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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. "What is this sorcery where people speak into their hand and other people hear them across the world?"
  2. Unless what we're seeing is actually scripted, and the entire set of Octavio's roll out of his idea was a 'movie within a movie', scripted especially for Fredwynn. This show is as fascinating as it is puzzling. Fredwynn definitely has some Randall Pearson DNA.
  3. A small coating of handwavium would do the trick. Otherwise the entire wall would be aflame, as in some tragic nightclub fires in the past.
  4. Way to clean out the shop for next season, right, show? If there is one. NYPD personnel must be working overtime to clean up the dead folks' records for survivor benefits and such. First incident - Although she was likely going to bleed out anyway, how about this? If the steam vent comes on when she stands up, then don't stand up. Roll off the chair and continue rolling to the side of the ring. Don't these cops have any sense of situational awareness? After she got killed, you would think Saledo (sp?) would be extra careful, but he goes and leaves his car unlocked at nighttime, allowing the BC easy access. That is, of course, unless the BC naturally has a collection of master keys for all vehicles in NYC. Great search of the cafe' there. Let's look everywhere except under the tables, where there's a couple of wires running out of the chair. And who was supposed to be guarding Lincoln while this was going on? How did the BC get entrance into his house? Who names their cafe' after a deadly poison? Well, of course 'Chekov's Respiratory Disability' made its reappearance at the properly critical time. And of course the PD blew their sirens all the way down the street, allowing the BC to escape. Agent Eric proved his worth by parking right behind the other car, instead of putting some distance between the two of them, as he was rightly suspicious. Too little, too late. However, I would like to know, 1) who was sitting in the driver position of the front car while the rookie was waiting in the passenger seat (and where did he go), and, 2) once the BC got in the back to garrotte him, how did he get out? PD back doors don't open from the inside. With all that whining, I have to say I did like the way Lincoln turned the tables on the BC at the very end. Lincoln Rhymes: The Hunt for Plot Continuity
  5. Props to Ben for a singularly cogent addition: "It's like a million little things!"
  6. That would have been viral video in a heartbeat. From Sake614: "And was there ever, I mean EVER a 57th & Lexington station?" I think you have to give filmmakers a certain latitude in geographical license for the rest of the viewing audience that isn't familiar with the social or physical geography of New York. Or LA, for that matter. It's the same as showing live oak trees and manzanita around the Pearson family cabin in Pittsburgh. I just gloss over it.
  7. Oh, no! Station 51 in peril again!
  8. Looks like Tommy has found her personal Minister Cheng. As soon as they brought trafficking and kidnapping together, I said "Look into the birth mother, if you can find her." The au pair didn't even remember the name of the hotel where they stayed? Tsk tsk. Please don't make the asshole detectives an ongoing thing through the season. One episode was enough. When Tommy clicked on the photo, my first thought was "Hey, that's Gary from AMLT!" Note to LAPD: If you're going to raid a building, secure the entire building and all the exits. Don't be the FBI on this. And put the fatter of the two asshole detectives on a PT plan. There was no reason he couldn't have caught up with that woman.
  9. I loved it when Forrest shows up for the job interview: "Your beanie has a beanie on it." "Yeah, it's meta." I can sympathize with both Wade and future girlfriend. I was leaving for work early one morning (like, about dawn), and one of my little dogs got out and found a skunk, and decided to attack. Fortunately I was not party to the result, but I got them separated, and poor little Cinnamon was quarantined like a coronavirus victim. At least Wade can find her in the offseason. He doesn't even have to know her name. Grace at the after party was tops. "Don't you have anything else to do?"
  10. That was one incompetent PD who defended Aaron in the trial. The prosecutor ran roughshod over him, but I understand the point. He was railroaded. I thought Aaron and Marie were still married in present time. Isn't that her he talks to on the burner phone? They left something out in this episode, or maybe they're going to follow up on the marriage in future episodes.
  11. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I got a bit of a laugh when OA and Maggie got the call about the suspect car, and approached it with guns drawn. All the while, the NYPD officers are just standing back, guns in holsters, waiting for something to happen.
  12. Probably the writers went to the same website as you and then ran with it. snark. I guess it's a good thing nobody found out about it and took it upon themselves to notify the Battalion Chief first. Nope, welcome back, Maurice. I wonder if they used the astronaut plot and the Northern Lights plot just for his appearance, as both of those were factors in some of episodes from that series. I thought that rescue was supremely silly. You get rid of the two capable people in the aircraft without even checking to see if the patient can even move? Of course, the Captain has to abandon his role as incident commander and shimmy down the 250,000 volt power line to save the day. But it plays well.
  13. Barry Corbin was also the Sheriff's Dad at the end of No Country for Old Men. Much the same character there.
  14. "Alright, astronaut candidates. Welcome to your training. Now, we need some volunteers for a mission to the International Space Station to pick up some, uh, cargo..." Why isn't Buttercup living at Owen's house instead of the fire station? They managed to insert the word corona in there, even if not about the virus.
  15. Over on the new show Tommy, one of the episodes featured a protest bordering on a riot. The Mayor got everyone calmed down, and the next day's newspaper headline read "Mayor Diffuses Riot". No, the Mayor does not have a chemistry degree. He defused the riot. Silly prop department.
  16. I picked the IED explosion that killed Dex's boyfriend as soon as she had the first flashback to the interrogation. By the way, folks, in case anyone has forgotten, "enhanced interrogation" is not torture. The President said so. (/extreme sarcasm). If she had reported the officer, it likely would not have gone anywhere. I couldn't believe the amount of liquor Dex drank at any one setting. She's a small framed woman, and a half quart of whiskey is going to lay her out nearly unconscious, but there she is, chattering away in the most lucid manner. To me, there is a lot to be said for taking the scenic routes. I would choose 101 over 5 every day and twice on Sundays. Maybe the two of them got tired of the flatlands of the SJV and cut over north of Sacramento, which would bring them to Ukiah.
  17. Okay, I'll throw in here. Who is going to pay for the nitrogen that they used to chase the bad guys out? Not that it would have been successful anyway. Those Fire Department Connections are capped on both ends, you know. So the Bone Connector Collector has a source on the inside now. That's going to be very interesting when he is finally caught. Lincoln is certainly in shock at the moment. It's a plot device, but, why send Amelia on a one hour road trip when, presumably, there are police in the vicinity that could do the same job?
  18. Maybe that's Lily's plan. "Hermann says have a huge menu? I'll keep it basic. Hermann says take out a loan and advertise everywhere? I'll print up flyers and post them in the neighborhood."
  19. The LA City Council has 15 members. Unless the proposal was up for a committee hearing, 2 votes isn't going to sink it. The show is taking on Madam Secretary characteristics. By that I mean that Tommy is involved in the details of everyday actions on the LAPD. Wouldn't they have a watch commander or some operations person who would make the decision to call off the pursuit? The policy is already in place IRL. And she is the only one who can talk the crazy guy down. You don't need 500 more cops out there if you're going to do everything for them. As far as the recalcitrant councilman was concerned, have the press secretary put out a release that refers to 'loyalty to previous leaders' as the reason for the no vote. Let him explain that to his district. I had to laugh a bit at the end of the hostage drama there, when there was a quick shot of the restaurant door with a "Now Hiring" sign on it. You think?
  20. Can you imagine the chaos if he picked up and went to Oxford to visit Maggie some weekend? Proper English residents vs. no boundaries Gary.
  21. Isn't next week the season finale? The previews showed Wade visiting his wife's grave at the cemetery. Or was that next season?
  22. I think there was an interlude of several more of those shots, which means she will have a world class hangover, not to mention whatever else, the next morning.
  23. Boden: "The tendency of a drowning victim is to drag his rescuer down with him." So, who on this show is dragging down the show and everyone else with them? Never mind. Forget I asked. I think they're all holding on to each other.
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