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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I wonder if the show is setting her up for some kind of enforced absence, a la New Amsterdam, to allow Missy Peregrym to take some maternity leave.
  2. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    You know, if my carotid artery had been nicked and then sewed back up, I damn sure wouldn't be taking any chances of rupturing the sutures by doing something unnecessary in the jawline area, such as, maybe, talking.
  3. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I had this mental image of Jubal missing the can, and the director calling out "Okay, Jubal shoots the rubber band into the trash can, Take 16. Action!" You would think a professional assassin would have no qualms about whirling around and drilling both Maggie and OA on the street. She already had one murder against her; why worry about two FBI agents? I mean, that's what Villanelle would do. As soon as the agents heard that the dead businessman was dying of cancer, I thought it would have been prudent to check on his will to see who gets what. They would have had that conversation with the attorney a lot earlier. Having said that, even with the director gone, does the foundation get that money? The poor waitress is going to be pissed!
  4. So this was a civil case. Don't these start with depositions before the trial? If that were the case, it would have been established that Maywood was out of the country. But, then again, we wouldn't have had the false fall that pops up before the good guys pull out the win. To that end, wouldn't the defense have objected to the introduction of evidence not presented in pre-trial depositions? Once again, Benny is actually being a lawyer, instead of a loudmouth, on screen. It's a welcome change.
  5. Maybe Cal actually said "Shave the Passengers." It was a long flight, after all. Maybe throw in a shampoo and tweeze some eyebrows, to boot.
  6. On top of that, the only charge was 2nd degree murder, which usually implies a rash action, such as in the heat of passion. I would think they would have included something like manslaughter by gross negligence, so the jury could consider a lesser verdict. Of course, that would remove the reason for the father's speech at the end, which was the goal in the first place. Mark's father's behavior has to be leading up to some kind of bombshell that will land in Marks lap. It just seems like he is hiding too much.
  7. Ironically, that is more or less the description that Norman Bates's mother gives him in the last line of the movie.
  8. They undoubtedly used ChicagoFireBucks, just like they do for the production of the Slammigan, and the gear the station bought from Boden's brother in law, etc.
  9. Only if she really did know what happened, I think. While we're not in a court of law here, if Dex really couldn't remember what happened, then she isn't lying about saying so. Additionally, absent any other actions or statements to the contrary, you pretty much have to take her at her word because large amounts of alcohol do have that effect. All that being said, lying, for better or worse, is usually in the eyes, and ears, of the beholder.
  10. Coincidentally, a similar plot occurred over on Bull. Of course, Bull won his confrontation.
  11. Whatever Sherri was drinking at the Christmas party, I want some. Just to be able to carry a tune, for once. I hope all those kids have already seen the movie, because Lola the Great dropped a huge spoiler on her entrance. Whattya mean, it was just a dream? I can imagine the players getting way too much into their characters: "Your honor, what proof does the prosecution have that the witch actually existed? All we have is this fanciful story about her getting crushed by a house and then melting." Surprise guest appearance by some little people as defense witnesses. It might have been fun.
  12. I was rather amused that the judge rightly took Bull to task (in the courtroom, too!) for his borderline illegal methods of jury research.
  13. Actually, I think the dogs dug the tunnel, and then made a break for it, never to be seen again.
  14. Well groomed, no. One had a goatee 3-4" long, and the other had a definite stubble. But they had the vests, so the cop let them through.
  15. So that means that Liz is Natasha, Aram is Rocky, Cooper (or maybe Ressler) is Bullwinkle, and Katarina is Fearless Leader.
  16. I have to be honest here, I was kind of intrigued by the girls' rendition of Jingle Bells at the beginning of the episode. I get so tired of hearing variations of the same tired melody all Christmas season long.
  17. Was it explained why the assassins went to that particular garage? Obviously it didn't go well from the start, but if they were willing to pay a lot of money, why wouldn't the owner just do it anyway? If you're going to masquerade as FBI agents, maybe you should shave first. Jedgar would not approve. It would seem that the mind scrambling guy could be a contractor to the FBI, especially if they need information fast. I'm sure Cooper could get a warrant. Regarding The Blacklist, I thought I heard someone tell Red in an earlier episode that "You're at the top of their list" (referencing the FBI). That's where I currently have him.
  18. Maybe Dembe was in on it, too. This show makes Scandal look like a straight ahead cop procedural. That flight from Colorado to DC was mighty quick.
  19. I was surprised that the writers included a suicide joke from one of the kids. It fell really flat to me, given real life. Wade put the brakes on in a hurry. I too liked Ben and Forrest at the kids' party. "No, we don't have any kids here, and I just happen to have an alcoholic drink, but we're friends with the two young girls who do live here." Stop. Talking. Now.
  20. "What, you like Nickelback and Taylor Swift? Die, mangy dog!"
  21. Well, you know how them robot kids are. Playing violent videos all the time, hanging out with the "bad crowd" at the mall, and hacking each other till all hours of the night. Just because they finished their homework on the bus is no excuse. They need some tough love, all right.
  22. Everyone in the police station is staring, open mouthed, at Jo as she explains that Alex took Piper. They get it, we get it, but the deputy says "I don't understand." SOMEbody in that office needs some intelligence, artificial or not. I was surprised that the meet at the docks went as far as it did. A tech-savvy group such as Splinter would likely have spies and cameras everywhere, including in Jo's house, so that they would be one up on the Scooby Squad. But no, they were surprised. And why can't an AI drive as well as a human? Well, good luck, Gramps.
  23. The way it was shown in the episode, he found the evidence, presented it as though he was acting on behalf of the sleepwalker, and then dismissed the charges. At least, that's how it appeared to me. Procedurally, he should have given the evidence to the defense and let them show that there was a legitimate reason for the breaking and entering. Conversely, he could have appeared in court, stated simply that "in light of new evidence and in the interests of justice, the People drop the charges", and leave it at that.
  24. So Mark can't advocate for the defense of his father, but he can advocate for the defense of the sleepwalker? That didn't make sense. Poor Sherry. Thrown out of the car on a procedural action, and has to kibitz from the sidelines until Lola gets her courtroom back. Life is so unfair. 🙂 I hope the Deputy takes the warning to heart about unqualified legal advice. That could backfire in a huge way if he were to continue with it. I thought the same thing about Lola leaving the courtroom for the car chase tv. Even more so, why would the court reporter even consider interrupting her during a trial? What difference would it have made? Wait til they have a break.
  25. Picture Judge Gen, face in hands, waving everyone through ("Go. Just go. It's been 300 years") as Henry waxes eloquently on and on...
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