with students now to finish up packing. Yes, I'm insane. :)
  12. It started as movies and this series was created by the same ones that did Leverage. Christian Kane was in both. It's now season 3 but the season is very very short. Some I stories are better than others. Flynn is showing up off and on but the others only show up a few times and won't spoil ya on what will happen. It's stupid funny but I like it. Should be finished packing but of course I'm not. I've got purple covered. I keep getting that New York is having a major cold spell when we go, 30 to 40's, it's the walking outside but once I get everything figured out, I will get excited. Right now, freaking as I should have gotten more done....
  13. Not taking anything work related because grades will be done tomorrow if everything works out. Struggling with what layers to bring since I live where it doesn't stay cold long. I think I've worn my so called jacket 3 or 4 times. But since I'll be walking in the cold, that different than just walking to go indoors. Goofy shows, oh I have those too, Hogan's Heroes had two reasons. I met one of the actors that my mom went to school with. He taught a few classes before he passed away at the Theatre Convention I attended. I also love Leverage. And dare I say it...I use to watch General Hospital...I still watch it off and on. But back in the day it got really stupid. :)
  14. Hmm favorite TV shows...will have to think on that. I have had several that I got obsessed with Numb3rs, Star Trek Voyager, Magnificent Seven, The Sentinel, Simon and Simon and even a stupid show called the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Because I loved Michael Hurst, his characters drew me in. Can I say...I HATE PACKING!...I'm sure once I figure out what to take it will be fine, but trying to decide sucks. At least today is still Tuesday. I feel like the Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, I'm late I'm late....
  15. I lost a book that I had gathered ex friends impressions of me or something they wanted me to know. Sometimes it was fun to look at it even though we had gone our separate ways years ago. So yes I can imagine it's trippy and yet cool at the same time. @Rue721 I haven't had any issues and can totally get needing a place to express yourself. Sometimes this is the safe place because you don't know my real name and I don't have to really worry about the people in my life reading my thoughts. Although some laugh at me regularly. I just bought an mini ipad. My friend thought I was insane. I should have gotten an iphone. But the ipad is for trip and is larger than a phone. Now I'm trying to pack for New York, the crazy part, bringing layers so hopefully I'll stay warm and yet not burn up. Just have to survive the students 4 more days!!!! I can do this. :)
  16. For me this is the fun thing about the show and not tell. It gives many possible outcomes. IA Dean wanted a drink. To me it's clear he came back from going out and didn't get plastered. He wanted a drink. Here comes Ketch with a drink. Once Ketch showed up, things changed. Now he's playing with Ketch. Ketch is arrogant and believes he knows who the Winchesters are. But the BMOL are sloppy and don't really know as much as they THINK they do. Hence we have the set up to provide the opportunity for Ketch and Dean to work together. Dean has his own agenda. I don't believe he is blindly following anyone. Mary on the other-hand...well that's a different story.
  17. This I could get excited about. I've always been a brother's fan. I want a strong story for Sam and Dean. I want real conflict that is unique and ventures into new directions, not just a rehash of the same old thing. If I want a rehash there is plenty of fanfiction to go read to satisfy that itch. I actually enjoyed Dean playing with Mr. Ketch. I think he is the one that can read the entire group better than Sam and Mary. He does know how to lie and manipulate. Doesn't make him a killer, but he does use his dark side. I think the part that Mr. Ketch got to him was the need to kill. I think Dean is like the soldier that's gone to war and got in the mind set of killing the enemy and when they come back is lost how to deal with those emotions that were set up from the war. If that makes sense. It isn't that Dean is a killer, it's that he's been in that state for so long, he now can't turn it off. So having some monsters to kill gives him a way to release that energy. However because he does embrace this dark side of his, he is in the perfect position to figure out everyone's game. Sam and Mary are still too trusting and just haven't gotten as jaded. If Sam really remembered his soulless self he might, but he is always the one that sees the bright side. This isn't something that Dean does. He's the practical one. Dean's way of talking to the vamp was honest, he didn't tell her he would let her live, just that it would be quick. This is my frustration with the show. They have so many wonderful gems to mine but they don't. I'm bored with Lucifer so unless they do something really new, I wish they would have just let him die. I think they think they are doing something they're not. I also think they plan more for the binge watcher than the long time fan. Plus from their perspective, if we are discussing it at all then they've done their job. If it was bad, no one would be watching. I'm afraid that's how they measure their success, which sucks.
  18. I loved the opening. I loved seeing Rick Worthy as I enjoyed him on Magnificent Seven. I thought that Dean allowing Ketch in to drink was to get a better handle on the guy. If he knows where you are and acts like he can just come in any time...Plus still not buying that Toni went rogue. I get why they want all the Winchesters on board. But it is a bad idea to wipe out all of the monsters especially when they seem to know so little about the alpha Vamp. The ending is leaving me shaking my head. Not satisfactory for anyone, I think. Dean girls will hate the apology and Sam girls hate Sam caving in a way that doesn't make sense. Won't say it was horrible because I did enjoy part of it and I liked the Alpha Vamp pulling one over the BMOL. I'm not hopeful about so many of the pieces and the issue that Mary is pulling just doesn't work. Being a mom, means getting to know your grown ass sons. Dean wanting her to be part of his life isn't asking too much. She's done nothing to show that she loves them. Maybe that's the problem, she doesn't. She just loves the children she didn't get to be with. But I did like Dean saying I never was a child. He wasn't. I just wish the conflict wasn't being created just to divide. I want it to feel as if there was a plan, not flying blind. Really can't figure out what more to say yet but maybe Ketch will get his due...maybe?
  19. This is the BIG fail with Mary. They should have made us care about her. Instead it is easy to say let her go back to heaven already. The problem is, it should have been interesting and we should be invested into her, but they've gone too black and white, instead of creating a very complex character. I blame the writing. I just hope I don't end up wishing she had never come back. I liked Frank, but he wasn't a good replacement for Bobby. I'm not sure they really intended to use him as much as they did. But I'm still not ready to go into season 7. I hated the big bad. It started off interesting but became a bore for me really fast.
  20. For those that fly a lot. Can you carry vitamins in the pill carry box or do you have to have them in their original bottle? Trying to figure out how to condense for the trip.
  21. I get the idea of "let's explore the option of what happens after the "happy ever after" You think you should have everything you've ever wanted, you've got your mom back but instead of sunshine and happiness, you've gotten another messed up relationship. I think Dean has learned in a very painful way, that trying to be the peacemaker is harmful to all. Dean can't let go yet and it's okay for him to be upset. Mary hasn't done much to really be his mother. He's lost another family member and this stranger they call mom isn't feeling like family. I'm afraid the writing FAIL will be huge and we will be left with how they missed the boat. But letting Dean be angry is actually true to his character, so perhaps they will do something right. I'll try to stand with SueB on being hopeful even if it is painful to watch.
  22. This is an age old issue. Guys aren't supposed to be emotional and girls are. Some writers want to write gay characters and others will write straight with deep relationships. I think for me it is the problem of those that write get stuck in a mindset and don't see other possibilities. I've also seen women write very girly for guys and not realize that they've done so. I know when I write at times I have to check to see if the lines sound like something a guy would say or oops me bad it's sounds like a girl. Jensen is protective and unless a director can justify the direction, I think he will fight a direction he doesn't believe in.
  23. One Act is over. We didn't place but three students got individual awards. My principal has agreed to take the reprimand out of my HR file and leave it just at the campus. This is what I wanted, so that part is better. The kid that caused the issue in both situations has been removed from my class. Now I just have to get my energy back which is kind of missing. Now I just have to get ready for my New York Trip. The only thing I'm concerned about is how cold will it get and how much pain will I be in from doing a lot of walking. But determined not to let it stop me. Looking forward to spring break...I need some time away from the students! Omegamom we miss ya and hope you'll come back soon. :)
  24. Hi I'm wiped out! One Act is done. We didn't place but 3 students got individual awards and one said "Hey, the Judge didn't tell us anything you hadn't already said. I asked why don't you listen to me then. "Cause, your just a teacher." sigh. Several told me good show, and they had some strong moments, but other parts wasn't so good.
  25. Thanks guys for the laughs. I'm clueless right now! So the drama keeps happening you know in the drama after school rehearsals. This time it's horseplay and I'll be blamed for not supervising students when it happened, just wait for it. Of course one of the kids that got hurt is the one from the last time with the parent from Hell. sigh My advice - what ever you do DON'T become a TEACHER...RUN the other way and do not pass Go! It must be true, if you Say "Macbeth" in the auditorium bad things do happen....CAN someone BREAK this CURSE please, pretty please. Why do you think I'm stressed out?????
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