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Everything posted by maggiemae

  1. I'm not against care packages, loved receiving them when away at college. But Ree's are way too cutesy, imo. Paige is not at camp after all. Not sure how one would actually wash out a Pringles container with the salt and oil for the cookies........and the money in the candy box......really? And the stupid balloons.
  2. Monroe can still be outside, or in the living room etc and interacting with her parents.....even for a minute or two. Or have her at lunch with them? IMO more interesting than the revolving door of nannies looking into her crib.
  3. I'm still floored Monroe is stuck in her bedroom practically 24/7. I know, we saw her in the kitchen once or twice, and on a walk. But come on! Perhaps it is different but it doesn't look good on the show. Plus I don't see plenty of toys except 3 or 4 loud toys that are all the same. As far as Zoila....bye! Stop in occasionally but glad your attitude and laziness are off the show. I imagine with her social security, pension from Jeff, pay from the show, and living with a daughter works out well for her. Oh, and her BMW too. Talk about an ingrate and not thinking about her relationship with Jeff. Not defending him - but she is a very cold woman, imo.
  4. If one goes to QVC and checks out her new cookbook there is a video. He seems to adore her.......can't imagine why although I bet he likes everyone and she did write a forward to one of his cookbooks. She didn't seem to have much personality to me.
  5. Haven't watched this season or several episodes last. I am not into Hallmarks will they or won't they crap........
  6. And let's not forget the horizontal strips.....and a tad too tight.
  7. And CCB may of thought she was special in other ways but not more special than the other co-hosts. Same with Jedi. I actually think Nicole Wallace didn't think she was more special.......
  8. MM definitely thinks she is special......and the most special co-host.
  9. Nor democratic ones, or independents, etc.
  10. Anyone know what MM was actually doing in Hollywood?
  11. I'm just mulling this over at this point......but it seems to me that Meghan tries to answer or speak up with her opinion on everything another host says. Yap, yap, yap. It is not her job to "attack" every comment. She should be trying to lighten up and be part of the team and not chat 4 times more than any other host.
  12. Haven't seen any co-hosts agreeing with MM yet - just being polite. Welcoming actually. But MM likes to say she embraces some D's positions, also can't really think why she would make an impact in Hollywood. For what? IMO she defends Trump yet didn't vote for him. I can't understand her. LOL- she doesn't even yell out "I agree!" when co-hosts make a point while she is blabbering on about her position like Jediblahblah did. Time to let the expressions/attitude/privilege go MM and make your points in an adult manner. Not in a childish manner.
  13. I agree Atlanta. And she sits there so tense and stiff and doesn't seem to have a sense of humor.
  14. Yikers......I just read MM's bio on Wiki. Good grief!
  15. The more I think about I can't stand MM - she was so obtuse when it came to Eric but had no problem with Trump bashing her own father for getting caught. Or going after Gold Star families. At the least she could balance out her thoughts but chooses not to.
  16. Excellent post banana.....couldn't agree more. I also loved when Joy slapped MM down when she brought up Bill Clinton. Joy, indeed, did go after Bill for years. But Trump is potus now, not Bill, nor Obama and not Hillary.
  17. Well, it won't last long - Whoopi does not suffer fools lightly.
  18. Really CC - I don't trust her, or like her, or want to hear her. She is going to flail in the wind.
  19. Going to jump in again to say I was so floored by Meghan's "tribal" comment I blacked it out and didn't include it in my earlier rant.
  20. Just NO to Meghan! From the get-go. She seems very divisive to me, ie when she said she didn't know how Americans, er, people deal with cancer......Americans? Or that she would have walked out with Pence.......she seems very close minded to me and couldn't even crack a smile when everyone else laughed at a joke from Joy. And then was trying to make some point (that lost me) about O'Rielly and Weinstein. Didn't throw in Ailes too, btw. Wrong is wrong no matter what party one belongs to as she should have learned by now with her own father's conduct with his first wife. With her background I was quite taken by her lack of balance and lack of critical thinking.
  21. Sunny did say she would still advise a friend not have an abortion. OTOH - her personal opinion doesn't bother me as long as she continues to not want abortion to be illegal. Separation of church and state. And rights to our opinions. And I am confident that is where she draws the line.
  22. The show, for the first time, could not hold my attention. Perhaps it was too disjointed?
  23. I doubt the writer of the article actually watches The View regularly. Hasselbeck was brainwashed. Wallace didn't like Trump. CCB wouldn't really give a real opinion. Plus I won't agree Bila saw both sides of an argument because she never backed down even when screeching "I agree" over and over at interruptions from other co-hosts. I've never felt better than Jediblahblah being fired.
  24. I wish Paula had a better political sense of humor. I thought it was hilarious when Joy said the 4 abusers of chartered flights were called to the WH and then showed 4 private planes in front of the WH. Paula took a drink of coffee or water.
  25. Meghan will be hard to take, at least for me......but I'm not worried with Joy, Sunny and Whoopi there. She can't really debate a point and backs down easily. Just like in the wonderful clip above.
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