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Everything posted by slayer2

  1. I don't think that TPTB at DC have done nearly enough planning (clearly) to make it work like they have over at Marvel (plotted into 2019?) But if they'd done half the planning I would have liked to see them connected. A lot of the DC movies (aside from Batman) feel very fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants with scarcely even the sequel plotted out properly so I'm sad they won't benefit from the continuity that an umbrella universe brings. That horrible Superman film could have learned a lot from Arrow and it could boost ratings for both. I would be more inclined to see Batman vs. Superman if I knew some Arrow Easter eggs would be hidden in there. As it stands I think it sounds utterly ridiculous to me /Felicity Smoak.
  2. I never gave a damn about Will and Sonny anyways. I'm still pissed it wasn't Chad and Will, there was build up and everything. Not.over.it.
  3. Pissed about the withholding children storylines. Women (or men) holding their children hostage pisses me the hell off. Yes EJ was a selfish dick but that doesn't give Sami the right to take his children away (again) as punishment. They're not a drivers licence, they're children and what kind of asshole would do that to their kids anyways? They love him,both Johnny and Sydney have spent way more time with EJ than Sami he has been the one consistent thing in their lives. Not cool.
  4. I have to vehemently disagree with your entire post aside from the sexist antics of Dimera's silly board members. Wrt Nicole, AZ is IMO the best actress they have which is why they keep shovelling shit her way because she's the only one who can sell it, it would be a MASSIVE mistake to get rid of her. Conversely when AS plays any other emotion besides enraged or vengeful (which she excels at) it comes off completely disingenuous to me. The storyline of Sami as CEO while entertaining is as ludicrous as Satanic Marlena. I hope Kate is setting her up because Sami has a high school education, she was a receptionist for a time, an incredible hacker, a rapist and a criminal but I don't see how any of those qualify her as CEO of DiMera. She did a little casting and booking for Countess Wilhimina with Kate as her mentor, still don't see the jump from that to someone capable of successfully running a multi-million dollar company. I also don't find Abby irritating at all, I thought she had incredible chemistry with EJ and as far as the young set goes, anyone is better than Melanie.
  5. A.Thena. Thanks for posting that here because I just came here to talk about it. That interview makes me incredibly excited! I loved Brandon Routh sooooo much as Superman he WAS my Superman {him and Christopher Reeve} so to learn he's coming back to the DC Universe is very exciting, and I'm happy they're giving Felicity a hottie not some Jimmy Olsen. I was excited to read of Laurel getting a love interest as well and he wonderfully addressed the issue of insta-Canary. Also to learn that CL is coming back and I read somewhere that the wonderful Abruzzi from Prison Break is on-board as well so I am super excited for the new season. Even more so than before, I'll still miss Susanna Thompson though. Gotta say that the producers of Arrow and The Flash are NAILING it in terms of casting. Wow.
  6. Was doing some of those kick-ups I saw on KC's instagram today, where you put your elbows on the floor and balancing on them and your knees you kick back left (for ten) then right for ten for however many reps. They're so simple but I've never really done them before and was not prepared for how quickly they become painful. Owsies.
  7. I can respect this. It's understandable that season 2 Laurel put you off her, it really was a bit of a mess. I just felt so much for KC during that time as they brought on EBR and CL ostensibly to replace her in both romance and action but wouldn't simply let her go. It's a what the fuck for me wrt the producers' choices.
  8. Tomayto Tomahto I suppose because I simply don't agree. I don't think JA is in another class compared to others never mind KC (and I've been watching him since DOOL). He's really good but I think KC kept up with him just fine and JP when I was watching in the KC years was having serious trouble definitively separated characters eg. Lucifer so I wouldn't say she was levels below him either. Wrt KC being bitchy, I've never met her in my life and any interview I've seen of her is perfectly pleasant. I see an actress doing the best she can with ridiculous material, I don't see the cast as leaps and bounds ahead of her save for Susanna Thompson who I find is leaps and bounds above everyone. Laurel doesn't strike hate in my heart or any such thing, I don't know KC personally and have never seen her appear "bitchy" in the interviews I've witnessed. I don't know what they'll do about the anti-chemistry with her and Oliver but who knows what's in store for that. Regardless I'm excited to see where they go with the character, KC has been working hard and I can't wait to see what she brings to it.
  9. I don't even agree with that cause I hate Willa's character so I can't say she makes it work at all. But the writing for Thea is as shit as the writing for Laurel so I don't blame either actress. I still think KC is completely believable as Laurel it's the writing that's failing her. She can act her ass off. Re: Padalecki and Cassidy not being able to keep up I call shenanigans on that as well. KC is by far a better actress than JP. JP is no Jensen Ackles, he's one-note, same character all the time. KC's Laurel is an entirely different person to KC's Ruby or Ella, everything is different, her walk, the way she speaks even her smile.
  10. Hahaha! This is very true. I reckon I'd quite like to see the bad haired Ollie playing fetch. Hopefully she'll teach him Mandarin while giving him a damn haircut. (Harkening to that gorgeous Skyfall scene).
  11. I have seen her in 4 other things, she's more than capable, the writing for Laurel sucks as just as the writing for Thea sucks. I don't reckon this team is particularly brilliant in writing female leads. The start out strong and end up all messy and weird. I thought Laurel season 1 was lovely and totally rootable, didn't see any chemistry with Oliver (although I did see it with the Arrow) but season two Laurel while I did like her, seemed like a series of one-offs. There wasn't a through line all the way through the episodes for her, she was Lana Lang or Chloe season 3, she just didn't make any damn sense and I attribute that entirely to the writers. KC is responsible for one of my favourite characters of all time in Ella Sims, she's right up there with Faith Lehane and Rayanne Graff, trust me when I say she can play likeable.
  12. Me either. I think KC is a great actress but there's only so much anyone can do with the dreck they were throwing at her season 2. Even still I don't find the character the most awful awful that ever awfuled. Child please, I come from the school of Smallville where Superman's an asshole by design, ain't nothing wrong with a Laurel.I'm looking exceedingly forward to a more physical Laurel this season and since the show runners have acknowledge their foibles, I hope the give her better material to work with. Also nice to see her hair gone back to Ella Sims colour. Lovely. Also I don't agree that she was responsible for getting Tommy killed. He sought her out to rescue her, she didn't entrap him or run away or some other nefarious thing. She was trapped in a building, he saved her, I've never heard of blame being thrown around in that situation before.
  13. slayer2

    Iris West

    I've watched a lot of CW shows with plenty of fantastic actors, for every did there's quite a few good ones so I still would reserve judgement until the show is seen. I hear it's floating around somewhere so I'm sure people can catch Iris there.
  14. That.is.awesome. You go girl! It also explains a lot, martial arts, park our, all so addictive. I bet SA will still be working out when this gig is done, he seems really addicted to it.
  15. I don't think it worked out, or I just don't know how to log in. I couldn't see any of the questions and then he tweeted that he couldn't hang about with no info or something. It was all rather confounding from over here.
  16. I'm glad they didn't go there either. I don't fancy seeing Sara or any character on this show go through that and I sure as hell don't want flashbacks of it either.
  17. That.would.be.awesome. I also think it would help bring focus back to healthier body types for women instead of encouraging skinny to the point of anorexia. I think Arrow with CL and now KC will help in this area. Always glad to see more fit women (and people) on TV.ETA It's kind of like a triathlon version of DWTS eh? Great idea IMO!
  18. slayer2

    Iris West

    I don't know how anybody feels equipped to make judgements and Lana comparisons based on a two minute clip but regardless I'm excited for this character. It's nice to finally see a black female lead on the CW and the actress (whom I'm now following on twitter) seems like a sweetheart.
  19. I'm sorry but I don't see how this has anything to do with my initial post. We were discussing the salmon ladder and it's difficulties, I don't see how having dance training or martial arts training pertains to that. Many people can do the salmon ladder with proper training whether they have a dance/martial arts background or not as SA and many people (men and women) on youtube have proved. Whether or not you feel KC's character sucks has little bearing on whether or not she has potential to do the salmon ladder. I also don't agree that CL is better at it as evidenced by the amount of rungs SA completes and the frequency and speed in which he completes them, I don't see how being fluid compares to the task of completing the rungs.
  20. I would opine it wasn't longer than a few weeks, if even that and I'd reckon she could do more than two rungs if she were in her 'The Machine' shape. Her abs and arms were nowhere near as defined during that part of the season. From what I've seen and read, Sally is all coordination,core and upper body strength with swinging from the legs to smooth the transition. Mind you I've seen girls, with skinnier arms than CL and certainly less defined than KC has now, successfully work the ladder so again I think it's down to the person.
  21. I don't agree that the show doesn't warrant it beyond stunts, I think Susanna Thompson is phenomenal and Stephen Amell has had some great moments. This show has done so much for fitness and superhero(dom) in the media that it's irritating to me that awards shows can't look past the CW and get to the good stuff. Even the way SA plays pre- and post-island Oliver is worthy of something IMO. Gah! Bitter.
  22. But at the end of the day even if you can't imagine it, everyone is different. People have different body types and different strengths, what's simple for your sister may be difficult for me and what's simple for me, difficult for your sister. Some people have a stronger core, some people have stronger legs etc. To me whether or not it's on Ninja Warrior is irrelevant because fitness and capability are 90% mindset with proper training. As Adidas says (cheesy as it sounds) Impossible is nothing. You never know what people are capable of fitness wise. We barely know what we're capable of so she could very well surprise you. Also with respect to CL and her two rungs, do we know the context of her training? How long she trained to use Sally compared to SA and how much upper body training she does? I know she does martial arts, dancing and park our but I'm not sure how much lifting (if any) she was doing at that time....
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