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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. So, Last Ship Tex decided that the other side paid better. Is Kuwait is a blacklister without a number? What about the axis of evil? And Ukraine better make the cut now. I got a kick out of RealRed interrogating Cooper back at the base. And I loved his handwave about evading sanctions on Iran. It ranks right up there with "If I paid taxes, I'd be outraged." As stated, Rostov seemed to know Reddington's memories. In addition, it was implied that he knew that Hutton has been alive all these years and would be a danger to him, as well as Cooper, if he made it back to the US. I'm still hoping against all odds that Liz is playing the long con against Katarina. Or at least Red is, through Liz. But I'm not betting the lunch money on it. When Katarina finds that guy, Ilya(?), let him know I have some questions too. It would have been funny if the henchman had look at the photo gallery and said "What's with the dogs?" Duh. She already made a key copy. Maybe she hasn't been watching the show and she thinks that Liz actually has the brains to set up a security system. Was that hacker wearing a fat suit, or did the casting director just go over the top with the nerd stereotype? Of course that drone didn't show up on anyone's radar.
  2. Iggy should have changed the rules in the middle of the game. Maybe call out that every insult is worth 20 bucks. And then keep changing the rules until she quits.
  3. Why haven't either Kristen or her husband ever noticed, or dealt with, the giant hole in the basement wall?
  4. The best horror is that what is left to the imagination. Kristen better have a heart to heart talk with Sheryl after this. And then lay into the girls a bit, because it doesn't take the supernatural to turn Halloween into a tragedy.
  5. I will be happy if he pees on VP Asshat's leg.
  6. Interesting article online (Yahoo) about a body being found in the high country west of Manzanar. Some hikers came across a body that appears to have been buried, and research indicates that it might be an internee who left the camp and went hiking and fishing with a group back in 1945. He died in a snowstorm and they went back and buried him later.
  7. Or creepy ghost-like avatars in a video reality game.
  8. I think the driver of the wrecked car was the one in the hospital. He was part of the crew but this one went bad on him. First off, no car would leave the scene of the accident until the PD clears the scene after investigation. Running away with that car would immediately draw heat for the tow operator, and PD wouldn't even need hints from Fire to head over to the impound yard. And E-51 wouldn't have had to show up at the yard just in time for the arrests. I'll stand up a bit for those officers that attempted to answer the Chief's question. He asked specifically "What do you do?" A couple of them started to answer that, but he cut them off. Kidd said what she wouldn't do, but not what she would. There's a common acronym in firefighting, RECEO, which stands for Rescue, Exposure, Confinement, Extinguishment, Overhaul. It's the order of priorities on a structure fire (Exposures are the other buildings or floors that might catch on fire). Obviously, as she said, rescue is out, but you have to come up with a plan for the rest of it. Simply stating what you wouldn't do is not an answer. With all that in mind, I get that it was designed to show that Kidd does have some leadership potential
  9. I was all set to vent about the absurdity of an in-station newsletter, not vetted by management, but fortunately Boden stole my thunder. That could have gone wrong in so many ways. I have to agree with the downtown guy about using a civilian to assist on a rescue. Maybe he got an earful from his boss, which gave him the bad attitude, but he's right. Mouch should have cleared it with his boss at the time (Casey) so the liability at least would land on the incident commander. Of course, Casey uttered the Station 51 mantra "Nothing went wrong, it ended okay." I guess Chicago PD is so busy that they would never notice two brake check accidents in the same area in town in one day, so it falls to Severide to take over the investigation. In real life, he might have shot the investigation all to hell by contacting the victim/suspect without police approval first. Those pool floaters really stabilized that guy's head and neck, yep. After which the medics just cut them off in the ambo and put a c collar on him anyway.
  10. Just as an aside, I had a cardiac ablation about two years ago for an irregular heartbeat. What they did in this case was to cauterize the nodes on the heart that were firing with the electrical impulses and causing occasional extra contractions (a very basic explanation). I don't know if there are other methods of ablation, but they definitely put me under anesthesia the whole time. Fortunately it was an outpatient procedure and I went home that afternoon. But I haven't been selected for any shuttle missions either, for that matter.
  11. I did some research after my original post, as I had never heard of a Portuguese Water Dog. President Obama did state that they were actively looking for a shelter dog, but instead chose two PWDs from breeders, although one was a returned animal, and the other was a gift from Sen. Kennedy. I thought, at the time, that it was an odd choice, being rather rare, but everyone has their reasons.
  12. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Next up: The local PD notices a string of thefts in which parking meters are cut off, a la Cool Hand Luke, and they ask the FBI for assistance. Jubal immediately says "Of course, because the coins are federal money, so we can get involved. Now, disappear from the rest of the episode because you have no further purpose."
  13. What cracked me up was the reference to the "Port of Mendocino". I get it, it's just a location reference for the Redwood Kings, but the thought of a bunch of bikers hanging out at the natural foods cafe', waiting for their shipment, is just a hoot. I used to live in Mendocino County. In any case, Tijuana is now out as an unloading point for the firearms. There's lots of small ports north of LA, they'll just have to make some other deals. I had the closed captioning on again, and they referred to the Sons of Anarchy club as Sam Crow. Who's that guy? It occurs to me that Felipe should just disappear, and I mean out of state. Whatever Dita is asking him to do to "finish up" is not good, especially since she wanted/still wants him dead. If she does kill him, and Galindo finds out that Felipe was his father, will Dita be safe?
  14. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Why is it that all the SWAT guys wear helmets, but our intrepid agents are always bareheaded? Isn't counterfeiting handbags also a felony? Russo would have to be really stupid to take on that kind of risk for a small payout. Plus, you never know if some local mob is behind it and you still get a bullet. Work another shift, guy. Isn't that the same house as the last episode of Evil?
  15. They got him a guest slot on For The People. Never heard from again.
  16. Oh yeah, definitely. There are several alpine companies that do everything from basic mountaineering to treks to summit climbs, including Everest.
  17. Good job on the trilateral negotiations between the US, China, and Russia. Because, you know, no other countries in the world have the skills or the technology to develop software like that. Ask the Sony Corporation about North Korea. Instead, the US should be working hard on developing anti-AI programs, if we don't want to get involved in using killer robots. Of course Henry picks a lovable mutt to be the FDOTUS. But, the search for the right dog did ring a bit true. People in power always, always look at the optics of their choices. Note to Ambassador Harriman - Even in the afterlife, the lug nuts aren't located under the hood. And I want one of those chingaderas in your toolbox, whatever it was. Although he went about it all wrong, I tend to side a bit with the Admiral. We should not be sacrificing our military when there are better solutions available. The bunker buster bomb wasn't the answer, either. The one we dropped earlier in Afghanistan did not do nearly the damage that the military wanted. Rather than commit troops to a ground operation, they could have set a guidance crew on the ground at a safe distance and used highly accurate missiles. That's been done before in real life. But, the entire purpose of that choice, I acknowledge, was to have the discussion about the ethics (ding ding ding, paging Henry) of using AI to kill each other. I got a kick out of Blake pressing the Senator's buttons by describing his relationship drama. But will he cheat on him with Stevie? Stay tuned!
  18. I was thinking that the producers originally planned to have him pass the ball, but, with that in mind, his audition was so bad that they had him toss it instead. Can't have the manly man flub an overhand pass on tv.
  19. Then again, he could be, as was euphemistically put some years back, "hiking the Appalachian Trail" (substitute climbing Everest here). Kristen might be trying to hold that news back, if she actually knows about it, from her kids.
  20. Plus, you could score all types of meds from some random home bound patient that died while you were walking her dog. No one needs to know.
  21. It would have been a lot better if she had finished off the story with "And the the Wolf said, "I'm done with you, Red...Riding Hood!"
  22. Red mentioned that he was still critical, but he hesitated, so who knows. Depends on how much Brian Dennehy costs per episode. Liz couldn't see through the anvils that have landed in the hallway ("I got what I came for". really?), but finally falls to it, we hope, in the course of a fairy tale. So, is Caroline going to get a Blacklister number if she goes to work for Reddington? Attorneys are going to fall over the Murder group faster than (alleged) college admission scandal circles. The writers are probably going to make Mrs. Radcliffe a Blacklister too, on some long con to get into the FBI inner sanctum by romancing Aram. Okay, isn't 'Reddington' a Russian who took over realReddington's identity blah blah blah? How did he know the meaning of 'ding dong ditch'? Did they play that in Moscow, too?
  23. First off, Benny has to ask Bull if a client has the right to a jury trial in a guardianship case? Along with his courtroom antics, I'm surprised he even practices, except as second fiddle to a jury consultant who does all the talking, anyway. I will have to give his some credit, though, for dispensing with that hack psychiatrist with a minimum of effort. Then, the manager brought in to run the company mentioned that she had shares in the company. Ergo, it's a publicly traded company, accountable to the SEC. Not one analyst ever noticed the rather large transfers of money outside the company on a regular basis for three years? Maybe Dad and the manager had a certain "arrangement" that wasn't mentioned in the show. In any case, $6 million dollars in unreported income is going to put that cameraman in a tight squeeze if the IRS finds out. For that matter, the same with the company, as that expense had to be accounted for in any case. I don't quite get the import of the "invisible clothing line" testimony. That all occurred before she began treatment, correct? It's already established that she is under conservatorship. It's all in the past. Move on. It looks like Bull traded in his town car for a multi seat row SUV, so that Taylor could sit way in the back to surprise him. New sponsor for the show? Or another flash forward with the now adult kid with Bull's kid at a cookout on the beach.
  24. I looked on Google Maps and that would be one hella long response time.
  25. The fact that social media manager is the penultimate stage in demon evolution explains so much to me.
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