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Everything posted by Sakura12

  1. I don't really trust show writers anymore, I just watched a show where the male and female leads had nothing but a platonic/sibling friendship with no romantic interest in one another for 5 seasons (they were even really grossed out when a magical item made them think they slept together), then suddenly they were in love with each other in the series finale. Then there was the whole HIMYM debacle. So they will do whatever they want to do with no care of what was shown on screen. So I wouldn't be too confident that Olicity is getting all the love story blocks in the show. Look what happened to Sara, she was given everything that makes the Black Canary, THE Black Canary including taking in a wayward orphan named Sin and all that was thrown away in one episode for Laurel. That could easily happen to Olicity and with no rhyme or reason Oliver and Laurel are the couple in the very end.
  2. Cassidy choosing to play the scene that way made me think Laurel's an asshole that gives no shits about her younger sister, she just wanted what Sara had and with Sara gone she gets it. Cassidy does realize that she needs to get people to like her character, right? That didn't help. It shouldn't even be that hard, Laurel was the victim and the nice normal girl. Sara stole her sister's boyfriend and killed people for money, but Caity managed to make Sara more likable than Laurel despite all that. That makes me think that Cassidy doesn't think beyond what she wants. She doesn't think about the other characters and how she affects them or they affect her. She didn't think as an older sister and what the choice Sara made really means. all she thought was Caity's leaving and I get to be the Canary like I wanted. That's why Laurel never felt like anything but a person standing there reading lines. She's done nothing to make Laurel feel real, she's done nothing to bring the character to life.
  3. I think that's the difference with Laurel, she's all hard edges, unapproachable and somehow still managed to look weak. Which is an accomplishment.
  4. They never even gave us a clear picture as to why Laurel even liked Oliver in the first place. Unless it was supposed to be because Sara liked him. Which is not a great way to start a love story. Then again they have showed us that Laurel does seem to want what Sara has, so maybe that's it. With Sara at least we saw that both her and Oliver loved to party and get into trouble so them hooking up made sense, then whey they got back together in the present they were two damaged people clinging to someone that understood them, so again it made sense. But with Laurel I don't see what she saw in Oliver then. She was presented to us as this intelligent driven woman with a plan for life. Why would she be interested in a dumb frat boy with no direction in his life? Oliver seemed to just be a piece in her plan, marry rich husband. And now why would she want to get back together with a guy that cheated on her with her own sister? Forgive him, fine, it's healthy to forgive and move on, but not to get or want to get in a relationship with that man again. Especially if he was just in a relationship with your sister again.
  5. That was okay, kind of underwhelming for a finale. And I hated that they put Pete and Myka together. I loved the friendship/sibling relationship that Pete and Myka had and I loved that they were not romantically interested in each other. But I suppose you can never escape shipping on tv shows these days. I'm fine with them not going with Myka/HG, but that last minute pairing wasn't all all necessary. Did they not have Myka and HG in a scene together so we wouldn't see their chemistry? That's the only reason I can think for that glaring omission. I liked Artie getting an apple from the Warehouse and seeing Miss D (who apparently is also a dominatrix in her spare time) at Warehouse 14 in an undisclosed location. I wish we got to see what happened to Pete, Myka, Artie and Steve though.
  6. What I found impressive was when Caity had a day or two off from shooting Arrow, she was going snowboarding, rock climbing and taking dance classes. WTF, girl, don't you rest? lol.
  7. Exactly, especially since Slade's whole motivation started because Oliver had no choice in a situation that would've resulted in the death of one of two women he cared for. Slade lost his mind, putting in an isolated cell is going to do nothing to help him get it back. It will probably make him even more crazy.
  8. I got it when Oliver thought it was the Mirakuru that was making Slade act like that, but then they showed it wasn't just that, Slade still wanted his revenge against Oliver after being cured. I know a hero doesn't kill, but for me I'd rather have a hero kill if saves everyone in the long run. He shouldn't go around killing random street thugs or thieves or anything. But a crazy psychopath hellbent on destroying an entire city and killing everyone in it, they need to be put down. Slade will definitely escape and wreck more havoc, probably kill more people just to get back at Oliver. So he saved people's lives only to put them in more danger later. That is what always happens, the villain escapes again and again and more people die. How many times is he going to let that happen?
  9. They also seem to think that Sara just handing over her jacket makes Laurel a super hero. So who knows what the writers are thinking. The rest of the team was formed by one of the members telling someone about the team which is kind of how you join a team. Oliver told Diggle, Felicity and Roy, Felicity told Barry and Sara knew about the green hood from their time on the island, but it was Oliver that showed her the lair and introduced her to his team. The Arrow also let Quentin be an honorary member of the team. No body invited Laurel or looks like they wanted to invite her. Even Sara didn't say anything to her own sister. I wish they could make a sign "Members only, No Laurel"
  10. Maybe they should've had Laurel have a substance abuse problem from the beginning. To show us that while Oliver and Sara were suffering, so she was she over losing both of them. Made it where Tommy was the one helping her thought it, so when she relapsed after Tommy death it would have a more emotional impact for her. They always seem to write Laurel as an afterthought to everyone else. Yes, her boyfriend and sister were having an affair and she lost them both at the same time, but they didn't show any real impact that had on her. She was introduced as nothing more than the jilted ex, when they should've been building her as her own character especially if she's supposed to be the Black Canary. Now it's too late for me to buy her as something else. They had 2 seasons where she was nothing, she can't suddenly be pushed front and center just because she has right name.
  11. Here's Caity in action! This vid is another one my favs, it was from when Caity was training to be a stunt woman.
  12. Sara managed to have this soft vulnerability while also looking like she could kick your ass. I think that's what really drew me to CL's portrayal of Sara.
  13. The first character I first fell in love with: Felicity The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Quentin The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Roy The character I love that everyone else hates: Helena I guess, I liked her in the BOP ep. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Don't know The character I would totally smooch: Slade. lol The character I’d want to be like: Sara The character I’d slap: Laurel A pairing that I love: Sara/Oliver/Sally A pairing that I despise: Oliver/Laurel
  14. It's interesting to see a friend turned baddie, but only if it's done right. And after Arrow I'm not sure if they can.
  15. That whole scene at the docks was beyond WTF? They acted like Sara was going on vacation, not to go kill people. I'm going to have to assume that Quentin and Laurel don't know what the word assassin means, it's like Oliver and the word dead. If they did they should've been horrified that Sara was getting on that boat (although I also think Sara should be wary of getting on boats, but that's another story). They should've been horrified that she was choosing to do that. They should've put more of a fight, "Killing people isn't the answer" "You are better than that, I've seen you. You are a hero not a killer". Anything along those lines would've worked for me even if Sara ultimately did leave with the League. Or they at least could've made it clear that Sara was going back to Nyssa, because for that I would not blame her. I hated what they did Sara's character growth in the later half of this season, especially since she didn't actually kill anyone since that assassin guy that trained Malcolm. She didn't even kill anyone in the finale. A better scenario for me would've been Sara went to them and they turned her down since she refused to rejoin. Nyssa showed up having disobeyed her father to help the woman she loves (showing me that she truly loves Sara), they save the city and Nyssa has to leave before her father comes looking for her and Sara chooses to go with Nyssa to help her. That way Sara still chooses to leave but she doesn't choose to be just a killer. I think Nyssa's sway should help in Sara not suffering the punishment of a deserter, but not in who she has to kill. Ra's has a soft spot for his daughters, Sara is not his daughter. And I want Ra's to be a badass. And if they want to convince me that Sara's nothing but a killer then I need to see it, because like I posted above, she hasn't killed anyone since Malcolm's teacher.
  16. I wonder if they will be doing Iris West's storyline for the comics? Or will that be too much?
  17. Sara wasn't as kill crazy as Oliver when she arrived in town though. She was putting rapists in the hospital not killing them. Sara only went into kill mode when someone threatened her family or Roy when he lost his mind like Slade did. She was fine working with mirkarued Roy before that. So Sara was never to shown to be all about the kill. The kill was the last resort kind of thing. The League are killers, if she went back to them she's going to kill people and she won't get to choose who. If they want Ra's al Ghul to be the badass he's always is, I would expect him to make Sara go back and kill someone in her home town to test her loyalty. He knows Oliver will try to stop her and he'll expect her to finish the job or she'll be killed.
  18. In season 1 they admitted the problem was Laurel's disconnect from the show's main plot, that what they said they were going to fix. But somehow that translated into season 2 as making Laurel so disconnected from the show's main plot she didn't even appear in multiple episodes and no one cared, then their apparent solution was to throw Laurel front and center into the show with no rhyme or reason for being there in the last 4 episodes of the season. That was problem solved in their minds. So I have no idea if what goes on their heads is the same thing that is being written for the show. They also did the same thing with bringing Sara back. They said in the beginning Sara was part of Laurel's journey into becoming the Black Canary. When did that happen? The sister's barely spoke the entire season, Laurel didn't care at all or even mention the woman in black, then she didn't even find out her sister was the Canary until episode 19, they never talked about her being the Canary until episode 22. So how exactly was Sara part of Laurel's journey? Did they think Sara just handing over her jacket was the journey? They seem to not know what journey means when it comes to Laurel.
  19. Sakura12

    Caitlin Snow

    I'm interested in how they deal with Caitlin Snow.
  20. Oliver needs Laurel like Tatiana Maslany needs acting lessons.
  21. Sakura12

    Iris West

    I wonder if they will be doing Iris West's storyline for the comics? Or will that be too out there? I've never heard of the actress, so I'll give her a chance before I form an opinion.
  22. It looks like Barry's getting his Team Flash right away. Hopefully they handle Caitlin Snow and Cisco properly. They can also be different than Arrow if Barry tells Iris what happened to him during the pilot since they don't like secret identities.
  23. That's a pic of Cassidy during her Ruby days, before she did whatever it was she did to her face. A capable actor can turn shitty writing into gold. I've seen it done. Cassidy has not done that. She seems to choosing to make Laurel sound like an entitled brat instead of a caring person. That's got nothing to do with the writing, it the ways she says her lines, a change in tone can make a world of difference.
  24. Hasn't Cassidy been in the business for awhile to know how to answer interview questions with more finesse? She acts kind of entitled in interviews. I suppose it's because she did kind of get screwed with the her character sucking. But Cassidy seems hellbent on making sure everyone knows she's the Black Canary and Oliver loves her. Caity got the Olicity question all the time and she says things like I know they are the fan favorite. I love them too, I love Emily, she's so great. I love working with her. She says those things while also answering why Oliver and Sara hooked up. She's very nice about it and doesn't alienate any fan group.
  25. I have no doubt that Caity will be in season 3, but not as the character I grew to love. So I don't really care anymore.
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