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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. If I was a nationally famous jury consultant, maybe with my own talk show, I don't think I would attach my name to a tv show about a jury consultant when the tv character engages in so much illegality. It might give the public the impression that it is how I gain advantages for my clients. Hacking the DA computer? Impersonating an FBI agent? HIPAA violations? Jury tampering? People, as dumb as they are sometimes, believe the television over real life.
  2. There's something about walking around a French fort in a French uniform with a giant bloodstain on the back that just might raise some questions from the rest of the soldiery.
  3. Must have been a thriller of an episode to attract this much attention. I too was somewhat disappointed in the Gabby Sue storyline. "Somewhat", because we all know she can't be touched, but at least they hinted that there is some sort of investigative procedure in CFD. She should have been investigated by the CPD first instead of CFD management, but the way she snatched the pee cup out of the chief's hand just set me off. "Who are you, a chief, to judge me, Gabby Dawson, on what I did in the ambulance" kind of reaction. That, and contacting the plaintiff after specific instructions not to, would blow her defense right out of the water in real life. Note to Severide and Casey: Courts have held that searching private property after the initial attack on a structure fire requires a search warrant. I could see a defense attorney skewering them both on the stand, getting all evidence, including the confession, thrown out, and them having to answer to city officials as to why they were conducting a private investigation in the first place. Hermann, if you want to ride backwards in the truck, that was definitely the way to do it. He has the perfect timber in his voice to create the absolute indignation he wanted to portray. Casey should take a hit for that also. Although Hermann was acting as chief officer, Casey was in fact in charge and gave the go-ahead for the out-of-policy move. I thought the same thing about the FDNY storyline. It was probably filmed around 9/11, but aired two months later. It didn't really do much for the onscreen relationship between Boden and his son, but I expect we'll see more of James in the future.
  4. Coincidentally, I was watching a program on the Pilgrims migration to the colonies, and they referred to a seaman who got swept overboard, but they managed to rescue him. The narrator stated (and I'm not going to vouch for this or research it) that some of his direct descendants included Brigham Young, FDR, and the GHW Bush clan.
  5. On a side note, who puts up a roadside sign that says "Gas, 3.4 miles"? I had to laugh at that. It reminded me of a visit to a relative in Los Alamos, NM, home to more scientists per square mile than anywhere (slight hyperbole there). The highway department there had a sense of humor when they put up a sign that read "Road Construction Next .547 Miles". Watching the collision between Kevin and Rebecca and the resulting cranberry disaster, all I could think of was that if that had been me crashing into my mom in the same circumstances, there would still be three kids in the back seat. One of them missing a head.
  6. Wow. Major epic buzzkill for a T-Day dinner. I felt so bad for Randall. That had to be a long drive back to his house. When I saw him in William's apartment, I said "grab that trumpet", but that point was soon moot. I am tempted to give Olivia a pass on her question to William about death. I thought that in the play she was a wife/partner who had died, but was still connected to Kevin's character. Maybe she wanted some real life insight. I loved those impromptu "traditions" that Jack established. Especially, after nearly 30 years, Police Academy 3 (the best movie ever made!). And getting rid of Rebecca's mom's itchy sweater in the bargain. Randall is quite the cook. Chrissy to producers: You'll pay for the gastric bypass surgery? Deal!
  7. I wonder if the untold story there was that Randall ended up getting a good review from a scout, and went on to college on a scholarship and a good job, while Kevin found his destiny in acting (which, apparently, was a good job, too).
  8. SOMEbody is going to have an enormous finance charge on that card. All you need to make it work is a thin coating of handwavium on the surface.
  9. And a lot of western conifers, too. The name checking needs to stop. Dr. Flynn, medicine woman? Yawn. Flux Capacitor? Double yawn. Flynn's (the real one) plan to ambush them was something original. But, assuming they made it out alive in 1754, they could possibly disrupt history, intentionally or not, enough to sink his plan to change history and stop Rittenhouse. Note to Rufus: start carrying extra parts, like, for everything. The Mason team really needs to build another eyeball, if, for no other reason, that the Flynn's machine looks so much nicer than the prototype. One must keep up appearances. I liked how they dipped their toe in the free will/fate debate there at the end of the show.
  10. Pretty trick shot on Dalton's part. I would have been tempted to tell "President" Junior that if he didn't release the hostages immediately, neither his presidency nor he would be in effect for more than 24 hours. That may be the case anyway, without the US involvement. And Russell actually gets a nod from Dalton about his reality check on the campaign, but Bess shoots him out of the chair almost immediately. After an earthquake of that magnitude, would any commercial flights land in Caracas? Would anyone even be in the ATC Tower? I would think her brother wouldn't be going anywhere soon. In any case, since he bailed just before boarding, I'm sure the other passengers on the plane were really happy with the TSA hold on the plane so that they could remove his checked luggage. Nadine, shagging your way across the USA and points south. Did she know that he was involved in the scandal? I've forgotten that plotline from S1. Poor Henry, reduced to being a bartender and chauffeur for the second week in a row.
  11. My first impression was why an MD as arrogant as he would go to a jury consultant in the first place? I realize his ex convinced him, but I would expect him to shove everyone away and think that he could rely solely on "the facts" to win his case. My second thought was why didn't she also sue the hospital and the manufacturer of the Atticus machine in the first place. An attorney would have her include as many defendants as possible, just to up the chance of some settlements. I guess not doing that made it easier for Bull to look at himself in the mirror because he offered to help her sue the Atticus company. I do hope that Bull charged him triple the normal rate so he could pay off the pro bono cases.
  12. Yeah, what's wrong with having a math teacher with a nickname of Dragon Lady, anyway? Let's go for some realism! Is there a separate part of the hospital where the human drones do all the scut work of billing the insurance companies and such? I'm going to hell for this, but I was channeling Blazing Saddles so hard....
  13. Unfortunately, you are most likely correct. As I understand it, the ratings systems are not there primarily for the benefit of the production staff and the actors (to let them know how good a job they are doing), but for the advertising department at the network. The network sells its advertising based on how well the show is doing for a particular demographic, i.e., age, sex, and whatever else the advertisers are looking for. You and I are not the favored demographic anymore (I'm 62) because we don't buy stuff like the 18-49 yr. old folks do. So they're the target, and if they don't like quality, we don't get quality.
  14. It was less than 4 1/2 innings. She might not have had that much of a workout.
  15. I lost all respect for Oscar, until it was shown that his squeeze is Al's daughter instead of someone's wife. Although, it's still going to lead to fireworks. I'm with you, Blip. That was Katy Perry? I think that the entire setup of Amelia vs. Will vs. Ginny is to force a showdown, emotional or otherwise, between Ginny and Amelia over her role as manager and agent. How it ends up is anyone's guess. Mike, how can you bet against rain when the sky is 80% clouds? It does rain in San Diego. I can see how Will drifted off the track a bit, after a childhood like that. Not that he's a leech by nature, but he's apparently always taken the easy path.
  16. Along with the clearly worded cautions: Do not operate machinery after taking this drug, Do not exceed recommended dosage, keep away from children, etc.
  17. At least they got the show title right. Or should I have said correct? Right?
  18. Great expression on Louise's face when she sees Dana in her seat. I think I would have been yelling to the bodyguards "Wait, wait, is it too late to back out of the interview and fly back to the US?" I'm betting that the gun in the safe deposit box has someone else's fingerprints on it, and Dana pulled a fast one to get it into evidence. She can always recant the confession. Poor Louise and Julia. Now they have to rebuild their cell phone contact lists by hand.
  19. First off, Arvin is 30 miles south of Bakersfield, home to four or five trauma centers. Why drive them 1 1/2 hours to Los Angeles? And I think they would close the Angels ER down completely once they had those inmates in there. Not a good idea to mix prisoners with the public. I always enjoy it when the guards are walking around constricted and busy corridors with AR-15 weapons that will penetrate several walls if you miss your target. An interesting argument about the heart transplant. On the emotional level, I can see a deserving person getting a new heart. But, on the intellectual level, all it does is postpone his life term and prevents another recipient from receiving a heart. I would think CDCR would have some say in the matter also. Leanne. There is a desperate murderer loose in the hospital. What part of "Don't go into your dark office by yourself" did you not understand. Wonder how he got there without being noticed? Put on a white lab coat and grab a clipboard? Works all the time. Dr. Pinkney has a fit about treating the murderer, but she failed to remember that Jackie the CO was dead before they ever caught the murderer, and thus her argument about "Jackie died but he gets to live" is moot. Leanne is correct; they have to try to save the life, no matter whose it is. Besides, there's always the liability issue, if word should get out that they refused treatment to a patient who died as a direct result. On to the submarine. As I remember, international boundaries by treaty are set at 12 miles off shore. Fishing Exclusion Zones are different. 80 miles is international, so the captain could shoot him, I guess. All in all, I'm glad Rob Lowe didn't use the old trope "You're going to fire a weapon inside a submarine?" That was definitely some meatball surgery they were doing on that guy, too. I hope they both walk off the sub on its return. "How do I look?" "Like a homeless person." Yep.
  20. I hope the FBI chief ropes in some off book associates to help him out of this kidnapping mess. By that I mean, someone who can track down any of the crew and remove them to an "interrogation" site. Although the woman did say that if anything happens to her, his family would die, is she that dedicated to the cause to give her own life in the process? Or would she start naming names?
  21. It was Hitler and the occult conspiracy.
  22. In chess rules, if you are able to move your pawn all the way to your opponents last row, the pawn is then given the same movement abilities as the queen. If you still have your queen, you now have two very powerful pieces on the board. To quote the German sergeant in the movie Stalag 17, "Ach, sooo." I would think Aaron would keep his budding relationship with the reporter a little more discreet for now, rather than sidling up to her directly after the press conference, and acting like no one else in the room might have noticed. That kind of favoritism will make it to the media in a hurry. I was hoping that the President, or his staff, would have the CIA dope up some really good spy story on Leo's bio dad, and use him as the trade bait. Problem solved. As it is, the question is moot anyway. I wonder if Weston knows anything about the plot against the Presidency.
  23. I don't know if I can stay with this one, simply because of the way the plotline is shaping up. The acting and the production values may be top rate, but I'm not really interested in seeing a hitman work his way through the population with her help, pretty clothes and hair notwithstanding. I'll give it another episode or two, but I hope there's something else there.
  24. Boden or the other chief said the manuscript was found on the copier. It wasn't clear who gave it to the chief.
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