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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. On a completely different note, only Randall and Beth could set the house alarm for 30 seconds and then launch into a detailed discussion on some subject. I replayed that sequence and timed it. They got out the door in 45 seconds. That will not work, trust me on that.
  2. Anya (or her team) calling the School Board is a terrible move. If that is leaked, her candidacy is dead in the water. An AG candidate should be seen as someone taking responsibility, not getting your kid off the hook. Did they intentionally cast an actor who bears a slim resemblance to Al Capone for the corrupt CO? I laughed when he met Wild Bill out in the open yard, and passed him a package. Nothing obvious about that to everyone else, including other CO's, right?
  3. Maybe the honeymoon suite will have a hot tub. Problem solved!
  4. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Relative to the first episode (I'm a week late, I know), an LE helicopter would have priority over all other flights in the area. None of this dropping altitude because of a busy airspace. And 1500' was the original assigned altitude? Even at that the noise would be easily audible to anyone. You can hear copters flying by at 5000'. And the FBI must have blown all their budget on computer networking, because a simple drone could have been 10x as effective as a helicopter. Well, anyway... I thought they were going to continue the terrorist saga into this week's episode, but perhaps they're saving it for after the break. I don't follow CPD so I had no interest in the crossover, but Upton needs the same hairdresser that Tracy had way back on Revolution. She was always perky, even in combat. Harper and her dad better leave town. Dem boys are not going to be happy about this. An off thought occurred to me while watching the team move around. How much gasoline do they burn up every case driving around those big Suburbans from one borough to another?
  5. The CO was probably distracted by the looming shadows in the back of the bus. Now there's a mental image worth saving. Maybe that's why she needed that veil.
  6. I would like to know what MRI tech would have "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" on his playlist for patients. That's just cruel.
  7. At first I thought, this is insane. The entire Task Force is gathered in one public room. A Blacklister could eliminate them with one bomb. But then I thought, no, don't do that. The Task Force is probably the best thing to happen to organized crime. Take them out and they might get replaced by a competent group.
  8. I was hoping for a good "Ten Little Indians" style episode, but that fell apart rather quickly and became as predictable as usual. I guess we're lucky that the FBI wasn't notified early on, because you know Ressler couldn't even set up a perimeter on an island. If those clowns were Turkey's "top agents", they need to up their recruiting game. That was just incompetent.
  9. Legend has it that Eli is still running, trying to get clear of that entire town full of idiots.
  10. The Golf Club O'Death! Then, in the final battle between Jaime and Ambrose, each grabs a club out of the bag and gets to it, a la Luke and Darth. Fade to black at the moment of the final swing, so we never know.
  11. One wonders how the high school kid was recruited if he never had contact with any of the bad guys. A want ad on the dark web? "Make money in your spare time! Work from home! Travel the city! No Low risk. Send resume' to...." When Ben pulled out the music box and played it, I was thinking, what if Cal heard the calling "Let him go", and hadn't given it back to Zeke's dad, and the melody was decoded into fractals which somehow led to an address of an old warehouse where someone was storing a U-Boat with a treasure on board. But there's a bunch of White Collar types looking for it too. Who would think up something that crazy?
  12. Vitaris on phone: "What??? The FBI is enroute? Oh, right, Ressler is charge on this one. Better lay out some obvious paperwork so he can figure it out." I'm hoping that Red distracted the old lady collector long enough to switch jewelry pieces, as she would never know the difference. Note to Aram (and writers): You were either in John Glenn's Mercury capsule, or someone else's Gemini capsule. Glenn did not fly the Gemini.
  13. Or he could be the real father of Sylvie's mom's baby.
  14. LA County Superior Court Judge - $221,000/yr FBI Special Agent - $63,000-$170,000/yr. Of course, there could be salary adjustments, too.
  15. Pardon my inattention, but who was the guy he clobbered in the sand trap? It must hurt a little when you meet with the school headmistress and you say "I feel I need to move on, so I'm resigning." And she says, "Okay, bye."
  16. All I could think of while Maggie was packing was "Surprise! England has different voltage than the US. You're going to burn out your record player and have to buy a new one."
  17. Shadow Monster 1: "Okay, wait. We're here in New York, and all we do is creep around and look scary? At least we got speaking roles in Ghost." Shadow Monster 2: We gotta get better agents.
  18. Spinoff idea: Hermann and every other screw up in CFD get remanded to the Academy for retraining detention. Sort of an updated The Breakfast Club.
  19. Rich young guys, too. Of which I am not (disclaimer). It's more of a status symbol, much like jewelry. "Watch me check the time on my $10,000 Rolex" plays a lot better in their eyes than pulling out the cell phone like the ordinary people do.
  20. For dramatic purposes, I agree. However, although I'm not an elevator engineer, I would think the elevator would stop a few feet above them. The doors have to match up with the floor, so traveling all the way down would be a mismatch. And I don't think that elevator cabs have a lot of stuff underneath them either. On top, maybe, with all the cables and such.
  21. I see Peter as they guy who just wants to get on with his day; nothing bad, nothing good, and nothing exciting. That's why he's so reluctant to be in this game.
  22. If the Feds told Benny to take on the defense, did they also pay for TAC? Pad those payrolls! If Bull ever needs an trial exhibit for people acting stupidly, all he has to do is present Taylor and and Marissa. "Gee, there's been anthrax attacks around town using unidentified mail. Let's open this card to see what it says." I was thinking that the real culprit would be the Congressman, who wanted to kill his wife and covered it up by making it look like a serial terrorist. Nope, too complicated. Weatherly should have done his PSA with a face mask on. Heh.
  23. This show is starting to look like a senior class project in the Quentin Tarantino School of Film.
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