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Dowel Jones

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Everything posted by Dowel Jones

  1. I rather thought that was a suicide pin, much like spies used to carry. She did not want to be the victim of a rendition, and was going to die on the spot instead, if that was the path that the group ordered. I think she just got clumsy in her terror and dropped it.
  2. Yes, David, the Constitution is going up in flames, but right alongside of it is the credibility of this show. So much eye-rolling and handwaving just to get through it all. The FBI really needs to update its security if anyone can use that trick to get through the gate. And of course you can always buffalo the intern to hand over national security evidence without as much as a signature. When the Director returns to her office and starts tracking all these loose ends as to why the evidence just went missing, things are going to happen. And then the WH Chief of Staff shows up at the jail with the NSA director to engage in a blatantly illegal interrogation and all David can do is drink a little wine. Does Abby ever have time to actually do, you know, actual Chief of Staff duties? Because the White House is, apparently, a still no appointment, drop in central whenever you feel like it, for Olivia. Oh well, maybe I'll just have some red wine too. I'm just here for the crazy.
  3. So it's still Pearson Spector Litt, is it? At least they saved a couple of grand from not having to redo signs, letterheads, and such. I had to laugh at Harvey's "My flight doesn't leave for another two hours" comment about his bags still at the office. Three words, Harvey. Transportation. Security. Agency. And yelling curse words won't work on them. I hope that Harvey-lite's client doesn't go around telling her neighbors that the clinic forwarded her $3500 dollars for rent. That might just cause a wee bit of trouble down the line.
  4. I think he's just angling for a guest star slot on the show.
  5. Along with the other tropes that are constantly being dragged out, I would add the old standby of heavily armed troops guarding the hospital. What are you going to do with that M-16, soldier? Shoot someone at close range, only to have the high velocity bullet go through the body, maybe another body nearby, and cause instant pandemonium in the area? Mario would find himself on the wrong end of a review committee if the bball player reported his conduct to the hospital. That was so unprofessional. I wonder how patient zero contracted the virus. Travel overseas? They left a big hint there that LA is going to be on lockdown soon.
  6. But, but, but....what if they take the time machine out to sea, and they land on a boat, and they find out that Rufus's parents are on the boat with infant Rufus who was born on the boat, but the boat crosses the International Date Line and now they're a day behind, but the captain overhears Wyatt mentioning that the lifeboat is damaged, so he stops the ship to investigate, and it starts drifting back toward the Date Line. What will they do then? (Tips hat to George Carlin)
  7. If the phones were out, wouldn't it be as likely that the power would be out, seeing as how the same poles carry both wires? As the cop would have seen Wyatt's ID and the flight attendant could also give a good description of him for reference, wouldn't he be on some kind of BOLO list? Even 20 years later, if they kept evidence around, he might get tripped up while enlisting in the Army. Pretty big risk, there. Too bad Jessica didn't survive and ended up working for Rittenhouse. Let's hope that Wyatt and Rufus at least took the time to retrieve some 1980's cash instead of trying to palm off some oversized Lincoln and Jackson money on the bartender.
  8. The entire Venezuelan consulate vignette was laugh out loud terrible. You send your student spies into an actual consulate to break the guy down? Right. And his little girl has no security whatsoever. Instead of JMPALM, they should have named this episode FACEPALM.
  9. I hear what you're saying there. Even at my limited viewing (16 shows on the forums list, plus one or two others), I find myself scratching my head on some episodes of the second tier shows, saying "Wait, what happened last week?"
  10. I will wager that he is where he thinks he wants to be, right there in the budget office and everyone has to kowtow to him. The coffee thing was just to show that he didn't think that the SoS floor was all that and a cup of coffee. I wouldn't be surprised to see him getting taken down a peg or two in a future episode (beyond Daisy's reply). I was thinking at the time that it was going to go the other way, and that would be the lead in to Henry's reduced appearances on the show. But, obviously, they wouldn't have known about the injury while they were writing the episode, unless the scene was added as an afterthought. Oh, never mind. Also, there was a moment in the episode where Jay mentions that they had released the identity of the bomber, but Elizabeth brushed it off. Was that significant?
  11. I am rather fortunate in that, at age 62, I don't have wrinkles. Instead, I have a (ahem) lived-in face. :)
  12. As mentioned above, the aliens spent a lot of time prior to the invasion identifying people who would easily collaborate and work for whatever power served their own self interest. Is the show trying to say something about the CIA and Interpol? Hmm.
  13. And therein lies Kate's personal hell, sad to say.
  14. In such a high profile assassination, it doesn't make sense to leave the shooter behind. I have no idea who is behind it, but letting your first line guy get caught is just stupid. Which, come to think of it, probably absolves nearly everyone in the cast.
  15. I think it was Mellie who said she wanted to go to Santa Barbara and lounge on the beach, and I said to the tv, "You do realize it's November, right?"
  16. So much overacting, so much ludicrousness, but at least no one spilt any red wine on a white couch tonight. Just once, in tvland, I would like to see the head of security, when faced with someone snarling at him "call your boss about this", would reply "Just a moment, I'll do that". And follow through. Even if the end result is the same, it would lend some reality to the situation. I can think of no action that would undermine the public confidence more than delaying a death announcement of any high elected official a full day just because you don't have a plan in place or know what to say. Conspiracy theories would abound because the actual time of death would leak out soon enough. Somebody on the writing staff live in San Benito County? Whatever happened to Defiance, OH?
  17. Why should they worry? They have a time machine. They can go back and fix it if they get cancelled.
  18. My heart broke at Kate and Jack's scene at her birthday party. My daughter went through that a bit earlier, 7 yrs. old, when her friends laughed at her because she had training wheels on her bicycle and it fell to me to cheer her up. Fortunately, I had more success. No dog for the kids? Side-eyeing Rebecca here. I loved the way that Kevin strung out his third sentence (dot dot dot, comma,) in order to say everything he wanted to say. I hope he got her phone number off camera, because it would be a bit weird to have it on all your phones for the last 12 years.
  19. I would think that, based on Dr. Guthrie's hair regrowth, that at least several months have passed since the operation. Unless, of course, just like landscapers, they replaced the plug after they were done. I don't remember the episode where Ariel's father died. Was there some controversy? With the last view of Leanne and Ariel walking through the hall, and the somewhat ominous music, I wonder if something bad is foretold.
  20. I have been reduced to pondering whether the actress gets paid if her character never existed.
  21. My alltime favorite pun of his was when they went back to visit Alexander the Great. Whatever happened has long since exited my memory, but on their return, Mr. Peabody informs Sherman that Alexander also invented the world's first synchronized battle plan by giving his generals cloth dyed in chemicals that would change color at different times, thus allowing the generals to coordinate their attacks as he planned. Sherman expresses amazement and Mr. Peabody says (with his usual superiority) "Sherman, don't tell me you've never heard of.......Alexander's Rag Timeband."
  22. I was wondering if the producers were getting flak from sources about how unrealistic Bull's business plan was. When the "judge" said "This is where I hit the gavel", did anyone else think Perd! (tap tap tap)? The folks over at Conviction were probably thinking "Damn, that was going to be our storyline."
  23. Yep. E-51. They're often seen driving up to a scene, and getting orders from Chief Boden, but never any identifiable personnel.
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