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Everything posted by slayer2

  1. I see what you're saying here but what if the script said: Laurel : "It fits" (Laurel smiles and hugs Sara as Sara smiles back)? How do you know it didn't?
  2. statsgirl She DID say she's working out and will do what it takes to be Black Canary because she wants to please the fans. What else could she possibly say? People complained she was too bony to be Black Canary so she's working out. To-may-to To-mah-to I guess but Laurel Lance will be Black Canary eventually so I see no harm in telling people she's preparing for that since that's clearly what the producers told her.
  3. I understand what you're saying and I certainly understand that many people don't enjoy Laurel (euphemising) but I feel like a lot of the comments KC is making are being turned upside down and pulled out because she's Katie Cassidy. There's not a lot of proof to many of the things people hate her for. I don't even understand the hate for an actress because people can't stand the character. I hated Lana Lang a lot of the time (sometimes I quite liked her) but I adore Kristin Kreuk. Also lot of these things are happening behind the scenes, how do people know the producers aren't telling her to say the stuff she's saying. In later years it became apparent in a subtle way that KK wasn't the biggest fan of where they took Lana Lang but she wasn't about to step out and shit on the character because she was still working on the show. On her hiatus she simply did other things and when her contract was up and she had the chance to hightail it out of Smallville she took off like a bat out of hell. As you know I'm sure, actors get prepped for press, they certainly get told what they can and cannot say in interviews especially on a secret-laden show like Arrow so why would that exclude KC. To me seeing people snarking that KC should know how to play an alcoholic because her dad was one is making it personal and just a dreadful thing to say. It's not meant to be personal IMO it's a show and Katie Cassidy is not to blame for the writing she receives or the arcs that take off in strange places any more than Willa is responsible for that dreadful Thea writing. If someone thinks she's a terrible actress, fine. I don't see it but there's no need to slander every little thing about KC from her body to her attitude in defense of one's ire for the character (not to say that you are). I enjoy these in depth discussions and disagreements about the show and the characters on it, I guess my enjoyment just diminishes severely when it's taken out of context and aimed at the actor.
  4. I started it in TWoP's image as a bitterness thread to simply air bitterness towards any character on the show. No character should be immune to it IMO as this isn't a Felicity fan thread. I have problems with her character as I do other characters. I certainly hope this show doesn't become the Felicity show because I'm not bought into her awesome. Characters that can 'do no wrong' eventually become Lana Lang which I think is where Felicity is headed if she can't take a little flack. Everything she does isn't perfect and I'm tired of the characters acting as if it is. Once she gets more screen time she better get a personality besides snarking and hacking and drooling over Oliver.
  5. Truthfully I don't defend Laurel in the bitterness thread 'cause it's here for bitterness so I'm not on board with what you're saying here. I think the response to my post is probably more suited to the Felicity Smoak thread but I suppose mileage varies.
  6. I don't notice it either, I'm too busy noticing how badass she is. I hope she gets her own show, I may just jump ship.
  7. Felicity isn't perfect, she's as flawed as anyone else and not immune to criticism which she well deserves.ETA When someone screws up their lips to (for better or worse) emulate that of a duck. Felicity had a memorable one when Slade kidnapped her in the finale and was playing his stupid little game.
  8. Guys, this is a bitterness thread. So I feel like I have a right to air my bitterness. The episode made me bitter towards Felicity, I'm liking her less and less as I watch the season. I don't think she craps rainbows and her duck faces are starting to bug me. I'd much rather give the screentime to Laurel, Sara or even Thea and Roy. I'm really truly getting sick of Felicity. Oliver should have someone else in on his secret, Moira should have been told once she shot him and she should have been off-limits to Felicity. Not impressed. I'd like to see Chloe try to step to Martha Kent like that, never would have happened, Clark would never have allowed. Know your place. Gah! God, I miss Moira Queen.
  9. I mention EBR because if I was still in acting and was given the lead female role in the show only to be usurped by a new actress who started as recurring I wouldn't be feeling press much myself. What the hell would I have to say to them? My character is an addict now or maybe not or maybe she's a lawyer, no she's a DA, no she's a drug addict, nah she's Black Canary I mean of all the fuck ups CW shows have made KC's character is at the top of the list. Her Nightmare on Elm St character was written with more consistency and frankly it's humiliating how they've treated her IMO. It reminds me of poor Colin Egglesfield on The Client List who was hired as the lead male only to be shoved in the background second season once JLove started dating the recurring character and wanted him to be her lead. Why would she want to be all over the media after that? I swear someone thinks she poisoned their dog or something because the treatment of her character is ludicrous. It'd be enough if they brought in Felicity as the romantic lead but then they take Canary away as well? ...The fuck....? Seriously she's handling it with miles more class then I ever would and honestly I bet they lured her to the show with Black Canary to begin with so that would make it even worse. I like Felicity enough although I'm starting to like her less and don't enjoy her nearly as much as Huntress, Sara or Laurel and EBR has earned her place as has Caity Lotz for sure but c'mon writers.
  10. But that's an assumption, it's entirely possible that she did it without talking ad nauseum about. The press and everyone associated with the show have been all over EBR and her canonization that they haven't really been paying Katie Cassidy much mind to ask. All I know is I've seen a lot of her work and I don't think it's a coincidence that she gained weight to play season 1 Laurel then lost it for season 2 and is getting buff for season 3 Laurel. She's a pretty dedicated actress in my experience. I agree she's been given some sporadic writing wrt the drug/drinking storyline but I think she's doing the best with it that anybody could. I also know that she wasn't even that thin as a fashion obsessed PR rep on Melrose so I wouldn't be surprised if given the physical dedication people have on this show she lost all that weight. She now has a six pack so this strengthens my belief even more.ETA KC isn't in charge of the makeup they put on her but she is in charge of her body and to me her weight loss matched the marked change in Laurel's personality from confident and capable to lost and seemingly hopeless. The change is extraordinarily prevalent when you're marathoning the episodes.
  11. I don't agree with this either. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Life is cumulative, something that happened a year ago, compounded with something else and then something else can lead to an unfortunate end result and from marathoning Arrow these past week and a half (not finished yet so I can't speak to her recovery process) that is what I saw and to me Laurel going to Oliver and Sara and saying she's okay with it and giving them her blessing, then finding out their identities and also giving them her support and blessing IS growth. Of course mileage varies.
  12. I don't agree with this at all. Using the island as a metaphor, I could just as easily have said crucible but even still I don't think addiction equals weakness. I also don't think that her trials were any less difficult for her because they weren't heavily physical trials as Oliver and Sara's were. If I found out my sister had died just days after finding out my boyfriend had died while also finding out they died together while cheating on me then my parents divorced, my father became an alcoohlic , my mother walked out never to be heard from again until after my allegedly dead bf came back. Then my current on/off bf died saving my life then my mother came back convinced my sister was alive, I cracked (naturally) lost my shit, lost my job, lost my career then my dead sister came back and started screwing my dead boyfriend again, well frankly if that's not a crucible then you're stronger than I am friend. Because a year of that and I'd be mindlessly eating green goop that passes for jello at Belle Reve.Bkwrm I feel like a lot of what people perceive about KC is based on assumptions and am not convinced it's anything concrete. For me based on her previous work (this is the fourth role I've seen her in) she delivers with a vengeance and has been nothing but professional in response to tough situations (like backlash for Ruby) and the firing of Ashlee Simpson and Colin Egglesfield (on Melrose Place). I've seen KC deliver time and again and be nothing but friendly and sweet in interviews so it's easy for me to believe she dropped the weight for this arc. Especially when I note the difference between season 1 Laurel and Season 2 Laurel and even how KC looks now on hiatus which is much healthier. I've been following her career for over 6 years now and this is the skinniest I've seen her and the vacancy and gloom in Laurel's eyes just wasn't there in season 1. She also explained that the reason she hasn't read any Canary comics is that they haven't told her she is canary as yet but if they do she will do whatever it takes to prepare for the role including boning up on the comics. It makes perfect sense to me, it's like if the first season was SA just playing Oliver Queen before Arrow, he wouldn't want to get I to a character that doesn't exist yet until he has the experiences on screen that make him that version of Oliver Queen.
  13. Katie Cassidy's fantastic, she was the best thing about Melrose 2.0, I was quite fond of the show overall but her character Ella Sims is one of my favourite characters of all time.
  14. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    I asked about that when I saw a clip of this show a year ago. Thanks for the confirmation.
  15. Ah bitterness! That Felicity is still snooping around into Moira's business in 2.13 makes me buggy. Reminds me of Chloe micro-monitoring everyone in season 9 of Smallville. Yes Felicity, you're a hacker, I get it. Doesn't give you the right to go snooping around in others affairs and bossing them around about it! I could understand if she fell into the info innocently but I'm not cool with her digging hernise where it doesn't belong. The last few months alive were spent at odds with Thea due to a secret that should have been kept just that. Thanks a lot Felicity, thanks a fucking million. Gah! While I'm at the bitterness, who the fuck is Oliver or Felicity to get pissy with Moira about secrets and lies. Hello? Pot to Kettle? You're fucking black. Gah!
  16. Well, on episode 2.12 now and I can see why KC calls this Laurel's island,talk about a bad year. Feeling bad for her now as she looks so fragile, I feel as though KC went method and lost all that weight for to Laurel's drug/drinking arc. She looks so fragile and I can't help but want to hug her, have never seen KC that thin. She's doing a great job playing the change from a warm-hearted, optimistic person to a broken, sad young woman. The shift between the Laurel in season one and her scenes with Joanna is phenomenally sad compared to her last scene with Joanna. A nice parallel there with Joanna the one to espouse hope. I'm really interested in how this plays out and hope Laurel can find her strength again next season.
  17. I'm really starting to like Roy a lot. I love that he's trying to help his city and his neighbourhood, it's such a true sentiment to someone in that situation. He's pretty easy on the eyes too, though I didn't notice that until I actually got to know his character. Still don't like Thea, don't like that she's trying to keep him from helping others whatever the reason, it's his 'hood he has to do something. I like the twist of Laurel working against the Arrow and think the motivation makes sense, sad that Tommy's really dead though, I did quite like that actor. Digging the flashback scenes which I never thought I'd say, and am really enamoured of Shado. On a shallow note: Slade's accent is tops, won't get sick of that for a while. ETA Oh and the first peak at Caity Lotz and what a wonderful time to show up too, poor Roy.
  18. Actually I've seen some Lauriver videos that are quite nice. I don't see why one ship must be heralded and the other bashed. I quite enjoy both ships.
  19. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Nah Green Arrow as well, the Roulette episode was a backdoor pilot, not sure what happened.But I've been able to acclimatise to SA as GA after the second half of 2cd season and watching the pilot solidified my acceptance of a different GA. ETA he was tortured once or twice when Checkmate and Suicide Squad kidnapped him.
  20. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Agreed! I was pissed about JH not being cast as well, since they had talked to him about a spinoff.
  21. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Everybody's a critic nowadays I guess. Yeah Amell sold me from the minute he said "My Name is Oliver Queen" as well. I still kind of think of Justin Hartley first but it is what it is. *Amell* damn you auto correct!
  22. There's no reason you shouldn't find it entertaining, think of the ingredients: one part built, good-looking actor, one part talented actor, one part well written show, one part crazy stunts and action= entertaining. Don't feel bad girl, I love me some Ollie too.ETA Bkwurm his treatment of Huntress didn't bother me too much 'cuz he always seemed to look at her like he was lovesick which I kinda loved *blush*. I know what you mean though about hypocrisy because I thought Diggle going off on Huntress then being all 'faster pussycat kill, kill' about Deadshot was pushing it.
  23. I guess those are some serious abs eh? Can't see them that well but she looks awesome. She said on twitter or insta she just started another film so looks like she got in even fitter shape for it. ETA Finally saw CL on the salmon ladder on the show. Woooow like 4 rungs! She's so badass.
  24. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    You can definitely tell it was intentional. Flashback Ollie is an out and out childlike dork, all that's missing is a pocket protector and taped glasses.
  25. slayer2

    S01.E01: Pilot

    Yeah, the pilot's pretty gripping. I've been scarred by Smallville too so I know the feeling.
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