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Everything posted by slayer2

  1. Thanks for making the Faith connection SleepDeprived she was one of my favourite characters of all time, complicated in a way Buffy never managed and I see the parallels between her and Helena. Definitely the Faith/Angel relationship is a great analogy for Oliver/Helena I also saw some similarities between them and Clark/Alicia. I think I even shipped Clark/Alicia over Chloe/Clark so that ending was devastating and I certainly hope not reflective of what happens to Helena.
  2. Although given the fact that Oliver isn't long for healthy relationships (on the show or in canon) him and Huntress do make a certain kinda sense. AW hell I just love those crazy kids.
  3. Yay!! Thanks quarks that gives me hope! I just saw so much emotional honesty in their scenes in 1.07/1.08 and I got to see a childlike hopeful, innocent side of Oliver that I hadn't seen before which was entirely precious. The way he looks at her is something else, and the actress is phenomenal as well, she has an incredible strength yet a vulnerability that she seems to be able to access in seconds. Fascinating match that one.
  4. Well I've just watched 1.08 and now I ship Oliver and The Huntress, their chemistry s fantastic, I love their parallels, how damaged they both are. It reminds me so much of Batman and Catwoman whom I love and the actress is amazing. My favourite pairing thus far.
  5. Ha Stacey me too! That's my exact Arrow trajectory. Started on Suicide Squad to Arrow season 2 end and now starting backwards at episode 1. Diggle truly is invaluable.
  6. No idea, maybe they trusted Miles/Gough as little as everybody else or it could have had something to do with a Superman movie or they didn't want Lana Lang and Lois Lane imtermingling, it was a strange time. So I'm just wondering what kind of strange stipulations they may have cooked up for this show what with the Batman vs Superman and Justice League movies in production or early stages.
  7. DC character contracts can be weird, remember how DC stipulated that Erica Durance's Lois Lane could be in no more than 13 episodes of Smallville per season. They carried on with that until at least season 7. Who knows what kind of bizarre deal KC, SA or for that matter CL have. We live in a world where actors commit to a superhero role for 9 movies so...you never know.
  8. I don't know that this is the right place to talk about that though.
  9. I don't think it would be in her contract straight out the gate, usually actors alhave to be with the show and have a proven record of being a necessity (like Jensen on SPN) before they can get ironclad guarantees on things for character etc. I think it's a seniority thing, I think a lot of vet soap actors have this eg Tony Geary on GH has a clause which guarantees him a certain amount of vacation every year (I think a good few months or so). I think it might be more common in a film actress coming to TV as incentive to get them to sign but unlikely in someone like KC's or even SA's situation.
  10. The sister swapping doesn't bother me, one of my favourite movies/books is Little Women. Sex as a crutch doesn't bother me either, I have a friend who does that, it is what it is, when she's ready to change she will. Plus it's a character so he needs flaws, I'm aligned with his core values so this hardly bothers me, I'm not fussy about people/character's consensual sexual activities and frankly I like Oliver with Sara, Felicity and Laurel so whomever he hooks up with I'm happy to watch.
  11. Ha! Thanks, hopefully Thea will improve right along with season 7 Dawn.
  12. Thanks! That's a looking time to wait for an answer.
  13. You can speak for me because I feel the same way. Katie Cassidy actually played one of my favourite characters to date known as Ella Sims and she was characterised as far more promiscuous than Oliver Queen, bi-sexual and prone to threesomes. It was one of my favourite things about the character. Oliver is entitled to hook up with who he wants, when he wants IMO as long as it's consensual because as Kirk said they knew who he was when they got into it.
  14. I agree with this wholeheartedly.I don't take umbrage with Oliver's sex life if Shadow, Sara, Laurel and Isabel are it, that's not much for a self-professed playboy even if he's only trying to keep up appearances. I also don't think he needs to be in a relationship or romantically in tangled with them to be sexually involved. I'm not opposed to casual sex when both parties know it as such. Plus many people use many things as coping mechanisms, sex, liquor, the gym, music, food etc so I'm not troubled by it.
  15. I think the episodes I just watched counted her as 17. I understand that a lot if people like her, but from what I've seen I just don't. I hope that she grows on me as you said she did on you otherwise it's going to be irritating to watch throughout the show. Dawn from Buffy was also a teenager and ruined season 5 and 6 or Buffy for me (I had to stop watching). She improved by Season 7 but I only returned then because the series was ending. I know Willa Holland from GG when her character screwed over Jenny, good actress and I understand she's a favourite among many but I'm not feeling it which is fine because mileage varies and I'm not required to like her.
  16. Does she get mentored by Laurel? That's good, I'm not on that episode yet so I'm just seeing bratty and feeling really upset on behalf of Oliver for the way everyone has basically told him to go back where he came from. With respect to gendered insults I use bitch dually for guys and girls so no one's immune. I'm also a migrant from TWoP so perhaps bitterness is more commonly expressed there. I'm happy to hear that Thea learns sympathy as time progresses and if it's with Laurel then such the better.
  17. Diggle's child can only create more story for him IMO which is always good. More Lyla and also raising the emotional stakes for Team Arrow and his relationship to it. Perhaps he'll want to clean up the city even more due to an oncoming child?
  18. I'm afraid I don't see what's confusing. You like Thea, I don't. I like Oliver more than anyone else on the show and watch it primarily for him. I've seen him go through a lot of crap and thus far I've rooted for him in nearly every situation. Does that make me an apologist? Probably, but he's my favourite character so I reserve that right.
  19. I just don't like the character for the reasons I expressed, no more no less and while I appreciate what you shared it doesn't change my opinion of how a sister should behave for the reasons I stated. There is a lot of passion about characters on this show not just from me :)
  20. He withstood the torture in the first week or so of being there. Also 17 is old enough to know better, most people's parents suck, does it give them permission to be an asshole? I don't think so, Thea hasn't been through that much in relation to their rich kids shipped off to boarding school. Her father died yes, lots of father die. Her brother came back from the dead and she's being an asshole about it and that's the bottom line for me. I don't care much how Oliver was when he was her age, none of that changes the fact that her brother came back from the dead and she's being an asshole about it. I've concluded that she's being an asshole because she is an asshole you can only blame your parents for so long, her mother took a sword for her and she was still an immature asshole. Maybe if she acted like an adult people would treat her like one, you could throw a stone and hit anyone with more maturity IMO. Zalyn thanks for that perspective, it makes sense. I still think there's a lack of empathy there though, she's seen the scars on his body. If my brother came back with scars like that all over her body I would try to relate to her in any way I could. But I wouldn't push him I would follow his pace and be there if he needed me andnI'd let him know that. I don't think that's particular to her age because a teenager is still capable of love and love is what is needed here not all this other bullshit.
  21. Yeah but who can blame Oliver for sleeping with a bunch of hot chics. Sex is proven to release endorphins and be great for your heart and mood. The guy has so little to be happy about and so little to enjoy he needs to take it where he can get it.
  22. I simply cannot agree with that, I went through a lot worse than Thea did as a child and I'm not an entitled asshole. There comes a point where you take responsibility, parents fuck you up that's kind of theor job. I don't agree Oliver was as bad as this either, those wounds he took for Ivo (?) without giving him up in the last episode I watched tell me he wasn't. He always had the heart of a hero but it was buried deep down there. I couldn't imagine in a million years Thea doing the same thing. I'm not letting her off the hook because she doesn't have doting parental figures because at the end of the story she had a mother who gave her life for her and a father who chose to be her dad regardless of biology. I'm not giving her any such pass because she doesn't deserve one, there are bigger things at stake than her "pain". Starling City is falling apart, did she ever think to climb out of her castle and volunteer her services to people who ACTUALLY need sympathy instead of whining and blaming everyone around her? What about the fact that anybody who lost someone would gove anything to have them back her wildest dream came true and because it's not what she wanted she's busy telling him he shouldn't have bothered. She's 17 yrs old not 12 and I reckon even a 12year old would be more grateful. Entitlement doesn't sit well with me and this little bitch has it in spades. I will never feel sympathy for her.
  23. Alright, 6 episodes in and I think the show is genius bit am deeply bitter about Thea or Dawn 2.0 as I call her. The worst sister ever. A solipsistic narcissist with nary a kind word for anyone, in fact if I recall her last words to her mother were asshole proclamations and accusations. This chick doesn't know what love is. She's pissed that Tommy doesn't return her feelings so she gets drunk and maligns him? Well poor little rich girl. Suck it up and grow the fuck up, that's life and everyone's not just standing around waiting to cater to you and your childhood traumas. Some traumas are a fuckload worse than yours so be a sport and lend some support instead of acting like an entitled asshole. Many girls have been through way worse with no wealth to comfort them (like Speedy her comic boom namesake for example) Boo-hoo they lied to her, people lie bitch it's part of life but considering your brother's been the recipient of torture and unspeakable horrors for five years maybe you can cut him some slack instead of acting like he went through it all on purpose just to make YOUR life more uncomfortable. DIAF Thea, DIAF. That sword in the chest should have been you but Slade would never give you an honourable death because you don't fucking deserve it. /END RANT. So.very.bitter.
  24. See, that wouldn't seal my hatred of Laurel because to me I just think, what about him? To me yes Thea has been through a lot but it's a mere fraction of what Oliver has been through. If I were his sister I'd be there for him in whatever capacity HE needed, he was the one marooned on the island being tortured and subjected to every horror, it's the veteran analogy again for me. Where would it leave vets if all they came back to was recrimination and hatred from their family for not returning the person that their family or friends knew. To me Thea's solipsisim is unforgiveable, this is the exact moment when family is supposed to shine not fail you and yell at you for it. I'm six episodes in and the way you feel about Laurel is how I feel about Thea, I hope Malcolm Merlyn strangles her in her sleep. Hate.
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