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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Just a question and one I'm reflecting on as well. Lots of people I know are dealing with a loved one that has passed on. Everywhere I see one day you will laugh. As though crying is such a bad emotion. Without sadness, you don't experience joy. Without heartache you don't have any close relationships. How many times do we just know someone, but not really know them. How many relationships do we have that when they go, will we barely blink an eye or mourn their passing. I can think of just a few deaths, that hit me hard, took a long time to recover from. But the others, after a short time, I moved on. I may think about some of them from time to time and others...well I don't even remember. I know when I embrace the emotions and use them to create something I do better. But society is so one sided. It's better to laugh than cry. Yet if you never cry how do you really laugh? I wonder if depression is more about avoiding your emotions, rather than seeing them as something positive. So the depressed person gets stuck in the negative and is unable to move on because they think they must feel bad when they are sad. I know when I tell my actors to show sadness, I tell them fight the urge to show your sad. Try to be anything else and then the sadness shows up. I doubt middle school kids get this, but a few do. How many of us would rather see a comedy vs a drama. To be a great actor you must have experienced major heartbreak and major joyful events. Without that it has something missing and all of us can spot that. Just thinking out loud.
  2. Hmm they used Jared and NOT Jensen....Should have had both. lOl. Of course I think we know Jensen's answer and Dean's. ;)
  3. Well I moved away from my family, I get along with them in small doses some more than others. Got the news that my nephew just got engaged. We talked more on the phone through text than I usually hear from him all year. Everyone is looking for that Brady bunch family...but I've never found it. Some might be luckier than others, but sometimes you just have to leave for a bit to find the humor in their actions. I find myself laughing to myself , of course, there is Mom doing her thing. There is Dad reacting and neither is really hearing or listening to the other. :) But dad got the okay to go on the cruise. I'm fairly certain this will be their last one. Sometimes I know they can't see how lucky they are. Finding someone to spend your life with isn't easy and some of us never find it. But if I ever say something like that to my family they will give the standard spill, "What do you know....you've never been married?" Actually I just skipped the divorce part by knowing this person wouldn't work in the long run. Life is crazy, people are crazy especially family...and sometimes you can only find the dark humor and laugh.
  4. They do love pulling something out in thin air...so who knows what that will be this season. IA I hope that Chuck isn't God. I'm hoping for something that looks planned not something that just happens. But will wait to see what happens. It is more their style to figure out a way to bring a character back for one ep, but not necessarily for the long run. I figure they will give themselves some major wiggle room. Lucifer may be their key for this. Time will soon tell.
  5. When you get the extra hour, it's not so bad but time forward... a killer. I'm so off on what time is it...I can feel your pain. :)
  6. I don't remember what ep, but Crowley also states that the cage makes the rest of hell look like heaven. (Not an exact quote) So with Sam being in hell longer than Dean, Lucifer supposedly the worst of the worst ever...Sam's hell would be worse than Dean's. However I never got that Sam was totally broken in a way like Dean, so it failed for me. You can tell me something but if I don't believe it by what I see, then it won't matter. I do think that hell is suppose to be unique to the person stuck in hell. But since the show will never really tell us, you are left to figure it out for yourself. JMO. :)
  7. Oh I how I loved Alias Smith and Jones...that would be so cool. Sometimes I think the problem with so many of the modern shows is how dark they all are. How about Starsky & Hutch...Jared would be Hutch and Jensen would be Starsky. JDM could be the Captain...now who would be the best Huggy Bear? lol
  8. How about Jensen playing Danny Regan in "Blue Blood" and lets see Donnie Wahlberg as Dean. Jensen would still be the older brother, but now he has a whole family riding his butt. I loved to see him in Hawaii 5 0...He could be Danny the complainer when Steve drives his car too fast and we could see how Sam could handle a complaining brother when Scott Caan takes over as Dean. How would Crowley deal with that Dean. Then Jensen comes back wondering WTF? lol Oh this might be too much fun. :)
  9. IA agree he deserves a nod. I know he's happy with what he is doing or he would have left, period. Why doesn't he get the nod...because their is a belief of what that has to look like. I deal with that every year at contest...which play is the best and how do they decide that with only one judge. This is a fun show, hence the reason it keeps building new fans. It sparks ideas, and is one of the top shows that people write fanfiction for. Love it, or hate it...people are talking about it so it has enough of a fan base to keep going. If they have to spend money to get a nod...don't think that will happen. I think Jensen is like George Lucas from Star Wars. He has an inner drive, as long as he gets kudos from those he cares about, it doesn't matter about the real award. That's why I'm talking about what he wants. That's my impression from his interviews and such. I don't really know as I don't really know him. But he's got a lot to be happy about, some people never find half the success he has. Personally I respect his acting chops and look forward to seeing more. No problem with wanting him to get recognized but many actors will never get recognized. Some of it is who do you know more than how well you do it. JMO :)
  10. Take a break, if you need to, but there are those of us that feel good about it. If they talk to negatively in all of the threads, I think the mods will step in. There is only place they are suppose to rant about it in. :) I sometimes take a break and then find myself being more positive. It's something we all have to do time to time. Mick Lady...hoping all is well and if your feeling awful that you feel better soon. :)
  11. You don't have to make a list, but yes it was cool to see the lists you made. I don't have the time. It also showed how even the show is...so thanks for that. 90% of actors are on unemployment. So anyone having a job for 12 years is something to be proud of. Tom Selleck had a major TV show and then did a few good movies before coming back to TV. Some actors will never get recognized for their work. Jensen is doing the show because he loves it. He gets to play in two fields, directing and acting. He's even gotten confidence in his singing. Every season they put out some good shows. In a TV show run, you should have 4 to 5 great eps, a few more good ones and some that suck. Supernatural has that IMO. Although I may wish for something else, now that I'm just watching the show...I'm enjoying it more. For a little show that shouldn't have stayed it's doing pretty good. So with it's renewal I get to see another year of eye candy and some stories I like and some I don't. Sounds like every show I've ever watched. :)
  12. On one hand I'm not surprised...they are showing up doing the same in college...on the other hand I was hoping they would change as they got older. lol. It's spring break and I need it. I just don't get student's ideas that they can tell me what to do. They think I'm mean...wait till they get fired or lose something more precious like a house. I love teaching students that want to learn. I just wish we could cut loose the kids that don't want to learn. Maybe if they had to go to work instead, they would then develop an appreciation for school. My assignment...to not talk about or think about school for a week. Need to write plays or something else for a bit. I failed last night at dinner...but dusting off my shoes and trying again. Grades are done! Yah. That's a first for me. Happy dance, :) Thanks for the support...I know it's not cancer but sometimes it just feels like too much. I need to start figuring out my next career. I don't think I can do this much longer. seriously. I keep trying to not give a damn, but I keep get sucking back in and I'm tired of being sucked dry. I really wish teachers got more support. Teaching raging hormones is HARD! :)
  13. Awesome - I can handle bees if they are not in the killer bee mode. But the others nope. I kill yellow jackets if they get near me because the last one stung me as I was unlocking my front door. I do react to the stings and they hurt like the dickens. So, enjoy them if you must...but they better listen and leave me alone! I could not have done the Bugs show...nope nope nope. It's one show I avoid from supernatural because I'm not a fan of most bugs. I tell the spiders they better hide when I walking around my house or they are dead meat! :) Rant ahead...I know it's not life threatening... How on earth could a parent dare to ask if there is anything their child could do to pass two days before grades are done? I even got a note where the child lies, saying he is trying to improve his grades as he loves track and band. So the 50's he made which were really Zeros was suppose to be him trying???? Sorry now I'm mad. Mother email is there anything he can do. I said no. Where was the concern when I gave the warning that he is refusing to do his work and could fail. Yep, it's a 68. Yep he can't do track or band contest for at least 3 to 4 weeks. Sorry, he's done this already several times. I'm tired of it. I helped him out before, did he learn from it??? Oh I know, it's too hard....my expectations are too high. RIGHT? Now of course, I'm the evil one... Sorry kid, your screwed by the evil Drama teacher. Now I bet everyone of you wants to go be a teacher, right? I just wish I had an off switch for my brain. :(
  14. Sue B I use AD block plus. It helps with most ads so you don't see them. I would find an image you want to see to replace the one you didn't. I do this with nightmares all the time. The other suggestion I have is do something creative to change the image. I saw something that was really horrible driving home from work years ago. Nightmares and worst at the time I thought I had to drive that way everyday. I finally planted a plant and over time it helped. Won't say what happen since you've had enough bad stuff. I too hope that Mick Lady is doing well. I really need spring break. The kids are driving me batty. One day at a time. This week will pass. :) Awesome sending positive vibes your way. Sorry for your loss. You have a good heart. :)
  15. Subtext is also a major part of acting. What is the subtext of the line that isn't said. The feeling and actions that make it real. So subtext just is, but people will always interpret what the meaning of something is...it's in their nature and has been going on long before the internet. The difference in the early shows you only got to watch them once or sometimes two times if you saw the rerun. Now you can watch the show as often as you are willing. I also think they like to acknowledge the fans interpretations of their eps, even if they just scratch their heads. I remember watching Starsky and Hutch and fans were positive they were gay and the writers kept saying they were only writing close friendships. What pulls you in, your life history, your likes and dislikes will color how you watch a show. I have no problem with how people feel about their point of view as long as they have room for tolerance for a point of view that disagrees with theirs. I used Bi-Brothers as I enjoy both brothers, but it doesn't mean it has to be only Sam and Dean, Show. I like Dean a bit more because more times than not, his emotions or my feelings about his character relates to me more than Sam. I also like trying to see if I can figure out the direction the writers are going. If they trick me, I can respect that. But I agree they just need to tell the story and not try to please the fans as much. Sometimes trying to please everyone, just makes it a bad story. Of course it doesn't hurt that I think Jensen is hot and most of the time I love how he looks on screen. :)
  16. The artist in me, the actor in me and the writer in me, knows it doesn't matter what the fans want. You'll never make every fan happy. The actor has to act, the writer has to write and they care about playing in the acting sandbox. I don't know if those that get paid to act all the time, care about characters the same...as the fans do. It might be funny to find out what shows they get so attached to, if they do... I want a good story. I care about the characters, so will I complain about certain things, of course. But in the end it only matters how long those involved want and can keep this show on the air. I'm sad that Cas and Dean's story got shelved due to some fans complaints but I hope that we'll get some more good moments before it is over. In the end, I watch because something draws me in. If I really, really hated it...I wouldn't be here. :)
  17. My embarrassment would come from what do you do for a living. Teach drama and debate. Also I hate my pictures so the photo would be hard for me too. Just saying. :)
  18. IA that I see her being confused why this human has a hold on her. She didn't have trouble with the other humans, but Dean creates a different reaction. I could also see the kiss as she was determined to take his soul and then changed her mind and kissed him. Did he want it...no. Now this could have been interesting but I also don't see the layers of it being planned. Hence the reaction from the fans being upset about it. So some of the things that people have gotten really upset about I could see them just thinking it was a cute joke and not really thinking very deep about it's interpretation. More of the response they have joked about in eps, this fandom sure does complain alot...type thing. I think Jensen has done a great job in trying to make what he has been given work. It's the actor's job. Sometimes it sucks when the writers go down a rabbit hole. But at least we have one thing different this time. Neither brother feels betrayed and perhaps that will be something they will use. Sam's weakness for Luicfer isn't Dean's and vice a versa Dean's weakness isn't Sam's. Last season ended my expectation of them having some great plan. I suspect that they will throw in something crazy at the last ep an then go if renewed what should we do now? How do we get out of this mess? Would I rather believe there is a plan, sure. but I don't see the evidence for it. It looks like the last 3 seasons. JMV
  19. Allergies suck. The stress of the job is getting to me right now, so I took Friday off. Found out you can have being dizzy as symptom of a migraine, it just was a new one for me. Oh I hate helicopter parents, especially special needs ones. I guess they think that teachers don't have a life. Awesom04000 great idea on the hats, I don't knit, but I do have some stuff I've collected thinking I would get to the project and not get it done. Sue B - I've never gone to a convention, but if I had lots of money the excuse to go to Hawaii would be a good one, lol. I'm afraid I will only see the boys on the internet...which is a good thing because I would get embarrassed asking for an autograph. :)
  20. I wanted Sam to figure out Casifer first, but at least he got to get him to leave the men of Letters. The last scene I really liked. The coffee scene worked. Loved that boys are still united. I might not have had such a pace problem since I kept fast forwarding through the commercials since I stated a bit late. I would like for the hand to still mean something, but maybe not to show how till a little later. Thought it was a bit even, not the best but not the worst either.
  21. All actors improve with age because they have more life experiences to draw from. Like his honesty about his performance skills back then. It has to help him do a better job and that shows his work ethics. He should be proud of how much he has grown. I know I've kept some of my earlier stuff of writing just to show myself how far I've grown. It is one of the reason we love the boys so much. They show us their hearts and we have to forgive them even if we don't like some of the stuff the show does. :)
  22. Let Mick know how much it means to see his hair. Your hair will grow back but it might change. Had one friend that her hair became really curly. Now she always wanted that, so it was a good thing. She did say that wigs sometimes hurt, so go with scarfs and whatever makes you feel pretty. Hugs and I hope it goes well. I do know once a doctor told me, we don't remember the pain we experience during surgery or treatments. I have a vague memory of some of the different surgeries I've had that weren't the best experience, but as time goes by I don't really remember it all. So although it is really really scary right now, you will come out on the other side. Just notice how you're feeling and write it down. It will help you to focus and most importantly don't make it mean something bad when you have a bad day. Just relax and realize that today you need to rest. Tomorrow you'll feel better. Take it one day at a time. Write down the questions you have and that will help. I had to wear a PICC line for several weeks as I did Iron transfusions, certainly not as scary as chemo, but I was with the patients that did do chemo. So to help me, I decided I would use it to research a scary story down the road. I figured I would then have the knowledge to turn my experience into fanfiction. Having that plan, helped me calm down and just experience the situation instead of giving into fear. Hugs! Don't know if that will help at all, but I'm the type that needs to know, otherwise my imagination goes overboard. :) ETA: Finally remembered what it was called. The dangers of a PICC line is you can't do any lifting and such. So follow the directions of what you can and can't do. :)
  23. Now how many people agree that Love really really really HURTS especially on Valentine's Day. :)
  24. Jensen loves trolling us! So I could see he is going to investigate at the hospital and Jensen gets in the bed to send the tweet. Remember when Jensen did the pic that he was all alone. Then later Jared tweeted, I'm right by you. I would think it is more, Jared is in Houston having fun and Jensen is filming something for the ep and can't go. If he can make it look like poor little Dean is hurt...that would be even better. So I need more clues for my comfort. Of course this could be a great creative writing exercise, why is Dean in that hospital bed with just a few boo boos? :)
  25. Have a blast eating Pizza and wings. Mick is a great hero...is he related to the Winchester's I mean back when they were Hero's and enjoyed saving people? :) Yes sometimes I think we meet people on the internet to give us the support we need and I certainly enjoy coming here to escape from real life drama. Mick Lady considered yourself hugged and know that I'm in your corner as you struggle through this. Focus on the positive. On my best days I remember this. :)
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