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Everything posted by SpaghettiTuesdays

  1. Because the party was originally for Josie and Kynzie. They just added Jordyn after the fact when they remembered she existed.
  2. The worst episode by far. So boring. It ended and I was like, nothing happened. I am numb inside. Painful "graduation" speeches, as well. It was awful. Somebody better be getting married or be pregnant soon to make up for that mess.
  3. I enjoyed Autumn and her family but could not handle the drug test at the restaurant thing. If I was eating nearby and saw them put a urine sample on the table, I probably would've gagged. Gross. Good on Autumn, though. She really seemed to put her life together, little by little. Baby Daddy tried a little, too, but if I was his mom, we would've had a long talk.
  4. Ah, yes, the chivaree. Maybe when Erin has five little ones under five she won't have the time for such volume.
  5. OMG I have tears in my eyes. I'm not gonna lie, I'm probably going to watch all of the Kid Farm! episodes. How have we not found this before?!?
  6. Re: the car trashing - It's a tradition in my family as well. I believe it was a country thing. In my family, both the bride and groom are "kidnapped" and dropped in a field as well. It's weird but I'm sure it was an old timey ritual or something. I like this episode, but the Bateses hold a special place in my heart. I gagged at the food, but it's not my wedding. I actually shouted at my television when I saw the boys sitting there playing dominoes while everyone else worked. It was disgusting to me. (And reminded me of the laziness of my own brothers.) I also had to double take when JChelle was "cuddling" the little girl from that family that adopted 22 kids. You couldn't hug your own?? And the Duggars sitting so close to the front when the guest list was 1000? You don't have anyone else you'd rather sit up there? Their house was cute and good for Chad for letting Erin decorate how she wants. I don't understand the big uproar. She'll probably paint it again in a couple years. I understand she's a little childish, but she also seemed extremely happy and excited. I imagine some of that giddiness disappeared after her miscarriage. Poor girl. JChelle ripping the paint - you know she probably covered it up and didn't tell anyone. Not very Christian, if you ask me. There are other things I'd like to say but I'll edit later as I think of them.
  7. I was just doing some reading up on the show and can't believe how many girls have more children! I know that once a teenager has a child, there is a higher chance of them having more, but still! I counted at least 6 girls who have had more kids. Will MTV be doing updates? Has anyone heard anything about that?
  8. This was a really interesting episode, as I don't think I have ever seen another girl from previous seasons pregnant by a one-night stand. I personally found Maddy likeable and realistic. She knew what she wanted and what she had to do and did it. I liked that about her. I can't for the life of me understand how mothers can have such bad communication with their children. I feel that that is a reoccurring theme for almost every single girl from all five seasons. I was not a fan of the mother, but maybe I am biased because I hate when people walk away and mumble stuff under their breaths. It's rude and obnoxious. I also wasn't a fan about how she expected Maddy to make a choice to move in with Cody. If Maddy herself could recognize that was a terrible idea, why couldn't her own mother? Then again, I'm almost never a fan of parents on these shows. Anyway, I wasn't too sympathetic for Cody. His mother yes, but not Cody. I felt like he had little reason to be upset when Maddy and Aubrey moved to Indiana because he hadn't seen her all but once, IIRC. I think he liked the idea of being able to see her whenever he wanted, but not actually following through. ETA: I actually respected her all the more for "being selfish". I was glad when she gave the baby her own last name, especially since we saw how her relationship with Cody (did not) work out.
  9. I like to think the diversity on the show is as painfully staged as a third grade math book.
  10. Yeah, but they each spell them differently. (Aubree, Aubrie, and Aubrey)
  11. Thanks. I feel like maybe they haven't been pushing this season? I know I haven't heard an awful lot about it. I'll have to watch it tomorrow On Demand.
  12. Season 1: I was okay with this season. It was a lot of people dying and risking lives for going on stupid runs for a few things when they could've gathered a lot more. I could never figure out why they stayed so close to Atlanta, either. Season 2: While I really liked the character development, as I rewatch it brings back all of those "I hate *insert character here* feelings" I had the first time I watch. More than once I've found myself thinking how stupid people behave. But then I realized they're learning. It's still in the early stages of the apocalypse and they haven't had stability in a long time. Season 3: I could take it or leave it. I enjoyed seeing how Woodbury was run, but it seemed like every other character was hamming it up. I hate Andrea with a passion, so I cheered when she died, but it was pretty gruesome. Michonne's introduction, as well as Tyrese, Sasha, and the gang was pretty neat. Rick teaching Carl how to be human again, and baby Judith's entrance into the world. I hope Daryl and Carol raise that child to be bad ass but still a human being, IYKWIM. Season 4: I was frustrated, but only because I wanted to check in on every group every episode. I understand that it was for thematic purposes, but there were some I didn't care about (Maggie-Sasha-Bob) as much as I did others (Carol-Tyrese-the girls). Carol was phenomenal this season and I enjoyed Tyrese as well. The Glenn-Tara thing was interesting, too. The power of forgiveness and all that jazz. I think she's a good addition to the team. Terminus itself is just as we all anticipated. I think "The Talking Dead" had a poll where 96% (or so - I don't remember the exact, but I know it was high) said they had a bad feeling about it. I can't wait to see what's going to happen. Hopes for Season 5: I want the CDB group to kick ass, of course. I hope the timeline is wonky and Judith is nowhere near Terminus. I'd like to see the buildup to the end of the Termites, though, and not in flashbacks.
  13. all4mom - I was refering more to the italicized quote. The rest was pure crushable snark.
  14. Derick looks ruggedly handsome in a non-traditional way. They look super cute together in the picture below. http://www.crushable.com/2014/04/09/entertainment/jill-duggar-engaged-to-derick-dillard-19-kids-and-counting-saving-kiss-for-wedding-day/
  15. Check this blog post. Quote by JChelle makes me sad. http://www.crushable.com/2014/04/12/entertainment/duggars-19-kids-and-counting-jessa-jill-engaged/
  16. Does anyone know when they'll be announcing the lineup? I know the new season premieres on the 29th (at 11?!? what?!?!) but I was wondering what order they will be presenting the girls.
  17. Watching Carol grow as I binge on episodes from the beginning is amazing. She's quite the butterfly.
  18. My mom, sister, and I are rewatching from the beginning (they began season 4 with no other context, so I'm catching them up) and we just had to laugh at the Glenn/Maggie show in the pharmacy. As to the "no fun" thing, I think it's because he's really becoming more of a leader/more responsible. He has Maggie to think of and if he wants a future, he has to make it for himself. He, Hershel, and Rick are the iron triangle of power. Each learns from their predecessor. He's trying to take after both Rick and Hershel, not to be boring but to do his best. Do I think they could bring a little humor back to him? Yes. But given the context of season 4, where he fell ill early on and then had to fight his way back to Maggie and then to Terminus, the gravity of the situation wouldn't have called for humor. He finally realized how serious it was (when you put someone else's needs before your own) and that's what's taken him to this rarely-humorous place.
  19. I will be the one to say it: Smuggar and Anna's kids are flippin adorable. Marcus looks so much like Pa Keller, it's not even funny.
  20. Honestly, I think that's just how she speaks. My friend speaks the exact same way. It's just her voice/the way she uses her tongue. I don't think it's a lisp.
  21. I think I remember hearing that they liked the parental controls on Macs better? But maybe it does have extra uses for the video tech.
  22. I would absolutely watch the companion show. I love the buildup, watching how each person reacts differently to the same situation. It would be really interesting to see something similar to the webisodes where they do backstories of noteable walkers. I would definitely watch it.
  23. Maybe we'll go out from a mad cow disease like illness. (I think they said the Zs were originially caused by a bad gas station burger in "Zombieland".) I read something once about the affects of a certain fungus on people. It causes a zombie-like state, minus the hunger for human flesh. Maybe some cannibals contract it, start biting people. Those people think they're zombies, now they themselves are zombies, and bite/eat people because they psychologically think they should? I don't know. I'm on hour 11 of an 18 hour shift and it's getting to me.
  24. After 18 hours in the boxcar, Rick Grimes growled gently to his hairy survival group. Rick - better known to his friends as Officer Quietly, could see the tension in his friends' buttocks. "I've got a plan! A colorful good plan! We're crying out of this boxcar! And we'll give Gareth the dancing he deserves!" "Now Carl, take that cool hat and twist it into the shape of a banana and you can use it to force the door open!" "Daryl - gather each dashiki we got and we'll be able to bind the Termites' elbows together!" "Remember, everybody. If we get split up we'll rendevous at Bulgaria. Stay strong, they don't know who they're sweeping with!"
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