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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Thank you for Andy for giving me the laughs I needed to end my day. "But the info on the forms from the bank were illegal, right?" "I paid taxes on my suit." "Why did you accept a plea deal that would send you to prison for 27 months?" He's definitely not taking it easy on them. And Gia does not need to be the mother to her sisters. She needs to focus on being a 13/14 year old, and they should be telling her that, not say how cute it is that she wants to use this to practice being a mom. Juicy needs to step the fuck up.
  2. Andy said on WWHL last night that Joe asked if anyone had ever been indicted for things revealed as a result of taking part in one of these shows. Andy said it made them question if he (Joe) had anything to hide. You just know that Andy all of the other producers/network heads were beaming on the inside at the potential for this to become a train wreck beyond the show and that has been fulfilled. That they are evil geniuses?
  3. The dad's girlfriend mentioned she redid senior year several times (maybe 5 times) and that's why she graduated in the early 2000's. The rest of the characters are supposed to be early 30s (31-33??), and if I remember correctly from the prom episode, they graduated in 98 or 99. I just remembered it being very close to my own high school graduation date.
  4. Damn, they are planning to go all in! And I will be there. Any idea on when it's supposed to start airing again? There was no date in the trailer. Who here thinks that was the actual signed contract Cynthia was burning? Too fucking funny!
  5. I bet anything that Andy will try his darnedest to film the reunion before she has to turn herself in. He wouldn't be his famewhoring self if he didn't.
  6. QUOTE: This is from the judge, per People magazine: "For a moment I thought about probation … but I think a period of confinement is absolutely necessary in this case," said the judge. "I don't honestly believe that you understand or respect the law. I need to send a message. In the eyes of the law it doesn't matter who you are. There are consequences to pay." Damn, I love this judge. We need to buy her a drink!
  7. Such a relief after waiting all damn day. Wish she had gotten the full 21 months, but a year still works. So glad they got a judge who wasn't taking any of their shit and put them in their place. Now, time for a drink!
  8. What happened to the other girl who was always around Zoe and Mile's little sister? The one who was always dressed inappropriately. I was hoping she'd get a bigger role because her character was funny in the typical "try to hard freshman" way.
  9. I'm surprised I got all my work done today with the constant refreshing of this site. I just got back from a 2 hour meeting, so I did a quick scroll through. Any other word on Theresa's ruling?
  10. I'm sad that he lost his best friend and father, but what the fuck does that have to do with any of this???
  11. Damn! Looks like the really pissed the judge off. You think their attorneys would have warned them against that.
  12. I thought it was for years. And you just know, no matter how long it was, that neither Towanda nor her "I'm a writer" husband contributed a dime for anything. That would have brought this show to a whole nother level!
  13. At least we won't suffer from her awful wardrobe anymore! Although, I was kind of looking forward to seeing what they would actually do with her character now that Alyssa's finally not pregnant. Oh well.
  14. This is exactly what happened! As long as Amber kept her mouth shut, he was free to reign holy hell and drop that awesome bomb about Bobby and the mother. It's exactly that type of rumor that jerks like him live for hearing, solely to use it at just the right moment.
  15. I like TJ when he's ripping the cast new ones, or making fun of them for being dumb, especially during the trivia challenges when he also gets to make them fall. Other than that, he gets an eh.
  16. Amy bugged me, because she clearly heard Kat say to Kate that she needed to tell her something in private, then Amy followed them to eavesdrop. How then does she get to be upset when she bursts in on their private conversation and has the door slammed in her face. Her whole "boohoo, I was just walking to my room and they were mean to me for no reason" and "when was I rude to you, I don't recall that" made me want to push her over board. Adrienne was very wrong to discuss a sexual rumor with those guests. I was very suprised to hear the she still crewed a boat, because how would she feel if her sex life was revealed to guests she had to serve. Just vile.
  17. Oh my goodness was the contouring out of control on this past episode. You'd think that with the number of drag queens on this show, they'd know how to use a buff brush to bend their blush in properly. How many times does a man need to tell you that he doesn't want you and he won't stop fucking other chicks for you to take the hint that you won't be in a relationship. When the psycho girl is trying to get you to see there is a problem with that, you have issues. I'm not sure what Hazel's deal is, besides being very unfortunate looking and an awful rapper, but she needs to stop and gain some dignity. I don't understand why Moniece bothered to invite Amanda to meet her, if all she was going to do was shout, act crazy, and threaten her. All she did was give Fizz more ammunation against her. I agree that she should be thanking Amanda for being there for her kid when she couldn't (for whatever bullshit reason she's trying to sell). If she was smart, she would have buddied up to Amanda, so that Amanda could be her ally in gaining more access to her son (although it seems like she could care less about spending time with her son and more about using him as her storyline and as a tool to aggravate Fizz). Oh Ray J, you always deliver with the foolishness. Thank you for that great ending scene.
  18. Sounds like your ipad has some sense, unlike most of these people.
  19. I wish the show would talk a bit more about how Riley lost all the weight, and how she keeps it off. She does a lot of binge eating and drinking but they never mention her working out or dieting. Just wondering since her weight loss is always such a big topic on the show.
  20. Just watched all 3 seasons of this, and Tajh is definitely the standout. He's phenomenal. I don't remember him being that great of an actor, but then again, he was just a kid hamming it up. It's nice to see how far he's come. I almost wish the show was focused on the Tucker character. I'll continue watching, just for him and especially his interactions with the mom.
  21. Yup. That was a head scratcher; she couldn't do that on the side and kept her day job? If she was so successful in PR, you'd think she'd have connections to secure a record deal. It's to be a "raptress", as she put it. I had to rewind because she sounded idiotic. I, too, questioned why she would leave an actual, lucrative paying job, but famewhores will be famewhores. That outfit Nia Riley wore to the party was god-awful. Doesn't she have friends? Wasn't Nia Riley in a girl group trio. I swear I either saw them on some other reality show or an interview or something a year or so ago. Someone was trying to manage them. I have a vague memory of it being Book Kat (crazy-ass Laurie-Ann Gibson - by the way, is her dance show/competition ever coming back, because it was greatness!). I wouldn't be able to pick Soulja Boy out of a line up. And word to whoever said he looks like he stinks. I am so sick of Ray J. I wish he would stop acting like he's so hard and from the hood. Boy, your family grew up in the suburbs and you know your mama constantly slaps you upside your head when you start talking and doing nonsense. Whatever happened to the girl he used to date from his Flavor of Love type reality show? Ray J's assistant is not cute. And how can you be a personal assistant to multiple people? I mean, I could see if she was working with a group who were together for most of the time. But not random people. I'm confused. I don't know any B2K or Omarion songs. I just remember them from You Got Served and that they were all potentially molested by a manager or something. I was waiting for them to talk about that, but then recalled they all denied it and said that the other dude is crazy and attention-seeking. I was yelling shut up when both Fizz and Omarion were complaining about their B2K fans. Where the hell do they think their money came from. And it's those people who are still interested in your ass who will shoulder the support of your upcoming projects, cause no one else cares. Stop being assholes and embrace some humility. Fuckers.
  22. My sentiments exactly, ElectricBoogaloo! (Love the name - one of my fave movies, by the way.) He already went above and beyond on the other stuff, including forging and sending the letter (when in the hell did he have time to do that), but he couldn't put in that much effort to help clear his name on the murder of several officers of the law?? Foolishness.
  23. I can't believe Mike walked out of the Solano house and left Sid alive. The fuck! Shoot his ass in the head, get rid of the weapon (they were in Mexico, right) and take it from there. Sid is really a psychopath if he could just kill his entire team like that. How did he explain away why he and the rest of his team were in Carlos Solano's house in the first place? And Johnny. You know Carlito is insane. Why did you not have a weapon nearby just in case he pulled something, like he always does. A gun, a knife, a bat, something. How many times has he watched Carlito just kill someone for fun? Dummy! Don't even get me stated on Paige. Everyone on this show, with the exception of DJ the drunk, were doing straight up stupid ass dumb ass shit these last few episodes.
  24. Joss' wedding dress was awful. Joss and Harry are cute together, but I actually like them more as friends. I probably wouldn't mind if she still married shoe guy and had an affair with Harry, making Harry the mistress. So Savi spent an afternoon in the ER with Harry, and she considers that "making progress"? Wow she's horrible at reading situations. I guess if Harry had offered to buy her something from the hospital vending machine, she would think they were on their way to getting married again. Hopefully she's not pregnant again next season (if there is a next season) so that she can get a real storyline. April continues to be an idiot. I could practically see the glee in her eyes when she heard Daniel was fired from the FBI. Also, she learns that the engagement party was now a wedding and she doesn't go get her daughter from the beach to get her ready? She's just sitting there waiting for the wedding to begin, twiddling her thumbs and then oh yeah, my daughter is the flower girl, I should probably find out where she is. Was i the only one who was hoping that the mobsters kidnapped Lucy and thats why no one had seen her?? And sweetie, April,how hard would it have been for you to pretend to be shocked that Paul was found, you know, for the sake of your daughter. And Karen...that bitch better not be pregnant. She can't be allowed to spawn additional idiots.
  25. Glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought this sounded suspiciously similar to New Amsterdam.
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