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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    Favorite line of the night: SEC Investigator - "We're looking into him regarding insider trading. FBI agent: "He was murdered last night." SEC guy: "This changes everything" No shit, Sherlock. It's a wonder anything gets by you top notch investigators. What was Jubal drinking from a few times during the episode? Medication, or what? I didn't see a problem with OA's girlfriend giving him some info about a possible suspect, but she should have run it by her boss immediately afterward, just so they're all on the same page. She had to have known that it could impact their own investigation. Unless there's more to the story.
  2. I had to laugh at something in the "previously on..." shorts. There they all are, all these tough outlaws, at the Table, and Bishop is drinking Lite Beer. Gotta watch those calories, you know.
  3. Besides which, who are the Cubans going to call? The FBI? "Yeah, we'll get right on that."
  4. I agree about the DA and "intent". Why you did something doesn't matter. What you did is how you are judged. Several times on law shows they make the point that some guy who punched someone else at a bar is now up for manslaughter instead of assault/battery because the victim died. Kind of confused about the testing protocols. They were making a big deal about the drug not being tested on humans before testing it on humans. Someone has to be first, although I concede it would have to be in a much more controlled fashion. Apparently the drug company was quite upfront about its methods, so they're not trying any subterfuge here. TAC is a private company with an attorney on its staff, correct? Benny, as far as I can tell, does not have an independent practice, and TAC does not practice law, per se. Yet, the guy walks in and starts talking about the case to the first person he sees, not knowing that Bull is not an attorney. Shouldn't there be a more logical procedure here, or would that take up too much screen time? TAC is lucky that no one in the drug company took notice of the fact that Benny was asking questions that could be answered only if he already knew the confidential information.
  5. As Mark Twain also remarked, "Heaven for climate; Hell for society." And to take that to the logical extreme, did people from pre-religion times go anywhere, as they may not have even had a concept of an afterlife? Did the various Places even exist?
  6. Indications are that she will appear in at least one more of the five remaining episodes. Personally? Hell yes. Would the DA for that District ask the court to send her to jail for refusal to testify, or is that the province of the court alone? Presumably, Federal District Attorneys act with the guidance of the DOJ, and he/she would not have requested sentencing without an okay from the Attorney General, who takes orders from the President. That's how I would connect it. That reporter just bollixed her chance of ever getting an exclusive from anyone in the White House on any story. She will be lucky to even get a question answered during press briefings. (I'm not picking on you, honest) Didn't the story run the day after she received the flash drive from the Iranian agent, or is my timeline off? If so, the paper would have had the story for some time already, checking with other sources, and would, or should, have contacted the WH for comment.
  7. Doesn't the issuance of a pardon have as a prerequisite the admission of guilt on the party being pardoned? I can't see the reporter admitting to doing anything wrong.
  8. I have to say this, I guess. When I heard the "Karman Line" point uttered on the show, I had to reference the title for the episode, my first thought was a little South Park voice going "Goddammit, Kyle"...
  9. Dowel Jones

    Country Music

    I am surprised that they never interviewed Robert Oermann (sp?), a historian and journalist in Nashville. He chronicled the first Circle album with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, a well as many other developments in the industry. He would have added a lot of insights. Every time I see that video clip of Charlie Rich, in his spangled up tuxedo, burning the envelope that announced John Denver as Entertainer of the Year, I get pissed. You ain't one to talk, Rich, considering the crap you sang and got on the radio. There's so many side stories that might have been told, but I'm sure Burns didn't want to anger any of his interviewees, Ralph Emery especially. For those who don't know, Emery was the all night dj on WSM back in the day, and he was a gatekeeper for country music. I had been fortunate enough to work at a community radio station earlier in my life, and was exposed to a variety of music, country and not-. I remain, to this day, convinced that alternative radio is the only way to hear real music.
  10. Somewhere, a famous Hollywood actress is asking her kids "Did you talk to anyone who seemed a bit strange? I know I got you into this school, but I'm not sure about that, now."
  11. I was thinking that too, but they wouldn't have had time for all those heart to heart discussions about everything under the sun except a missing dog. Props to the other woman in the park when Katherine started oversharing about the baby. "Okay, time to go."
  12. Maybe it's someone else's blood, not Georgia's. Max went off the rails after she died and has become a serial killer. Just kidding, it's Halloween.
  13. Maybe Taza is a mole for the VMs. Maybe he lied about his past life with the VMs. He kills Riz, getting the club riled up behind revenge, and then betrays them before the attack. Or at least tries to. We know that ain't gonna work.
  14. I know it's evil (hey, it's Halloween), but every time I see the tired old scene of kid/husband/wife/etc. run up to the burning house, screaming "Let me in! My (insert relative) is in there!", I wish the firefighters would just let them run into the burning house. Okay, dumbass, see how far you get inside there. You'll get a bill from the ambulance crew later.
  15. I don't know about Illinois law, but in California, fire investigators must first obtain a search warrant to return to a burn site on private property, once the fire has been put out. Of course, no one in the neighborhood would think to call CPD about seeing three guys with flashlights going through a recently burned building. And the arriving cops wouldn't smell liquor on Cruz and Severide's breath, either. Making small mistakes is one thing, but Gallo seems to do something really dangerous every episode, yet he is excused because 20 years ago he suffered a family tragedy.
  16. Granted, motorcycle gangs don't function the same way that the Corleone family was portrayed in the Godfather movies, but I was expecting Bishop to argue in favor of saving retaliation for the right time. He mentioned that the gun deals would make the Mayans very powerful in that area, and he could have added on that they would suffer far less if they acted on the VMs from that position of power, rather than as a bunch of loose cannons. All that being said, however, there's no guarantee that the VMs wouldn't act first in the same vein. War is best when you're on the winning side.
  17. While I assume it's coincidence, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina said he is going to introduce legislation legalizing taxation of athletic scholarships if the NCAA goes through with its plan to allow student athletes to profit off of their name and/or likeness. Why wouldn't Marcus just move to a state that does allow death with dignity?
  18. Judge Lola better get some guidance from the boss. That circus went on way too long. Wynn Duffy was just a loose cannon all the way through, and then, when the ADA started testifying instead of asking questions, he didn't even object when he should have. Even Benny is starting to look lawyerly compared to these folks. The last discussion in the courtroom didn't ring true at all, to me. She, as a former prosecutor, should know that what he said is absolutely true sometimes. It is a show, and the attorneys want the jury to hear what they want them to hear. Tell me that she never ever put a detective on the stand who didn't fudge the truth sometimes, and then she can pontificate about justice and fairness. Each side is interested in achieving its own goals. Sherri is an acquired taste. I'm not quite there yet.
  19. I really hope those two agents assigned to Stevie help out the happy kids on their weekend camping. I don't think either of them could boil water without a recipe. It did remind me of a story from a friend of mine from several years back. Either Clinton or Bush 41 was coming to Sequoia National Park near where I live in California. As appropriate, the Secret Service arrived early to set up security, and bivouacked in one of the campgrounds, or maybe in the cabins. My friend, because of his finance background, was tasked by our boss to work with the NPS on accounting for all the charges that would occur from the visit. Now, we all have this image of Secret Service agents as tight-lipped, square-jawed, earpiece and dark glassed robots, but one of the receipts he received was from the mountain grocery store for several dollars worth of....... chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers.
  20. If you haven't seen any other episodes, they get a bit better later on.
  21. It was the only place in town with a Netflix account.
  22. I wonder if Reddington would consider a time share on that Predator drone of his? I have some ideas.
  23. I looked it up and read a few articles. As with anything else, the services are negotiable depending on the destination. A top guide might make several thousand dollars per expedition, but agency guides make a lot less (the agency takes a bite). A newer guide might make only $1000 or so. One guide's story was how he survived on $35,000 per year. Hint: he was a bum most of the year.
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