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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. Sorry - but Kate and Tony are not my favorites, at all.
  2. I don't mind when some co-hosts are upset or outraged.
  3. I loved it when Joy pointed out Melania has had to nudge Trump to put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.....one example is at the WH Easter Egg Hunt. LOL, and in front of the children too!
  4. I'm not at all surprised about this. I know I have been harping on Jedi saying one day she is a libertarian and the next independent and the next a conservative. And while, yes - arguing - shouting out I agree! when someone made a different point while Jedi continued to motor-mouth. As far as her careers - teaching, Fox, Briebart, The View - ho hum. None lasted. And now her new book? I agree she never chatted about her personal life - but I'm fine with that because I don't care. Could care less Whoopi was out of the loop after her treatment of other co-hosts. Not sure about McCain but I do hope she keeps her boobs in check.
  5. Ugh, Cassidy. Hey, I have access to Lexus (I drive by their dealership most days). Too bad it's not affordable. I am so sick of this argument and I've never been on ACA and on Medicare and a supplemental now. Healthcare is a right and not a privilege. Most other countries have affordable healthcare - why can't we? I saw CNN's interview right before MJ's....so much better! Good grief, Mika petered out asking her first weak question to Cassidy.
  6. I missed Moss as well but wasn't her acting out during the announcement of the Emmy rather than the speech?
  7. Why is this baby almost always in bed? Too old for that now! And we don't see snippets of "family life" either - except for the walk at the end (unless I missed something). Why are we not seeing all the latest contraptions to include the baby with the parents/family? My niece had a baby 12/15 and her kid was never all alone (with a ghost nanny) all day. And she had heartburn too. Why don't they show the nannies and bond with them to see if they can trust them to do their job? Jeff seems to not be fazed much about Monroe's well being and Gage's empathy. But what is new - Jeff has a very high turnover and is terribly snarky to all of them.
  8. I always find it interesting what hosts on MSNBC or CNN don't seem "up for" hosting during a national disaster. i doubt Joe and Mika are up to the job. Odd time for day off. Nothing on twitter about attending an event for anything.
  9. Wondering why they do not have a full time day nanny and one for the weekend.....and a back up for times they can't be there - and for crying out loud what took so long to move out of a construction zone? Jeff? Jeff? - You are the decision maker (right or wrong, after all - you control the purse strings. I was disgusted with him last episode. Actually this season.
  10. Really Fannysue. I can't tolerate how Paula likes to "pretend" she is a journalist yet can interview anyone well nor keep her judgements to herself if only because of her expressions or body language. And Jedi is, imo, trying very hard to make a name for herself - and not wisely.
  11. One of my favorite shows is "The Golden Girls." I have no problem with girls....or boys night out etc. Like our girlfriends. And I am 70. I appreciate how this panel survived another season and seem to be pretty good friends or try to be.
  12. What drives me crazy is she can't carmalize a piece meat or even make a baked item "golden brown." Everything is so pale. And sweet and sugary. And her lack of salt is normally odd - or at least the amount.
  13. LOL - the Huckabees? I'm actually looking forward to that....I get Sarah doesn't clutch her pearls but man would I love to for her. Not sure why she needs Daddy's protection. Am I the only one still sick of Fuller House and CCB? And way too much Whoopi imo.
  14. Gotta say it is rather nice not listening to Jediblahblah this month.......and not really looking forward to Whoopi and her 10 year anniversary. OTOH - can't wait to listen to Joy, Sunny and Sarah!
  15. I suppose her grandkids she has been supporting all these years are adults now and therefore more expensive. You know, homes, vacations, kids, healthcare, food.
  16. I loved today's show! And am really liking the co-hosts taking down Jediblahblah. And Maxine did today as well!
  17. Still watching... but Jedi is making me reconsider......I cannot stand her.
  18. She could do an ice cream trough with all the fixins' for dessert on a hot summer night.
  19. I'm not familiar with Berry but I'll look her up. Just looking on Pinterest there are amazing cucumber sandwiches...not her boring concoction.
  20. Haven't seen it yet. But I like Luanne's necklaces. They suit her. Not me - but I do like her style. No one else can come close to her on this show, imo.
  21. I have no problem with Jedi commenting on a topic.....I just don't get when she pulls in the what about if Hillary or Obama comments. And going on and on like a motormouth throwing in a "but I agree, but but she/he" crap. But then I've never been much of a 2 wrongs make a right or speculation later kinda person. To me it deflects from the current problem. Which is very real and frightening.
  22. Gotta say I loved Joy's story today about the chaise! I have a friend like her friend Jill that is a discerning shopper and a kind of Sherlock Holmes as well! Always fun to shop with!
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