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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. The funny part about the timer is that, by the time they finally agreed on 11 minutes, the food will actually have been in the oven for the original 14 minutes. I got a chuckle out of Wade's "That's not humerus" (spelling intentional) joke about the skull. It went right over his kid's head.
  2. Yeah, there goes all the fundraising she has done for the hospital.
  3. If I was Jon, I would have taken a header off of that balcony too.
  4. And that, to me, was sheer dumbness in the pursuit of high mindedness. Dex did what her client wanted, odious as it was. The fact that the other candidate got the info anyway doesn't drag Dex down into that tar pit, or at least not as far down. She's going to come up against this moral dilemma again and again. That's the nature of private investigations. $45,000 would give her a good cushion against future problems. She should have deposited the check immediately so she would have it all the way. Another thing - that campaign manager was beyond stupid. Talking big in the campaign center about rewriting a proposition so no one would understand it? Gloating about how she was going to ruin people's lives to get her candidate elected? Has this woman never heard of a hot mic? Or a disaffected campaign staffer? Likely she'll crash and burn somewhere along the way anyway, once she's in Salem.
  5. As the pre-internet saying went, never sue an organization that buys ink by the barrel. The main problem I saw with his statement was that the content was overshadowed by a very weak presentation. He came off as a boy who had been told to apologize, and was weaseling through every bit of it. He wouldn't look at the camera, he ran his hand through his hair, etc. All of that combines to create very bad optics, and essentially renders his non-apology something equivalent to a sixth grader. Which, of course, he more or less is. It's interesting that America's allies were less than enthusiastic about McCord's zeal to kidnap the Iranian hacker. The reason there is, I think, that they maybe realize that they are much closer to the problem area than the US is, and there will be consequences. Or at least there would be in real life. I wonder why an option to hack into Iran's computer grid and cause havoc was not raised. Do we not have that ability (in the show, anyway)? The other interesting thing I think of is that the US has laws that regulate the behavior of other nation's citizens in their own country, both on the show and in real life. What if those nations reciprocated? Don't tell me that the US has never interfered in other countries' electoral processes, or shipped arms in order to foment revolutions. What if indictments were handed down against people in the McCord administration, or in the various intelligence agencies? "People in my administration have told me that I'm not funny. I will miss them deeply." Heh.
  6. It would seem to require a lot of set up work by Kindred's company to cover so many possibilities. I vote for this, although it relies on the trope that in television land, it's always possible for a complete stranger to walk into a highly secured area without questioning. No other guard has ever seen him before, but, hey, he has the uniform and badge.
  7. Her condition was a direct result of her work hours, mandated by the CFD. She had been run into the ground, and an attorney would argue that she be required to rest before driving home, or have someone drive her home, as her condition was evident and her supervisor should have known about it. I'm quoting from some experience here; my fire department was sued over that very same thing, except the accident caused major injuries.
  8. Maybe Jo is going to slowly come to the realization that everyone in town except her is AI.
  9. Because CPD have already demonstrated that their snipers are bush league. He probably would have shot out three or four panes of glass before hitting the guy. 3/4" glass, 4x6 panel? How much would that weigh? Certainly more than I would prefer to handle alone, especially 10+ stories up. There was a lot of wind that day, too. Maybe Mouch was referring to putting up some plywood temporary covers. The OFI lieutenant blatantly caressed Severide as she left the office. It's on! Severide should have just turned tail in the basement and ran for the stairs. I think he could make it out before the flames get to him. If the floor is already covered, it's his own fault for not noticing that on his entrance. Ah, poor Sylvie. No nookie for you. Okay, one note of curiosity - Do actors get a residual if their image is used in an episode, even if they don't appear? Otis and Georgia (from NewAm) must be sitting in the afterlife, (The Medium Place, The Bad Place?) playing rock paper and scissors to see which one of them gets to haunt their former show. I want to be the attorney for the other driver that Stella bashed into. CFD would be on the hook for sooo much money. Speaking of which, what exactly was wearing her out? She works one shift at the firehouse with not too many Truck calls (maybe more off camera but she does sleep at night), goes to the Academy for a few hours of physical fitness training, and then has half a day and all night to recover, unless she's trying to do Molly's in all this. If she can't handle a few hours of physical fitness training every other day, something's wrong. Am I missing something? I love how CPD's tactical squad just sits in the box truck, armed to the teeth, until the detective bangs on the outside, and then they come tearing out, ready for bear. No briefing, no nothing. Just a side note on the eye injury patient - If I remember correctly, you're supposed to cover both eyes, because they both move at the same time. Covering both prevents that stimulation. Plus, you don't walk a patient to the ambulance, because they're using those eyes to navigate the course. Put her on the gurney.
  10. Is the Mayor's name Gene Roddenberry? Because this is a basic Star Trek move, every week. The first thought I had after Max diagnoses the "crazy" prisoner is that she read up on the symptoms, and, being a master manipulator, has figured out how to play him to the hilt. I also have this sneaky feeling that Dr. Castro is premature in her diagnosis, and she knows it. They're dropping characters right and left. PT guy is gone, lunch lady is gone, Helen is gone. I don't know if the actors are actually leaving, but they're sure setting things up for major changes.
  11. Demon: "I killed all those boys and I will kill again!" Ben" "Surely you don't really mean that." Demon: "Don't. Call. Me. Shirley. Arrrrgh!"
  12. https://www.catholicscomehome.org/what-does-the-church-teach-about-ivf/ This is the article on which I was basing my rant. I can understand the objection to abortion, but the first of the objections just gobsmacked me.
  13. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Not really tailgating, as they were all lined up at a stoplight. He saw the light turn green, assumed Maggie would move, and tagged her when she didn't. Been there, done that.
  14. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I have some other questions: Why would Maggie's SUV have civilian plates, but still red lights and siren? Why would the auto-lighting system in the storage unit work for Maggie and OA, but not for the spy? And wouldn't it be more efficient for them to head for (likely) the only exit to keep the suspect bottled up until backup arrived? She was more than willing to kill either of the two agents. Is Mrs. Photographer still out there by the accident site? Maggie left her hanging. Most importantly, given the current political climate, why would the son of the Iranian Defense Minister even be allowed (by either side) into the US to study? I was interested in Jeremy's closing statement about 'too many red lights', and how it had been happening a lot lately. Was that foreshadowing of something, or just a college professor having a run of bad luck?
  15. So, now we know why Jay didn't follow Bess into the White House. I agree about the telegraphing at the beginning. Charlie pulled the trigger twice on empty cylinders before they started wrestling for the gun. And I heard the clicks also. Somehow I don't think TAC is going to get paid for either defense on this one. Benny was the actual attorney this time. I wish, just once, that a judge wouldn't issue stern statements like that, but actually throw the attorney in jail for a day or two. None of this 'one more time and I'll...' Do it. Now. Notice the ADA didn't even apologize, something Benny at least fakes in court. I was watching Marissa explain to Charlie what TAC does, and waiting for him to ask "So, how does Dr. Bull know who the jurors are?" and Marissa to stumble and mumble "Ah, well, ah...moving on..."
  16. When she said that she was arrested for having an abortion out of state, I checked that statement. It's not illegal to travel out of state for a legal medical procedure of any kind, and abortion is legal. I understand that the law was the basis for the episode, but any state enacting a law like that would lose at the first court, and the second, etc. So, in essence, the whole foundation for her actions is false.
  17. So, I thought to myself, the IVF case had to come out of thin air. The RCC can't be that Neanderthal. I googled it. Yep, they are. It's real. I didn't even get through the page without several headslaps, but, anyway, on to the case. To be honest, I couldn't muster too much sympathy for Ava the pregnant teacher. Not because I don't support IVF, but because she blindly thinks that the parish is still her family, and it's worth all the abuse they heap on her to maintain that facade. Get a move on, woman. Join the real world, and find a teaching job out there, because there are plenty of them, and most probably pay more than St. Anthony's. That rant over, it was kind of good to see Elijah actually lose one once in awhile. I hope that doctor gets a review from the medical board. Second case - Yes, there are rules about hair length in high school wrestling, and I don't think for one minute that race is the underlying factor here. I googled that too (sidebar - even before I finished typing, the subject came up), and it is there for a safety factor. If he had his neck wrenched by an opponent, you can bet there would be a major outcry. And you don't have to cut it. It just has to be tied into a tight bun or put up under the wrestling cap. But no matter, the whole point was 'carry the civil rights torch for those to come.'
  18. Maybe they miscalculated the lease on the storage unit.
  19. It was a long time ago. She was fighting with a captain on this oil tanker, see? And it got juuust a bit outside, and maybe hit some rocks, and maybe leaked some oil. That's just what I heard, but Liz knows all about it because she's been there. On a ship, that is.
  20. If I remember my long lost catechism lessons from childhood Catholicism, that's exactly the plan. At some point there will be a mighty battle, and God will destroy all the demons that he has cast out of heaven, and all of humanity will be expressed out of one of two doors. End of story. It was implied that Earth, no longer needed by now, would also disappear, but I don't recall a mention that it all would start over.
  21. It's "bad" only because humans define it as bad. Animals do what they do because of their nature.
  22. I wanted little Agnes to look at the dead body and say "Why didn't you just shoot him like my mommy does?" I think Ilya Koslov is the guy masquerading as Red. Whatever the case, Reddington sure got to Katarina in that phone call. Broke her down. I love Red's florid language sometimes. "This was a gift to me from a friend who lost a shipment of baby food in a typhoon..." Stow it, Red. You went down to Camping World or someplace after watching a late night tv ad. Midlife crisis, you know.
  23. Am I evil for thinking that, when Gary exclaimed "It's a bob!" after giving his gift to Maggie, that BoB didn't refer to a hairpiece?
  24. Not to mention that one of the social media links for the show is "@evilCBS".
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