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Everything posted by slayer2

  1. Edited for off-topicness (sorry). In all the places KC has appeared in the past few months her physical transformation is clear. She's eating clean and working hard, I have no doubt she can achieve her physical goals including Sally (if that's one of them)
  2. I don't agree, Nina Dobrev should be a winner many times over, she does a lot of lifting on that show, last check 3 characters at once. It pisses me off that CW doesn't get the acknowledgment it deserves. Susanna Thompson should get everything, what grace, what skill. Bah! Boring and prejudiced academy meh!
  3. KC's a dedicated young woman, I'm sure whatever they teach her she'll pick up well. You can catch fight scenes on Supernatural I don't think she gets to hit anything on Nightmare on Elm Street because she basically plays Tina but you can catch her playing a bold, lovable character on Melrose Place.Judging from her instagram though she's working pretty hard with Drew (?). I'm sure she'll rise to the occasion.
  4. Oh shit! Yup. You know you're watching too much Arrow when you seriously contemplate taking a dance class after following CL on instagram. Even though you haven't taken one successfully in over 10 years.
  5. KC's been hitting the gym hardcore at 6am with her trainer and eating clean too. Totes inspiring, I did some bench presses in her honour today.
  6. That's cool statsgirl, thanks for the info. Now I'm trying to recall other possible Golden Hour moments on the show. I know I really enjoyed the lighting in the first Huntress episode, particularly the restaurant scenes between Helena and Oliver and Tommy and Laurel. I think the lighting was softer, warmer during those scenes, possibly that whole episode. I'm smitten with the last scene between Oliver and Helena as well. The red in her kimono against the candles in the bathtub and the dark in the , I recall it being very moody which I felt suited the personality of the episode quite well.
  7. Joan Rivers, oy vey. I think SA posted another training video on his twitter, haven't checked it out yet but I'm sure it's craaaaaazy.
  8. I hope the spoilers about Ted training Laurel are true. I, for one can't wait to see KC kicking ass and taking names, and from what she's expressed she seems excited as well. I'm sure it's annoying to be playing a damsel in distress so much of the time especially after coming off roughneck roles like Ruby and Ella, it's all a little dry. Bring on Wildcat!
  9. Oh whoaaa! She totally got ripped up! Awesome thanks! That really helps, especially since I just came from the gym {more motivation for Friday}. Also this Does anyone know if Amell had any gymnastics, free-running or just regular gym training before he started this? That backflip off the wall is pretty impressive if not, well heck it's impressive anyway, Caity does it too. Caity.is.sick.
  10. I guess people believe what they want to believe but CL lying for publicity or damage control sounds pretty far-fetched to me.I agree with those who say that damaged people can be fine together and certainly on a TV show it's par for the course. After a certain amount of seasons on any TV show most anyone becomes damaged on account of all the things they throw at the character. With that in mind I'm still holding out for Huntress/Oliver, that my OTP thus far.
  11. You know you're watching too much Arrow when instead of paying attention in class you're daydreaming about Sally the salmon ladder.
  12. Joss is a genius character and storywise IMO, he ruined me for other shows for a long while. These Arrow guys have their moments but I'd never deem to compare them to Joss. Also if Joss were writing Sara, the anti- LOA then pro-LOA wouldn't have happened under Joss for sure and the lack of DiDs would also be staggering. Joss would have a field day with a character like Sara. Great, now I'm sad I'll never see it.
  13. All you dream about is being trapped on random islands and fighting people in some sort of gigantic death match. I thought maybe we could use a thread about our addiction because I for one have noticed my life becoming increasingly more ridiculous and ab-fixated as my obsession with this show grows. The hiatus is only going to make it worse I'm afraid.....
  14. I agree with this, Ollie's a veritable statue. He reminds me of TW's Clark in that way. I also don't think it translates to "Amell doesn't like the actress" I recall many folks saying the same thing about Genevieve Cortese's Ruby and Jared Padalecki's Sam and then Jared married her. We have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, what I can say though in terms of real life relationships is someone asked Caity Lotz who she was closest with in the cast at the Chile Comic-Con and she said EBR and KC.
  15. Lolz, I'm looking at you Dawn. I honestly think CL will be back for sure otherwise they would have just answered already. I'll bet Comic-con will be the massive reveal {although Caity's been to a few Comic-cons thus far this month}. I think TPTB are pretty good at catching fish and I'm sure they've been throwing out the net for this one since early morning.
  16. I just came back from the gym where I painstakingly skipped through the last half hour of The Listener {they took Arrow off of demand for some reason} felt like a boss, a suffering, sore, boss. Thanks Arrow! I still want a bar that I can do crunches on though, I blame that on Amell and The Tomorrow People's John.
  17. They're terrible in the comics. It's a giant wtf. I think there's even a universe/version where Oliver Queen's actions inadvertantly get Black Canary raped. Horrible. In response to Danny I would say the comics are definitely relevant since this show is based on (however loosely) and derived from it. They are still using quite a bit of the comics material in terms of characters villains and clearly love interests (for better or worse) so I would hardly call it a moot point. Mileage varies of course.
  18. Omg I loved Sin and Sara, I'm pissed they dropped that storyline as well. More should definitely have been done with the storyline about Sara defending women and Sara and Sin's friendship, that was a sweet relationship.
  19. It is in character with Black Canary and Green Arrow's relationship though. I mean he cheated on her more times than could count and was just an overall lout. It's a wonder she ever stayed with him and no wonder they got divorced, so the dysfunctional Ollie/Laurel relationship makes a lot of sense to me wrt to that, it's pretty true to form. They both keep on circling back to each other all the while probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with them.
  20. For the safety of the audience kidnappings must only be included in the Sudden Death round.
  21. I don't understand why we don't have an Arrow drinking game yet? We've got pursed lips, manpain, the amount of times Oliver says Felicity. The amount of times Sara has died or almost fake died, the amount of times Sara's returned or someone's been injected with something. I mean I'm just saying...
  22. This makes a lot of sense to me and I can totally understand that. CL is pretty hard to beat given her martial arts, dancing and parkour background and general physicality. It's a bar raised pretty damn high and it's hard to see how KC could come close to it. The producers really shot themselves in the foot with that one if this was always their plan.
  23. She's explained that already though, she's said she isn't playing Black Canary yet she's playing Laurel Lance explicitly who isn't Laurel yet in the same way Oliver wasn't Green Arrow until after a certain point. Now as I understand it she will be playing Black Canary, hence the training and studying. Her origin story dmis nothing like the various versions of Laurel Dinah Lance in the comics so until she's playing Black Canary (which I guess is now) I see no need for her to get ripped, makes no sense at all in the context of the character. Nothing about Laurel Lance season 1 or 2 implied built like a tank.
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