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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. Yeah, of course he's busy. He has to protect the mother from any possible intrusion from the ostensibly professional workforce all day. However, he's quite content to leave her alone when he has to go home, because they've been instructed not to bother her.
  2. Someone call Senator Prison Break!
  3. Another thing that irks me. Twice now they have shown the firefighters wearing backwards ball caps, once at the incident scene. I know this is intentional on the part of the showrunners, but, please. You may think it looks edgy and hip, but these are supposed to be grown men, professional firefighters, and it reflects on the Department. I know the conversation I would have been having with my battalion chief if I showed up to a scene looking like that.
  4. It's Gabby v. Wendy over Casey! Hair pulling! Mud rasslin'! Makeup smearing! To the death! So, let me get this straight. The grocery store owner apparently has a fire insurance policy that pays off only in case of accidental ignition. The private inspector rules it "suspicious", so they don't have to pay. This doesn't make sense at all. Is Kidd totally assigned to the academy, or is she there only a day or two a week for the physical fitness portion of the academy? Either way it's costing CFD a ton of money for OT to fill her slot.
  5. I have to assume that steak was well- to exceedingly well-done if Bloom could hold it in one hand and it didn't even bend. Did Max have nothing else to do as the administrator of the hospital that he could sit in front of the delivery room all day? While I think that the idea of a safe space for heroin addicts is, in part, a good idea from the fiscal standpoint, why would Sharpe go in there with an easily identifiable doctor lab coat? Matter of fact, why would she go into the drug den in the first place looking for the cancer patient? Good place to get mugged.
  6. On a separate note, I looked up the salary for a 4-star general, which is ~$180,000/year, plus adjustments. An investment of 7% in a company worth, say, $10,000,000 would cost $700,000. Where did he get that money?
  7. Dowel Jones

    Season 02

    I am curious as to why the FBI was involved in a straightforward murder case. That's a state crime, and it's not like the FBI doesn't have enough to do already. Interesting that they named the suspect's wife Rachel Ward. She is a well known actress, and you think they would have picked another name.
  8. He probably thinks that he wields far more power than he does, and the he will bribe/browbeat/cajole members of the House to vote for an impeachment.
  9. You realize that you're going to cost this show a fortune in extras casting with all those requirement, right? Let's just make it up as we go along, instead.
  10. I hope the producers aren't mad because The Blacklist got their deepfake episode out first.
  11. Dowel Jones

    Country Music

    I think that was a bit of a stretch, similar to a certain politician claiming that he invented the internet. Looking at the Wikipedia page, it was created by three people, none of of them Willie, but he likely had some input on the idea and the staging, as he was the very first guest to appear.
  12. Park: Oh yeah? Well, I caused his plane to crash, too, killing everybody. Liz: That's nothing. I blew up the Post Office and joined the Russians. Writers: We made two dogs, a cat, and a baby disappear.
  13. So we can assume Hitler is managing a boy band somewhere in the Bad Place, doing endless mall tours in the Midwest?
  14. Yeah, those bags were hilarious. Glitter counts as sunscreen? I might just take up crafting.
  15. One other thing about the shelter dog adoption and switch - many shelters require that the adopters register a microchip with a retrieval company (24/7, Home Again, etc.) and they implant the chip at the shelter. Fast forward to a day when Shelter Dog bolts out of the old lady's house and is recovered by Animal Services. Aha, they say, there's a chip. It's registered to Gary and Maggie. We don't own it, say them. But you adopted here, says the shelter. Good luck explaining that one. Even worse if the old lady happens to see the dog at the shelter when she's posting another flyer.
  16. Lost? The Shawshank Redemption? Or, if you want to go way back, Carnivale.
  17. Followed by, in another year or so, The Good Place Movie, just to tie up any loose ends like Deadwood did.
  18. I wonder how Leland explained a long, edge of the carotid artery, finely cut laceration to the ED medics. And Kristen is either very skilled with a knife (?), or very lucky, as the artery is not that far under the skin, as any pulse palpation will tell you. If Leland had reflexively jerked his head, as would be natural, the outcome might have been woefully different. Especially since she had been warned to avoid red. Sorry. I still don't get the episode title. Let x=9? Where was the equation?
  19. I had to laugh when Kristen tells the demon in her kitchen to, basically, piss off. I wanted him to sigh in exasperation, let his shoulders drop, and shuffle off out the door, mumbling "How come I always get the weirdos?"
  20. I laughed when Bishop said "Sew these on, we got a party to get to." 15 minutes later, he's totally patched up and ready to ride. Did he have a Pocket Mender handy? Or does Chucky have a machine in the back?
  21. The real reason behind the confrontation between Hermann and Hartman was that, as usual, there was no clear command structure at the incident. Boden was working the FD while the PD working their own plan. Properly done, the order should have flowed down from the PD to move the engine into position, and Hartman would have been told to move his patrol car. However, dead lifting 300 pounds of people is no easy task, even with a reduction system. It would have taken much longer in real life for the two of them to make it up the wall.
  22. I'm just surprised they didn't send Gallo down the wall. He's done everything else. And why climb back up the wall with the woman? Going down is much faster and safer. Hermann could just as easily have asked the cop if he could move the car himself. And he did lay his hands on the cop, no question, but the complaint should have gone to Boden first. However, I seriously doubt that the Review Board would bounce him from the lieutenant position. That is, unless the writers were planning on bringing some new face into the station again. Severide is so going to hit on the OFI lieutenant, or vice versa. If that transfer holds up, which means they will need a new boss for the truck. I was having a good time laughing at Cruz's debacle with the Slammigan, but the way they chose to make it the winner was really cheesy. And suddenly Cruz can hold it up over his head with one hand, just like the lighter model. A 9# hammer and a halligan do not a featherweight make. I still wonder how they got a patent. Agree on the golf cart accident. Unless the ambo was occupied, they should have been on the dispatch, or at least the next in ambo should have been.
  23. And why wasn't Grey at least just a little irritated at all the broken glass? Those bar glasses aren't cheap.
  24. I thought that the play would have been a good choice for therapy, but not by springing it on the group as a surprise, not to mention a public display. As it was, it came off as a grade school play with everyone, except Kapoor, reading their lines in a meaningless monotone. If done privately, each of the characters could put some of their emotions into the reading. Would that doctor that covered up for his colleague face any legal consequences for his actions? I didn't get whether he was still associated with NA or if he had retired. He sure was arrogant; it would be a treat to see him on the stand during the trial.
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