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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Such as a complete dependence on known-to-be-inaccurate facial recognition software (especially with African-Americans), and some intuitive leaps. Oh, a picture that looks like her is on an escort service brochure? She must be an escort! And I'm pretty sure that using someone outside the PD to rifle through a house to get evidence is considered the same as the cops rifling through the house, i.e., you still need a warrant. Nothing personal, xelihou66, I just shake my head at some of the shortcuts used in police procedurals, sometimes. Was the accusation that the rapper had participated in an armed robber accurate? His manager/quasi-attorney either was right that it was nothing, or he was bluffing the agents. If it was true, OA did have him over a barrel with that 'you aren't done til' I say you're done' thing. If not, he had nothing over him. In then end, though, he's no more safer with Thumper off the streets. There's a whole gang behind him. Maggie (Missy) is getting big! They better think of something pretty fast.
  2. I can see the BOD from Meals on Wheels seeing the check, and exclaiming in unison "How about that! Now we can expand into the other boroughs and take on even more clients!"
  3. Only when your show is struggling to maintain a coherent story line with an ensemble of otherwise totally unlikable characters.
  4. Regarding the bug in the interview room, I think the show got it wrong, unless they did that intentionally to follow up on in a subsequent episode. I did some quick research, and (disclaimer - no lawyer I) found this appeals court case statement: Almost 50 years ago, the Supreme Court held that a “‘conversation [is] within the Fourth Amendment’s protections,” and that “the use of electronic devices to capture it [is] a ‘search’ within the meaning of the Amendment.” See Berger v. New York, 388 U.S. 41, 51 (1967) (invalidating a New York statute that authorized the electronic interception of private conversations by the police (through recording devices installed in various offices) pursuant to a court order, on the ground that the procedures for obtaining the order were insufficient to comply with the Warrants Clause of the Fourth Amendment). Now, the PD and DA might make an exception in that they didn't use the information directly against the defendant, but only to arrest others involved in the crime. Still, it's slipshod activity on their part because once that information became public, every case those officers had worked would become tainted and subject to review. That, and the defendant would sure enough shut up and refuse to testify at the trial.
  5. Thanks. Sometimes I'm busy looking for all the little inside jokes and sight gags that the obvious just flies right by me.
  6. Why is the episode entitled Patty? I missed any reference to that.
  7. "Cosmic Coachella" Heh. Definitely needs to be in The Good Quotes. Behind the Green Door, all your fantasies fullfilled. Heh heh heh. Maybe I missed it before, but I kind of liked their callback to a red convertible for Michael. Shades of Sam Malone. A binding contract? Who enforces that if Michael is in charge of The Good Place? Brent...paging Brent. Brent to the neighborhood, please. Regarding the nature of TGP, I would think that (plot requirements aside) admission there would trigger some force within the soul, etc., that would enable unlimited experience of ecstasy for eternity. That's kind of the basic concept of Christian theology, isn't it? Not experiencing everything through the perceptions of the human mind that you just left behind. Then again, Billy Graham once said that there would be golf in heaven.
  8. For a moment there I thought the writers were going to have Casey go undercover as a substitute teacher or something so he could spy on the academy students. Thankfully, they went the less stupid more obvious route. Then again, they could have brought The Wig in from OFI to quiz the kid, and rekindle some drama in 51. So I guess we got lucky this episode. I did a quick search on paramedic salary in CFD. Sorry, Foster, but if $50,000 (average) per year isn't enough for your own apartment, maybe you should look at your budget.
  9. "Okay, Major, we'll need to give you a code name for this operation. How about Big Bad?"
  10. Personally, I'd like just a little less David Lynch and a bit more Dick Wolf in the direction. Just a tad, though.
  11. The random lady with dog is going to read about this incident tomorrow morning. I would love to see her expression when she figures out how close she was to slice and dice. Here's a hint next time - don't ever tell someone suspicious that you are going to call the police. Just do it, preferably from a safe distance. And David? What caused you to think that you should go poking about in a house with bloodstains on the floor? I know, I know, stupid people make tv dramas go 'round. "Good morning. Octoglomerate Health Insurance. How may I help you?" "Yes, this is Dr. B.L. Zebub. There seems to be a problem with your accounting service. I have submitted several bills for reimbursement, but I have not received payment." "I'm sorry to hear that, Doctor. Let me put you in touch with our billing department." "You have reached the Octoglomerate Health Insurance Billing Department. All of our representatives are busy. Please stay on the line and the first available representative will answer your call." Dr. Zebub - "And they say hell is the worst punishment."
  12. "Whoever you are out there, I'm done with you! Forever!"
  13. Moving the 51 crews out of their station to 20 didn't make sense in the first place. Even with the overlap, the actual station location would be far enough from Station 51 that there would be a huge coverage hole in 51's area. Dispatch isn't going to alter their response maps (and CAD) to allow for that, so the citizens in area 51 (sorry) suffer for that. I have a feeling that the other guys are well aware of the sexual shenanigans between Gallo and Violet. Besides which, firehouses are not sound proof. I liked Capt. Leone's revenge. How stupid of Foster, Brett, and Kidd to stay awake and not eat for an entire shift. So, after the rescue is completed, Boden gives the order to drown the fire, essentially. And the engine crew goes to work with a fog nozzle on the ground. Too bad they didn't have one of those, you know, truck thingies with an aerial ladder on it. Would have been much more effective at getting water through the roof. The cancer plot hit home for me too. My younger brother told us some months ago that treatment for his was not working, and he chose to live without it. He died two weeks ago.
  14. Just wait until the callings find out how much money they can make contracting with telemarketers.
  15. Short answer, probably to maintain some employment.
  16. The only way I can see districts overlapping is to test the response time from each station. I thought Boden mentioned in the morning briefing that the overlap would be temporary, but I don't really remember. HQ might change the first in boundaries ( and the second, and third, if necessary) to update their computer dispatch system.
  17. While Jason was juggling the eraser clicker thingie, I had this thought that, at the end of the final episode, it will somehow work out that the Judge will change her mind, click the button, and the tv screen will go blank in mid-sentence from Eleanor. No credits, no nothing. Now that would be a zig zag to beat all zig zags.
  18. The nurse tied those mittens on David's hands with a simple cloth ribbon and a bow tie. Why didn't David just use his teeth to undo the tie and free himself from the mittens?
  19. I thought I saw a preview showing Monica Raymund as the lead in a new series, but I have forgotten the name. So maybe Gabby is gone.
  20. I walked out of the room when the car chase started; I was slapping my forehead way too much. Suppose the (alleged) robber had decided to run at Sylvie's ambulance? I would love to be a fly on the wall at that hearing. They could have salvaged the entire chase scene idea with just a little addition to the dialogue: "If my calculations are correct, the Honorable Richard J Daley Plaza is just ahead." "That's where they have that Picasso, isn't it?"
  21. There's a blurb at the end of the show (People's Court, anyway), that says something like "Participants are paid an appearance fee for the show. Judgements awarded are subtracted from the fee."
  22. The sails were fully inflated, yet there didn't appear to be any wake around the boat. That led me to think that it was not exactly real, and so the lack of life vests may have been an effect of that. An oversight, to be sure.
  23. I think location picking is going to be one of the interesting sidelights to this show.
  24. How in the world could they make a series about coders in San Francisco without the Apple monster inserting its logo onto all the laptops? It happens on every other show. The income would help with the music clearances, at least. My impression was that the quake malfunction in the MRI room downloaded every single song on the tech's computer. Zoey has everything from Grateful Dead to 60s country to select from, now.
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