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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Unless VP Asshat is scheming to cut her off in the investigations, so he can get the gig.
  2. One other thing - what about that chocolate fountain? Can you say decadence? Of course, in the interest of science, I would be willing to test it on a variety of small bites of pastry.
  3. Well. Is the new Madam Secretary going to continue to load up that kitchen table on the 7th floor with every pastry in DC? At least Minister Chang is still around. Somewhere. I can't believe Henry actually put that silly hat on his head during the Colbert show. Everyone in DC knows that optics mean something, and he just made himself out to be First Frat Boy of the United States. The cuts to Jason looking bored/irritated in the audience are foreshadowing something, too. I ran the ff after the first segment, so I missed the first flashback where it returned to Bess in campaign mode. I sat there for a moment thinking "You're the President. What are you doing in sweats on a campaign bus?" Does anyone know if they cleaned house, or are the actors coming back?
  4. What? Haven't you watched any of the myriad medical shows on tv? That's plot trope #15 in the writers' handbook. I just hope they cleaned up the mat afterward. Great idea for a charter bus, right up until it has a fender bender in morning traffic, and has to stay there until the PD report is done. 40 people didn't report to work on time.
  5. But enough for only one camera. I don't get the bloodletting, unless it's for sheer torture. Removing blood won't make Reddington eager to talk, and they can't kill him in the process without getting their information. With all the setup for the hospital and the paralytic drugs, you would think they would have access to some neurotoxin that would completely alter Reddington's mind and senses so that he would talk.
  6. On a complete side note, I usually run the CC with this show because the dialog is often jumbled. During the chase scene, the background music was a cover of an old Los Bravos song "Black is Black". However, the CC stated that the song playing was "What is Hip". I wonder if they changed post production, or ran into licensing problems.
  7. I did get a kick out of Maggie glomming on to all of the mints and spinning out the pretentious maitre-d.
  8. Is everyone sure that Adelita knew how much planning went into the rescue attempt? She might think that they got lucky and picked her car, and the whole thing was spur of the moment. I can see her wanting to complete her own mission, but Potter is also smart enough to realize that something's off when two of his agents are killed, but she is left standing as the MC hightails it out of Dodge. Her entire purpose is to mislead him into thinking that, since he has the head of LO, it will collapse. He might think twice now that he has her.
  9. You know what would be waaay cool? If Yuri, the actor who plays Otis, landed a gig on Station 19. What a poke in the eye to the Chicago Fire production team. I was smirking during Kyle and Sylvie's tearful goodbye scene, where he was caressing her left hand. I kept expecting him to just yank that ring right off of her finger. Bye, woman!
  10. I was actually hoping for a little comedy relief at the marina, such as having the wayward boat go right over Boden's boat. Is it legal to drink alcohol on a boat? Just like station relationships, I know it happens, but I thought it was the same as DUI. Cringeworthy action by the probie at the rescue scene. Turnout boots are notoriously difficult to maneuver, and he stood every chance of slipping on one of those balcony railings. That should have been a letter of reprimand at least, when they returned to the station. And he didn't even recognize the severity of it, either. We're approaching Station 19 levels of mockery here. $45,000 was Otis's share? He should have been taking all the OT he could get to pay that bill down. Mouch is going to be, if not the worst business partner, at least in the top five. I wouldn't be surprised if the other Captain met Casey and talked him up a great deal, just to get him on the road and out of his hair.
  11. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Maggie and OA, for some unfathomable reason, respond, guns drawn, to report of a fight at the dorm. Things spiral out of control as the reason becomes apparent. Change scene to the war room where Jubal shouts "Okay, everyone, listen up! We need every bit of detail on these moms! Dig deep! Let's move, people!" A collective 'woo hoo' roars up from the room as each of the techs logs on to various celebrity gossip sites.
  12. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Can we just have one episode that deals with the gripping drama of a celebrity or two who maybe bribed consulted with a fixer to get their kids into a prestigious university? There's certainly potential for cameos.
  13. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I would love to see a crackerjack defense attorney question either of the agents on what their probably cause for search and seizure on some of these cases. Would they have to disclose the unethical, if not totally illegal electronic snooping? That whirring sound we all hear is Efrem Zimbalist turning over in his grave. That's right, Maggie. Go ahead and rush into the house, because there's no possible way a second conspirator could be hiding somewhere, and you have no backup.
  14. And what do you bet that he was the lone holdout on the jury? I don't know if Bull and Benny are correct in saying that there's no conflict with his investing, but it sure stinks to me. Of course, if a Supreme Court justice can stay free at a resort after making a decision in a court case involving the owner, what's a little collusion at this level? On a side note: The tech guy for the company stated that the filter would work at rates up to 470 gallons per second. So, if you flowed, say, 425 gps through the filter, it would work, I assume. That works out to almost 37 million gallons per 24 hour day. And that's through one filter. It would seem that her filter could indeed provide enough drinking water for small to medium size cities.
  15. I think there was a quick frame of the other guy holding a gun on Chester, and it was visible to the guards as they drove by.
  16. Another method, although not so common anymore, is prepaid protection by subscription. The FD charges each household/business a fixed amount per year for any and all service specified by the contract. If you don't subscribe, either the FD doesn't respond to your house fire, or they do and send you a bill afterwards. As I said, not very common for obvious reasons, but some rural areas still use it.
  17. Now that Otis is gone, who is the new Otis? That is, the elevator specialist. They didn't waste any time writing off Molly's North, either. One line of dialogue and you're done. I had to laugh at that interaction between Chaplain and Sylvie. "You don't have to work. Being a Chaplain's wife is a job in itself." Translation: After you get pregnant, you'll be staying home anyway. Don't let that anvil land on your arm, Sylvie. Exactly what I thought. Yeah, I would assume so, even as short as his life would be. No offense meant. I would think those toy cages would be made of plexiglass for safety. Suppose some kid just spent $10 on a toy bear and, in a fit of rage, slammed his hand against a glass pane. The ambo would have lots of work, anyway.
  18. Thank you for the shout out to the Slamigan; the most humorous story arc of that season. Also thanks for the detail in your description of FD structure. It pretty much fits what I worked with out here in California, too. One thing that I would add to your note is that all FDs have a specific command structure in place at all times. Everyone knows who they work for, and there is a very strict chain of command, despite what the horrifically bad Station 19 showed. So people should not get the wrong idea of what goes on during an operation, from minor to disastrous.
  19. -Surprise line of the episode: "You're not the Prince of England." I hope the producers sent the Duchess a residual check for her photo appearances at the ending montage. I don't know what the machinations were that finally forced Faye to leave, and don't really care, since the entire situation was so contrived anyway. Hope you're happy with the new firm, folks. I wonder what life was like for all the office workers in the back room all this time. Harvey is going to die in Seattle.
  20. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    How else is he going to get them away from playing Fortnite?
  21. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I'm willing to bet (but not on 19) that the 'end justifies the means' statement was put in there specifically to foreshadow a plotline this season. With all the surveillance tech in that room, why was it necessary for the FBI to ask permission to access the cameras on the wall of the apartment building? They seem to hack into everything else. Yes, the underlying purpose was for exposition on Kristen's partner's history, but still... I thought disgraced agents went to Butte, Montana, not Omaha.
  22. Road sign out in the desert - Bakersfield, Next 3 Exits. I had to laugh at that one. I'm missing something about the Swole Boys. If they're in the same territory as the Sons of Anarchy, wouldn't there be more of a conflict between the two? Seemed like they barely even knew about each other. Okay, Galindo. Maybe it's time you check under the car? That blinking LED might give it away. Felipe, how could you park so close to the building? Bad idea. TV trope - Always check the gun to see if it's loaded. When you put it in the towel dispenser (???), didn't you check it then? Anybody else been in the shop? I have no idea what Adelita's plan is, other than she got Galindo off the hook early on. I would have thought that Galindo's men could have taken the mercs. There were only 8 at the most. Were the bodies on the floor the two storekeepers, and were they just faking it? I hope so.
  23. Premium Cable? Basic Cable? Well, anyway, good to see Amir got out of the Post Office and into a real job. Now, if they can get James Spader to do a guest shot where he has to be cross examined by Amir, that might be fun.
  24. Maybe more will be made clear in another episode, but all I'm getting is that Yuko is traveling everywhere looking for Luz, with occasional side trips within the camp. Why most of tonight's stuff happened I have no idea. The only interesting parts to me were the references to Tulelake Camp, an actual disciplinary camp in NE California, and the Korematsu case that came before the Supreme Court. He argued that the detention was unconstitutional under the 5th Amendment. Unfortunately, in 1944, the Court decided that it was constitutional.
  25. Not to mention getting a subpoena for opposing counsel. How does that work, getting them to testify?
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