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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. The hours alone, if she worked regular 40 hour weeks with him, would require almost 10 months to complete. I think the PD license bureau would be highly suspect.
  2. Scene: The meeting table at the Mayans Clubhouse: El Presidente - "This club does nothing else until we handle this shit." Gavel bangs down.
  3. I thought the fire scene was actually pretty good, for the budget constraints of the show. They made an effort to show what goes on at the decon station, but no Slammigan in the fire attack!(snark). They should have sent for a K-12 saw for that reinforced glass, because all that punching and ramming would have eaten up the SCBA bottles straight up. Being curious, I wanted to read some material on this bacterial disease, so I started to type in flesh eating bacteria in Google. I didn't even get to the h in flesh before it popped up. Since I don't watch PD or Med, I don't know the end of the story, but I can assume that Chloe just wanted to break up with Cruz, and she wasn't really the brains behind the operation? I don't know if all fire departments work the same general way, but ours, a rural county FD, had preplans for all the businesses in the response area, listing any serious issues that were disclosed by management (i.e., in my area, several thousand pounds of ammonium nitrate in a warehouse), and contact numbers for responsible parties. I would have thought that the command center would have that information here, too, and would have notified responding units of the dangers, not to mention notifying agencies like Public Health and CDC of the possible hazards.
  4. I would hope that they set up somewhere private within the barbershop, because there's nothing like a bunch of smartass friends within earshot hearing your medical history and such. As was the case in this episode.
  5. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Sorry about the length. I just wanted to get the beginning.
  6. Max has got to be the most dunderheaded dunderhead that ever dunderheaded. Sure, I'll walk into the barbershop in my scrubs and tell everyone there that I will provide free medical care, and they'll welcome me with open arms. At least he figured out that race was a factor here, but his stunt wouldn't have worked in an all white bowling alley either. How about starting out by asking advice from a community leader first about how to set up a screening? And then there's the part about dispensing medicine. Sure, there won't be any problems with, say, a less than honest guy going to four different barbershops and picking up medicine, will there? No liability there. A better solution would be to have one of those automatic BP cuffs, with some literature and a consulting service available. I think I finally figured out my problem with Dr. Bloom and her cane. Is she using it on the wrong side? I still have a cane from when I injured my ankle, and I used in on the injured leg side. I tried it out tonight and it provides absolutely no support in I walk with it on the opposite side. I guess if you have enough PT sex, the problem mitigates itself. I wonder how Dr. Sharpe managed to get the highly potent but dangerous pain relief meds to give to the patient. There would be a record somewhere, and if she is found dead in her room, there might be an investigation if people find the pill bottle beside her bed. Prescribing the meds for her might be viewed as overstepping her responsibilities. Too bad for Iggy and Vijay when they used their positions to advocate for a lawsuit against the city, because the city, in order to pay the settlement, eliminated funding for their positions. I know it's required that all hospitals have a young, hotshot, know-it-all intern/resident whose job it is to contradict the experienced doctors, but, damn, kid, stay in your lane inside the OR. Confront Dr. Reynolds outside afterward, and make a learning moment out of it.
  7. I get that that it's necessary plot device, but why would the defense put their client on the stand, even if it's a civil case? They won't gain anything by his testimony, and there's always the chance the defendant will implode on the stand. They should have enlisted the help of constitutional law experts instead. Understand that I'm not in his corner, but only puzzled by the courtroom procedure. I was involved in a class action civil suit once (never again, but that's another story), and the first thing our attorneys told us was "The case has already been mostly decided by expert testimony. The only thing you will do by talking too much is ruin your own case. Answer Yes, No, and I don't remember."
  8. If you go to the Wikipedia site for Manzanar ( and probably any other camp), you will find a boatload of references to people and literature about the internment, including protests as late as 2015.
  9. It was interesting to note that some of the real life internees were not released until 1946. As far as then entire supernatural aspect of the story, I'm going to assume that there is some basis for the myths in Japanese culture, but most of the plot surrounding Yuko was lost on me because of cultural differences. By the end, I didn't really care. The Obon festival was a far more poignant moment.
  10. I am kidnapping Piper and installing some software on "How to Win at Blackjack." If she makes it to 18 yrs. old, we're going to Vegas.
  11. Did you notice that he was scheduled for a flight from Anchorage to DC? Hmmm.
  12. I thought it would have been kinda cool if the Illusionist had hired Max from New Amsterdam to act as a "hospital administrator".
  13. I can't believe the writers didn't use the opportunity for Henry to say "Just a bit outside" in the WH training room. Is the phrase trademarked? It looked like the Senate Committee was taking a really long time to get to the actual controversy, that of the death and reaction of the old Senator at the campaign stop. Why not just start with that point, rather than listen to Mike B ramble on about the bird, the road, the food, etc. Just as an aside, in one of her early roles, Tea' Leoni played first base on the other team in A League of Their Own. I don't remember if the movie had her throwing the ball. I liked that exchange: "Why is your coffee always so good?" "That's above your pay grade, ma'am." So Bess decides that since some protesters don't like the gas tax, it should be abandoned. What happens if she can't drum up other funding (which never seems to be a problem on this show), and she starts getting pushback from organizations and people that would benefit from those projects? Politics is a zero sum game. Someone always loses a bit. Chinese take-out? In the White House? You have a kitchen staff there, you know.
  14. I didn't mean to imply that actual rescues are easy, just that the basic mechanism of breathing underwater is not really any different than breathing in an SCBA. I certified in open water SCUBA years back and found it surprisingly easy. I thought that was what they were trying to show, that Stella would have some idea of SCUBA before the leadership class. However, given that this is Chicago Fire, I would not be surprised to find out that she will soon be an expert in all things rescue and training the rest of the Squad.
  15. Or it could be intentional so that no one would try to actually create a check off that template.
  16. I did like Reddington's comment about the Illusionist. "I might have to put him on retainer when this is all over." Never let an opportunity slip by just for personal reasons. And, geez, did he lay it on the nurse there at the end. "We are not even." Not only is Katarina cheap with the money, she got all her minions from Thugs R Us. Stand in front of a window in a shootout, indeed. No doubt she escaped due to the FBI's predilection for blowing the siren while traveling down an isolated dirt road. Here we come! I have never known one, but I'm willing to bet that a trained combat medic would indeed know how to reduce a gunshot-related tension pneumothorax, since it's the type of injury they would have a high probability of encountering on a battlefield. Unrequited love! Requited love! Workplace romances, dashed to smithereens!
  17. Maybe she is/was Reddington. Maybe Reddington is/was her and she wants her identity back. Or maybe they're Boris and Natasha and they're looking for Moose and Squirrel. Hell, I don't know. My head hurts.
  18. At least Dex didn't get her head beaten this episode. I was starting to worry about TBI. I could see Artie making another appearance somewhere, just so Dex can outsmart him and get some revenge. How is it that the back window of Artie's car can get shot out by a rifle but the front window is untouched? The mixtape will finally eject at the end of the season, and Dex will coincidentally find one while on a case, or at a flea market; something. She'll plug that one in and it will get stuck too. And away we go..
  19. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Dick "I've run out of ideas" Wolf.
  20. Annnnd, the nominations for Gabby 2.0 are now open... I'm a bit confused about the juvenile detention center protocols. A pair of RNs on staff, which presumably outrank PMs, order an ambulance. Yet the CO denies the PMs entrance. What are the RNs doing at this time? Plus, they did no real care on Isaac, waiting for our heroes to arrive and do the heavy lifting. And Sylvie says it's okay, they don't need a CO for transport to the hospital. Uh, no, that's not how it works. That roof ladder extension was all wrong. Suppose the ferris wheel moved just a few feet. Whooops! I could have bought if it they had taken the time to secure both ends first. I wonder what the tip load capacity on that aerial is when it's extended in that manner? Poor little girl, riding the Ferris wheel all by herself. And poor crushed attendant, he got two quick scenes and he's outta there. I can just imagine the chaos in the house when that alert system goes off for just the ambo at 0230, and again at 0400. Thank you, Chief. And a new guy slides into Sylvie's storyline, just in time! Boden's lecture to Casey about Gallo is foreshadowing, I'm calling it now. I presume there are some other people missing from the Station 51 lineup, otherwise there wouldn't be an extra locker available for Gallo, would there? Stella, do you know what the difference between SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) and SCUBA is? Underwater, that's it. The gear is a bit different, but not enough to disorient you. You'll do fine. I do wish she would have changed into the wetsuit (tv family friendly, that is) right there on the patio for all of Chicago to see.
  21. I didn't go back to check, but part of the evidence recovered at the original trial was the Glock pistol that Eddie had thrown into the river. At least I think they said it was recovered. If so, wouldn't a ballistics test have been done on the weapon? That slone should have been enough to create reasonable doubt as to his actions.
  22. This is the only question I think I can answer. I think it's because neither parent told him that he was adopted out of the orphanage until this late date.
  23. The entire storyline of the hip replacement patient is actually a sidebar to the real plotline. It set up a situation where Helen is about to put herself in career jeopardy, and gave Max a chance to vent his fears about losing her. That's the real story, in my opinion. As Doodlebug points out, the artificial hip problems would have been handled simply and efficiently, but now we have a Max and Helen story for the rest of the season.
  24. Poor little Emily. "Why, the nerve of that schmuck Marlon. He accepted a bribe from the Chinese. After I paid good money to bribe his boss to get my own pet project out in front." She's gonna shit bricks when she finds out Marlon's dead. Nice of the Mayans to leave the mercs all lined up neat and tidy. I wonder if they did it by rank.
  25. I'm sure glad the US Government had such loose security out there at Trinity test site, where anyone could drive up to a control post and walk right in. And that Chester could go walking about in the moonlight, shouting in Japanese, and not attract any attention at all. I wonder if Chester had succeeded in killing himself, would the spirit have abandoned the baby right there and dragged him off to the eternal home with Jurio? Chester's father sure smacked him down when they met. "You married a fool (to Luz). The only saving grace I have is that he is not my blood." Wouldn't someone have told the Terminal Islanders that their home wasn't there anymore? Historical note: The bomb tested at Trinity was the Fat Man model, not the Little Boy. The scientists were so sure of the Little Boy working, they just built it and shipped it off to the South Pacific.
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